Time is slipping by.

The attack on the temple of the void also slowed.

Even if the magic light all over the sky has been attacking and defending the large array, it has always been painless.

Both sides are consciously recuperating and restoring their divine power.

After all, we all know that this battle is a protracted one and can never be solved in one day.

The officers and men of both sides can still maintain a peaceful state of mind, just rest, restore their divine power and join the war.

But the commanders on both sides were deeply worried.

In accordance with Ji Tianxing's instructions, the two had already issued summoning orders to the people under the command of the Lords.

At least tens of millions of ORC people were summoned, and hundreds of thousands of fierce Orc elite were selected to support Lidu.

It's just that there is a certain distance between each Lord's territory and it's hard to get there quickly.

However, the war situation was so tense that 800000 Orc people had to arrive as fast as possible.

Therefore, he was very anxious. On average, every two hours, he sent a message to all the officers and men to urge them to support Lidu as soon as possible.

Only Ji Tianxing remains calm and calm.

After all, the second barrier has been able to support for some time, and he still has a lot of cards left unused.

No matter how flustered he is, all changes are within his calculation.

Even if the casualties are too heavy in the end, he has enough confidence to ensure his own safety.

even if he can't fight, he can escape safely and think about countermeasures.

On the other hand, the four hall masters and the hall owners are also in a state of anxiety.

In particular, the master of the main hall observed the second barrier more than 20 times in five hours.

To be sure, he has all the details in hand and has not missed any key points.

However, he spent a few hours repeatedly deducing and testing the large defensive array, and came up with more than a dozen cracking schemes.

But in the end, he still can't find the best solution.

This made him very ashamed and embarrassed.

He felt very angry and ashamed even if the four Temple masters and officers did not dare to laugh at him.

"Damn it! The boy is clearly just the beginning of the God Emperor, and the skill and strength of arranging the divine array are just the primary level of the God Emperor.

Why? Why is it that I am the God of Shangjing, but I can't decipher his array?

Where on earth did he learn so many strange and unheard of methods of arraying the array? "

The hall master's heart, constantly roaring and cursing, also felt very puzzled.

In his opinion, Ji Tianxing is just like a character out of thin air.

Not only is the origin mysterious, but even the means of casting and arraying are strange and unprecedented!

It's like, this guy is not a creature of the origin star at all!

Half a day later, the hall master really had no way.

He had to admit that in such a short time, he really couldn't think of a perfect way to break through.

He had to admit defeat in silence and gave orders with a gloomy face.

"The way to break the battle is difficult to achieve in a short time, and the opponent is very strong, which can not be underestimated.

We can't delay any more. We must break through the barrier of the capital and kill the orcs as soon as possible!

I order that the temple of the empty God belongs to, we must do our best to attack at any cost, and we must break through the defense barrier!

This seat will take part in the war and fight in person. If you slack off, you will be killed! "

After just a few breaths, the order of the main hall master was conveyed, and was known by four hall masters and more than 3000 powerful God kings.

Everyone's first reaction after hearing the order is shock!

"My God! Did the Lord admit that he failed? "

"How could that happen? There are still arrays in the world that the hall master can't crack? "

"The master of the hall has been studying for six hours, but he still can't break the array. How high is the young God Emperor's attainments in array?"

"What a nuisance! That guy is really cunning. He has the ability to pull out the big formation. We'll fight with real weapons! "

"Ha ha Only the weak and incompetent can rely on the protection and protection of the array.

If he dares to withdraw the defensive array, we will step down from the capital and destroy all living creatures

More than 3000 powerful people of the God king talked about it in private.

Even the four hall masters felt unexpected and shocked.

Even before this, they had already known that Ji Tianxing's strength was very strong, which was not easy to provoke.

But they did not expect that Ji Tianxing's array attainments had been so strong that the hall owners were embarrassed.

There is no way out, the four hall masters and more than 3000 strong gods, can only give up all fantasy.

Since we can't break the battle, we can only attack in a real way and break the second barrier of the capital by force.Therefore, the four armies of the temple of Kongming launched a new round of attack!

This time, more than 3000 elite gods and kings have recovered most of their divine power after recuperation and breathing.

When they give up all their illusions and go all out to attack, the magic power released is far more powerful than before!

The magic light that covers the sky and the sun is more dazzling and dazzling than before!

Deafening noise, more manic than before, shaking the world!

And the power of the joint attack of the four armies is far more powerful than before, even more destroying the sky and the earth!

All of a sudden, the orcs from the capital felt great pressure.

The golden light barrier, which is thousands of miles around, also shakes violently and bursts out cracks.


"Bang, bang, bang!"


In the sound of loud noise, the golden light barrier is crumbling.

Countless pieces of divine light exploded and splashed in all directions, covering the sky of 50000 Li.

In a critical situation, 20000 Orc people clenched their teeth and cast their magic recklessly to maintain the defensive array.

He also learned the means to boost their morale. While casting a spell to maintain the formation, he encouraged, emboldened and encouraged the orc people.

Ji Tianxing's expression also became solemn. He sat cross legged over Lidu, holding shenjue in his hands to quickly repair the cracks in the defense barrier.

The fighting between the two sides has once again entered a stalemate state.

Although no one on either side has sacrificed, the point of contention is the subtlety.

Every crack and loophole in the defensive array determines the outcome of the battle.

Time, still in the merciless passage.

Six hours, twelve hours, eighteen hours

Unconsciously, 24 hours passed.

Two whole days!

The second defense barrier from the capital actually lasted two days!

It was not until the morning of the third day that the golden barrier of thousands of miles was broken by the army of kongmin temple!

This result is unexpected to all of us.

Not only the powerful people of the empty God Temple, but also the people of the orcs, the heaven splitting and the weariness of separation, were surprised!

The first to be attacked was the south of Lidu.

Because, the master of the hall drove the warship to the south of Lidu and cast his magic attack himself.

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