"Damn it! I will kill you and tear you to pieces

For countless years, this is the first time that the hall leader of the moon of Qing Dynasty roared furiously in public.

For a long time, the territory of the moon Hall of Qing Dynasty is peaceful and harmonious, and the leader of the hall has always been a kind and kind image.

But this time, the repeated provocations and the no bottom line invasion of the Prajna fleet made him lose his temper in public.

However, none of the Dharma protectors, elders and guards around felt that there was anything wrong with this.

In their hearts, they were more angry, more murderous, and louder in roaring and cursing than the leader of the moon hall in Qing Dynasty.

"If you kill the chief culprit, you must frustrate your bones and bring to the ashes!"

"It's really deceiving. Even if the whole city is reversed, the murderer must be found out!"

"We have tolerated again and again, but the Prajna fleet has been reckless to invade. If we can't bear it, we don't need to bear it any more!"

"Please give orders from the Lord that we will lead the elite people to kill the Prajna fleet, so that they will pay for their blood debts and blood!"

Several elders took the lead in the battle, and many guards around echoed. They waved their swords and swords to fight with the Prajna fleet.

Before that, the elders, deacons and Dharma protectors couldn't help their anger and wanted to find the Prajna fleet for revenge, but the master of the moon Hall of Qing Dynasty kept the people under control.

Now the master of Qingyue hall is angry. If he wants to find the Prajna fleet to fight hard, of course, everyone volunteered to fight one after another.

The leader of the moon Hall of Qing Dynasty hesitated, and only a few of his senses told him that the most important thing to do now was to block the city and find out the murderer.

At the moment, it is unwise to send thousands of elite people to fight against the Prajna fleet. After all, our side is not fully prepared.

But just as the leader of the moon hall in the Qing Dynasty was hesitant, the sword light was shining all over the sky on the other side of the city, and a deafening dull sound came out.


Thousands of bright sword light, released the power of terror, mercilessly hit a palace and house.

There are more than 200 guards in the area, and hundreds of excited people are waving swords and shouting to attack the Prajna fleet.

However, the sudden sword light drowned everything and stopped the roar of the crowd.

In the deafening noise, the palace and the house were blown into ruins and the rubble was splashed.

More than 200 guards and hundreds of people were also killed. Hundreds of people were killed on the spot, and more than 300 people were injured slightly or seriously.

There was a mess in the field, and there were continuous shrieks and howls.

The master of the moon hall and several Dharma protectors and elders of the Qing Dynasty can explore the situation in the ruins with divine sense without flying over.

When they saw the tragic scene in the ruins, they were all shocked, there was endless anger, straight from the bottom of their feet to the sky cover.

At this moment, their anger could no longer be suppressed and broke out completely.

The two Dharma protectors and several elders were all red eyes and roared recklessly. They quickly gathered the people of the kingdom of God and rushed out of the city.

Although, there were only thousands of people who rushed out of the city first.

But then, more than 3000 Qing Yuetang people, led by many deacons, rushed out of the city and killed the Prajna fleet.

Among the more than 3000 people, only a part of them were the strong ones in the realm of God King, and most of them were superior gods.

Although, the strength of the upper God kingdom is not very cheap and advantageous in the battle.

However, the people of the moon Hall of Qing Dynasty were infuriated. They launched the attack bravely and bravely. They would rather die on the road of charge than swallow their breath.

If he had seen thousands of people rushing out to fight with Prajna fleet, he would have tried to stop it.

But now, he would like to lead his troops to fight. How can he stop them?

He can only give orders to the two Dharma protectors, so that they can quickly point out the numerous guardians of the divine kingdom to assist in the battle.

He was worried that the more than 4000 people could not break the defense of Prajna fleet, and that he would suffer heavy casualties, so he let the two Dharma protectors crush the array.

In addition, in the face-to-face battle, both sides need to line up their troops and set up their array, and even more, they need to be under the command of generals. They must not rush and kill indiscriminately.

Otherwise, our own officers and men will be separated, and will certainly be defeated by the Prajna fleet one by one, and eventually the whole army will be destroyed.

Unfortunately, the moon Hall of the Qing Dynasty mainly stayed in the city and found out the murderers who attacked secretly as soon as possible. They could not direct the battle in person.

He could only pray silently in his heart, hoping that the thousands of people who had never participated in the war would cooperate with each other and play a strong fighting capacity.

Even if we can't annihilate the Prajna fleet, we should give it a severe lesson.

Next, the two Dharma protectors summoned 800 strong men from the divine kingdom to leave the city in a hurry and rush to the Prajna fleet 100000 miles away.

The two Dharma protectors will grasp the overall situation and command 5000 people of the moon Hall of Qing Dynasty to form a battle array to attack the Prajna fleet.

In addition to 190000 people in the city, only the master of the moon hall and thousands of guards were still searching for the whereabouts of the murderer.In order to avoid the further expansion of casualties, the leader of the moon Hall of the Qing Dynasty issued an order to calm down all the people and gradually move to the vicinity of the Moon Palace in the order from north to south.

There are unknown strong men lurking in the city, the city is no longer safe.

In contrast, it would be safer for all the people to move to the Moon Palace and gather in the palaces.

The more than ten palaces were heavily guarded and equipped with strong defensive formations.

The leader of Qingyue hall believes that even the peak God King hiding in the dark dare not attack Qingyue Temple easily.

After the people of the whole city were evacuated, the place became an empty city. The leader of the moon Hall of Qing Dynasty was sure to find out the guy!


In the Prajna fleet.

Marshal Zuo summoned more than a dozen generals to discuss countermeasures in the assembly hall.

To the south of the fleet, within a million miles, more than 20 battlefields have not ended.

Who knows, just a moment ago, from the other side of July mountain, there were dull sounds and dazzling lights.

Although Marshal Zuo's divine sense could not detect the situation in the mountains in July, the scouts sent out could not get close to Nobody knows what happened in July mountain.

However, marshal Zuo's thinking was very keen, and he immediately realized that something bad was going on.

He not only called many gods and generals to discuss, but also asked the guards to wake up Marshal Shi, who had been practicing in seclusion.

At this point, marshal left was already a little flustered.

The situation is beyond his control and is moving towards an unpredictable situation.

Zuo yuan Shuai felt that he could no longer be angry, nor could he continue to replenish his forces to fight with the moon Hall of Qing Dynasty.

If we go on like this, we will fall into the quagmire of war. We can't extricate ourselves from the quagmire of war. We will only get deeper and deeper, and finally we will have a full-scale war with the moon Hall of Qing Dynasty.

He felt that it was time to tell the truth to Emperor Prajna and ask him to make a ruling.

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