Ji Tianxing's words, let the Cabernet Sauvignon king also fell into hesitation and entanglement.

Although, on the surface, she didn't say much, and waved her hand to let Ji Tianxing step down.

But she sat alone in her study and thought for a long time.

Half an hour later, she finally straightened out her mind and made up her mind.

She got up and left her study to meet Prajna.

At this time, Emperor Prajna was in the study where he lived, and he was also quietly considering and weighing.

In the past hour, she had contacted with Shura, Youming, Lu Jiuyang and daoxingyun.

She not only inquired about the current situation of the four deities, but also explained to them their own situation, as well as the matter of the empty God Temple soliciting her.

Although she was interested in joining the temple, she had to ask the four gods for their opinions before she could make a decision.

After all, the four gods are her most trusted allies.

At present, we are scattered in various places of the origin star, far away from each other, and I'm afraid we can't meet in a short time.

But Prajna must consider that when we meet in a few years' time, most of them will unite again to create a new force.

Perhaps, the forces created by the five of them can compete with the four temples.

If she didn't ask for the opinions of the four gods, she would take the lead and join the empty God Temple Betraying the four gods.

After receiving her message, Xiuluo, Youming, Lu Jiuyang and daoxingyun, who knew her current situation, also responded to the news one after another.

Only Dao Xingyun said some ambiguous words, leaving Prajna to decide whether to join the temple.

The other three deities almost all reacted the same way, opposing Prajna's acceptance of recruitment.

Although, the three gods have different words and expressions and tones.

But they all mean the same thing. They can only trust each other and never believe in the power of the origin stars, especially the four temples.

No matter how kind and sincere the people in the four temples seem, they can't be easily believed.

At present, the four deities are still exploring the origin star. Some of them have found the aborigines of the origin star, and have come into contact with the power of some temples.

However, there are two gods who are still groping in the desolate area, and they do not know where they are.

Prajna God Emperor told several gods about the general situation of the origin stars and the four temples she had learned.

The two gods, who were in the no man's land, immediately came up with the idea of taking the mountain as the king and building the cave.

In their opinion, they should settle down as soon as possible after they have arrived at the origin star.

With the rich resources and cultivation environment of the origin star, their generals and men can grow up quickly.

Since the four temples are peace loving and will not take the initiative to invade and bully other forces, they can develop their forces at ease.

There were nearly 100000 soldiers under the command of the two gods, including men and women.

As long as they settle down in the origin star, the officers and men can multiply and expand their ranks.

The two gods who have this idea are Youming God Emperor and Jiuyang God Emperor.

Youming God Emperor is too proud to be subordinated to others. Even if he comes into contact with the four shrines, he can not accept solicitation.

As for the Jiuyang God Emperor, he had his own ideas and plans.

Whether he joined the four allies or joined the four temples, he was a foil role.

It's better to stay in no man's land and concentrate on training the 100000 soldiers under his command. At least he can make his own decisions.

At present, daoxingyun and Shura God Emperor have come into contact with the strongmen of the two temples.

However, the God Emperor of Shura was cautious in nature and had deep city government. He was still secretly observing and tracking the people in the temple, and did not meet with them, let alone communicate with them.

Originally, he also wanted to find a chance to capture one or two aborigines, refine their spiritual memory, and understand the situation of the temple.

Now, after listening to the introduction of Prajna, he gave up the idea.

After all, the power of the four temples is too strong. If he kills the people in a certain temple, he will probably attract revenge.

The God Emperor of Shura planned to hide 100000 generals and soldiers. He contacted the people of the temple in person to understand the power of the temple in a peaceful and friendly way.

Of course, it is impossible to take refuge in the temple.


The situation of the four gods is a little complicated, and everyone has some thoughts that can't be said.

How could the emperor Prajna not be so?

At least, she didn't tell the four gods about the mystery of immortality.

If you let the four gods know, as long as she joins the temple of Kongming, she can become the master of the temple and get the mystery of eternal life.

The four gods still don't know what kind of thoughts and means they will have.

After communicating with Shura and Youming, Emperor Prajna fell into meditation, weighing the pros and cons, and hesitated.

"Although, for millennia, we have been allies, working together to study the chaotic fog of origin stars.Moreover, I have always regarded the four of them as brothers and have great respect for them.

But after we arrived at the origin, we scattered and had different opportunities.

In the origin star, we all have infinite possibilities and more chances to live forever.

At present, I am one step ahead of them in understanding the four temples and the mystery of immortality.

Will I keep the covenant and hope to join them? "

The emperor Prajna whispered to himself, his eyes twinkled.

Just then, the voice of the Cabernet Sauvignon was heard outside the study door.

"Disciple Chi Xia, please see your master."

The voice of Cabernet Sauvignon interrupted Prajna's thoughts.

She raised her hand to make a divine light, opened the door of the study, the voice is flat: "come in."

The king of Cabernet Sauvignon pushed through the door and saluted Prajna, then stood in front of the table.

Emperor Prajna leaned on the jade chair, took a drink from the tea cup on the table, and asked slowly, "akashia, are you here to report to the master?

The flying King What did you do with it? "

She had already seen that the flying king was trusted and respected by the Cabernet Sauvignon.

Even if the flying God King makes a mistake, the Cabernet Sauvignon will take the initiative to punish, and then plead with her to protect the flying God King in disguise.

For this matter, Prajna God Emperor is not willing to investigate.

She loves Cabernet Sauvignon the most. Of course, she will not punish the flying God King because of a small matter, which will disappoint and grieve Cabernet Sauvignon.

Emperor Prajna has long thought about it. No matter how Cheung Hsia punishes the flying God King, she will not pursue it again. Just let the matter pass.

But she did not expect, the Cabernet Sauvignon King period Ai Ai, a pair of words and stop appearance.

Zou, emperor of Prajna, raised his eyebrows and asked in a deep voice, "what? It's hard to see how you react You didn't punish him, you just came to plead with my teacher? "

Seeing through his mind, Cabernet Sauvignon had to be brave enough to say, "master, in fact, the flying God King is not talking nonsense, nor is it the following offence.

He did it for the sake of you, and he was devoted to his duty. "

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