In fact, the rulers of those two continents were right.

Ji Tianxing of course knows that in the process of conquering the heaven and earth, the people of the heaven and earth and the chaotic land must be paying attention to his trend.

He conquered Tiandu alone and conquered the whole heaven land, which will surely spread all over the heaven and be known by the people of other continents.

In particular, heaven and earth and chaos have always been on guard against him.

After hearing the news, those in charge of those two continents will certainly be on guard and fight with all their might.

Of course, from the map of the divine world, the heaven continent is in the southwest, the chaotic continent is in the southeast, and the Qiankun continent is in the northeast.

The nearest place to leave the heavenly continent is the chaotic continent in the southeast.

With his toes, we can see that the next target of sword God's attack must be chaos land.

Therefore, the rulers of the chaotic continent are most nervous and anxious.

And those in power in the land of heaven and earth are still worried and afraid.

The sword God's whereabouts are always mysterious. Who can guarantee that he will not attack the land of heaven and earth by surprise?

Isn't this the most common trick?

Ji Tianxing did not intend to use the strategy of doing the opposite. His next target, of course, was chaotic continent.

So, there are only two choices in front of him.

Or delay time, wait a few months or a year, and wait until the rulers of the chaotic continent relax their vigilance, and then attack the chaotic continent.

Or take advantage of all people do not pay attention to leave the sky ahead of time, with the fastest speed to the chaotic continent.

It is better to arrive at the chaotic continent before the person in charge of chaos gets the news, so as to have a chance to take action.

But Ji didn't want to waste time waiting for months or a year.

Therefore, he chose the latter, and left quietly after the situation in the heavenly land was calmed down.

He took the Tu Shen warship and drove to the east at an incredible speed, straight to the chaotic land.

The reason why he was so anxious and acted so quickly was that he was unprepared to attack the chaotic continent.

Second, the chaotic continent was the place where he took root and developed, where he had his former troops and former allies.

He could not wait to return to the chaotic continent to find his subordinates and allies.

Time has changed, and he would like to see what the situation of those strong men and subordinates who followed him in those days are now?

How many people are still alive?

How many people are still loyal to him, waiting for his return?

Or How many betrayed and forgotten promises?

To tell you the truth, Ji Tianxing has never been worried and afraid in the face of the powerful God Emperor.

But now, on the way to the chaotic continent, his mood is a little bit uneasy.


Twenty days ago, the rulers of chaos land got accurate news that the sword God had successfully conquered the heaven land and calmed the situation.

Just a few days later, the authorities assembled a large number of elite soldiers and began to prepare for the battle.

They should not only gather heavy troops to guard the center of their power, but also carry out various plans and lay out numerous lines of defense and large formations in case of emergency.

In fact, they got the news 10 days later than the actual situation.

In other words, it has been a month since the sword God conquered the heaven.

After calming down the situation in the heaven land, Ji Tianxing rewarded the five forces of the Rebel Alliance with different rewards.

After that, he stayed in heaven for half a month.

After arranging the follow-up matters, he left the heaven and earth quietly.

As for the date of his departure, only the leaders of the five forces knew.

It usually takes two months to reach the chaotic continent from the celestial continent across the endless sky sea.

But the white dragon controls the Tu Shen battleship, the flight speed is super fast, only needs 20 days to arrive.

At this time, Tu Shen warship is flying in the sky over the endless sky sea, like lightning, cutting through the vast sea of clouds.

The warship is about five days away from the west coast of chaos.

White dragon alone in the cockpit of the warship, concentrate on the control of the warship, and monitor the movement around.

Ji Tianxing, Yunyao, Jike, chaoqingyu, Yanke and others all practiced in the distorted space-time of Jiutian Shijue pagoda.

This group of people who first followed Ji Tianxing can stay in the distorted space-time.

Later, they followed Ji Tianxing, such as Nangong Ao, Nangong nihuang, and Wei chipo. A total of 15 followers could only stay in the warship and practice in their own chambers.

This time, Ji Tianxing conquered the heaven and earth. It was just his personal show, which can be called the performance against the sky.

As a result, the people under his command did not make any efforts, and did not experience the battle, so it was declared to be over.Despite this, many followers participated in the early spy intelligence and assassination missions, and Ji Tianxing gave them due rewards.

When the situation in the sky and the mainland was settled, the people returned to the warships and began to practice in closed doors.

These followers don't know the magical effect of the nine days and ten Jue pagodas and the distortion of time and space.

But Yun Yao and Ji Ke are very clear.

Among the 15 followers, only Nangong nihuang is a woman.

Moreover, they have also learned about Nangong's life experience and experience.

They persuade Ji Tianxing that the other 14 followers can ignore it, but try their best to call Nangong nihuang into the distorted space-time.

This will be more helpful to the cultivation of Nangong nihuang.

Although Yun Yao and Ji Ke are more euphemistic, Nangong nihuang is a woman, and she is very loyal to Ji Tianxing and can be completely trusted.

But Ji Tianxing still heard that, they already knew Nangong Ni Huang's intention.

It is learned that Nangong nihuang has been keeping her heart for thousands of years. Now she is even more willing to leave her hometown and hometown with her beloved and roam the world with her.

This infatuation and determination is enough to make Yun Yao and Ji Ke moved and recognized.

Obviously, they are going to accept Nangong nihuang, the "three sisters.".

Although their actual age is two thousand years younger than Nangong nihuang However, this kind of thing should not be called by age, but should be done first and then.

Ji Tianxing is helpless and funny. Naturally, he can't agree with Yun Yao and Ji Ke. He can only tell them that they can't set a precedent.

Otherwise, there are many beautiful women in the divine world and the Dragon Kingdom who are infatuated with him without regret. Do you want to accept them one by one?

What's more, after he conquers the whole divine world, he will go to fight with the five God emperors to end their gratitude and resentment.

He is not sure enough to compete with the five gods.

At this time, it is not harmful to take Nangong nihuang by her side?

Hearing these two words, Yunyao couldn't help but look at him, and said: I thought you were cold and proud, not close to women. I didn't expect to show mercy everywhere. I don't know how many peach blossoms have been provoked , the fastest update of the webnovel!