Dozens of domain masters and tens of thousands of officers and soldiers, together with the king of heaven and the guard army, are all caused by Ji Tianxing's careful planning.

Now that the two sides are at odds, it is almost impossible to reconcile.

When many domain masters proposed alliance, he took the opportunity to lead the topic to the decisive battle between the God of heaven and the God of sword.

After a while, dozens of domain masters suddenly realized that their faces and eyes had subtle changes.

Everyone was silent, weighing the matter in their hearts.

Even though everyone has some ideas, no one dares to speak easily.

After all, no one wants to be accused of betrayal.

Seeing this, Ji Tianxing said with a smile: "the double defense array has been opened. No one can hear our dialogue. Don't you want to speak freely?

Of course, I just want to remind you to think about the long-term, and we must not misunderstand.

I can assure you that I will never turn to the sword God or let everyone be traitors. "

Hearing this, many domain owners are relieved.

Just now they were worried about what they would do if they proposed to take refuge in the sword God?

If you don't take refuge in the sword God, you will be separated from this group of colleagues. You can't get any good from the king of heaven. You are not human inside and outside.

If you take refuge in the sword God, you will become a traitor who everyone reviles.

Fortunately, the master of the Qingfeng region takes his reputation and life as a guarantee, and will never turn to the sword God.

Many domain masters thought that as long as they were not traitors and did not turn to the sword God, they could say that.

And some of the domain masters with flexible minds found the key point immediately after Ji Tianxing reminded them.

They opened their mouths to speak and awakened the people.

"Yes! Like the master of Qingfeng, we will never turn to the sword God or be a traitor.

But We will never be cannon fodder for the heavenly king!

When to go to war and under what circumstances can blood and sacrifice be decided by us! "

"That's right! We should control our own destiny and never be manipulated by the heavenly king.

We can not rely on the sword God, but we do not have to follow the orders of the king of heaven to fight with the sword God. "

"Yes! We have to make our own decisions and decide whether to join the war or not according to the situation. "

These domain masters opened their minds, and all the people present understood.

It's true that they don't turn to the sword God.

However, when the sword God attacks Tiandu, they can also stand by and let the Heavenly God King and the guards go first.

In a word, they should never replace the dead and cannon fodder. They must let the guards take the lead.

When the guards are destroyed by the sword God, they will decide whether to go to war or not.

To understand this, dozens of domain owners were relieved and there was no pressure in their hearts.

Ji Tianxing's plot was successful again, and he sneered at himself.

But on the surface, he did not show the slightest flaw, and then guided everyone.

"Now that we have reached a consensus on this most important matter, we can form an alliance tonight.

But please remember that our alliance is for self-protection, to control our destiny, not to be manipulated and trampled on, not for anything else. "

Many domain owners showed a tacit smile and nodded in agreement.

Ji Tianxing went on to say: "the distant worry has been solved. Let's talk about the near worry.

After our alliance tonight, the heavenly king will receive news soon.

He will never sit back and ignore us. Before the sword God attacks Tiandu, he will try to subdue us one by one.

It may be coercion and inducement, or forcible arrest or coercion by vicious means.

In short, with the nature of the heavenly king, he will deal with us at all costs, and only seek to hold power steadily.

The first person he dealt with must be my husband!

My husband and he have become a fire and water. Even if we die, we will never yield. We only wish to show our ambition through death.

I hope you can keep sober, remember the oath of alliance, do not be greedy for life and death.

If you're cold eyed and timid, you'll be next.

I believe that everyone can understand such a simple truth, so I don't need to say more? "

Dozens of domain masters quickly nodded their heads to express their understanding, and they all vowed to make sure that as long as they formed an alliance, they would not go back on their regrets and would definitely advance and retreat together.

Ji Tianxing is just going through the motions. In fact, he doesn't hold much hope for the credit of many domain owners.

Even if there will be some treacherous and treacherous domain owners, he will not be surprised.

After all, what people read is just an ordinary oath, unlike Ji Tianxing's custom-made Tiandao oath, which has absolute deterrent power.

However, Ji Tianxing is not worried about this problem.

Because he has more backhand, continue to intensify the contradiction between the two sides, until the day is completely chaotic.Next, dozens of domain owners discussed and discussed some details, and then they began to swear an alliance.

In the past, the leader of Qingfeng was highly respected and respected by many governors, but he was not a leader.

Among the dozens of domain masters, there are at least four or five who are equal to him in terms of status and reputation.

However, after this incident, his pride and integrity won the respect of all domain masters, and he became a leader virtually.

More than 60 domain leaders and leaders of more than a dozen forces swore an alliance in public, and he became the king without crown and the leader of all.

Half a quarter of an hour later, many of the powerful people swore the end of the alliance smoothly.

Ji Tianxing, as the master and leader of the alliance, said to the people, "if we are outside the Tiandu, we should hold a banquet to celebrate after our alliance.

But now I am in Tiandu, I can't help it, and the situation is complex, so this is not necessary.

In the future, if we are still alive, we must make up for the feast.

Well, all of you will go back and get ready and talk to the officers and men. "

All the domain masters and the strong people all nodded and said yes with a smile, and they saluted and left one after another.


As Ji Tianxing said.

It was only two quarters of an hour after more than 60 domain masters and more than a dozen faction leaders formed an alliance.

He was so angry that he summoned the Fengyi God King, the commander of the Imperial Army and several divine generals.

"Asshole! This group of white eyed wolves who eat inside and eat outside, all the power and status they have are given by this seat.

Now they even ally, unite against this seat, to be the enemy of this seat!!

What can be tolerated!

They have reached the bottom line of this seat. Tonight, in any case, we will let them pay the price of bleeding! "

Seeing that he was so angry, the king of Fengyi had a bad premonition and asked, "what are you going to do, my lord?"

The king of heaven clenched his teeth and said, "isn't the leader of their alliance? Those domain masters were instigated and instigated by him!

I order you to take a thousand guards to capture the old man at once.

I will behead him and make an example to the public. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!