Since the Songhe people have decided to kill people and kill their mouths, they must kill all the mission, and they must not leak information.

But now, before the messenger died, he even sent out a message to the jade slips.

A moment later, the four reincarnation gods and the commander of the Styx river will receive news that the Songhe tribe has rebelled.

In this way, the Songhe people did not even have time to prepare, and they were about to face the most violent and ferocious siege and massacre.

In any case, the message must not be sent out.

But the jade slips have been lifted up and will disappear in the night.

Even if it's a strong one like the Songhe clan leader, it's too late to intercept it.

The nightmare and doomsday of the song and crane people will come with the disappearance of the jade slips.

The two dying messengers also showed an understanding look.

At this critical moment, a brilliant white light suddenly appeared in the night sky, and an unexpected figure appeared.

He was a handsome young man in a white robe, full of the strong man's breath.

No one knows where he came from, where he hid before.

But when he showed up, he was on the sky, less than a thousand feet away from the rapidly disappearing Yujian.

With a wave of his right hand, he made a golden light, condensed into a huge palm, and accurately grasped the jade slips.

With Jin Guang's palm retracting, he grabs the message jade slips and turns to look at the pine crane patriarch and the two messengers on the square.

Then, with a calm face, he crushed the jade slips and opened his fingers, letting the powder of the jade slips fall into the night sky.

At this moment, the square was silent.

All people's eyes were focused on the young man in white robe. His heart was full of shock and wonder, but he forgot to scream and shout.

When the crowd saw clearly the white robed youth's appearance, someone immediately recognized him.

"Sword God! Is it a sword God

It was the elder of Songhe nationality who took the lead in exclamation.

More than 1100 years ago, he had a brief contact with the sword God, and naturally recognized it.

The other people in the field, too, reacted immediately, sending out incredible exclamations.

"My God! How could the sword God appear here? "

"Am I right? Or am I hallucinating? "

"It's incredible! I was still dreaming about this possibility before, but I didn't expect that What a dream

The patriarch of Songhe clan and several elders were very excited and could not believe the scene in front of them.

Although, Ji Tianxing cut off the jade slips empty handed, it was enough to shock.

But the patriarch of Songhe and several elders have ignored this point, and have not even mentioned it.

After all, in their eyes, the sword God is so powerful that it can create any miracle.

In contrast, the sword God appeared in the ancient pine cave, which surprised and shocked them even more.

And the two dying messengers were even more frightened, and their eyes were almost staring out.

They couldn't believe it. The sword God, who was frightening, appeared here without any reason, and intercepted the jade slips they sent out!

This is ridiculous!

Isn't the sword God still in Haotian land? When did you come to samsara island?

Moreover, there was no news of the sword God entering the samsara Island, so he appeared in the ancient pine Cave

Isn't that weird?

"No, even if we die here, we must report this news to the commander-in-chief!"

"The sword God has already started to act, but the grand commander and Grand Marshal know nothing about it. This is terrible!"

These thoughts flashed through the minds of the two messengers. They took out the jade slips and sent out the message as quickly as possible.

If they can spread this extremely important news, even if they die, the chief commander will give them a reward and treat their families well.

But it's a pity that the patriarch of Songhe and several elders have already suffered a loss. How can it happen a second time?

As soon as the two messengers took out the jade slips and had no time to input any information, they were beaten by the patriarch of Songhe and several elders, spurting blood and flying upside down.

The jade slips in their hands were smashed and scattered on the ground.

Two messengers were beaten to death.

Several elders swarmed on, and showed their magic skills one after another, killing the two messengers with pain.

After a dull sound of "bang bang bang", the blood splashed in the flashing light. The two messengers were killed on the spot, and no bones were found.

The fighting ended and the square finally returned to calm.

The song and crane clan did not have time to clean up the battlefield. Under the leadership of the Songhe clan leader, they bowed in unison and said hello to Ji Tianxing.

"We see the sword God!"

Not only the patriarch of Songhe and several elders, but also hundreds of guards saluted in unison.Obviously, the voices of all the people were trembling. Obviously, they were very excited.

Even now, many people are still in a dream. They can't believe that the young man in white robe is really the sword God himself.

Ji Tianxing landed on the square, looked at the respectful and emotional crowd, and nodded his head slightly: "you are welcome!"

Then they straightened up and looked at him with burning eyes. They all had a thousand words to tell and ask.

Ji Tianxing looked at the square which had already become ruins and said to the patriarch of Songhe: "the war has just ended. Let's clean up the battlefield, recuperate and heal."

The patriarch of Songhe understood what he meant and gave orders to the guards to clean up the battlefield.

And he and several elders, quickly surrounded by Ji Tianxing to the conference hall.

After entering the main hall, the two sides exchanged greetings before taking their seats.

Later, the patriarch of Songhe asked the common questions on behalf of all the people.

"I can't believe it. At the most critical time of our family, the Lord of sword came down like a divine soldier and broke the siege for us. It's really amazing!

When did you arrive at samsara island and when did you enter the ancient pine cave

I think it's a little presumptuous to ask this question. The patriarch of Songhe adds another sentence.

"Please don't blame the sword God. It's not just me. Everyone thinks it's incredible. It's like a dream!"

Ji Tianxing, of course, could understand the feelings of the Songhe clan leader and the people, so he didn't care. He explained calmly: "a few days ago, this seat came to samsara island.

As long as we don't take the initiative to reveal our whereabouts, it is impossible for the commander of the Styx River and the marshal of the blood prison to find this seat.

In the past few days, we have basically grasped the situation and situation of samsara island.

Knowing that the commander of the Styx river might be attacking the Songhe clan, I came to see the situation in person.

Coincidentally, the second group of messengers from the commander of the river Styx arrived, and we came in without any difficulty.

For the sake of backbone and dignity, the patriarch of Songhe clan and several elders have been firm in their ideas and attitudes, and are not afraid of power and oppression. This is very gratifying to this audience... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!