Before entering the Tianyang star region, Ji Tianxing knew about it.

He knows who is the master of the astral realm, what strength background, and which star he lives on.

Therefore, after entering the sky sun, he did not have to waste time to investigate these.

The burial sword shuttles through the Tianyang star region, passing by one abandoned star after another, and flies to the deep of the star field.

At present, the burial sword is on the edge of Tianyang star region.

Most of the stars around are abandoned stars without living beings.

Although, some waste stars also contain many veins and metals.

But Ji Tianxing didn't want to waste time to devour the stars. He wanted to go to the deep of the sky sun star region as soon as possible to find the master of the sky sun domain.

After flying for three days, the sword finally broke away from the edge of the star field.

The stars around us are still mostly abandoned stars, but there are more stars inhabited by living beings.

In front of the burial sword, about 100 million miles away, there are several shining stars, flashing gold, white or red light.

The fortress with space barrier of stars is obviously a world inhabited by living beings.

And behind those stars, in the distant void, there are ten dazzling stars.

Obviously, there are more than a dozen alien creatures living in this area.

In addition, there are billions of miles around.

He didn't think much about it. He originally planned to go through this area and go to the depth of Tianyang star region as quickly as possible.

But it did not expect that a vision suddenly appeared in the void.

In the dark void behind the left, a white light that blocks the sky and illuminates hundreds of millions of miles is lit up.

The vast expanse of white light is composed of tens of thousands of white light spots.

Each white spot, like a meteor, drags a long white flame, very dazzling.

Tens of thousands of meteors constitute a powerful meteor shower, galloping in the void.

As soon as the white light was discovered, the meteor shower rushed into the dense stars at a terrifying speed.

Even though, the stars are small, obsolete stars.

However, the diameter of each disused star is more than several million miles, and the large one is even 80 million miles in diameter.

With the strong impact of the meteor shower, I do not know how many cold waste stars, on the spot was blown into debris, splashing out boundless flame.

The debris also burns up in high-speed flight, turning into more flames and meteors.

Small pieces of stars, flying hundreds of millions of miles, burn out and disappear in the void.

However, the larger pieces of stars shrink sharply in the combustion, leaving concentrated star crystals.

Those star crystals also become part of the meteor shower, which rushes forward with the meteor shower.

"Boom, boom!"

When the boundless white light is about to dissipate, there will be earth shaking sound, shaking a billion miles of void.

Although the burial sword was far away, it also felt the power of destroying the heaven and the earth, so it quickly flew forward.

At the same time, it uses the spirit to transmit sound, awakens Ji Tianxing who is still practicing.

"The situation is not good, we met a group of meteorites, and the momentum is very big."

Knowing the news, Ji Tianxing quickly finished his cultivation and left the distorted space-time.


With a flash of white light, he appeared in the void, holding the sword of burial in his hand, and frowning at the rapidly approaching "meteor shower.".

He had traveled through the starry sky many times before, and was familiar with all kinds of dangers in the starry sky.

After only a moment's observation, he found out the situation and his expression became dignified.

"Such a huge group of meteorites can only be formed after the destruction of at least thousands of stars.

I don't know what happened in the depths of the void. How could it cause such a terrible meteor shower

"Even if it's a fight between several top gods, it's impossible to create such a shocking scene," he said with a low tone.

I'm afraid that only a large-scale void storm, or the disintegration of a star, can form this kind of meteor shower. "

Ji Tianxing frowned and thought for a moment, and then added: "maybe, a few gods can also cause this situation."

"The war of God and Emperor?" Burial day Leng for a moment, tone some doubt asked: "the five God Emperor is not in collusion? How can we fight? "

Ji Tianxing looked calm and said, "I'm just a metaphor to analyze the formation factors of this meteor shower. There's no need to be serious."

Burial day no longer continues this topic, some worried to remind: "even with your current strength, by this meteorite group positive impact, you will also be seriously injured.

This group of meteorites is very fast and covers a wide area, more than 300 million Li.

Even if you dodge sideways now, you can't avoid it completely.

But you can scrape the edge of a group of meteorites and avoid it at the least cost. "Ji Tianxing nodded his head and said, "don't worry. I have a king level artifact to protect my body. It will be OK.

However, looking at the direction of the meteorite group, it is bound to hit the dozens of stars ahead.

Those alien creatures on the stars, at least a trillion.

Once they are hit by meteorites, a dozen stars will be destroyed, and trillions of creatures will also suffer from the disaster of annihilation. "

Hearing this, the burial day guessed his thoughts and asked, "do you want to resist the meteorites and save the alien creatures on the stars?

Don't forget, those are all alien races. They are not related to you

Ji Tianxing shook his head and said with a smile, "yes, the alien creatures on the dozen stars really have nothing to do with me.

If it is a man-made disaster or a war, I will definitely not intervene.

But this sudden meteor shower is an unpredictable natural disaster!

I have the ability to resolve this natural disaster. If I don't help you in the face of death, I can't live with my conscience. "

The burial day was silent for a moment, and again dissuaded him: "maybe you have the ability to resolve the meteor shower, but you are also very dangerous, and you are likely to die.

Is it necessary for you to take this risk for the sake of those alien creatures who have nothing to do with it? "

Ji Tianxing sighed: "even if they are alien, they are also living life!

Besides, the whole Tianyang star region was enslaved by the Nine Yang God Emperor.

Those alien creatures are in dire straits They are innocent and pathetic. "

Hearing this, he knew that he had made up his mind and said in a low voice, "since you have made up your mind, I will not interfere, but you must act according to your ability."

As far as burial heaven is concerned, it only worries about the safety of Ji Tianxing, and does not care about the life and death of those alien creatures.

"Don't worry. If I can't do something, I will protect myself." Ji Tianxing said.

After that, he put away the sword of burying heaven and burst out at the fastest speed, just like a streamer, and drove towards the ten stars ahead. , the fastest update of the webnovel!