Burying the sky is very familiar with Ji Tianxing's temperament.

When it saw the bright stars around, it guessed that Ji Tianxing would stay here and refine those stars.

Because, these stars are the God stars that can be met, can't be asked for and rarely seen.

The so-called God Star is a star with high quality and infinite power among millions of stars.

This kind of star has no space barrier, equivalent to no protective layer, and is easy to be destroyed in the void.

Moreover, the divine power contained in the divine star is too violent to give birth to a birth spirit.

However, if the God King is strong, he can obtain great benefits and greatly enhance his strength.

Therefore, for the strong king, the star is a rare tonic.

In fact, there was a division of the ranks of stars in ancient times.

In the boundless void, there are endless stars, the number of billions.

Ninety nine percent of them are nameless stars, which can't survive for a long time and may collapse at any time.

However, in the mass of waste stars, there are occasionally larger ones containing more ore veins and metals.

Just like those stars refined before Ji Tianxing.

One grade higher than that of the nameless and abandoned stars is Zhengxing, with a number of nearly 100 million.

The so-called positive star is a star with stable volume, mass and composition, which is not easy to destroy, and can be retained for a long time.

The short life span is more than 100000 years, and the long life span can reach 100 million years.

On top of the positive star, there are big stars, with tens of millions of them.

Big stars are larger stars, often with space barriers, which can give birth to five elements of wind and thunder, and then evolve into life.

Just like the innumerable worlds in the lower world, they are all big stars.

Higher than the big star quality, is Ji Tianxing currently see, contains the violent divine power of the divine star.

Although the quality of Shenxing is high, there is no space barrier, so it will not evolve into a birth spirit, and it is not suitable for living creatures.

On top of Shenxing, there are a few hundred thousand Disha stars, nearly ten thousand Tiangang stars.

For example, in the nine star regions, those stars with countless alien races are basically Disha stars.

These stars are larger, more than 100 million miles in diameter, and can hold hundreds of billions of creatures.

With Ji Tianxing's current strength and means, it is possible to spend several years refining those earth evil stars.

But the premise is that he will destroy hundreds of billions of creatures on the stars.

He can't do such a thing.

As for Tiangang star, it is bigger and higher quality than Disha star.

Scorpio is a star far away.

The star not only has strong space barrier, stable quality, but also contains abundant divine power. It is the most suitable star for gods to live and practice.

In addition.

On top of Disha star and Tiangang star, there are the highest quality stars known so far.


As the name suggests, it is an eternal, nearly immortal star.

This level of stars, with the most stable structure, the most abundant divine power and the safest environment, is the holy land for the gods to practice.

For example, the Dragon Kingdom and the divine world.

Of course, some stars are too violent to be inhabited by gods.

According to the ancient legend, there are 99 stars, including the divine world and the Dragon kingdom.

But Ji Tianxing has traveled all over the major star regions, and only a dozen stars can be identified.

As for other stars, he doesn't know where they are.

Even he can't be sure that so many stars really exist.

He had reason to suspect that the number "99" was only a conjecture of the ancients.


"Seven, eighteen, thirty-nine, seventy-four..."

Ji Tianxing left the burial sword and stood in the river of stars, looking around, silently counting the number of God stars.

In a short time, he found hundreds of God stars in the stars around him!

"This harvest is comparable to two king level artifact."

He was in high spirits and full of joy.

Even if he didn't find any clues related to the master in the Star River and could find so many divine stars, it was a worthwhile trip.

At the same time, he also believed the news that the blue scorpion king heard.

In ancient times, the best artifact may have been born in this star river.

Of course, it's not artificially refined, but the best artifact bred by the star river.

More than 800 years ago, perhaps there was a peak God King who came here to fight for the God star.


Ji Tianxing converged his thoughts and put away his burial sword and flew to the nearest God star.

This is a god star full of sky fire, the whole body is red, almost transparent, releasing violent divine power fluctuations.

Ji Tianxing landed on the God Star and felt the violent power of the stars.

"Almost equivalent to the nine strong king of the God, the rest of the upper God can not be refined, only the peak king can."The thought flashed through his mind, and he immediately had a judgment.

Later, he offered to mend the pearls of heaven and began to use Gong and cast.


The Pearl of mending the sky expands to thousands of miles around and floats on the surface of the sky fire god star, releasing hundreds of millions of white lights and wrapping the whole star.

The white light forms a huge grid, wrapping up the stars and swallowing them quickly.

As a result, the sky fire god star's power quickly passes, the volume also gradually reduces.

A large amount of minerals and metals are transported to the five elements world by Tianzhu.

The inexhaustible power of divine fire and stars was refined by Ji Tianxing to enhance strength and consolidate the foundation of Shinto.

Ji Tianxing devoted himself to refining God Star and forgot the passage of time.

One day, three days, five days

Unconsciously, three months passed.

The sky fire god star with a diameter of more than 30 million Li has disappeared from the star river.

The world of five elements has been greatly promoted and further expanded, and the whole world has been blowing a aura storm.

Ji Tianxing's strength also improved steadily, advancing towards the late stage of Shenwang jiuzhong.

After refining the sky fire god star, he did not feel tired at all, but was in high spirits.

He flew to another god star surrounded by thunder and began to devour the second God star.

Thunderbolt's power is more violent than Skyfire.

Ji Tianxing's process of swallowing the divine star was not smooth, and there was an accident.

When thunderbolt shrank by half, the structure of the star was unstable and collapsed.

So, the furious and incomparable thunder power broke out, and exploded a thunderbolt light group with a radius of 100 million Li.

The sound of the explosion was beyond description.

Around a few close to the God of the stars, were shaken to the ground, and even shaken back millions of miles.

If you change to other peak gods, you will definitely be shocked.

But Ji Tianxing was very familiar with Shenxing and had been prepared for it.

When thunder god star explodes, he immediately sacrifices chaos primitive clock, blocking the impact of the star explosion.

Although he was shaken for thousands of miles, he was not damaged.

After the thunder explosion, he continued to devour the third God star, a frozen blue star.

This phagocytosis process is very smooth, there are no twists and turns.

In this way, Ji Tianxing continues to swallow one God Star after another.

The stars in the galaxy are disappearing at the rate of four to five stars a year.

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