Ji Tianxing began to use his skills to heal his wounds.

He urged the power of mending Tianzhu to release a wisp of sacred white light into his own sea of knowledge.

The holy white light is swimming slowly in the sea of knowledge, scouring the vast sea of knowledge and divinity.

At this time, Ji Tianxing used the power of mending Tianzhu for the first time and entered his own sea of knowledge.

He was careful to release only a faint white light, trying to see if there was any danger.

After all, he usually uses holy white light to purify other people's divine power and devour other people's divinities.

He had to worry about whether the holy white light would purify his power and devour his divinity.

If so, the fun will be great.

Fortunately, that ray of white light swam in the sea of knowledge for a few circles, and there was no accident.

Ji Tianxing felt that his consciousness was vague and his mind was a little dim, but there was nothing wrong with him.

At least, his spirit and strength were not affected.

It reassured him a lot and added a little bit of holy white light.

After a while, the divinity and the sea of knowledge were still in good health, and he was completely relieved and continued to urge more holy white light.

As time went by, more and more white light came into his consciousness sea, and his consciousness became more and more blurred and drowsy.

But he is not sure whether a lot of white light will hurt him and whether the power of mending the beads can repair the damage.

So, with his strong willpower, he held on without falling asleep.

Half an hour, one hour, two hours

Three hours later, his sea of knowledge was completely filled with holy white light.

At this time, his consciousness has long been in a chaos, as if in the vast white clouds, can no longer keep awake.

His will was so strong that he could no longer resist drowsiness and exhaustion.

Under helpless, he can only stop to urge the power of mending Tianzhu, and soon fell into a coma.

I don't know how long after, he was in a deep sleep, even into a dream!

It should be noted that a top God like him never sleeps, let alone dreams.

Although, he can rely on closed door practice to enhance strength, restore spirit and strength.

But in fact, the king will also feel tired and tired.

However, those who are tired, laborious and sleepy are completely suppressed by his strong willpower.

Now, the sacred white light of mendianzhu filled his mind, as if occupying his consciousness.

He entered the most relaxed state and lost all vigilance, defense and vigilance.

The white light washed out the weariness, weariness and sleepiness of his spirit.

As a result, he did not sleep for hundreds of years, the king of God, for the first time, fell into a deep sleep, but also had a dream!

The dream is quiet and peaceful. It's not messy or noisy at all.

It was a boundless sea of clouds. He was standing in the sea of clouds as light as a feather, floating with the breeze.

White clouds, like cotton wadding, spread in the sky, extremely soft.

Overhead is the blue sky, endless, without a trace of impurities.

In such a dream, Ji Tianxing only felt more relaxed and happy than ever before.

His consciousness seemed to be cleansed of memories, hatred, killing and intrigue.

All negative emotions disappear.

He was calm in his heart. He didn't think about anything, asked about the future and recalled the past.

He seems to be in harmony with heaven and earth, with clouds and fog. He wants to dance with the breeze and roam in the world forever.

At this moment, he even felt that the sea of clouds and the sky were warm arms.

He is willing to lie in the arms of heaven and earth, carefree and forever sleeping.

Ji Tianxing doesn't know how long he has been floating in the sea of clouds.

In this sky and sea of clouds, we can't see the passage of time and the changes of years.

Maybe it's a day, or a year, or maybe a hundred years.

Finally, Ji Tianxing's spirit reached the point of crystal clear and pure.

He took a long breath, and a little thought came into his mind.

"Hoo I've never been so relaxed in my life. I don't have to think about anything. I don't have any emotions. I just have boundless peace.

Floating in the sky, it seems that there is no time to elapse, seems to be close to eternity.

Originally, the sky is so beautiful, no wonder after thousands of years, millions of years, there is still no trace, can not see the vicissitudes of time.

Maybe this is the difference between heaven and earth. The earth is sentimental, so vicissitudes are easy to get old, and the sea is changing.

And the sky is merciless, there is no trace of time. "

These ideas, is Ji Tianxing in the sea of clouds floating for such a long time, the natural feeling.

Vaguely, he seems to understand something, touching the higher peak of Shinto, closer to the last step of Shinto.In his previous life, he was the peak God King, even the strongest God King in the world. He has already stepped half a step.

Only a little less than a thread of heaven, he can break through the divine realm, master the power of heaven, and reach the so-called God Emperor state.

But now, he has some understanding of the way of heaven, and seems to have reached that state.

He's one step closer to the top of the realm!

"In this life, I must practice the chart of killing heaven array, break through the realm of God Emperor, kill the five gods, and take back the eternal book of heaven.

The eternal book of heaven and Zhutian array are two parts.

If I succeed in practicing both of them, I don't know what level I can achieve? "

Ji Tianxing thought.

But at this time, he suddenly found that the blue sky in front of him was no longer pure and flawless.

Thousands of miles away in the sky, there are even dense black lines.

Careful observation will find that it is a space cracks, dimly visible in the void.

The peaceful sky is broken!

Ji Tianxing quickly flew over to check the situation, thinking in his mind: "strange, before my mind is quiet, a piece of empty light, the sky is still intact.

As soon as I think of hatred and future goals, there are cracks in the sky.

What do the changes in the sky indicate

Ji Tianxing knew that he was in a dream, and that the sky was broken was an illusion.

But he had to think about it. Is this the order of heaven?

The way of heaven implies that heaven is merciless and has no desire, so that he can hold it forever and flawlessly?

Or, this sea of clouds and sky represents his sea of knowledge, and the space crack represents his road injury?

Ji Tianxing flies to the space crack nearby, carefully observes those dark crack, ponders how to do.

Whether it was an instruction from heaven or a symbol of his injury, he felt that since there was such a change, he must find a way to solve it.

However, he wanted to use the magic power of space to repair the cracks in space, but found that there was no magic power.

Floating in the sea of clouds, he has neither body nor divinity, but a wisp of consciousness.

He is full of anxiety and helplessness, can only look at those space cracks, continue to spread in all directions, the sky will be cut into pieces.

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