"Damn it! What the hell?

What he said before was so good that he encouraged us to die. As a result, he escaped faster than anyone else

The master of clear sky fled to the edge of the sword array and swore in his heart.

Watching, Ji Tianxing easily through the sky sword light, without any hindrance, immediately chased over.

The master of qingkong was full of despair, and made a decision with a hard heart. He ignited the blood of God, detonated the rules and divine patterns on the divinity, and made a taboo.

"The sky is empty and the sky is in chaos!"

All of a sudden, he was ablaze with blood, surrounded by dense lines of law.

He is like a sword of fire. His speed has increased by more than three times, and he rushes to the edge of the sword array crazily.

Along the way, the stars and swords shuttling all over the sky were bumped by him.

Despite the scars and the blood on him.

But as if he could not feel the pain and lose his mind, he rushed to the edge of the sword array recklessly.

This taboo magic power, once put into practice, can make him three times more powerful, invincible.

But the price is also extremely heavy.

He has sacrificed two thousand years of skill, and there are eighteen divine patterns of laws.

It will take at least 3000 years of hard work to make up for it!

But he was driven to the brink of despair and didn't care.

What is more important than living?

Ji Tianxing saw the master of the clear sky region exert his taboo magic power, and his speed increased three times, so he gave up the pursuit.

After all, the shadow God envoy has already escaped to the edge of the sword array, and has already got into the broken hairpin to attack the sword array barrier.


He urged the broken hairpin with all his strength, burst out a dazzling light, and hit the light wall of the sword array with the speed exceeding the speed of light.

In the heavy noise, the light wall of the sword array that covers the sky trembles violently and cracks open.

The broken hairpin also vibrated violently, splashing out the sky light.

Although, the God of chopping shadow was also shocked by Qi and blood, and his eyes were full of stars.

But when he saw a crack in the light wall of the sword array, he was excited and ran into it more recklessly.

"Ha ha ha No matter how much his strength is enhanced, this sword array will not become a king level top-grade divine array.

With my broken hairpin, I can still break out of the sword array! "

The shadow God roared with emotion and recklessly erupted his power to the extreme.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing quickly moves past and intercepts the shadow God.

"I haven't broken through last time, so you can escape.

You want to escape this time? Dream

Ji Tianxing's voice was so cold that he waved his sword and killed Xiang bangkong Chai.

"The sword of destruction!"

He absorbed the power of the five elements world, holding the sword in both hands, he cut out a golden sword with a length of thousands of miles.

This sword has the power of opening up the world, cutting off space and destroying the world.

Like the sacred sword of the scorching sun, it cuts down with the power of destroying everything, making the whole sword array glitter with gold.

The God of chopping shadow forgot everything and went all out to urge the broken hairpin to hit the light wall of the sword array.

Seeing this, the broken hairpin is still thousands of feet away from the light wall of the sword array, and is about to collide with it.

At this time, the sword of extermination fell from the sky and cut the broken air hairpin.


A roar comparable to the thunder of nine days shook the whole world and burst out in the sword array.

The flying hairpin, flying faster than the speed of light, was cut in the waist by the sacred sword and flew out violently.

It not only did not hit the light wall of the sword array, but also rolled hundreds of times, smashed hundreds of stars and giant swords along the way, and finally fell 5000 miles away.

When it stops, the bright light on the surface is shattered.

The hairpin was deeply sunken in the middle of the hairpin, and her two ends were tilted up, and she was almost cut off by her waist.

Fortunately, it was a king level artifact, so it could be preserved, but it was badly damaged.

If it was a king level artifact, it would have been cut into two pieces or even broken into slag.

Seeing this scene, the master of the clear sky was terrified and could not help but exclaim.

"My God! That's a king level artifact!

The sword of the sword God just now is so powerful?

Didn't he fall into the realm of strength? Why is it still the king? "

The first reaction of the Lord of qingkong is that Ji Tianxing is still the king of gods, so he can smash the broken air hairpin with a sword.

No one could have done it if it wasn't for the king.

In the broken empty hairpin, the beheader of the shadow beheaded, bleeding from seven orifices and dizziness.

He was also frightened to the extreme, full of despair roared: "this seat of the broken empty hairpin, how can not stop?"

Last time, Ji Tianxing had no choice but to break the empty hairpin.

Don't say that it is hard to catch up with the broken hairpin.

This time, Ji Tianxing cut the empty hairpin with a sword, almost cutting his waist.Why doesn't the beholder God want to die?

Broken empty Chai is his greatest reliance and life card.

Now, life saving cards don't work.

He saw his own end, too.

Ji Tianxing carries the burial sword and flies towards the broken air hairpin.

He also frowned and looked gloomy. He thought in silence: "I have broken through to the middle king of gods and used the sword to destroy the world, but I haven't cut off the empty hairpin?

It seems that the broken hairpin is more tough than the ordinary King level top-grade artifact.

If one sword can't do, then two! "

The idea flashed through his mind. Ji Tianxing flew to the top of the broken air hairpin and chopped it down with his sword again.

"The sword of destruction!"

Once again, he took out the power of the golden sword.

The spirit of chopping shadow was full of fear, and the soul of the dead appeared.

He did not care about his own injury, so he quickly manipulated the divine array to control the broken empty hairpin to escape.

However, the two sides are too close.

Before the hairpin flew away, he was struck again by the sacred sword.


The sacred sword is still cleaved in the middle of the broken hairpin. The deep dent in the cut is accurate.

This time, the broken hairpin could no longer bear it and was split into two pieces on the spot.

With the sound of the crackle, two pieces of broken hairpins were thrown out to both sides.

Neat fracture, constantly pouring out of the mighty power, scattered God stone and all kinds of debris.

Even the ghost emissary hiding in the broken air hairpin was thrown out by the huge impact force and rolled across the sky.

Without waiting for him to stand firm, Ji Tianxing killed him again with a sword.

"Cut the shadow, you don't want to run away again this time, just die!"

Ji Tianxing drank coldly, waved his sword and chopped again and again, splashing out the dazzling sword light that covered the sky and the sun.

The God of chopping shadow, who was seriously injured, could only use his sword to resist.


"Bang, bang, bang!"

After a series of muffled noises, the shadow God envoy was defeated by Ji Tianxing, and the sword was chopped away.

Then, more than ten swords were in his body, and his body broke into pieces on the spot, spilling blood all over the sky.

After his body was destroyed, his spirit fled in a panic.

However, Zhutian sword array is intact, and even the broken empty hairpin can't break through. How can his divinity escape?

After narrowly dodging Ji Tianxing's two swords, he fell into a desperate situation and had no way to escape.

Along with Ji Tianxing's third sword, his spirit finally disintegrated and was chopped into the sky.

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