As early as 800 years ago, Fantian Xingyu had been the base camp of Fantian people.

Three hundred worlds have been occupied by the vatian tribe, and have been made into a piece of iron, solid.

The warriors and common people living in all over the world have long been accustomed to the rule of the vabatian clan.

Even if they are enslaved and driven and oppressed by them, they are still at ease.

No idea of resistance!

In Bai Long's words, the warriors and the common people in the world have learned to be submissive and servile.

After all, most ordinary warriors and civilians have a life span of less than 800 years.

They did not experience the great war and the miserable scene of the invasion of kuotan. They lived under the rule of the vatian people from the very beginning.

Most of the masters and strong men who lived more than 800 years died in the war.

Some of the survivors were also made puppets by the vatian clan. How could they have the heart of resistance if they worked for the clan faithfully?

When Ji Tianxing and other people killed all over the world, they became the public enemies of the whole world.

They not only had to deal with the vatian tribe, but also to deal with the siege of the powerful people of all ethnic groups.

Even if they explained their intention to save the common people, the warriors and the people of all over the world would not be moved.

They even showed that they lived in peace and did not need anyone to rescue them.

In the face of such a situation, the white dragon and the four beasts were very angry.

Even Yunyao and Jike were depressed with anger.

Ji Tianxing was not surprised at all. He tried to persuade the public: "no matter the creatures of any race, they like to be content with the status quo.

Even if you lose your freedom and you are enslaved and oppressed, you are in a miserable situation.

As long as they can live, they can endure everything.

As time goes by, servility becomes ingrained.

Therefore, we can not blame the common people for being too stupid, and we should not regard ourselves as noble saviors.

We are just Avengers, just to destroy the vartian clan, and do what we think is right

When they heard his persuasion, they felt much better.

Later, when they were besieged by the vabatian people and the aboriginal warriors, they had no psychological burden.

No matter who they are, as long as they attack or assassinate them, there is only one way to die!

On average, every two months, they have to save a world and kill thousands of soldiers.

After eight hundred years of peace, the sky cutting star region has also set off a bloodbath.

In the first few years, there were a large number of soldiers guarding the world.

Five years later, they saved 30 worlds.

From then on, when they arrived in the world, they found that all the soldiers who had been guarding the area had been evacuated.

There is no doubt about it.

The news of Ji Tianxing's invasion of the sky cutting star region has already spread in all over the world.

After receiving orders from vabatianxing, the vabatianzu, who were guarding all over the world, withdrew one after another.

They will not make unnecessary sacrifice and stay in the world waiting to be slaughtered by Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing and others found out the situation and changed the plan decisively.

Don't go to all the world to kill the vabatian clan, go straight to the sky star!

Anyway, the emperor, the emperor's division, the left and right Dharma protectors and the five marshals were all dead.

Today's cutting sky clan, the only strong people who can get on the table are emperor Hou Yun Shui Yan and Emperor Zi Tianshu.

Even if the mother and son summoned more soldiers to fight against heaven, their power would be very limited.

Ji Tianxing and others have no worries, and they can kill the sky star directly!


Deep in the sky and stars.

The famous star of valtianxing is quietly suspended in the void.

The whole star is protected by the dazzling purple light, and there is a huge colorful band around the void.

The colorful light band with a diameter of one billion miles is all condensed by the vast power.

It is not only like the protection ring of the sky cutting star, but also can deliver endless magic power to the cutting star, which is very mysterious.

In the three thousand worlds, only Vajra owns it.

After all, only Vajra was protected and supported by the gods of the upper world.

The star, which is only 700 million miles in diameter, is only the second largest among the more than 300 worlds in the sky cutting star region.

The largest star is huntian star.

More than 900 years ago, huntian was the main star in the whole star region.

However, after dominating the whole star region, the vartian clan became the overlord of this star domain.

Along with the name of huntian star domain, it was also changed to cutting sky star domain.

Today's vabatianxing is home to nearly 30 billion people, and its population has already expanded to the point of explosion.

Not only the land is full of countries and towns, but also there are countless countries and cities built on the big underground, in the mountains and forests, and on the islands with endless sky sea.The living problems of the people who fought against the emperor have been solved. At least everyone has a place to live.

However, the ability of reproduction of the vatian nationality is very strong. Under the protection and baptism of God's grace, the strength of the clan has been improved to the extreme.

The cultivation resources of valtianxing have been over exploited and collected for a long time, and have become barren and barren.

If it had not been for the nourishment of endless divine power, the fallen star would have been a deserted star.

Fortunately, the vartian tribe sent billions of elite soldiers to invade the major star regions and occupy more than 1000 worlds.

Every day, countless battleships will return from the major star regions to send back the massive resources they have seized to the sky cutting star.

When countless warships leave Vajra, they will take away a large number of elite soldiers and strong men to supplement the forces of the major star regions.

Only in this way can we maintain the balance and stability of varus.

More and more explosive population is being transported to the major star regions.

The cultivation resources from all over the world have been plundered and transported back to the sky cutting star.

On the surface, the vartian tribe is rapidly expanding and strengthening.

After a thousand years at most, they will be able to unify the three thousand world.

But the great emperor, the emperor and many marshals had expected a result.

In two or three hundred years, the balance of vara will be broken.

By then, the whole star will be abandoned.

The more than 30 billion people who attacked the emperor had to be divided into two groups and moved to huntian star and another star respectively.

Therefore, as early as a hundred years ago, the emperor was preparing for this.

There are two billion craftsmen who are building cities and countries day and night on the huntian star and that star.

A hundred years later, when the star cutting star was on the verge of being abandoned, the clan would cross the void and move to the two stars.

However, no one thought that the plan was in progress, and the vatian clan was hit unprecedentedly.

The great emperor and many strong men have fallen!

Among the most powerful, only empress dowager and Emperor Zi were left.

After the news was sent back, the Empress Dowager and Tianshu were shocked and grieved.

At the same time, Tianshu decisively issued a ban, blocking the news and forbidding anyone to divulge secrets. , the fastest update of the webnovel!