Speaking of business, Bai Long immediately stopped joking.

He pointed to the bar father and son and explained to Ji Tianxing: "master, this is the case.

Barr and his son have been dedicated to the implementation of the task, the task of mining the source rock mine is also in steady progress.

However, just five days ago, there was an accident in an area, and six soldiers responsible for mining suddenly disappeared.

When the Baja got the news, he sent 20 guards to check the situation.

I didn't expect that half of the 20 guards were missing, and the remaining 10 were evacuated in a hurry and came back to report the news. "

After hearing this, Ji Tianxing knew that it was an accident in the process of mining ore, not what happened to Barr and his son.

He frowned and asked, "I've heard that the magma ocean is very dangerous, but we don't have time to explore.

Bai Long, have you investigated?

Why are the soldiers and guards missing? Did you encounter the attack of some fierce beast and other beast

Bai Long nodded, then quickly shook his head, and explained: "master, after I learned the news, I didn't know that the matter was serious, so I took my father and son to investigate the situation.

The disciple searched the area and found no trace of fierce animal activities and no traps.

However, the disciple found a black hole, which seems to contain some array, which contains powerful divine power.

However, the disciples and the Baar and his son did not dare to enter rashly, nor could they explore the array in the black hole.

I had a vague premonition that the black hole might involve some secret, so I immediately sent a message to the teacher's wife. Please come by yourself. "

Ji Tianxing understood the context of the matter and nodded slightly: "white dragon, you have done a good job in this matter!

From the heart of the earth, it is located in the heart of the earth.

Since there are black holes in the magma ocean, there may be arrays and magic power, which are mostly related to the ancient times. This must be very important.

It should not be too late to let Barr and his son take charge of the overall situation, and do not affect other people's mining.

Take me to see what's going on

The White Dragon said yes, and in the language of the dixindong people, he told the Ba and his son.

Then, he led Ji Tianxing and Ji Ke to leave the cave.

After flying out of the temple of the earth's heart, they shuttled through the sea of magma and flew straight north.

The magma ocean is not flat, and the terrain has ups and downs.

But on the whole, the terrain in the south is higher and the magma ocean is shallower.

The more northward, the lower the terrain, the deeper the earth's core, and the deeper the magma ocean.

Ji Tianxing three people shuttle in the magma, fast as lightning, and closer to the earth's center.

Unconsciously, a day passed.

They flew more than 200000 miles and came to the depth of two thousand miles, under the four hundred miles of magma.

In this environment, not only to bear more terrible high temperature, but also to bear the pressure of endless magma.

The pressure has reached an unimaginable level.

Even if it is a mountain with a height of ten thousand feet and a radius of hundreds of miles, it is nothing but suppression from the sky.

Fortunately, Ji Tianxing, Jike and Bailong are powerful enough to travel freely in this area.

Jike is in the endless magma, the spirit body can't help but absorb the power of the flame, without any discomfort.

She looked around and exclaimed, "my God! The temperature and pressure here are so terrible, how dare those soldiers of the inner earth cave clan to move here?

Will it not be burned to fly ash, crushed into meat sauce? "

Bai Long chuckled and explained, "Shi Niang, the earth core cave people have lived here for tens of thousands of years. They have evolved and mutated for a long time. Of course, they can adapt to such an environment.

It's like the deep sea, cold and dark, and the pressure is strong.

But those ordinary fish still live in the deep sea and are not pressed into meat cakes. "

Jike glared at him and said, "hum! As far as you know, you know everything. "

Bai Long said with a smile: "Hey, it's natural. I'm a unique intellectual multi star.

If you have any questions you don't understand, please come and ask me, and I will give you a clear picture of science popularization! "

Seeing him so proud, Chico frowned and stopped fighting with him.

Anyway, it was the same in her previous life. She never won the white dragon.

At this time, Ji Tianxing pointed to a black stone in front of the magma ocean and asked, "white dragon, is that where the incident happened?"

White dragon quickly nodded and explained: "from here, it's just a huge ore.

But in fact, it's a hill buried in magma, at least tens of miles around. "

Ji Tianxing nodded: "let's go and have a look."

After that, he took the white dragon and Jike, and flew to the dark ore nearby.After a short close observation, he found that, as the White Dragon said, this is an oval black rock mountain, which is about 50 Li long.

The structure of Blackstone hill, more than 70% is the source rock, and the rest is various metals and gemstones.

"If you refine this source rock mine, you will get hundreds of millions of standard size source rocks, as well as many rare metals and precious stones.

The source stone we seized in the earth core cave before is less than one Chengdu of this hill!

This is amazing wealth and resources

Ji Tianxing couldn't help exclaiming.

Bai Long also nodded his approval: "if you can move this source rock hill back, it would be great.

However, this source rock hill is not simple. Master, you'd better be careful. "

After that, he led Ji Tianxing and Jike to the other side of the source rock mine.

"Look, master, that's the mysterious black hole discovered by my disciples."

Ji Tianxing looked along the direction he pointed, and sure enough, he saw a black hole with a radius of three meters at the bottom of the source rock mine.

The hole is dark and the same color as the mine. If you don't look carefully, you won't notice it.

Ji Tianxing is slowly approaching the black hole, releasing his divine consciousness to probe into it and examine it carefully.

However, as soon as his divine consciousness entered the black hole, it was engulfed by some force, and he could not detect the situation in the hole.

"It's interesting indeed!"

Ji Tianxing is interested, showing a glimmer of expectant eyes and trying to use other methods.

However, it took him a quarter of an hour to perform six kinds of magic arts, and he was unable to detect the situation inside the black hole.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that there are divine level arrays in the black hole, and powerful divine power waves are constantly coming.

However, the magic power he released was completely engulfed as soon as he entered the black hole.

Ji Tianxing is unable to move the whole source rock mine.

Bai Long and Ji Ke are also very anxious, racking their brains to find a way.

After a moment of silence, Ji Tianxing suddenly thought of an idea and took out the burial sword.

"Today, the burial sword is a source stone artifact. It is made of the same material as the source stone mine and should be effective."

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