Half a month has passed.

The situation of Tianjue Kingdom and Luoshui Kingdom has changed accordingly.

In a short period of more than ten days, more than 60 mining areas occupied by Tianjue Kingdom have been lost.

Ye Shuishui's deliberate plan took more than two months to occupy these mining areas, and lost all of them in half a month.

More than 600000 miners and defenders were slaughtered.

It is no exaggeration to say that the million troops of Tianjue kingdom are dead in name only, and their vitality is greatly damaged.

Today, only 200000 miners are left in Tianjue Kingdom, and there are 20 mining areas near Liuyun mountain.

Ye Liushui has been defeated.

Even if there are hundreds of thousands of troops stationed in the four camps, they can not be used easily.

The defeat has been settled, and ye Liushui is unable to return to heaven.

The person who caused all this was not the emperor of long fortune, nor the million army of Luoshui kingdom.

It's a young man in white robes crossing the border of robbery!

The guy who is known as the killer in white!

In the past 20 days, the white Shashen massacred more than 600000 tianjueyen, worthy of the word "killing God".

In today's Tianjue camp, we really talk about "killing God in white".

All the officers and men hate it to the bone, but they are afraid of it like a tiger!

This morning.

The sky was gloomy and gray, and there was no sunshine. Instead, there was a strong wind howling, as if a storm was coming down.

Tianjue camp, the most sacred and majestic conference hall.

Dressed in a purple robe, ye Shuishui sat in the first place, leaning on the throne, closed eyes.

He supported his forehead with one hand and thought with a frown.

His breath was cold and cold, and his body was still.

He seems to incarnate as an abyss of death, brewing the power of terror.

In the main hall, more than 20 gold armour generals stood on the left and right sides respectively.

The faces of the people were very ugly, their morale was very low, and their eyes were dim.

All of them are excellent generals.

In the past, they were arrogant and ambitious, and did not pay attention to Luoshui Kingdom at all.

When talking about the people of Luoshui Kingdom, they are talking about the words "waste" and "coward".

But now

After a long time, there was a senior general with white hair and beard standing up to salute Ye Shuishui.

"Holy emperor, now our army has suffered heavy casualties, and its morale has fallen to the bottom of the valley. Rumors have been circulating in the army, and it is difficult to pacify them.

The miners are also in a state of panic. Even if they are suppressed by force, they do not work. Every day, some people escape privately

It's no way to go on like this. Please make up your mind as soon as possible

This veteran general has a high reputation in Tianjue kingdom. He was once a Grand Marshal of an empire, known as Pang Shuai.

Now in this hall, he is the backbone of the generals, and his fame and status are second only to Ye Shuishui.

Ye Shuishui was interrupted and opened his eyes slowly.

He didn't look up at Pang Shuai, and said with no expression and Indifference: "when the eastern expedition started, Ben Di had already said it.

Our attack on the sunset God mine just takes advantage of the fire to plunder the mineral resources of the sunset God Kingdom and weakens its national strength.

Sooner or later, the occupied mining area will be returned to Luoshui kingdom.

Unless the people in Luoshui kingdom are crazy and fight us head-on, we will have an excuse to kill in Luoshui Kingdom and completely occupy the sunset God mine.

And what we have to do is to plunder as much resources as possible before returning the mining area. "

Speaking of this, ye Liushui's mouth gave a sneer and said in a solemn tone: "Ben Di thought that he could occupy their mining area for at least one year.

But who could have thought, this is only four months, everything is about to end!

Ha ha Just a young man in white who crossed the border of robbery destroyed the whole plan of the emperor and slaughtered more than 600000 people!

Even the waste of Su Changyun was not worthy to compete with this emperor. How could this emperor be defeated by a young man in white? "

Speaking of the last sentence, ye Shuishui's voice is shaking, and there is a murderous red light in his eyes, just like a raging lion.

Pang Shuai quickly bowed his hands and comforted him: "please calm down. The white murderer is powerful, insidious and cunning.

But after all, he only has the strength to cross the border. How can he be compared with the emperor?

Only because of the agreement between the two countries, the emperor couldn't do it in person, so that the white killing God was rampant up to now.

Otherwise, as soon as the emperor's majesty makes a move, even if there are ten gods killed in white clothes, they will be crushed to death by your fingers! "

All the generals began to echo and complimented Ye Shuishui.

Many of the water's anger subsided.

He frowned and thought for a while, and said in a low voice: "now we only have 20 mining areas left, and they are all near Liuyun mountain.All the miners and defenders, as well as the black guards and the guards, are stationed in these mines.

The defense forces of these mines are unprecedented, and the generals can support them at any time.

No matter how insidious and cunning the murderer in white can do

Pang Shuai nodded his head and said in a solemn voice: "what the emperor said is very true. Before that, the God in white was guerrilla everywhere, and he could sneak attacks on several mining areas every day.

But now it is different. In the past two days, he has only sneaked into two mining areas.

Next, his action will be more and more difficult, do not want to recapture another mining area! "

Ye shuihui nodded slightly and said coldly: "as long as we stick to the 20 mining areas, no one can take us.

During this period, we must try our best to exploit resources.

When the vein resources of those mining areas were drained, the emperor would order to retreat and return it to Luoshui kingdom.

However, our loss is so heavy that we can't let it go. This emperor can't swallow this breath!

Before evacuating, the emperor must find out the white murderous God and tear him to pieces and ashes

Listen to him say so, Pang Shuai and the generals are very expectant, eyes burning at him.

"I don't know what the emperor's plan is?"

The corner of Ye Liushui's mouth aroused a smile of bitterness: "we can't find out the identity of killing God in white, but Su Changyun certainly knows it!

The emperor wanted to write a personal letter to Su Changyun and ask him to meet him in Liuyun mountain.

At that time, the emperor has a way to let him hand over the white clothes to kill God!

I would like to see whether it is the fate of killing gods in white clothes, or the lives of 20 mining areas and 100000 armies that are more important? "

Hearing this, Pang Shuai and the generals were stunned and puzzled.

Pang Shuai stroked his white beard and frowned. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly understood something.

He immediately changed his face, looked at Ye Shuishui in disbelief, and asked, "holy emperor, do you mean

Using those 20 mining areas as a threat to negotiate with the Soviet Union and Changyun? To force him to give up the white clothes to kill God

Ye Shuishui glanced at him and said with a sneer: "so what? A white clothes kill God, then let this emperor's plan be destroyed, the loss is heavy.

If you can't kill the God in white, what is the face of this emperor? "

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