Yi Jian Wu Jun thought for a moment, and then dispelled the worries in his heart, revealing a successful sneer.

"Hum! You know you have no choice but to obey and yield!

However, I still want to warn you, do not want to play any tricks!

If you dare to have a different idea, I will let your wife and guard be killed on the spot! "

After that, the cave behind the emperor yijianwu waved.

Thousands of feet behind him, in a broad cave full of sky fire, several strong men came out at once.

The first one was a burly old man in a gold robe with a pair of eye-catching white eyebrows.

He was dressed in the same way as Yi Jian Wu Jun, holding a brush of dust and carrying a simple sword behind him.

However, his left hand glittered with gold, forming a golden net.

In the golden net, there is a beautiful woman with white skirt. It is Yunyao.

At this time, Yunyao's face was very white, and there were still traces of blood in the corners of his mouth. He was obviously injured.

Moreover, her hands were cut back, and her mana was sealed. It was difficult to struggle and move.

Even her rebellious sword disappeared without a trace.

Seeing that Yunyao was in such a situation, Ji Tianxing cherished and worried, and his murderous spirit became more violent.

Following the old man in golden robe and behind Yunyao, there are three handsome young men, all of whom have the strength to cross the border.

The three men, accompanied by Zhibai and shouhei, also walked out of the cave.

Zhibai and shouhei's injuries are extremely tragic, and they are all bloody and have been completely dyed into blood people.

They were also sealed with mana, tied by mysterious black ropes, unable to move and struggle.

They must have struggled with him before they were arrested.

Their injuries were so severe that they were mostly to protect Yunyao.

Such a scene made his eyes more and more gloomy, and there was a cold breath of death in his eyes.

The golden robed old man and three young men, accompanied by Yunyao and Zhibai shouhei, came to Yijian and stood by the king.

Yi Jian Wu Jun looked at Ji Tianxing and said with a sneer: "boy, your wife and guards are here. You can see them.

Now, give me the glass fire dragon and your sword

Ji Tianxing stares at him fiercely in the eyes and says: "one hand delivery, one hand release talent fair!"

Yi Jian Wu Jun immediately sneered: "ha ha, do you think we are equal trade? How naive!

You have no choice but to hand over the glass fire dragon and the sword.

Otherwise, I will kill them now

As he spoke, he pulled out the sword behind his back and pointed to Yunyao and Zhibai shouhei.

Ji Tianxing knows that the other side's interests are deeply affected, and he has reached a vicious situation.

He didn't dare to gamble on Yunyao's safety, so he could only temporarily suppress his killing intention and anger.

After all, Yunyao is his biggest weakness, the most fatal weakness.

After a moment of silence, he waved a golden glare and wrapped the glass fire dragon.

Under his "repression", the body of the Liuli fire dragon shrank rapidly and became more than three feet long.

In the process of being "suppressed", Liuli Huolong did not forget to struggle and resist.

Later, Ji Tianxing took out the burial sword.

He took the glass fire dragon in his left hand and the burial sword in his right hand, and walked towards the king of Yi Jian Wu.

Although he has been forced to compromise, but Yi Jian Wu Jun is very alert and alert to him, and will not let him close.

"Stop! You don't want to come here, just send the glass fire dragon and the sword to me! "

Ji Tianxing can only stop a thousand feet away from him, wave his hand and play two golden lights, and send out the glass fire dragon and the burial sword.


When the two golden lights fly to the front, Yi Jian Wu Jun reaches out and grabs the glass fire dragon and the burial sword.

The burial sword was motionless, just like a dead thing, but the glass fire dragon struggled hard, and kept making a roar of grief and indignation.

Yi Jian Wu Jun's old face is full of pride and excitement.

"Ha ha ha ha The legendary dragon is finally here

Excited, he threw the sword to Shen Yu.

He carried the sealed glass fire dragon and watched with burning eyes.

Jin Pao old man and Shen Yu are also new and exciting.

"Great! With the glass fire dragon, the rise of our door is expected

"With the glazed fire dragon as the sacred animal, we Qingcang sect will be able to carry forward and increase its strength. Who dares to compete with this sect in the future?"

"It's still martial uncle Yi Jian's clever strategy! So many adventurers came here to fight and even lost their lives for the sake of glass fire dragon.

In the end, we got the glass fire dragon without any effort

"After all, we laugh to the end! Ha ha ha... "The golden robed old man and the two young strong men are happy and looking forward to the future of Qingcang school.

Shen Yu's mood is more excited and excited, even full of the joy of revenge success.

He held the burial sword in his hand, looked at Ji Tianxing maliciously, and sneered wildly: "little beast, you were not crazy before? Now you keep going crazy!!

Aren't you arrogant? Don't you take us seriously?

How about now? Your beautiful wife has fallen into our hands!

The glass fire dragon you took great pains to get, as well as your sword, must be handed over to us!

You must be angry, aren't you? But how angry are you?

I like to see you spit blood when you are angry. Ha ha ha... "

At this moment, the humiliation and anger suffered before Shen Yu were all released, and the mood was very happy to the extreme!

Ji Tianxing ignored him and even didn't bother to look at him more.

He just stared at Yi Jian Wu Jun with cold eyes, and said in a deep voice, "the glass fire dragon and the sword are all given to you. Now you should release people!"

Yi Jian Wu Jun continued to observe the glass fire dragon and said without raising his head: "don't worry. When we leave this abyss and return to the flame mountain, I will release them."

Ji Tianxing had long expected that he would reply like this, and said in a solemn voice: "you should not keep your promise!"

Yijian Wu Jun raised his head, glanced at him contemptuously and said with a sneer: "boy, do you expect us to keep our promise? Don't you think it's ridiculous? "

"Good!" Ji Tianxing's mouth aroused a strong sneer and said nothing more.

Yi Jian Wu Jun repeatedly angered him, which had already made his heart's killing opportunity and accumulation to the extreme.

He is secretly accumulating magic power, waiting for the moment when the time comes, he will release the power of destroying the heaven and the earth.

Yi Jian Wu Jun no longer wasted time with him. He waved to the crowd and said, "OK, it's time to go."

After that, he took the glass fire dragon, with the golden robe of the old man and three young men, flying out of the desert at a high speed.

Ji Tianxing also quickly followed up, staring at the movements of the old man in gold robes and the situation of Yunyao.

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