The light of the sword, which is more than ten feet long, is bright and dazzling, cold and penetrating, and contains a chilling effect.

Ji Tianxing and xueshenzi were unprepared and did not expect someone to intervene suddenly.

Without waiting for the blood god son to react, the knife light that tore the night sky like lightning, then cut its neck mercilessly.


In the dull sound, the neck of the blood god son is cut off by the knife light, and his head is different.

Round head flying in the night sky, still eyes open, grim face.

Although, this injury is nothing to him, it can recover in an instant.

But it glared angrily and searched for the attacker.

But before he could see the person who wielded the knife, there was another flash of light, tearing up the night and suddenly attacking.


There was another dull sound. Its round head was cut by the knife light from the middle and burst into dozens of blood lights.

"Shua Shua!"

Then, one after another bright knife light, lit up in the night.

A knife is faster than a knife. The sharp light of the knife is like lightning. Its power is fierce and fierce, and its speed is incredible.

Within two short breaths, xueshenzi was hit by 49 knives.

The huge body of a hundred Zhang high was actually chopped into pieces of blood light all over the sky, like snowflakes.

Until then, Ji Tianxing could see clearly that the attacker was a young man in a black robe.

He is tall and slender, with long hair like ink on his head, and his face is thin and sharp. His facial features are sharp and sharp like a knife and axe.

His face, about 30 years old, looks handsome and cold.

Especially that pair of dark eyes, such as the blade of a knife, long and sharp, flashing fierce spirit.

In his right hand, he held a black sword about four feet long.

The blade is only two inches wide, sharp, narrow and long. It has a strange shape. It looks like a sword in three parts and a sword in seven.

What a murderous, cold and sharp young man in black!

What a simple, mysterious and cold sword!

It's a pity that Ji Tianxing didn't know the black robed youth, let alone met this man.

He could only feel the murderous spirit surging in the body of the black robed youth, just like the knife in his hand.

At the same time, scattered in the night sky of blood fragments, quickly gathered together.

The blood god son also wants to reunite the body.

Ji Tianxing rushed to the sky and beat out the holy white light.


Holy white light, all the blood light fragments are wrapped, quickly purified and swallowed.

After a few minutes, the white light shrinks back to his palm.

All the pieces of blood light disappeared, and the second blood god son was completely killed.

Ji Tianxing takes back his left palm, but he doesn't relax his vigilance. He looks at the black robed youth with cold eyes.

The black robed youth has put away the strange black knife, holding the black scabbard as black as ink, and stepped forward without expression.

He didn't open his mouth to speak. He walked step by step and looked directly at Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing secretly clenched the burial sword. He had a fierce mana in his body. He could explode a thunderbolt at any time.

He did not know, black robed youth is an enemy or a friend?

All he knew was that the black robed youth's Sabre technique was superb, and his strength was comparable to that of a robber.

This is definitely a formidable enemy!

After five rest, the black robed youth went to Ji Tianxing a hundred feet away, but did not mean to stop.

Ji Tianxing clenched the burial sword and immediately wanted to attack.

At this time, the young man in black stepped out and stood in front of him ten steps away.

An incredible scene appeared.

The black robed youth actually knelt down on one knee and clasped fists with both hands, and respectfully saluted him.

"See the master!"

"Well?" Ji Tianxing was stunned and frowned with doubt.

He had thought of many possibilities, and also speculated about the identity and purpose of the black robed youth.

But he did not expect that the young man in black should salute him respectfully and call him master!

However, he soon calmed down, looked warily at the black robed youth and asked, "why do you call me that? I don't know you. "

The young man in black still knelt in front of him, kept a respectful posture, and replied in a solemn tone: "it doesn't matter whether the master has met his subordinates.

The master just needs to know that his subordinates have no malice towards you and will protect you faithfully. "

Ji Tianxing frowned, looked at him carefully, and asked, "what's your name? Why protect me? "

Black robed youth tone calm reply: "subordinates know white, under the orders of the master, come to protect the master."

"Know white?" Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and whispered: "know its white, keep its black Know the white and keep the black. "

He frowned, thought for a moment, and asked again, "who is your master? Which faction do you belong to? Why protect me for no reason? ""Please forgive me, master. I can't tell you the name and name of master."

Knowing that the white face shook his head without expression, he took out a token that seemed to be made of black iron from the space ring and presented it to both hands.

"The master said that as long as the master has seen his subordinate's identity token, he will understand it naturally."

Ji Tianxing takes the token full of doubts and looks at it in the palm of his hand.

This token is only half the size of a palm, but it weighs ten thousand catties. It is obviously made of meteorite iron from the sky. It will not decay after thousands of years.

On the back of the token, several mysterious patterns are engraved, forming a pair of specious patterns.

But on the front of the token, there is a clear and mysterious pattern.

In the circular pattern, there is a mountain like a giant sword, standing on the sky.

The half mountainside of the giant peak is a sea of clouds, and there is a bright moon on the top of the mountain.

When Ji Tianxing saw the pattern, he suddenly changed his face and frowned fiercely.

"Why do I feel familiar with this pattern? It seems that I have seen it somewhere, and I have a sense of inexplicable familiarity? "

He held the token, frowned and thought, searching desperately in the vast memory.

It took him a long time to remember.

Before, when he broke through the emotional barrier in the lake of tears, the memory of the sword God appeared in his soul.

At that time, he became a sword God and sat on the Taoist temple on the top of Tianzhu Mountain and meditated under the stele of Tongtian sword.

There was a middle-aged man in huangdaopao, who came to see him with the bright moon.

At that time, such a pattern was engraved on the stone tablet at the edge of the Taoist temple.

The middle-aged man's Taoist robe is also embroidered with the same pattern.

There is no doubt that it is the emblem of Tianzhu Mountain Taoist temple!

Ji Tianxing suddenly realized and basically guessed the identity of Zhibai.

But another thought came to his mind.

"Tianzhu Mountain is the Taoist temple of the sword God, where the sword God challenged the martial saints all over the world.

On Tianzhu Mountain, of course, there are forces under the command of the sword God.

Unexpectedly, the sword God has fallen for thousands of years, and Tianzhu Mountain Daochang has not been dissolved, and there are still people walking in the world.

Zhibai and his master should be disciples of Tianzhu Mountain. They probably mistook me for the sword God.

But how did they find me? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!