The identity of the master is aloof, and has always been a posture of fairyland.

At the moment, he was really angry, quite excited.

It can be imagined that the news of the burial of the Heavenly Sword and the secret of the sword God tomb had a great psychological impact on him.

The great emperor of cloud waved his hand to him to calm down first.

Then, the cloud emperor showed a meaningful sneer and explained slowly: "yes, it is because Ji Tianxing has the burial sword that I connived at his arrogance, and went to see him in person, and let him go to Haotian tower in the wind and scenery.

The burial sword is not only a unique weapon, but also the key to the tomb of the sword God. It is actually the first artifact in the world.

Not only the emperor wanted to get it, but also the emperors of the great empires and the top forces of all countries coveted it!

Even the three gods also want to get the burial sword, and then explore the secret of the sword God tomb!

After all, the sword God is the first Wizard of all ages, and his martial arts talent is brilliant!

All the strong men in the world, including the three gods, adore and admire him incomparably!

Most importantly, the sword God is the only one who has risen since 30000 years!

He is the only one who controls the way to the upper bound

After listening to the words of the great emperor of cloud, the master nodded with deep approval, and his tone was a little excited: "yes! Since the end of the war between the gods, this piece of heaven and earth has been sealed by gods!

Each continent is not interlinked with each other, and the powerful warrior God cannot fly to the upper world. The heaven and earth are covered with invisible shackles.

Only a thousand years ago, the sword God successfully broke the shackles of heaven and earth, flew to the upper world, and became the king of the stars!

He is the pride of our Shenwu continent and the one who brings hope to the whole continent!

If you get the burial sword, you can find the tomb of the sword God, and then get the inheritance of the sword God and the way to fly up to the upper world.

Holy emperor, you know more than I do how important it is to bury the sky sword. Why let Ji Tianxing leave with the sword? "

The smile on the big emperor's face became more and more interesting, and said in a low tone: "yes, this emperor dreams to get the burial sword!

But not now!

On that day, the battle of ranking gods and disciples caused a sensation in the whole imperial city. Ji Tianxing became famous in the first battle and was also watched by the major forces.

Of course, it is easy for the emperor to kill him and seize the burial sword, but who can guarantee that there will be no leakage of information?

If someone recognized the burial sword, after the news spread, wouldn't it let everyone know that it was in the hands of the emperor?

What's more, after the emperor got the burial sword and opened the tomb of the sword God, it would certainly cause a strange vision of heaven and earth.

At that time, the six empires will cause a sensation, and this will spread all over the world.

The great empires and countless powerful men will scramble for the burial of the Heavenly Sword, and will find the sword tomb at all costs!

This emperor and the cloud empire will be in extreme danger. "

Hearing this, the master had already guessed his idea and nodded silently: "yes! There is a secret of the sword God's inheritance and ascension in the burial sword, which is enough to make everyone crazy. "

"For hundreds of years, the six empires have been fighting openly and secretly, trying to annex and get rid of each other," he said in a deep voice.

However, the strength of our cloud empire can only rank fifth among the six empires, and the details are very weak.

Once the other five empires know that the burial sword is in the hands of the emperor, they will try every means to fight for it!

By then, how can we resist the five Great Empires?

I'm afraid we can't keep the sky sword, and even the whole cloud empire will be destroyed in the fire of war!

Therefore, we must not rush for a moment! "

Finally, the master suddenly realized, nodded and said, "I see! The emperor is indeed far sighted!

I understand that although the burial sword is a world-famous weapon, it contains a great secret, but it is also a hot potato and a deadly poison blade.

No matter who gets the burial sword, it will become the target of public criticism, and will be besieged by the powerful forces of various countries.

The Emperor allowed Ji Tianxing to go to the Haotian tower, which was a disaster to the East, so as not to harm us out of the cloud empire.

You asked me to release the news of the sky sword burial, that is, to let the five empires snatch each other in order to bury the sky sword.

At that time, you can really get the burial sword if you take advantage of it again

When the master finished, the great emperor of cloud nodded slightly, revealing a sinister sneer.

"Yes, wise people have to plan before they move, and they have to look ahead and predict the future.

One month later, Ji Tianxing should arrive at Haotian tower.

The news about the burial of Tianjian has also been released.

The emperor believed that the other five empires would soon rush to Haotian pagoda and try to snatch the burial sword.

However, no matter who gets the burial sword in the end, it will lead to siege from all sides and even bring disaster to destroy the country!

We just need to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. "As he said this, the cloud emperor's eyes twinkled with cold light, and he said with a cold smile: "when the five empires fight for the burial sword, it will be the best time for the emperor to attack.

At that time, the emperor will not only win the burial sword, but also unify the six countries and become the first emperor under the Lord of God

"The emperor is wise! If you have such a grand strategy, you will be able to achieve your wish The master bowed quickly and flattered sincerely.

However, after he finished, he frowned and thought for a while, and asked anxiously, "holy emperor, Ji Tianxing, has he found the sword tomb?

If he had not been handed down by the sword God, how could he be so evil? "

The great emperor shook his head and said confidently, "the sword God is the first god man in ancient and modern times. Is his tomb found by ordinary people?

With Ji Tianxing's strength and insight, it's impossible to find the sword tomb!

What's more, he even took out the burial sword in front of hundreds of thousands of people in the arena.

This shows that he doesn't know the secret of burying the sword and the sword God tomb!

This damned fool doesn't understand what it means to bury the sky sword!

He was so ignorant that he got the burial sword. What a pity

The master was also full of indignation and nodded with deep approval: "yes! How beautiful was the sword God?

He is not only worshipped by hundreds of millions of martial artists, but also suppressed the three martial gods with one sword. He is really powerful and heroic!

I didn't expect that today, a thousand years later, the sword God's sword fell into the hands of a stupid shaft. It's a pearl and dust, and it's really a wristband

The great emperor chuyun puffed his lips, revealing a confident and domineering sneer, and said in a low tone: "bury the sky sword, one day it will belong to the emperor!

In addition, the territory and people of the five Great Empires must be subject to the feet of the emperor! "

The master looked at him firmly and said solemnly, "I will help the emperor with all my strength and unify the six countries."


Brothers, something was delayed yesterday. First, two chapters were replaced, and the remaining three chapters were filled at about 5:00 p.m. , the fastest update of the webnovel!