The next two days, the demons have been lurking in the camp, no more attacks.

In this battle, the loss of the demon army is not small, at least 4 million soldiers and soldiers died.

However, there are 20 million soldiers and soldiers in the demon camp. Four million of them are dead, and there are still more than 10 million left. They will not hurt their muscles and bones.

It is the death of several magic commanders and more than a dozen blood gods who really let the demon commanders feel angry and distressed.

These 20 strong men, whose strength has reached the level of soul refining, can command a million troops and stand alone.

In particular, the more than ten blood gods in the soul refining realm are terrible killing machines on the battlefield, which can create natural disasters and kill millions of troops.

There are also several magic generals who have been selected in recent two years.

They are not only highly skilled and highly respected by the emperor, but also highly respected by the army.

However, these strong men died in the war, and were all killed by Ji Tianxing.

The night demon commander and ghost beast of Youming town are also severely injured by Ji Tianxing.

It is because of this that the demon army crouched in the camp, did not attack, but also recuperated.

After the first World War, almost every demon soldier knew Ji Tianxing's name and hated him deeply.

Countless demon masters secretly vowed that when they broke the Tianlong pass in the future, Ji Tianxing would be broken to pieces to release his hatred.

Inside the Tianlong pass, the Terran camp is full of melancholy, and the air is filled with heavy and sad atmosphere.

More than two million surviving officers and soldiers are quietly recuperating and healing, and their morale is very low and pessimistic.

However, the commanders and generals have been pacifying the army to keep the camp calm and there is no riot.

All the officers and men know that the defeat of the Terran is settled, and the Tianlong pass will be broken soon.

The people just silently recuperate, waiting for the coming of the next war.

Most of them are ready to live and die together with tianlongguan after nine days, with the closing of the ancient Shenzhen array!

In addition, the emperor's edict has also been conveyed, and has reached the southern nine regions.

The garrison generals of various regions all acted according to orders, and mobilized large troops to rush to Zhongzhou.

At the same time, they also posted the imperial court's edicts everywhere to recruit young and strong warriors and experts to join and expand their ranks.


Unconsciously, seven days passed.

In the seven days after the war, there was no more fighting inside and outside Tianlong pass.

The golden shield covering the Tianlong pass also became dim, and the breath became weaker and weaker.

Many officers and men know that in two days' time, the strength of the ancient god array will be exhausted and it will be closed.

At that time, the demon army will easily break through the tianlongguan pass and send their troops to Zhongzhou.

In the whole Terran camp, the atmosphere is more heavy and pessimistic.

Even, some soldiers have fled in fear of death.

Fortunately, most of the officers and men were determined to die and were determined to stay.

The morning sun rose as usual.

Ji Tianxing finally finished the closed door practice and walked out of the chamber of secrets.

After seven days of recuperation, his injury has recovered 80% and his strength has returned to the peak.

After he left the chamber of secrets, he flew into the sky, overlooking the Terran camp below, and observed the situation.

Seeing that the situation in the renzu camp was relatively stable, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then flew to the commander-in-chief's palace in the depth of the camp to seek the emperor to discuss major issues.

When he arrived at the palace of commander-in-chief, several strong men were present in the hall of discussion.

The emperor and the four gods and generals are discussing the battle plan in two days.

When they saw Ji Tianxing enter the hall, they stopped talking and said hello to him one after another.

After the two sides exchanged greetings, Ji Tianxing saluted the emperor and then asked, "emperor, the strength of the ancient god array has weakened, and it will be closed in two days at most.

There are only two million people left in our army, and their morale is low What are your plans? "

The four gods and generals were silent and looked at the emperor with burning eyes.

They are also concerned about this question and want to know the answer.

The emperor looked dignified and said, "the emperor is not hiding from you. With our present situation, it is a foregone conclusion that tianlongguan will be lost.

However, tianlongguan is only a barrier between Northern Xinjiang and Zhongzhou, not the final decisive place.

The emperor has mobilized the forces of the nine regions in the South and sent a message to the Golden Dragon Emperor and the demon emperor, asking them to come and help Zhongzhou.

After a month or two, the demon army will surely send troops South and kill Zhongzhou.

At that time, it will be the final battle to determine the fate of our nation! "

Hearing this, the commanders understood what the emperor meant.

Of course, tianlongguan is important, but when things are impossible, they can only give up.

In any case, emperors and Terrans will not give up resistance.Ji Tianxing understood the emperor's meaning and nodded.

He was about to ask again when a dull noise came from the high sky outside the hall.

"Boom, boom..."

The sound was like thunder rolling in the high sky, and like the sound of sky collapse.

But the sound is not big, as if from a very far away place, faint, intermittent.

All the people in the hall were stunned for a moment, and then turned to look at the sky outside the hall.

I can see that in the sky at infinity, there are thousands of colorful rays, just like a rainbow, and like a giant sword, stretching across the sky.

All kinds of flaming red, dazzling purple, dark gold and ice blue brilliance, will be a gorgeous sky.

Even the sun's rays can't compete with those ten thousand rays of light.

Under the gaze of the public, those colorful lights at least as long as ten thousand li collide violently and collapse into pieces all over the sky, and then slowly dissipate.

After a long time, there were bursts of dull sound, intermittent transmission.

Subconsciously, several commanders thought that it was a vision of heaven and earth, and they all showed a shocked expression.

But Ji Tianxing was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of something, and his face suddenly changed.

"That's the direction of Dongyang Valley! Such an earth shaking scene, shining tens of thousands of miles, must be the supreme god fighting

The emperor had already responded, and nodded with dignity: "yes! It was the master of the mansion and the devil emperor fighting. They all tried their best to display their unique skills!

If I remember correctly, it is the six reincarnations of the demon emperor and the master's goutian Huanyue Gong!

I didn't expect that both of them were more powerful than they were in those years. The fighting against the war could be transmitted to a hundred thousand miles away! "

The tone of the emperor is also full of shock and inconceivable.

Several commanders suddenly changed their faces and showed anxious and worried expressions.

"No, the evil emperor and the master of the palace are fighting. The tens of thousands of troops led by the devil emperor must be attacking Dongyang Valley!"

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