When Ji Tianxing was locked up in the black wind cave, he had a fight with the black robed woman of the demon clan and knew that the demon clan was powerful.

Therefore, when searching for clues in the jungle, he always kept alert and did not dare to be careless.

Before long, Bai Wuchen suddenly made a new discovery.

He lowered his voice and said to Yun Yao, "elder martial sister, according to the investigation of Xuanji pagoda, Ji Ling's body is very close to us, in this mountain peak!"

Yunyao frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, and whispered: "master once said that the demons are ferocious and vicious. They are not allowed by all the tribes in the world. They hide in the depths of the earth, so that they can survive until now."

"In this way, the demons are likely to hide in the interior of this mountain peak!"

Bai Wuchen nodded in agreement and said, "elder martial sister, your analysis is very reasonable. We must find a way to enter the mountain. I guess the demon clan is likely to hide in the cave."

Yun Yao lowered his voice and said, "look carefully for the cave entrance."

So, three people continue to search the jungle carefully, looking for the gap or hole that can enter the mountain.

About an hour later, the three men searched the peak carefully.

Finally, Ji Tianxing found a dark hole in the jungle at the foot of the mountain.

The hole is two meters round, and is covered by a cluster of extremely luxuriant thorns.

If you don't go close and observe it carefully, you can't find it at all.

What's more, Ji Tianxing can clearly sense that the array was arranged at the seemingly ordinary cave entrance.

He waved to Yunyao and Bai Wuchen not far away, and they rushed over.

After looking at it for a while, Bai Wuchen pulled out his sword, and "Shua Shua Shua" several swords chopped all the thorns in the hole.

The hole is clearly exposed in front of the three people, and the light inside the cave is dim, so people can't see the depth clearly.

Yunyao frowned and observed for a moment, and then came to the conclusion that "this cave is equipped with a large defensive array, which has a strong smell of demons. It should be one of the entrants of the demon stronghold."

"Well, I'll see if I can break it." Bai Wuchen put away his sword and went to the entrance of the cave. He waved his hands to hit Zhenyuan and tried to crack the big array.

It took him half a quarter of an hour to try twice and failed.

Bai Wuchen's face was a little too much to hang, so he offered a mysterious pagoda and broke the array with the help of the power of the pagoda.

The mysterious pagoda is really wonderful, and soon broke the defense array of the cave entrance.


When the array collapsed, a black fog flashed in front of the three people, and the scene of the cave changed immediately.

The original dark and dark rough cave has turned into an ancient black brown stone gate.

The stone gate is three meters high. The door frame is engraved with the characters and strange symbols of demons, which exudes blood and cold sense of death.

"After going in, try to hide your breath and don't fight with the demons."

"Remember, our mission is to recapture Ji Ling's soul!"

Yun Yao's face was dignified and ordered two words, then reached out to push open the solid and heavy stone gate, and entered the cave first.

Ji Tianxing followed closely, and Bai Wuchen walked in the end holding a sword.

All three slowed down, held their breath, tried to hide their breath, and made no sound.

Some of the cave is dark and humid, winding to the underground, both sides of the cave walls have traces of manual excavation.

Three people walk a hundred steps along the passage, and the passage becomes as dark as ink, and there is no light at all.

But Yunyao's strength is extraordinary, even in this dark environment, can also see the situation ahead.

Before long, there were some forks on both sides of the passage, which extended several narrow passages.

Yunyao ignored the passageways and continued to dive deep underground along the main road.

About half an hour later, the three men went out ten miles in total and had already reached a depth of more than one kilometer underground.

At this time, the passage finally came to an end.

When they entered a huge open cave, they all stopped and hid in the dark corner to observe the situation in the cave.

The cave is 100 meters high and thousands of meters round. It can hold thousands of people without feeling crowded.

The top of the cave is inlaid with dozens of gems, which radiate a little light. Although it is a little weak, it can also disperse part of the darkness.

There are many huge stone carvings standing in the middle of the cave. The carvings are not human figures, but all kinds of monsters with three heads and six arms and waving their teeth and claws.

At first glance, the stone carvings of the demons and monsters, reflected by the weak light, were all green faced and fanged, very ferocious and terrifying.

On the walls around the cave, there are many stone gates with a height of more than three meters. Behind the doors, there should be channels or rooms.

Each stone gate is dark brown, the door frame and lintel are engraved with demon characters and symbols, which is ancient, mysterious and evil.

The cave is silent and silent, without any movement and sound. It seems to be shrouded in the breath of death, which makes people feel depressed.Yunyao is very sensitive to the breath of all ethnic groups.

This cave occupied by demons is full of blood and death, which makes her feel disgusted and resisted instinctively.

The three of them hibernated in the dark corner for a while. Yunyao used the power of the holy body and blood, carefully sensed it for a long time, and finally got the result.

Looking at the six stone gates around the cave, she lowered her voice and said to Ji Tianxing and Bai Wuchen: "among the six stone gates, the two on the left and the two in the middle, the demon flavor is more intense, and there are signs of activity. Maybe there are demons."

"Only in the two stone gates on the right, although there is a residual smell of demons, they are fixed. We need to search from those two stone gates first."

Bai Wuchen secretly sensed the mystery pagoda, analyzed the result, and nodded with approval: "the elder martial sister said it is right, I suggest to start the search from the right."

Then, the three exchanged a few words in a low voice and discussed the plan briefly.

Yunyao and Ji Tianxing hide in the dark corner, watching its change, into a white dust-free array.

Bai Wuchen stealthily touches the stone gate on the far right and silently breaks the array on the stone gate.

He had excellent array skills, and with the help of the mysterious pagoda, he quickly cracked the defensive array on the stone gate.

He pushed open the thick stone gate and explored in the passage after entering the gate for a while. Then he made a gesture to let Yun Yao and Ji Tianxing keep up.

They walked along the passage behind the door to the end and saw a wide hall.

In the dark hall, there are so many white bones!

Thousands of gray and white bones, piled up into a hill!

Most of the bones have been rotten for years.

At the edge of the White Bone Hill, there is a relatively complete, not yet completely decomposed body.

Even though the body was dilapidated and smelly.

But Yunji and TIANYAO immediately recognize.

That body is Jiling's!

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