Chapter 1135

Name:Sword Stirs the World Author:成刚
"How's it going? Did you get in touch with that side? " Xiongjingbian saw Shen Jianxin look different, quickly asked.

Shen Jianxin nodded and said, "well, it's clear, but I don't know what fat brother can do! But it's no use for us to worry here. "

Xiong Jingbian nodded, and asked: "the ancients said, one day in the sky, one year on the ground, we have been here for several months, and we don't know how long it has been. Did you ask the fat elder?"

"Oh! I was in such a hurry that I forgot to ask! Damn it As soon as Shen Jianxin mentioned this, he was immediately annoyed.

"It's OK, it's OK. At least you've been connected to the fat elder. It's estimated that the time hasn't been too long." Xiong Jingbian had to console himself.

Shen Jianxin is silent, because he knows very well that the fat brother is a human weapon made by ancient civilization. He has lived for thousands of years. Of course, that guy will not die so easily, and it is not reliable to use him as the standard.

Originally, since Shen Jianxin came to the blood world, he had the idea of not going back, so he tried not to miss his relatives and friends there.

Now he even got in touch with fat brother, which means that he has a better chance to go back, but he is not calm.

As long as I think of it, maybe I will return to the Terran world one day, only to find that things are right and people are wrong, the vicissitudes of life, even Xin'er is not in the world, how sad my mood will be.

"Let the old village head send someone to guard here. No one is allowed to come near. Those who violate the orders will be killed." Shen Jianxin was depressed.

Xiong Jingbian nodded and said with a smile, "don't worry! I'll move the camp here. I'll watch it myself. No one can get close to it! "

In the following time, Shen Jianxin dealt with government affairs in Yingyan county headquarters, further optimized and adjusted the county's economic and military forces, and gave full play to the maximum strength.

Xiong Jingbian, on the other hand, devoted himself to military training. With the existing resources, he kept the Chuang Wang army in good order. He also taught all kinds of essential tactics of the Terran world to the blood generals of the Chuang Wang army. The general's training was as good as his arm's command, and his combat effectiveness increased with each passing day.

After this period of rest and training, there are 500000 Chuang Wang troops in Yingyan County, and the whole army has obtained the magic power of blood fog through the altar of life. The army has launched a training competition, and every day some people break the previous record and make great progress.

According to the standard of the strong of the blood clan, there are thousands of marquis level soldiers in the Chuang Wang army, and they are increasing every day. However, this is not the most terrible. The most terrible thing is that in this kind of training competition, the 500000 soldiers of Chuang Wang army have almost reached the level of viscount, and one third of the soldiers have reached the threshold of the count.

If we add the bonus of weapons and equipment and group operations, then this army with a population of 500000 has completely crushed the standing army of metropolis in terms of the quality of its personnel.

Only the special forces can have such a high level of strength, but the special forces in metropolis are all based on 100 people. Those nobles dare not even think about it. There is a high-level special force composed of 500000 people and horses lurking under their eyes.

These former blood farmers have released all the grievances accumulated for decades. The reason why they practice so hard is that they don't want to be slaves again, let alone their children and grandchildren.

As long as you give them a chance, a chance to turn over, the energy they can burst out is absolutely a terrible existence that noble lords can't imagine.

And the source of this power is controlled by Shen Jianxin. The 500000 blood troops are loyal to Lord Shen. There is no doubt that they can die for him without hesitation and regard it as a glorious mission.

As a result of a letter from the British metropolis, Shen Jianxin was in full control of the whole Yingyan county. There was no exploitation or excessive collection. He had to rely on his ability to fight for strength. Moreover, the majority of blood farmers had their own fields and industries, and had a home to protect.

In such a unified atmosphere, even if the former nobles want to seize power, they don't need Shen Jianxin. The old village head and a group of senior generals of the invading King's army are enough to solve those disobedient nobles.

And there are tens of millions of farmers in this rich land for their information, the whole territory of Yingyan County, there is no voice of opposition.

The former three families, after they were given priority to Shen Jianxin, their strength rose instead of declining. Their army was much stronger than before. As long as they didn't oppose Lord Shen, they could get much more benefits than before.

Yingyan county has undergone such a radical change, and sporadic information has been disclosed on the virtual network, but it only touches the skin, and the real essence and inside story are not understood at all.

Because at present, Yingyan county is almost monolithic, closely under the leadership of Lord Shen, it is extremely difficult for outsiders to spy out useful information.

However, the blood metropolises represented by the British metropolises keep a blind attitude towards the changes in and around Yingyan county.

Because first of all, they are legal. Shen Jianxin received a letter of appointment from the British metropolis and admitted his dominant position in Yingyan county. At present, the mainstream idea of the blood world is to take the metropolis as the core. No matter how the reform and change in a place like Yingyan County, in the eyes of the real aristocrats, it is just a small fight in the countryside.

In fact, there are lords like Shen Jianxin who have made more sensational news in their territory, such as killing all the farmers, leaving only the young children to start enslavement education again and so on. Even their actions are ignored, let alone the changes in Yingyan county.

Under the rule of Shen Jianxin, the military strength of Yingyan county increased by leaps and bounds, and the civil affairs also underwent a series of drastic reforms.

Most of the credit is due to Xiong Jingbian. He moved the military reward system of Ming Dynasty to Yingyan County, which made these soldiers clearly realize that as long as they fight bravely and make military contributions, they can get their own land and reward, so that their wives and children can live a happy and safe life.

Therefore, the 500000 blood troops worked very hard in training, and everyone worked very hard, because before there was no war, as long as they got a good place in the military competition, they could also get military merit.

Moreover, the tradition of the blood world is also based on strength. The higher the title, the higher the combat power, the higher the status in the blood world. This is also an important reason why these blood soldiers play hard to cultivate.

Half a month later, the Lord's mansion of Yingyan County received news from the British metropolis. The British Pearl TV station, together with various media, decided to complete the unfinished task of the last time, and once again interview Yingyan County in depth to learn about the life of the lower class of the blood clan. The main reporter who was sent to interview must be the beautiful miss Yinying.

After learning the news, Shen Jianxin was noncommittal. At most, he was secretly happy. However, Xiong Jingbian unexpectedly ordered his subordinates to welcome the reporter group with the most ceremonious etiquette and scene.

At noon the next day, the flying ship full of reporters sailed into the airspace of Yingyan County in an orderly manner, and everything seemed so harmonious.

After the last tragedy, this time, the media of the blood world joined hands and paid a high price. They hired a legendary crystal team from the blood hunting association to protect the lives of journalists.

At the moment, Shen Jianxin and Xiong Jingbian did not appear in the queue to welcome the press corps, because they had more important things to solve.

It started three hours ago. The guard in charge of guarding the altar of life found something unusual in the temple and immediately went to report it to the old village head.

The old village head quickly informed Shen Jianxin and Xiong Jingbian.

So Shen Jianxin and Xiong Jingbian had already plunged into the temple of life three hours ago and never came out again.

Seeing that the press corps is about to land outside Lord Yingyan's mansion, Shen Jianxin and Xiong Jingbian still have no news to come out. Without these two important figures to greet the press corps, no one else can represent them!

The old village head really had no choice but to have an idea and send someone to invite Mrs. Luo Qiu.

Mrs. luoqiu is a close friend of Lord Shen and General Xiong. At least she has the same status. She comes from a metropolis and has seen the world. It's very suitable to attend such an occasion.

Now, the old village head has no choice but to treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor.