Chapter 487

Name:Sword Stirs the World Author:成刚
"Master, there is something I don't know if I should tell you." Green beauty hesitated for a moment, finally still youyou asked.

Shen Jianxin took a look at her and nodded: "you say, I listen."

"The snow Pavilion is not the private property of the pavilion owner and us. It has a backing behind it. I'm afraid this wealth is not so easy to use. " Green beauty frowned.

She was worried that the young man would waste the snow Pavilion on purpose, and she would not be able to tell the real owner in the future, so she told the truth.

"Well, I don't think it's qualified to master such a large sum of wealth in such a mysterious place. Tell me, who is behind the snow pavilion? " Shen Jianxin asked casually.

Green beauty was worried and said, "master, have you ever heard of Mohist?"

"Mohist? The one with the moments? " Shen Jianxin replied casually.

Green beauty smell speech, face slightly change, in the heart is a surprised, think this young exactly is what way? I've heard of such a secret school as Mohist!

"Good! Daxuege is actually the industry of mohmen. The leader of Da Xue Pavilion is just the leader of the branch of Mohist clan beside the leader of Nuzhen clan. " Green beauty clenched her teeth and said in a deep voice.

"Oh! It's the industry of Mohist! No wonder! It's okay, it's okay! It's a small idea Shen Jianxin said with a smile.

If you think about it carefully, the Da Xue Pavilion really has the style of Mohist. Whether it's making utensils or organs, only Mohist has such skills.

"I have a token here. Do you recognize it?" Shen Jianxin thought for a moment, then took out a wooden card from his body and threw it.

This wooden card was last time when she was in Qingzhou, she killed the Qingzhou emissary of Shenglian sect. However, she met the beautiful concubine of the Qingzhou emissary in the reed marsh. The woman called herself a member of the Mohist sect. She first invited Shen Jianxin to join the sect, and then proposed to invite him to be the guest Minister of the Mohist sect.

At first, Shen Jianxin didn't trust the woman who claimed to be a member of the Mohist sect, and he didn't like each other's style. Later, with the help of Mohist sect, Gongsun Yichen became the new envoy of Qingzhou, and he was still in the limelight of Shenglian sect.

Unexpectedly, the layout of Mohist is all over the world, and even the Nuzhen people have set up a branch entrance.

It's no wonder that there was a holy lotus sect in the Ming Dynasty to unify the river and the lake, and an organization like Mohist was stirring up the wind and rain in the dark. It's no wonder that the Ming Dynasty is not in danger.

"What's this?" Green beauty picked up the wooden card, started with a lot of weight, can't help frowning.

The wooden plate is carved with an ink character of ancient seal style, which is very similar to the style of mohmen.

However, the young beauty knows that the momen token is divided into four colors: gold, silver, copper and iron. The higher the position, the lower the material of the token. It's like she has a silver token, while the dead snow Pavilion leader's token is made of copper, but he has never seen a wooden token.

It's supposed to be a copy of the Mohist token! It's as bad as a joke.

However, green beauty dare not refute the new owner's face, had to disobey the nod, casually said with a smile: "the craft is not bad!"

Green beauty is about to return the wooden card to Shen Jianxin. Her fingertip touches a small raised dot on the token, and she is stunned.

She seemed to think of something very long, very long ago. It was a lecture she heard when she was young and still training in Mohist school.

"We are proud of simplicity. Our tokens are divided into four colors: gold, silver, copper and iron. The more common the material is, the higher the position is. In all my orders, there is a grain in the shape of rice, which is located in the center of the circle and represents the grain millet that nurtures the common people in the world. "

"Master, apart from gold, silver, copper and iron, is there any other material for the order? Why not clay and wood? Isn't it cheaper than iron? "

"You're right. There's another kind of Mo men Ling. It's the token of the supreme guest Qing. It's made of iron and wood, but it's rare. There are only three in each generation. As for clay and ordinary wood, they are easy to damage. How can they be used to make orders? "

The recollection of green beauty suddenly stops here and suddenly comes back to mind.

What she just touched with her fingertips was the grain on all the Mohist decrees, which represented the cultivation of the common people. That's why she began to remember this dusty period of time.

"This is the order of the Mohist guest Qing. It's made of iron and wood." Green beauty murmured.

Shen Jianxin said with a smile: "that's it! The man who gave me this token also said that he wanted me to be the guest Qing of the Mohist sect. At that time, I thought she was just making a fool of herself and didn't pay much attention to him. "

Hearing this, qingmeiren was shocked. No matter how hard she was to keep calm, she bowed down and said in a loud voice, "see you, Mr. Keqing

It turns out that he is a guest Qing of the Mohist sect. No wonder the leader of Da Xue Pavilion is defeated. His status in the Mohist sect is higher than that of the old leader of the Mohist sect!

I didn't expect that it was the middle and high level of the gate! It's not worth the death of the old lord! At this time, the green beauty was completely obedient and didn't dare to have a second heart.

"You are all Han people. Why do you want to stay in the Nuzhen territory to do business?" Shen Jianxin thought and asked in a deep voice.

He wanted to ask this question for a long time.

At first glance, these tycoons in Longquan City, including the people of daxuege, are all from the Central Plains. It's really curious that they can blend into such a scale in the territory of the Nuzhen people, but it's also a pity.

Green beauty half knelt on the ground and stayed for a while. Then she sighed: "we are arranged by Mohist and settled in Longquan City. However, they also know a little about why they stay in Longquan City. "

"The people are destitute. They are not born with the registered residence of the Ming Dynasty. They are also heavily taxed and have no livelihood. Everyone who goes to the border and has more courage will simply enter the Nu Zhen residence."

Shen Jianxin was stunned when he heard that Nuzhen was sparsely populated. He always encouraged foreigners to migrate, but he did not expect that there would be so many Han elites working for it in the territory of Nuzhen.

And the right and wrong in this is not clear in a few words.

"Perhaps, for the vast majority of the people, as long as they can live in peace, it is a paradise." Shen Jianxin thought to himself.

Three days later, chahasu, commander in chief of Longquan City, held a banquet in his mansion. All the leading and respectable merchants in the city were invited and let out the wind. All the invited merchants must attend.

Daxuege is also invited. Shen Jianxin and qingmeiren go to the banquet together, and by the way, she also brings a little girl Qiuye.

There are 18 tables in the courtyard of the headquarters. All the tables are full of big fish and meat. The dishes are rich, and the drinks are made with the famous Longquan wine, which is mellow and delicious.

However, the representatives of these big merchants who came to the banquet seemed to have no appetite. The so-called "three treasures hall" is not for everything. The chief soldier suddenly held a banquet and gathered all the big merchants in the city. Most of them announced something important. Many people were worried that Zhong Zhong would not be in the mood to eat.

Not long after, chahasu, the commander of Longquan City, finally appeared.