Chapter 1585: mesh

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
Gawain took several seconds to stabilize his expression and mood.

Then he responded with surprise to the voice that called him directly through the satellite signal: "Omega?! Haven't you left this planet?"

"I left, but before I left, I left a data module in the ancient Voyager satellite array," Omega's voice echoed in Gawain's mind, speaking slowly at first, as if After getting used to the language patterns of dealing with carbon-based creatures, but after just a few sentences, "I've been keeping an eye on things about 'hometown' through this 'eye' for the past few years."

Omega left an 'eye' in the satellite array before leaving?

This shocking news made Gawain almost lose his expression, and then he recalled the glimpse of the scene he saw in the satellite's surveillance view on the day Omega left this planet, and then he forcibly stabilized his mind. , and then asked: "Where are you now? How did you contact me? I mean, why does the Navigator satellite recognize your communication signal?"

"Have you forgotten? My creators studied the technology left by the Navigator 1.8 million years ago," Omega's voice seemed to have a hint of pride. A part of the knowledge from the Voyagers was used on the ship, and that knowledge came in handy when making the original Omega nodes... I found in my original database the ancient communication codes that the Voyagers had authorized the ground stations , thankfully, the code still works today.

"As for my current location... I'm on a rocky planet near 'O'."

Gawain was stunned, and blurted out in his heart: "Are you near 'Ao'? Did you fly to that star after you left Loren?"

"Yes, in the hometown of Loren, there are many races who are curious about 'O', and after understanding 'curious', I made this star the first goal of my journey. I flew a long time Time, lost some insignificant **** units in the middle, but managed to get to its feet in the end, on a dry and warm planet, I... 'built a nest'."

Gawain frowned slightly, this unexpected situation disrupted his steps a bit, but then he realized another thing: the communication between himself and Omega was actually not delayed!

Although the other party uses the communication code left by the navigator, the communication code itself does not have the performance of super-light transmission, and the distance between Loren and "O" has reached a distance that even light has to "run" for dozens of minutes or even It takes longer to arrive, so since the other party can communicate with him without delay... This means that the "Freedom Servant" who left Loren many years ago also has super-light communication technology!

"Have you found a way to communicate faster than the speed of light?" Gawain asked in surprise, "I remember that the giant dragon hadn't broken through this bottleneck in its heyday..."

This time, Omega was uncharacteristically silent for a few seconds, until Gawain couldn't help but want to ask again, and he heard the other party's response: "Before I left, I took a sample from a nearby scrapped satellite. Gone some useful parts, based on ancient research materials left by the creators, I spent years rebuilding my own signal projection system that allows me to have no corresponding remote nodes Sending and receiving information from a distance directly at superluminal speed Although due to functional limitations, I can only contact targets within a few light hours nearby, but it is enough to communicate with you.”

Gao Wen: "…"

"I'm sorry, I didn't ask your permission when I took those parts, and I didn't realize at the time that you were more connected to the Legacy of the Voyagers than the world knows. If you take those The parts are regarded as my own property, and I will find an opportunity to compensate, but it may be difficult for me to return the parts, they are dismantled by me... They are relatively broken."

Gao Wen never thought that things would develop like this. Rao was used to seeing strong winds and waves. It took him a few seconds to organize a reply: "...It's not necessary, anyway, it's not too big. Useful scrapped satellites... just take it as a souvenir from your hometown, or as a gift from me."

"Ah, so you don't want the rest of the scrapped satellites? If you don't, I think if there is a chance in the future..."


Gawain didn't expect Omega to be so rude. The other party's current "character" is different from what he remembered. At the same time, a series of astonishing information also made his mind fluctuate, and a series of questions immediately followed from the bottom of his heart. It appeared, but a voice suddenly came from the side interrupted his train of thought. It turned out that it was Rebecca who saw that Gawain had been silent, and her expression became extraordinarily solemn, and finally she could not restrain her worries: "Master Ancestor, are you okay? Are you feeling unwell?"

Only then did Gawain wake up from the exchange with Omega. He noticed the curious gazes in the conference room, his thoughts turned sharply, and he soon made a decision.

After quietly sweeping the audience with his eyes, he said in a deep voice: "Omega and I established a connection with the Tallond master control system that left this planet. It used the equipment left by the voyager to build and FTL communication lines between Loren, whose body is now resting on a rocky planet near 'O'."

Gawain's voice fell, and the surprised and stunned reaction instantly spread to every figure in the conference room. Everyone who can sit here is qualified to contact the information of the higher level, and among them, no one does not know Tallon De that coming-of-age ceremony, and the Omega system that left the planet after the coming-of-age ceremony, but compared to the Omega who suddenly contacted them, what touched them even more was the last sentence of information mentioned by Gawain: Omega is in "Omega". "beside!

"Your Majesty," Jenny stood up instantly, "you said Omega is right next to 'Ao' now? Isn't it just outside the 'interference area'?!"

Gawain nodded solemnly, of course he also thought of this: "I was about to ask about this."

Jenny nodded immediately, and the other people in the room who were discussing in a low voice also fell silent, and after sending a signal to Noi to stay calm, Gawain sank again. Connect to the depths and send a signal to Omega in the distance: "Do you know the predicament we are in at this moment?"

"Yes, I have been monitoring the communication signal across the sea of ​​stars. I am also very interested in the civilization of another planet, but I have never thought about when and how to show my existence. Sorry, this is the future. Permission to monitor."

"...It's that we don't have encryption at all," Gawain sighed, thinking to himself, who would have thought of this? When Loren established contact with Noi, no one expected that there would be a third party that could monitor this superluminal signal, coupled with the severe survival pressure and the reluctant superluminal communication level of the two planets, No one thought of encrypting this communication at all. I can't blame others for this, but it's a good thing. Since Omega understood the situation, he saved a lot of time in explaining, "Since you understand the difficulties encountered here, If I choose to send a contact at this time, I will have something to say.

"Omega, Loren needs help now, the magic tide observation device needs a 'pure signal' from outside the interference area, are you... willing to help?"

Omega was silent for two seconds before responding: "I'm sorry, although I do hope to help 'Hometown', I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to provide you with this 'pure signal' to you and the Noi through this time. The communication monitoring between the two, I have roughly understood the operation principle of the magic tide observation device. If you want to get the pure signal you need, you first need to build a second 'observation device' outside the interference range... I don't have such an observation device here, and I won't be able to build it in a short time."

Gawain felt a huge disappointment in his heart, but then, he heard Omega continue: "But I have a piece of information here, which may be useful to you."

"Information?" Gao Wen rekindled his expectations, "What kind of intelligence?"

"I want to confirm first that what you need is to 'distinguish' the two superimposed and unverifiable magic tide parameters, right? 'Pure signal outside the interference area' is just the means needed to achieve this goal One of them, but if there is another way to distinguish the two parameters, it should be possible, right?"

Gawain quickly raised his head to confirm the question with Jenny, and after getting a positive answer from the other party, he said to Omega: "Yes, as long as the two superimposed data can be distinguished, we actually discussed this direction just now, This kind of resolution can be achieved if the Austrian or the sun has enough fluctuations in the course of its orbit, or if we increase the accuracy of the observations to a certain degree..."

"Then it seems that my information is useful. If my calculations are correct, there will be a high-intensity energy fluctuation in 'Ao' in about fourteen days. The duration of this energy fluctuation may be short, but it should be enough to reach you The required 'resolution threshold'...provided you can catch this window, which may be only a few seconds in duration."

Gao Wen was stunned for a moment. The peak of the situation was transferred to him. For a while, he even doubted the authenticity of all this. Then he quickly asked, "Is this information true? But why..."

"There is an interstellar debris containing a high-energy reaction flying towards the star at nearly three percent of the speed of light," Omega said calmly. "In Loren's time, it is expected to hit the 'In the sea of ​​fire on the surface, this fragment is small, but the chain reaction it triggers will produce a 'flash' lasting seven to nine seconds that can be clearly observed on the surface of Loren."

Listening to the information revealed by Omega, Gawain suddenly moved in his heart. He seemed to have vaguely guessed the origin of the fragment: "Wait, that fragment should be..."

"It was an interstellar object that approached the local system about a year ago. It disintegrated on the edge, and its largest fragment has been moving straight towards 'O' for the past few months," Omega said in its unique The mechanical texture of the voice said calmly, "Because of the possibility of impact, I have been tracking the flight path of the debris for the past few months... I think, it should be the Noi's 'Observer' spacecraft at the end. wreckage."

Gawain was in a trance for a while. He connected all the known information in his mind, some interlocking events, some seeds that were planted a long time ago, after an incredible connection, they finally converged into a dark The stream of shimmering light stretched out, but he still couldn't believe that all of this would really happen, and after a few seconds of silence, he couldn't help but ask again: "That piece of... signs?"

"No, at least I didn't detect any life and thought reaction in it, and it didn't respond to any external signals, I even sent a few detectors to try to communicate at close range optically, but it was extremely fast and didn't stop Leaving the detector I sent behind," Omega said slowly, "in the optical image captured by luck, the detector can only record a faint golden flame, I think... that debris should be It's really inanimate, it's just following a certain trajectory towards the star."

Gawain listened quietly, and when Omega's voice fell, he said thoughtfully: "So it is impossible to determine whether this was a conscious and controlled impact."

"Yes, maybe it's just a coincidence that after the disintegration of the spacecraft, a piece of debris just followed the trajectory towards the most powerful gravitational source near it, but in any case, this impact will give you hope," Omi Jia said calmly, "'O' will flicker during the impact, and its impact time will theoretically be within the observation window. If you scan the magic tide with the observation device at this time, you should observe one of the two signals. As soon as there is a very noticeable change in will mark the correct key."

Rebecca watched her ancestors nervously.

In her eyes, Gawain was just sitting there quietly, with a serious and solemn expression, not speaking or moving, but she knew that her ancestor was communicating with a distant voice that belonged to a person who had left this planet. "Traveler", an artificial intelligence that once served the dragons and represented the most cutting-edge technological products of this planet, and this artificial intelligence has now been freed, it has traveled in the universe for several years, and is now staying "Besides the brilliance, and the help of this distant wanderer... may be enough to change the fate of the two civilizations.

Suddenly, she noticed that Gawain took a deep breath.

Then she saw a smile in his eyes.

"We will have a chance," Gawain temporarily ended the communication with Omega, he let out a long sigh of relief, then slowly got up from his seat, his eyes swept calmly across every figure around the conference table, "Omega Ga couldn't provide us with that 'pure data' directly, but it... he brought a vital piece of information, fourteen days later, when Noy and Loren's synchronized observation window arrives, what will happen on the surface of the star 'O' An observable, distinct flicker, lasting several seconds, during which time we'll have a chance to identify the correct wave.

"This stellar twinkle was triggered by a piece of high-energy debris flying towards 'O' at 3 percent the speed of light, the remnants of the Noy Observer spacecraft after its disintegration...though we cannot be sure if the impact was coincidental or intentional. For this reason, this will be the last chance for Loren and Noy to obtain the key 'secret key' before the arrival of the magic tide.

"Now, we can tell this news to our allies who are four light-years away."


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