Chapter 1582: sunset

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
During a synchronized observation window lasting about three hours, Noy and Loren conducted four deep-space scans in the same direction at the same time, during which technicians performed a system reset and wiring on the sensor array on the holy mountain. Various attempts, including hard switching, and all of them end up the same... That ghostly "extra shadow" still exists, two very different sets of observational data superimposed, even if it is synchronized on two planets In the case of observation, the error still cannot be corrected.

In fact, at the end of the test, even Noy's technicians began to wonder if the "extra shadow" was an error or another real magic wave.

After many attempts in vain, the observation window finally ended, and the simultaneous scans of Loren and Noy were forced to a halt.

The clicking sound of the printing device sounded continuously, and the snow-white paper tape slowly spit out from the printing mouth, which was a message from Nova the "Witch": "The observation window has ended, before the second window comes, we still have time to There are other ways to solve the current problems.

"The sages have received the system operation data sent by Loren, and we will conduct a comprehensive analysis of it in the next few days in order to find the reason for the abnormal value of the observation device. In addition, our superluminal communication will remain normal. Open, I hope to exchange their progress as soon as possible."

Looking at the writing on the tape, Gawain breathed lightly and said in a deep voice: "Received, the communication system on Loren's side will also remain on as normal. In addition, we will continue before the second window arrives. Single star benchmark test, although the parameters observed by a single planet cannot be used to construct the barrier frequency, but we may have a chance to find the cause of the failure from the benchmark test. All test data will be shared in real time, if you have any problems during this process Suggestions are also welcome at any time.”

The printing device was silent for a few minutes, and then finally a click sounded, and on the tape that was slowly spit out was clear and sharp writing: "Noy received - I hope everything goes well."

"May everything go well."

When the printing device and the magic net terminal gradually returned to silence, Gawain sighed deeply, then he stood up from behind the desk and slowly came to the large floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the still prosperous outside the window. thriving city.

The giant sun has already crossed the highest point in the sky, and it is slowly sinking to the west at this moment. The slightly orange-colored huge sun wheel has a faint wood-like pattern floating on the surface, forming a magnificent crown above the horizon. In the background of the sun wheel Down, some towers and high walls on the west side of the city turned into black silhouettes, the silhouettes overlapped, and the details near and far seemed to be obscured by the cold sunlight.

The magic net terminal on the desk suddenly buzzed again. Heidi, who was left in the study, stepped forward and connected the terminal. Rebecca's figure immediately appeared in the holographic projection, and the background behind her was a busy experiment. room.

"Lord Ancestor!" Rebecca's voice sounded in the room, "I have also roughly read the data of the last observation just now, and neither Jenny nor I can determine where the problem lies..."

"You and Jenny are waiting at the Magic Energy Technology Department," Gawain turned around and looked at Rebecca in the projection with a serious face, "I'll go over in person, and let's discuss this issue together."

Then he looked up at Hetty again: "You pay attention to the news from the 'Observer's Chamber of Secrets', if there is any change in the observation device, come to me directly."

After the instructions, he left the Cecil Palace directly and went straight to the Magic Energy Technology Department building not far from the central administrative district. It didn't take long for him to arrive at Rebecca's office, and when he arrived, Rebecca And Jenny has been waiting here.

"There is no need to be more polite, there are no outsiders here." As soon as he entered the door, Gawain waved to Jenny who was about to get up from behind the table. He grabbed a chair from the side and placed it opposite Rebecca's table, his eyes Then it landed on the unfolding documents—full of symbols, numbers, and graphics that covered almost the entire table, some of which were apparently just printed observations, and others that seemed to be drawn from the archives. What was taken out from the cabinet was the original drawing of the Magic Tide Observation Device.

"Just now Jenny and I turned over the original blueprint sent by the Noi people," Rebecca said quickly, "You know, in order to adapt to the environment on the planet Loren, and in order to use the deep blue netway to build 'Vibration focus', we have made a lot of adjustments to the Noi people's blueprint, especially the connection between the sensor array and the vibration focus has been adjusted the most, these changes may be the reason for the current abnormal result..."

Gawain frowned, of course he knew about these adjustments, but he didn't think it would cause such a big problem: "Back then, the Noy people confirmed every change we made on the blueprint, and all the adjustments were made. After repeated demonstrations by all the experts on the two planets, it is ensured that the normal operation of the observation device and the observation accuracy will not be affected, and theoretically there should not be today's problems."

"Theoretically...theoretically, it is true," Jenny on the side said, her expression was a little tired, which was caused by high-intensity brain use in a short period of time, "but such a large-scale installation, such a short period of time It is normal for experts to make some mistakes in the work cycle, and perhaps the adjusted blueprint has some hidden dangers that were not discovered at the beginning..."

Gawain touched his chin and pondered briefly: "So what have you found now?"

"Not yet, we're just starting," Rebecca shook her head, "There are a lot of original blueprints for the observation device, and this is only a small part. It's not a matter of a few days to sort out all the blueprints from scratch. , I'm just telling you that we have this idea - in addition to the doubts on the blueprint, we are still discussing whether there is any defect in the dark blue magic power as the energizing focus energy, or some local environmental factors in the Ancestral Peak are interfering with the sensor. The operation of the array…”

Gawain frowned, there were too many possible factors, obviously even experts like Rebecca and Jenny were at a loss for a while, but soon he shook his head, his voice as calm and reassuring as always: "Don't Urgent, we still have time to slowly find out the problem, today is to find a few suspicious directions, and then the technical experts of the two planets will verify these directions."

In the following half hour, Gawain, Jenny, and Rebecca brought up all the factors they could think of that might cause major deviations in the observation results, and Jenny sorted them out and recorded them in the memo.

Among all these possible factors, "blueprint defects" and "deep blue magic properties" are considered to be the two most likely answers to the current situation - and are also the most time-consuming and difficult to solve huge troubles once verified.

In this way, time passed by during the discussion, and dusk gradually came to the earth. The high-intensity brain operation made Gawain feel a little tired. He rubbed his forehead and tapped the table with his other hand. It took a long time to think deeply. Said: "Think about it again, what else is there that we didn't expect..."

Jenny looked at the records she had sorted out on the memo, her hair was a little messy, and a few strands of gray hair hung down from her forehead and she couldn't care for it. After a while, she gently shook her head: "Maybe The direction is already on this ... but I think there is one factor that we haven't paid enough attention to."

Gawain raised his head: "Which factor?"

"Interference, some kind of interference from outside the system," Jenny said as she pondered, "maybe there is some source of interference that is large enough to cover the entire Holy Mountain area and is affecting our observations, and this source is strong enough for the observation array. There are two shadows..."

"We discussed interference just now," Rebecca scratched her head, "but what kind of powerful interference is needed to make the system deviate to this extent? The energy drawn from the interior of the planet may require additional processing to mitigate this disturbance, but in theory the final energy delivered to the sensor array has already been processed by the 'Ladies of the Tower'...and if even the Lady of the Tower If Deep Blue's magic doesn't meet the requirements, then we can't find any better solution."

"...No, I always feel that there is something wrong, and there is an interference source that we have ignored," Jenny shook her head slowly, "Deep blue magic is still a factor in the observation device system, but I said, this interference should be From outside the system..."

Rebecca was stunned for a while, then turned to look at Gawain, as if she wanted to seek the opinion of her ancestors, but Gawain was also immersed in thought at this time, and did not give any response.

The setting sun is gradually sinking, and the splendid crown finally has less than a quarter of the magnificent arc left. The golden-red rays of the sun are pouring over the city like a waterfall, spreading all the way from the western city. In the sinking sunset, the light in the office also seemed a little dim. Rebecca shook her head, got up and walked to the switch of the magic spar light: "The sun is going down, I will turn on the light first..."

Before she could finish her words, Gawain suddenly woke up from his deep thoughts. He suddenly raised his head and interrupted Rebecca's movement: "Wait."

Rebecca was confused: "Huh?"

Gawain did not continue to explain, he just seemed to suddenly understand something, stood up from the chair little by little, and then slowly paced around the large desk under the confused gazes of Jenny and Rebecca, came to the In front of the wide floor-to-ceiling window.

The last golden glow of the setting sun was surging over the city, and the outline of the corona near the horizon was only a little splendid golden edge. There were large swathes of light reflecting on the clouds, which turned into blurred floodlights, filling the line of sight. Gawain squinted slightly. Eyes, watching the giant sun slowly sink, suddenly said softly: "'s the sun."

"The sun?" Rebecca heard Gawain's muttering, but didn't respond for a while, "What sun?"

Gao Wen's voice was low, he spoke slowly, and every word seemed to be powerful, while Rebecca and Jenny gradually opened their eyes in his words: "Virtual celestial body, we use this word To refer to those large celestial bodies that contain high-energy reactions and continuously release magic power. They are the natural focus of magic in the universe and the source of magic for many planets or satellites orbiting around them. The so-called magic tide observation device is to calculate the fluctuation data of the magic tide in advance by observing these traces..."

As Gawain spoke, he turned around, and the golden light of the setting sun splashed into the room from the window behind him, like a gorgeous cloak, and this "cloak" was getting darker and darker as the sun set. The looming darkness.

"Jenny, Rebecca, there are two eligible 'virtual objects' in our planetary system."

"What do you mean..." Rebecca finally fully understood what Gawain meant, but the answer made her feel a little hard to breathe, "What do you mean, the 'sun' on which we live is the biggest source of interference... "

"We are too close to our 'sun'," Gawain quietly watched Rebecca and Jenny in front of him, "because it is not a real star, but just a gas giant planet in a state of 'ignition', This leads to the fact that if life is to be born on the satellite around it, then the satellite must be close enough to it to obtain the energy equivalent to that of the star, but this distance... also means that the planet under our feet is completely 'Submerged' in the power of the sun.

"And in the process of orbiting the sun, there is another real star in our celestial system, that is 'O'. Scholars all think it is far away from us, but on an astronomical scale, we and 'O' The distance between them is not really far at all. The sensing distance of the magic tide observation device is calculated in light years. It calculates the magic tide by measuring the 'interference waves' emitted by deep space stars and nearby stars under the disturbance of the magic tide. The fluctuation... Rebecca, Jenny, do you understand?

"On our planet, there are two huge lenses in the 'nearby position' of the Magic Tide Observation Device, and these two 'lenses' can almost be regarded as overlapping on an astronomical scale. At the same time, we The planet was almost completely 'submerged' within the radiation range of one of the lenses, so when the magic tide observation device was activated, the signal from the depths of the starry sky was identified by the sensor array as two overlapping but distinct' Waveform'…”

The room became quiet, and Rebecca and Jenny both stood in the dimming sunset as if stagnant. After an unknown amount of time, Jenny finally hesitated to break the silence: "But...why are there no Noi people at all..."

"The planet they live on revolves around a star," Gawain looked into Jenny's eyes, and his voice was low, "they don't have the conditions to verify that the observation device will go wrong under the influence of the gas giant planet."

For some things, theory is always theory and practice is always practice.

No matter how perfect the theory, no matter how rigorous reasoning, no matter how wise the mind is, it cannot accurately predict how the real world will work.

Of course, the Noi people know that there are celestial bodies such as gas giant planets in the world, and they also know that the planet Loren is actually a "moon" orbiting a gas giant planet, but even they cannot predict this round of "Moon of Loren". "What a world of circumstances from their home planet, the fact that even they expected it to be meaningless—

The research and development of the magic tide observation device was long before Loren established contact with Noi.

"...the sun has set."

Jenny looked out the window and whispered to herself.

The last ray of sunshine on the horizon finally dissipated, the giant sun sank under the horizon, and night fell outside the wide floor-to-ceiling windows.

However, the planet under the feet of all beings in this world is still revolving around that giant sun—such as hundreds of millions of years in the past, and hundreds of millions of years in the future.