Chapter 1462: The night wind is getting cooler

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
Milmina’s voice fell, and the entire conference hall fell into a moment of silence. This is a path that no one has ever thought of. Let the magic goddess complete the transformation of the ancestral peak, and even become a part of the core of the observation device. This went beyond all previous plans, so that even Gao Wen had to think about the possibility of doing so from the beginning.

And after this silence lasted for several minutes, a slightly deep and honest voice finally broke the silence. It was Morton Molten, the king of dwarves, the hands of this old dwarf who is as strong as a rock with dark red beard and hair. He stood on the table and stared at Milmina with piercing eyes: "But there is a problem... Madam, if you help, will it cause the **** of magic to reconnect with the mortal world?"

Milmina calmly responded to the gaze of the dwarf king, with a smile under the veil: "During this whole process, can someone pray for the goddess of magic to come to earth?"

" shouldn't be there," Morton Molten touched his beard and shook his head slightly. "And even if there is such a sign, it will be prematurely pinched by the trial monks of the arbitration tribunal."

"Then I am not doing everything because of the prayers of mortals," Milmina said lightly. "This will be my free will. The spontaneous actions taken by a powerful mage named'Milmina' have nothing to do with faith. , It’s not the resonance of ideological trends, and I have to correct one of your statements, Morton, this is not a “hands-and-help”. In the face of the fate of this world, gods have never been “outsiders”. You are saving the world in which you live. I am also saving the world I live in."

Milmina’s last sentence obviously had a small impact on everyone in the conference room. Many people’s expressions changed slightly. They nodded slightly in a moment of thought, with a sudden and enlightened look. At this moment, they seemed to suddenly realize the fact that the "magic goddess" who appeared in front of them at this moment was not only a **** who once occupied the throne of the gods, but also a...being living on this planet like them.

This time, it is no longer a bridge for the gods to save mortals, this is the common self-saving of gods and mortals.

"Let me just say a few words." In the brief silence, Gawain's low voice broke the silence. "First of all, the Theocracy has determined that the ideological connection between Ms. Mirmina and the world has been completely disconnected. So on the premise of doing a good job of safety protection, she has no problem in her earthly activities, and we have also tested this point.

"Secondly, everyone here should not be unfamiliar with the research results of the Theocracy Council. We all know that the essence of'gods' is a reflection of mortal thoughts. In short, whether there is a spiritual seal between gods and mortals, the key point is actually It is not at all what the gods have done, but what mortals'think' what the gods have done. Therefore, our'information blockade' of senior advisors to the Theocracy Council is essentially just to'prevent the people from rebuilding their thoughts'. It's not controlling senior consultants.

"In fact, everyone should understand the above point, but if no one reminds us, we will inevitably fall into a misunderstanding of thinking and mistake the focus of the theocracy.

“Therefore, Ms. Milmina’s participation in the Ancestral Peak project is not a problem in itself. Whether we can do a good job in public opinion work, news management and control, and whether we can educate, literate, and guide relevant people is the biggest problem. .

"Finally, what I want to say is that sooner or later we may have to face the'final order' of God and man. The work of the theocracy has a supreme goal and a relatively clear line. Regarding the'final order', I also mentioned in the internal circular letter of the Theocracy Council last time that we ultimately do not want to eliminate the gods, let alone deny the concept of gods. This is the natural law of the world. The purpose of the theocracy council has been from the very beginning. It is to respect and conform to the laws of nature, not to the contrary.

"So, maybe now is the time for us to take steps towards this'final order'. It arrived a bit earlier, not as planned and smoothly transitioned as desired, but now that it has come before us, we should be prepared. Face this moment."

Gawain sighed softly. He noticed that many of the participants at the round table were already thinking, and not far away, Rosetta, Bersetia and other familiar figures nodded slightly. They noticed Gawain. He raised his head and nodded slightly towards this side, with approval and approval in his eyes, even the figure of Ophelia Norton was no exception.

"Then... let's take this as the final plan for the time being," Rosetta Augustus's voice broke the silence in the venue after a brief period of thought. "We will first complete the exploration and evaluation of the Ancestral Peak. The first step is completed by Ms. Mirmina. If it is determined that the conditions of Ancestral Peak are met, the technicians will quickly follow up and adjust and design the "Magic Tide Observation Device" sent by the Noi people according to the actual situation of Ancestral Peak. If the conditions of Ancestral Peak are not suitable...we can also find alternatives as soon as possible."

He then looked at Gao Wen and nodded slightly: "In any case, the most important thing is to act first."

"This will be an extremely huge project. Just the construction of the'vital focus' itself will be as large as the two blocking walls that run through the wasteland of Gondor, even with Ms. Milmina's help. The construction of surrounding facilities will also be an arduous challenge," Gao Wen nodded, then said, "The good news is that the alliance only conducted a'training' not long ago, and the waste soil blocking wall project has left us valuable. Experience. We now have the equipment and personnel to carry out this super large project, as well as the team needed to coordinate and direct this large project, everything can start soon."

He spoke slowly, his gaze once again falling on the technical documents in front of him. On one of the pages, the huge and complicated structure of the Demon Tide Observation Device came into his sight.

Gradually, that blueprint turned into another more realistic picture in his eyes

That is the towering sacred mountain of Ogure, that is the vast plains and hills around the sacred mountain, that is a completely transformed "Ancestral Peak", and a huge array of sensors built around the Ancestral Peak.

It will be a miracle built with the power of the world.

The meeting continued until very late. When the leaders of the meeting at the meeting table ended, Cecil City was approaching midnight.

In this cold and cold world in early winter, Frostsky is gradually climbing to the high point of the sky, and several cold stars are shining in the night, and through the wide glass windows, the radiance of coldness is particularly cold.

The holographic projections at the conference table were extinguishing one by one. The tired participants got up one after another, and gradually disappeared in the air after questioning the seats of the three permanent members. There was only one projection left. The Silver Queen Belcetia Morningstar was still sitting quietly in her place, and she suddenly said: "About what you mentioned "Final Order"... are we really ready to take this step?"

Gao Wen looked at the silver queen with a smile, "Want to hear the truth or lies?"

The Silver Queen rubbed her forehead: "What do you think?"

"Well, the truth is... I'm not sure, no one can be sure," Gao Wen sighed lightly and said frankly, "A lot of things in this world can be quantified, but only the'thinking trend' is an inquantifiable one. Something, it is a destined chaotic system, and the development and change of each moment cannot be accurately predicted... But the inability to accurately predict does not mean that it has no big direction to find.

"We are indeed not ready to meet the'final order' in an all-round way. After all, apart from a few'senior advisors', there are still a large number of'gods' still in their gods, and these gods are still in chains. At the other end of the world, no matter how much work the Theocracy has done to weaken the chains over the years, no matter whether these gods have broken free from partial restraint, it is an indisputable fact that churches around the world can still receive feedback from the gods and oracles. That ultimate goal... is still far away.

"But in some areas, the'final order' has indeed begun to be realized. This is mainly in the hands of several senior consultants. Although it has not yet reached the point where its existence can be disclosed to the whole people, it is carried out in Cecil. In the series of "Restricted Society Experiments," several senior consultants have indeed achieved satisfactory results in their contacts with the earth."

"'Restricted Social Experiment'?" Bersetia looked at Gawain curiously, "I'm interested in this."

Gawain glanced at Bersetia and suddenly brought up a seemingly irrelevant topic: "...Do you usually watch the magic movie?"

"Movie drama?" Bersetia frowned, "I will watch it when I have time, but what's the ‘restricted social experiment’ you mentioned..."

"If you are interested, you can pay attention to a documentary jointly launched by Cecil's Propaganda Department, Theocracy and Firm Films. There is a viewing interface in the neural network," Gao Wen smiled. "Maybe it will be pleasantly surprised."

Belcetia was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded with some doubts: "This... OK, I'll take a look later."

Gawain laughed. He slowly stood up. After a brief silence and thinking, he said softly: "Blind worship and blind resistance are not fundamentally different. Ignore the laws of nature and deny our world about ' The part of the gods, that is also a kind of ignorance and blind faith, and even in a serious direction, it is not impossible to create a godless **** in the future. If it reaches that point, the theocracy itself will become a breeding ground for gods. The soil, I'm afraid it will be the biggest disaster in the world, just like a "back tide" breeds in the legacy of the sailors.

"Seriously, I don't want to see the second'adverse tide' anymore."

"From one extreme to the other is the easiest mistake for mortals," Bersetia also stood up, listening to Gawain's words, she breathed out softly, and her figure gradually faded in the air, "I will Remember what you said today."

As Bersetia's voice fell, her last figure at the conference table was finally offline.

But Gawain was not the only one left in the conference room. Apart from Rebecca, the two "pleasure ambassadors", Tyre and Melita, also stayed in the room.

The communication network with Tarrond has not yet been completed, and the communication process with Antavien is more cumbersome. Therefore, in this meeting, two ambassadors participated in the meeting.

Melita got up from the chair, she tidyed up her dress, and came to Gawain: "About the disintegration and flashing of the Observer of the Noyman it true?"

"Do you think I acted in a play in order to facilitate the construction plan of the Demon Tide Observation Device?" Gao Wen smiled and glanced at Miss Lan Long. There are flashes that can be seen and so many astrologers in the world, it is not difficult to judge whether the'bright star' is an illusion in the atmosphere or a flash in space."

"I don't doubt the authenticity of that flash, but your ability to'play on the spot' is really impressive," Melita smiled and shook her head. "Of course, Talrond is supporting the magic tide. As for the observing project, I have no opinion on the'Project Three', but I have some personal curiosity..."

"The news is true." Amber's figure slowly emerged from the air beside Gao Wen. She looked at Melita's eyes. "Ms. Enya captured the power contained in the flash of light because of that. The light contains the power of the Ability God, and it can spread so far. After all...from there to here, even the light will have to travel 22 days."

After hearing the source of the news, the expression on Melita's face changed slightly, and then turned into silence.

"As early as more than a century ago, the Neumanns determined that our planet is the best observation point. For the past 126 years, their observation spacecraft has been moving toward this side, in the four lights. On the scale of years, that ship is almost on the way... It’s really a pity," Gawain shook his head, "From the perspective of one of the leaders of the Alliance, the arrival of an Ability God on this planet is something for me. It's very nervous and contradictory, but from a personal point of view... I originally hoped that the observer could succeed."

"...It doesn't make sense to say it now." Melita sighed softly and looked out the window.

In the ink-like night, the few stars in the Frost Sky Constellation are still cold, and the flash of light has completely disappeared from the stars.

Under this cold and endless astronomical scale, the brilliance left by Ability God only lit up in the night sky for more than ten seconds, and within these ten seconds, among the more distant and profound stars, How many civilizations are quietly dying out of the constantly advancing demonic wave, and even this little flash of light has not been released?

Starlight was shining in the quiet courtyard, the night breeze blew across the flower beds and evergreen bushes, a low rattling sound came from far and near, and a golden dome wrapped in a quilt was lying quietly in a cart , Maintained a long silence under the stars.

Footsteps came from not far away, sounding cautious.

A gentle voice rang from the golden dome: "It's so late, are you still up, Betty?"

"I heard that you are still in the courtyard." Betty rubbed her eyes and looked at the golden dome that had been in the courtyard all day. "And you sent back my maid who was on duty at night..."

"I'm just killing some time. I have countless hours to kill like this but I don't need to pull you up here to blow the air and get cold," Enya said lightly, "You don't usually worry about my situation so much, Betty."

"That won't work," Betty shook her head immediately, "I have to take care of you."

The Golden Dome was silent for a while, and then there was a helpless chuckle.

"...Have you been looking at the sky here?" Betty asked curiously, "Is there anything in the sky?"

"There are many, many things... worth remembering, worth admiring, worthy of awe, worthy of praise, everything you can imagine is available among the stars."

Betty shook her head: "...I don't understand."

Enya has a soft voice: "You don't need to understand, all living beings have limited knowledge. Even me, I didn't even know until today that the ‘voice’ conveyed in the original thought is a little faster than the speed of light..."

Betty thought for a while, and honestly shook her head again: "...I don't understand."

"Hahaha..." Enya couldn't help laughing, her mood suddenly seemed a little happy, "If you don't understand, you just need to live happily. Let's go back, little Betty, evening breeze It’s a bit cold."
