Chapter 1435: "Noy"

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
They call themselves "Noy".

This seems to be the name of the planet under their feet, as well as what they call their own race. In fact, the star solvers don’t even know whether the pronunciation of this word is correct, and can only temporarily regard this special vocabulary as “alien star”. The code name of "civilization".

According to the "Noyes", they have been transmitting signals in deep space for a full 1,400 years. This long action even spanned two dynasties and spanned the lives of many "Noyes". Now It has become an almost "regulatory order" behavior, deeply imprinted in their social operations.

This mysterious alien civilization is more frank and easy to communicate than people think-of course, it may be as they say, time is running out, and they have no choice.

In Cecil City, Gawain sat behind his desk and watched the whole thing. The holographic projection in front of him showed the real-time view of the Thorin Command Center, and the interstellar communication that spanned light years was taken by the starbreaker behind the scenes. We kept translating them and were sent to him simultaneously. The "initial conversation", which was the most tense and most variable, seemed to have passed safely. Now the experts in front are introducing and introducing the carefully prepared self in accordance with the plan. The content of the communication is transmitted to the distant starry sky, and at the same time, all kinds of information about this mysterious "alien civilization" are constantly being transmitted here.

"They seem to have known the existence of the'Magic Tide' a long time ago, and even vaguely know the truth of this celestial-level disaster," Amber looked at the paper continuously spitting out from the printing device, and looked up at Gao Wen. Said, "They mentioned a'pioneer group.' This pioneer group left them with a'prophecy' about disasters and a lot of technical information, but this pioneer group is not a sailor...the sailor has another in their language. A specialized vocabulary."

"This is very likely to be the fire left over from the previous season of their civilization," Gawain said of his own guess. The tide of civilization, this civilization now seems to be extinct, but they have left a lot of things to the'Noy' people... This makes the'Noy' people have a better understanding of the world in certain areas than we do."

"...This hasn't caused a problem with the gods?" Kohaku looked incredible.

Gawain frowned and shook his head slightly: "I don't know yet, we should ask about this later."

As soon as his voice fell, another new document was printed out. Accompanied by the creaking of the rollers, the remaining warm printing paper fell on the table, and the eyes of Gawain and Amber immediately fell on it. I saw that it was the latest exchange record between Noy and the Star Solvers:

Noy: "The pioneers have left a profound influence in our civilization, but when we generate wisdom in (untranslatable here), the pioneers have come to an end, and there are only a few who have fallen into chaos and have already The “descendants” who have completely lost the characteristics of wisdom are wandering on the earth. We get inheritance from (untranslatable here), understand the nature of the world, and know how to think. This inheritance will continue to be unblocked along with our development until we are qualified. Accept the'Star Tower'..."

Star solver: "What is'Star Tower'? This is not on our standard vocabulary list."

Noy: "The'Star Tower' is the ancient equipment we used to communicate with you. It is the relic left by the'Set Sailor' over our planet. The pioneers successfully awakened the Star Tower, but failed to change their own ethnic group. Fate, at the last moment, they left the Star Tower as a gift for us."

Star solver: "We understand. In other words, you have not really mastered the technology of superluminal communication, and can only rely on this ‘legacy’ to establish communication with us?"

Noy: "This is the case, we must rely on it to make our own voice among the stars-so the use of star towers has a special and glorious meaning in our race, and only a few qualified individuals can (not translated here) ) And achieve resonance."

Due to the cumbersome process and the limited translation speed, the efficiency of this conversation is really not high. When Gao Wen read the latest information, the star solvers far away in the Thorin command center were still making the next step. The stage of interpretation work gave Gao Wen and Humber time to slowly ponder the information revealed in those conversations.

"Sure enough, it's the same as we had previously speculated," Gao Wen breathed out softly, and put the page aside, "They used the legacy of the sailor to send out signals... This civilization does not have our own technical level. It's so amazing to imagine, I think it can make everyone breathe a sigh of relief."

"It's not only the technical level...the frankness of their communication makes me even more surprised," Amber said with a frown. "They answered a lot of questions and even took the initiative to reveal a lot of things. You know, in their eyes, we are also a stranger.' Alien civilization', but this group called'Noy' doesn't seem to be so... jealous about it."

"In fact, we may be equally'frank' in the eyes of the other person," Gao Wen smiled and shook his head. "Didn't we also prepare a lot of information about our own situation and pass it on? It's just that all the information has been passed through. Rigorous discussion to ensure that there is no harmful content in it-I believe the situation on the'opposite' is the same. The first exchange between two alien civilizations that have never been in contact with, both sides can only see what the other side can frankly show , And can’t see the secrets that were concealed from the beginning. The information on both sides is so closed that both parties are very restricted from even asking questions on their own initiative. In this case, the conversation itself means frankness.”

Amber listened to Gawain’s words thoughtfully, but at this moment, the printing device on the side began to spit out new content—

Star interpreter: "We already know something about the'disaster' you mentioned. On our planet, it is called the'magic tide'-our scholars believe that it will cause intelligent creatures to recognize the world. Distortion of knowledge, which in turn leads to the loss of control of the observer effect in the macro field, and ultimately leads to the extinction of civilization. Does this conform to your perception?"

Noy (there is a long blank wait here): "Yes, this is what we want to warn you about! You already have a certain understanding of this, and this is really good news."

Star solver: "Then can it be understood like this: You know how to deal with the ‘Magic Tide’, but you cannot accomplish this independently, so you need to cooperate with us?"

Noy (waiting blankly again): "At this stage, we don't have the technology to completely resist the magic tide, but we have some theories. Maybe we can protect the minds of intelligent creatures when the magic tide comes-but we really can't do this independently. ."

Star interpreter: "We need a clearer explanation to determine whether this kind of'cooperation' should be carried out. What is your theory? Why can't you do it independently, but there is hope in cooperation with us? How do you judge a complete The unfamiliar'alien civilization' can just help you accomplish this?"

Noy: "Because we have to calculate certain parameters of the magic wave on an astronomical scale to ensure that the protection technology is effective, and in order to collect the most primitive data, we need to establish at least two observation points.

"The distance between these two observation points must be at least four light-years away-this is the basic measure of the magic wave in a complete oscillation process.

"In this range, you are the only civilization that responds to us."

The content of the conversation on this paper ends here, and at the end of the paper there is a small footnote left by a technician: the above-mentioned "light-year" unit has been converted.

Gao Wen raised his head and looked at Amber. At almost the same time, they heard Bertila’s voice from the magic net terminal next to the desk: "Do you think the things ‘they’ said are credible?"

Gawain glanced at Bertila, then looked down at the conversation log on the printing paper, and couldn't help but slowly frowned: "There is too little intelligence... Our research on the magic tide is actually quite superficial, even The first "simulation laboratory" was a project that was just launched not long ago. These superficial understandings alone are not enough to determine whether these "aliens" are lying..."

He squeezed his eyebrows, his mind began to think quickly, and at the same time continued slowly: "...According to them, if you want to resist the demonic tide, it seems that you must first conduct some kind of large-scale'observation' of the demonic tide. Observation points are set up at two points in light years to confirm a certain real-time state of the magic wave... that is, their theoretical "protection means" should be an adjustable thing, perhaps the principle is against the magic wave. Is the tide'offsetting'?

"It sounds like the'pioneer group' in their mouths has left them with a lot of knowledge, but it also has a lot of'knowledge loopholes'. This allows them to understand the world better than us in certain fields, but there is no correspondence. The solution...or rather, the solution temporarily exceeds their current capabilities..."

Bertila was silent for two seconds before speaking slowly: "I don't know if they are willing to share their'protection technology' with us in the first place-or even just share their thoughts on this aspect. This should help us to judge. The credibility of this matter."

"Let the star solvers prepare for this question," Gao Wen nodded, and then he thought about it again, "By the way, how do they plan to'cooperate' with us-judging from the information revealed in the previous conversation, There is at least four light-years away between us and their planet. The only connection between us is this unreliable superluminal communication. If they consider these facts, they should at least have a better one. A feasible solution."

"Yes, the star solver team has started to edit the text."

The next was a rather difficult waiting process. In the study, there was almost nothing but breathing. Gawain and Amber stared at the Monet terminal on the table and the printing device connected to the Monet terminal, and at the same time subconsciously lighted with his fingers. Tap the armrest of the seat lightly—until a few minutes later, there was a sudden click from the printing device, and then a piece of white paper was slowly spit out with the sound of the machine shaft.

Gao Wen and Amber’s eyes fell on the piece of paper in an instant—

Star interpreter: "We do have the intention to cooperate. This is for the survival of both of us, but we must first understand your "protection theory" to evaluate the feasibility of the whole thing. Please understand our caution-because we We are also studying the magic tide, we don’t have unlimited energy."

Noy (longer blank wait): "...We understand and are willing to share with you our ideas in this regard in advance.

"The destructive mechanism of the magic wave stems from its'cognitive interference' of intelligent creatures, and our'protection' theory is based on this. We believe that if we can use some means to "cognize" intelligent creatures Fixing in a certain state of non-interference, or placing the minds of intelligent creatures in a'field of force' that can effectively fight the magic tide can avoid this disaster.

"The knowledge left to us by the pioneers mentions a device that can cover the entire planet. For the past 1,400 years, we have placed all people in the shelter of this device. , And now, the only thing that this device lacks is the observation parameters of the magic tide.

"So, we need your help."

Star solver: "...We have understood, but we cannot give an immediate answer. Our leaders need to conduct more careful understanding and evaluation, but please rest assured that the response will be given in the near future.

"Before that, we want to understand one thing first-if we really establish cooperation between us, how should this cooperation be carried out? The distance between the two planets is so far, and we are only one of each other. Stable super-light speed communication link."

Noy: "We will send technical information to you, including how to build an observation device for the magic tide, and a complete blueprint for the'Unity Field of Mind' device-although the latter may not be suitable for your ethnic group, it is for you. Say it must still have value."

Looking at the handwriting on the printing paper, Gawain fell silent for a moment, his expression extremely serious.

A "Mental Unified Field Device", a technology that has the potential to resist the demonic wave.

He wants either? Of course he wants it!

The "Noi" need the help of the Alliance. They spent 1,400 years to complete a magnificent project that can shelter the entire civilization. Now they have almost completed all the preparations, but they are stuck at the most critical step. Now they only need an observation point located four light-years away, they can activate the protective device, and then their civilization can be saved.

But they are not the party that "seeks to others", at least not entirely—because compared with them, the alliance has an unclear future. The "unity of mind" mentioned by the Noyes... is right now. Gawain has a fatal attraction.

In addition to this, things such as "whether the alliance has the ability to create the unity of mind device" or "how long will it take to create this thing" are things to be considered later.

But no matter how impulsive he is, Gao Wen can't immediately respond clearly.

After all, all his knowledge of this mysterious "Noy" civilization at present comes only from the conversation records on these pages, and many of the technology-related content mentioned in these conversation records require real experts. We go to discuss and verify as much as possible. He also wants to hear the opinions of Typhon and the Silver Empire-as the actual leader of the alliance, he is destined to not be able to get rid of his allies on this matter.

While constantly weighing in his mind, Gawain suddenly heard Bersetia’s voice: "Could you ask, if we don’t cooperate, what are they going to do? This'Noy' civilization... Is there any alternative? plan?"