Chapter 1388: Offensive and defensive reversal

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
Veronica walked out of the door, the warm sun of late spring shining on her shoulders, a brilliant round of huge sun hanging high in the sky, the crown of the huge sun and the light wood grain on the surface of the sun were imaginary behind the thin clouds. A magnificent scene, with a breeze blowing from a distance, blowing through Cecil's bustling streets and lush roadside trees, the wind is filled with the fragrance of vegetation and the sound of traffic.

She took a breath, as if to imprint the breath of the prosperous world into this body for a long time before exhaling the turbid air. She opened her arms slightly in the sun, and slightly narrowed her eyes. This body was Everything she felt was transmitted to the main servo matrix in an instant. Then, she opened her eyes again, and the images, sounds and touches captured by the 43,672 integrated sensors flooded her. Thinking thread.

The rough hot wind slammed sand and dust on the guard tower on the outer defensive belt. The damaged armor plate was emitting blue smoke in the dim sky. The welding drone was flying between the weapon station and the shield platform, coming from afar. High-energy missiles and magical beams cut the sky like a net, bombarding the ancient shield over the old Japanese imperial capital amidst howling sounds. The translucent energy barrier rippled through the bombardment, and under the waves of the energy barrier, distortions. A huge wave composed of synthetic beasts is surging from afar, and those mutated and distorted body images and chaotic crazy roars are transmitted back to the matrix through the sensors all over the battlefield, and roars are set off among the data processing units.

The deep laboratory is closed, the extension excavation station is closed, all processing centers and manufacturing centers orders are reordered, all the energy and materials of the bunker fortress are supplied to the war unit, the Ophelia Matrix has closed all the systems that can be closed for hundreds of years All the accumulated energy and resources were put into war factories and front-line facilities, and the Iron Man Corps also came out.

After seven hundred years of silence, the last legion left by the Gondor Empire once again set foot on the battlefield. This may be the last time they will defend their homeland. This time, they are not only defending the Gondor Imperial Capital. .

This is the 4th spring of Cecil, on the 50th of the month of recovery. The Battle of the Wasteland ushered in the biggest change since the war began. A series of attacks on the civilized world have been stopped, and the army of all lines of the alliance counterattacked and blocked the hinterland of the wasteland. When the extension of the wall was unstoppable, the dark priest entrenched in the wasteland gave up the confrontation with the main force of the alliance and chose to attack the Deep Blue Well desperately.

Aberrations, biochemical synthetic beasts, deformed root system giants, priests...All the forces of the Wasteland Legion have been integrated in a very short time, turning into a landslide and tsunami-like huge wave, facing the Deep Blue Well from all directions A fierce attack was launched, and the central area of ​​the wasteland, which had always been facing a confrontation before, fell into fierce war in an instant. A frenzied dark army covered the vast land around the ancient capital of Gugangdor. Fierce battles were unfolding on every inch of scorched earth. In the raging black tide, the brilliance of the Deep Blue Well once again became the most eye-catching light on this land, just like seven hundred years ago.

The great changes that occurred in the center of the wasteland were immediately transmitted to the entire alliance. This shocking change shocked the leaders of the alliance member states, but no one was truly panicked. The Supreme Staff of the Alliance, dominated by the three empires of Sylvain, Typhon, and Silver, conducted a deduction. The senior generals and military and political leaders of the three empires had already predicted that once the command of the Wasteland Army realized that the situation was irreversible and consumed If the tactics do not work, they will regard the Deep Blue Well as the "last choice". The entire alliance is waiting for this turning point. Therefore, although this turning point appears more suddenly than expected, the mortal army is not insignificant. Unprepared.

On the 53rd of the month of recovery, after an unprecedented mobilization of materials and personnel, the alliance’s entire line of advancement in the wasteland began to accelerate. With the three major empires as the main power, dozens of member states have come up with what they can do. All the soldiers, food, civilians, steel, everything is flowing toward the ancient Gondor land, turning into a fiery torrent on the front line, and the purification towers rising from the ground.

Soon after the alliance accelerated across the board, the commanders of the vanguard troops confirmed the signs of the decline of the Wasteland Legion. Although the more deformed bodies and synthetic beasts become deeper into the Wasteland, the opposite is the monsters. Command and combat awareness are rapidly declining. The originally disciplined and tactical Wasteland Legion is becoming more and more chaotic. On most fronts, the distortions have only known to charge blindly and rely on instinct to attack active units, and in a few areas even The emergence of completely uncontrolled "wild" aberrations and lost synthetic beasts, which not only relieved the pressure on the frontline troops but also confirmed the judgment of the commanders and leaders

Although the soldiers of the Wasteland Legion are infinite, the commanders behind them are limited. When they all turn their heads to attack the Deep Blue Well, the "sluggish troops" remaining on the front battlefield must be a gang of mobs.

On the front of Cecil, a dazzling white torrent roared through the sky, leaving a slightly distorted track in the atmosphere that was constantly evaporating due to high heat. At the end of the battlefield, the torrent came into contact with the earth, with high purity and high intensity. Arcane energy directly melted the rock and evaporated the ground, leaving a series of dark red lava scars on the ground, and the monsters running on the ground were all turned into smoke and dust under the white light, leaving no residue. .

The heavy armored train "Winter General" made a deep roar at both ends of the arsenal section, and a series of heat dissipation vents were opened under the armor plate. The alchemical coolant absorbed a large amount of heat in the heat exchange grid of the rainbow light generator and merged. White mist as transpiration sprayed out from both sides of this war machine, and the technical sergeants in the arsenal section immediately filled new coolant storage tanks into the slots, and the empty storage tanks came from the end of the carriage. Rolled down from one of the guide rails, and fell into the recycling bin to be filled again.

Disposable disposable coolant storage tanks. The adoption of this new technology (or new idea) has greatly improved the rate of fire and stability of the rainbow guns carried by the armored trains. Compared with the traditional ones, relying on a huge set of The heat dissipation system is maintained by the water pump and piping system. The new alchemical coolant storage tank has nearly doubled the rate of fire of the Hongguang Cannon, and the entire system takes up less than one-third of the old pump set. The space is even enough to install two near defense weapon stations and corresponding ammunition depots.

Philip stood in the tactical compartment of the Winter General and watched the scene on the battlefield through different surveillance pictures. He saw the remaining aberrations and biochemical beasts relaunching the offensive on the plains. It can also be called an "offensive." The fierce bombardment of the rainbow cannons and train cannons did not make these ignorant creatures fearful, and without command, they would not be able to find cover, disperse formations, and wave. High-difficulty operations such as the second charge, what they can do now, is that they continue to rush up in a swarm, and then face the baptism of artillery fire.

But the huge number and the attitude of being undaunted to death will eventually play some role. After the number has been cut by half, many monsters still rushed to a relatively close distance. At this distance, the rainbow light generator of the armored train Neither the train guns nor the train guns can fire smoothly, and they are powerless against the targets within the nearest firing range.

So the light infantry artillery, grenade launcher, train close-to-air cannon on the position, and the purification weapons in the hands of the White Knights and armed nuns have come to work.

In the dim sky, a tide of flesh and blood made up of wasteland monsters flooded into the defense line built by mortals. Near-anti-cannons and light rail acceleration guns began to roar, and the dense line of fire fell into the tide like rain, and set off after a short delay. Continuous shock waves and explosive fires, and then, white knights in heavy armor appeared more and more. They have strong armor, firm will and excellent shields (and the holy light with good special effects), which are enough to resist distortion The powerful and weak energy beams projected by the spellcasting units in the body and the egg-use magic missiles, and the holy light impact cannon in their hands is sufficient to purify all unclean things within a range of two to three hundred meters in a short period of time.

Immediately afterwards, the armed nuns also launched an attack on the front line. They were armored with reinforced shields, enthusiasm for the empire, and the holy light that created the atmosphere, and the sermon rods in their hands were uniformly equipped with a "gifted anger" type. Combustion system, this burner specially designed for female priests is much lighter than the heavy burners used by the White Knights, and has a relatively short range, but it is equipped with a duct for conveying special combustion agents. This duct is similar to the nuns. The "sacred storage tank" on the back is connected, and the high-efficiency alchemy potions inside can make flames burn on the profane heretical monsters until all their sins are purified.

Of course, some monsters in the wasteland are extremely resistant to burns, and the evils on their bodies are not cleansed for a while, but this is not a problem. The nuns have set up heavy combustion towers in their positions, and the plasma jets (high-end The magic whip of the flaming demon) can burn through even the outer wall of the reinforced concrete bunker.

As stated in the Imperial Standard Military Manual, the white knights and armed nuns are excellent medical units. Not only have the methods of healing and saving people never been criticized, but the methods of curing this land are equally superb.

The slightly reverberating artillery roar in the armored train gradually weakened. When the enemy was completely defeated, General Winter’s near defense artillery stopped roaring first, and then the infantry artillery at several nearby firepower points gradually quieted down, and Philip retracted it from the monitor screen. After getting out of sight, he turned to the other side of the carriage and opened the armor attachment plate outside the window, directly observing the situation on the battlefield by visual observation.

The main force of the wasteland entrenched in this area has been wiped out. Today, only a few lingering individuals are still stumbling and crawling in the sea of ​​fire and bullet craters. Instinct drives them to continue to move in the direction of life, and the soldiers do not have to go to the battlefield to clear them. They, they will take the initiative to crawl to the fire net and lead their necks to be slaughtered. The Wasteland Legion, which has lost its command, is after all just a group of monsters inferior to wild beasts.

Some wriggling shadows poked out from the edge of the car window. They were dark brown vines or tentacles. They wandered around on the scorched battlefield, rummaging and picking among the corpses, and Philip saw one. As soon as the staggering biochemical beast crawled out of the crater, it was curled up by one of its tentacles. The ugly monster struggled in the air, screamed loudly, and then was curled by its tentacles on the fire and roasted until it was ripe. Then the tentacles wrapped the trophy and quickly returned to the nearby ground crack.

The sound of chewing came from deep in the earth.

But more tentacles have found nothing. On the battlefield, either completely burnt and carbonized remains, or “mushy” that has been completely blown up and can’t be put together, or deformed bones that have begun to turn into smoke, if it was just fresh. Bertila, who had emerged from the edge of the Black Forest and was already hungry, was not unacceptable to these things, but now she is not so desperate for biomass, and of course she dislikes these "inferior foods".

The tentacles who had found nothing gave up their foraging on the battlefield and chose to go back and continue to gnaw the soil.

The magic net terminal next to suddenly lit up. Philip turned his head and saw a figure wearing a green priest's dress appearing in the projection. Behind this figure is the background formed by a large white flower field.

"Ms. Bertila," the young Imperial Field Marshal nodded to the outstanding lady, "We have cleared this area, and you can extend the follow-up limbs to build a position."

"When the surface cools down, I'll break the soil and the spores are already on standby in the soil near you," Bertila nodded, but then frowned, and muttered a bit resentfully, "What you can eat on the battlefield recently. It's getting less and less...Are you a bit too much? Especially those that were blown up too much today."

"This..." Philip didn't expect that the other party would really complain about this, and his expression was a bit embarrassed. "In fact, the enemy has no tactics after losing command. Those monsters swarmed into the fire blockade, and most of them couldn't wait for a close battle. It will be turned into dust by tank guns and rainbow jets. It is really not easy to preserve the relatively intact wreckage in this situation..."

"Ah, it's okay, I just said casually," Bertila found that this serious young man was really worried, and could not help but waved his hand, "This is a war, I am not here for a picnic. "

"Thank you for your understanding," Philip said with a serious face immediately, but couldn't help but ask, "Now it is more and more difficult for you to collect biomass from the wreckage on the battlefield. Is the growth supply in trouble? Do we need to add some additional pipelines and biomass splitting pools? Now the railway lines are unblocked and the transportation of materials..."

"No, the biomass supply is very smooth," Bertila interrupted Philip. "The purification device at the rear has been working. Now the clouds over the wasteland have become much more normal than before. I can rely on normal photosynthesis to absorb it. Part of the nutrients, and I found a new source of nutrients underground."

"Underground sources of nutrients?" Philip was a little curious, "You mean..."

"I successfully cut off the root network of the End of Everything in the entire northern region, or that my incompetent compatriots took the initiative to give up these things that they have no control over," Bertila said with a hint of joy, "Now I Gnawing roots."

Philip: "...Uh, you are satisfied..."