Chapter 1382: Exotic space

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
At the end of the stairs leading to the upper level of the observatory, the door stood quietly in front of Gao Wen and others. On the door made of an unknown alloy, the old coating has been mottled off. This inevitable aging trace seems to be Silently told the witnesses the vicissitudes of the past seven centuries.

"As long as you touch the door, an authentication system will be activated," Philip said next to him. "Failure of authentication will not attract any guards or security devices, but the door will remain locked. We have not found out where its energy comes from. Yes, probably the entire system is on the other side of the door. To be cautious, we did not continue to stimulate this thing."

Diana stood in front of the gate, staring at the mottled door in front of her, and then she frowned slightly: "I... do remember this door. The director and academicians usually don't allow general guards to enter. Observatory, but I have additional analysis functions, so sometimes I will help organize the information here..."

"Do you remember how to open this door?" Amber glanced at Diana. She seemed to think that this memory fragment of the ancient machine girl was a bit unreliable, and couldn't help but mutter, "If you don't have any trouble, then I can. Think of a way..."

"I only remember that the human staff of the observatory needed to use a card to open this door, and authorized guards like me only needed..." Diana muttered softly as if talking to herself, following. Some inner guidance reached out and pressed it in the middle of the door. In the next second, everyone present heard a slight "sizzle" sound from both sides of the door, followed by another stream of light flowing on the door panel. , Quickly converged into a green mark, and a voice with a serious tone shift and noisy noise came out from nowhere: "Drip the employee card, the certification passed.

"No. EX-800, Senior Guard Diana, you have been away from work for 270,365 days without a reason, and you have incurred a fine of 26 million and 76 Lulang for absence from work. Your vacation has been cancelled to the Empire. Calendar 3018, if you have any questions, please consult your position supervisor..."

This series of broadcasts not only interfered severely and intermittently, but also used the ancient Gondor language of 700 years ago. The pronunciation of many words has been very different from today. Amber was taken aback on the spot and grabbed Gawain's arm: "Hey, hey, What does balabala say about this door? Why is the expression on Diana's face momentarily wrong... Can she have such a rich expression?!"

"...Don't worry about it, it's just an error that an ancient system has run automatically for many years." Gawain's mouth trembles a few times, and finally he maintains his calm expression on his face. Then he turned his head and glanced at Diana. "Madam, you still All right?"

"I didn't expect..." A sudden heat rose behind Diana, and there seemed to be a buzzing sound coming from her body, "After seven hundred years, it still sounds so terrible..."

"Ahem, don't go to your heart, anyway, you don't have to make up for those hundreds of years of absence," Gawain coughed dryly, and then noticed that a gap seemed to have appeared on the edge of the door, "Anyway, this fan The door seems to be open..."

When his voice fell, Diana had adjusted the state of her mental core, and stretched out her hand to gently push forward the unusually strong door made of unknown alloy. She easily pushed it open, accompanied by metal friction. With a harsh sound, a dim and dark space on the opposite side of the door, as if filled with chaotic mist, appeared in front of everyone on the platform.

Gawain probe glanced towards the groggy space, only to feel that with the eyesight of an extraordinary person, he could not see the state inside, and there was always a layer of smoke blocking the field of vision, which was obviously abnormal. The scene made him vigilant for an instant: "The opposite is the'Star Observatory'? I think something is wrong... Philip, throw something in."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Philip immediately nodded, and then took a portable magic net terminal from the soldier beside him, carefully placed it at the door, and then pushed it into the door with the scabbard of the officer's sword. On the other side, in full view, the magic net terminal that was turned on and emitting a slight blue light passed through the gate, and then disappeared directly into the darkness as if it was dissolved by darkness or passed through the curtain, and the thin mist engulfed it. Without leaving a trace of it.

"This..." Philip frowned immediately, and then glanced at another magic net terminal set on the platform next to him. He saw that a certain rune on the base of the device was faintly glowing, but the holographic projection above the terminal was There is only a ripple of interference, "The Mowang terminal sent over is still running and undamaged, but the picture cannot be transmitted back, there seems to be strong interference, or... is the distance too far?"

While talking, he looked down at the scabbard of his officer’s sword. When he used this thing to push the terminal into the other side of the gate, the scabbard was also covered by the scabbard about a quarter of its length. Darkness swallowed, but afterwards he drew the scabbard back without any hindrance. Now he carefully observed for a long time and confirmed that there were no traces of damage on the scabbard, and there was no curse or magical aura left behind.

"...There must be weird on the opposite side of the door, as if there is a curtain blocking the peeping, but things can be sent in without being damaged..." Gawain also noticed the condition of Philip's scabbard and said thoughtfully." Just a layer of shielding? Protective measures?"

Later, Philip used another Mowang terminal to test. He adjusted the small terminal to the recording mode, then tied it to a long stick and sent it through the door, and took the stick back a few minutes later. The Mowang terminal also returned to this side of the door intact. However, when Gao Wen and others hoped to play the screen recorded by the terminal, they only saw a typical performance of serious interference with a dazzling light spot.

"It seems that the energy response we recorded outside the observatory before was indeed leaked from here," Philip said with a serious expression. "There is a very strong energy field behind the gate, and the magic net terminal cannot operate in it. This The small-scale leakage of the energy field becomes the periodic signal that the explorers observe with the equipment outside, but it seems that this energy field does not cause direct damage to the is just interfering with the operation of magic."

"Is there such a high-power energy source on the observatory back then?" Gao Wen immediately asked Diana next to him.

"No," Diana shook her head. "There are only various observation devices, recording devices, and a large-scale magic filter set on the observatory. They are all low-power devices."

Gao Wen frowned, and just about to ask something more, he suddenly heard Amber's voice coming from the side: "Come on, let me go and take a look."

When Gao Wen heard this, he looked back at the half-elf in surprise and glanced at when the cowardice faded? In a similar situation before, wasn't it because you carried her and threw this detective forward to work? Is the enthusiasm so high this time?

"What are you doing looking at me like this?" Amber immediately noticed Gao Wen's strange gaze, and immediately akimbo, "Isn't it because you brought me out to let me run forward to find the way? Is it possible that I still feel that my blood pressure has been low recently? Want to chat with me to treat hypotension?"

Upon hearing such self-aware and shameless speech from the other party, Gawain immediately confirmed that the product in front of him was still amber, and that it had not been worn by the unlucky soul from another world on the spot, but he still couldn't help but mutter: "I I didn’t expect you to be so self-conscious. It was not so easy to ask you to take the initiative to do something..."

"Nonsense, it's better if I take the initiative in the past than I will be thrown in by you," Amber rolled her eyes, and then her figure gradually faded in front of everyone, accompanied by a burst of shadowy light and shadow covering her whole body. She turned around and walked towards the gate leading to the upper observatory, "I'll go ahead and explore the way..."

When the voice fell, her figure had disappeared in front of everyone, and the curtain-like darkness of chaos engulfed her, which made Gawain a little uneasy, but at the same time he had confidence in Amber and felt that the other party's first-class running skills With the life creed that survival is the first, even if there is any danger on the other side, he will definitely be able to flee back in the first time...

The thought in his mind just halfway through, Amber passed through the curtain for only two or three seconds, everyone suddenly felt a flower in front of them, and a group of flickering light and shadow came out of the door, and then It was Amber who jumped from the light and shadow to the ground and her screaming yelling: "Oh my god, the opposite is amazing! You guys go over and take a look! I don't have enough vocabulary!"

The few people guarding the door couldn't help but glance at each other, but before anyone took action subconsciously, Philip took the lead and put his hand on the saber, watching Kohaku cautiously: "The seventh of the Imperial Charter. What is Article 17 of Chapter?"

Amber was taken aback, and then stared, "Ah? How can I recite this!"

When Philip heard this expression, he suddenly relaxed a little, and Gawain immediately asked a question: "How do you usually call me? I mean when my mouth is broken."

Kohaku suddenly shrank his neck and glanced at the sword in Philip's hand, and muttered, "I said that word and he must have cut it with a single sword..."

Gao Wen breathed a sigh of relief, and stretched out his hand to press the opponent's hair: "Necessary process, understand."

"I understand, I understand, this kind of strange place, the returning explorer ghost knows what has changed, how many powerful adventurers have been destroyed here," Amber suddenly waved his hand quite generously. He also said that he has rich experience in related fields, "Let’s talk about the opposite, there is no danger there, but it is a...very incredible place, definitely not in a normal space. You will know it by yourself."

Gao Wen raised his head and nodded slightly when he saw Diana on the opposite side. Then he took a step forward and led everyone across the weird door.

At the moment the darkness struck, he felt that he had passed through a cool curtain, and at the same time an electric shock came from his skin. The rapid changes in the surrounding atmosphere made him quickly realize that he was crossing a certain " Discontinuous time and space", and a similar feeling, he is no stranger to entering the static "battlefield of the gods" in the deepest part of the eternal storm, he also had this kind of wonderful experience of entering time and space.

Then he took the second step, the darkness faded in an instant, and everyone's eyes suddenly opened up.

Gao Wen's eyes widened.

He saw an extremely wide circular platform. It looked like the upper layer of the observatory, but it was by no means a normal "upper layer." The original walls around and the hemispheric dome that should have existed above were torn by some unknown force. Become fragments, countless huge wall and roof debris floating around the platform as if losing gravity, and revolving in the air, and beyond the fragmented floating debris, there is a sky full of chaotic colors, a kind of It is a purple-red background filtered by a filter that covers the entire space, giving everything a distinct sense of "foreign".

And just above this "foreign" space, Gao Wen saw a starry sky that was clearer than any other place, and the sky filled with purple and red colors seemed to have cracked a hole there, as if a curtain had broken open. In a hole, a huge irregular crack, you can see the twinkling of stars.

That was a magnificent and wonderful starry sky, but in this obviously strange space, the only normal starry sky has become the strangest existence.

"This is..." Philip's voice came from the rear, and he followed Gao Wen into this space. The strange scene in front of him made the young imperial general stare, and his sight first fell on those who lost gravity. 、 On the huge building fragments that swirled like a vortex in the high sky nearby, "Those are the fragments of the superstructure of the observatory? But when you look outside..."

"When you look outside, the observatory is complete, and its upper level is clear at a glance," Gao Wen said in a deep voice, "but here, we saw a torn observatory, and the entire observatory seemed to fall into It’s like distorting time and space..."

Amber swallowed nervously and looked up at Gawain: "You know a lot, what do you think is going on?"

"Perhaps... this is some kind of space-time mirror image, a'duplicate' generated by the Verpland Observatory in a distorted space-time node. In this chaotic space-time, the observatory has been destroyed, or it is similar to the shadow world. The environment, the observatory in the real world produced a falsely superimposed phantom here, or...someone voluntarily created such an anomalous space," Gawain shook his head. The key is Ms. Diana, the only one of us who may have clues. Do you know this place? What are your thoughts?"

Diana also walked past the door. Now the door is still standing where it should be, but there is no wall around the door. It stands alone in the air like a weird entrance to time and space. The opposite of the door is dark. .

Diana looked up at this unusual place, her face couldn't help showing a look of surprise, and then whispered: "This... is indeed an observatory. I still recognize what it looks like, but why does this place become..."

She muttered to herself in confusion, and unconsciously walked forward to the center of the platform. There was the center of the entire space. A hazy light gathered there, seeming to be protecting some secrets and blocking everyone’s sight. Gao Wen also saw the brilliance just now, but he did not dare to step forward. At this moment, seeing Diana walking forward, he could not help but speak: "Be cautious, Diana girl..."

Gao Wen didn't finish his words.

Because a hum of energy suddenly sounded in the air, a group of hazy brilliance suddenly condensed in front of Diana, which interrupted Gawain’s words and made everyone feel like an enemy in an instant, but Diana immediately I saw a familiar figure gradually emerging from the dim light.

"Scott... Sir? Director?"