Chapter 1377: Next stage

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
Another army of deformed bodies was systematically wiped out in the flames and thunder fires. Their fierce and undaunted offensive failed to break through the lines of defense of the mortals, but only slightly delayed the activation time of the purification devices-a large number of lower-level units were destroyed. The neural signal returned during the eradication formed a sharp whistle in the root network, and the whistling sound was transmitted and echoed between the command nodes composed of dark priests. By the time it was passed to the highest node, there was only a little insignificance left. Aftermath.

The dry wind blew over the hills and wasteland, the withered and twisted branches of Borken trembled slightly in the wind, and the dark master was listening to the voices from afar in the wind. Those inferior and wise subordinate nodes were dying. The wailing sounded vaguely like a distant dream. After a few minutes, the dark priest leader woke up from the "dream", and his attention gradually returned to the real world in front of him.

"They have started to fight back across the board." He said slowly and in a low voice, but not to any specific priest, but to whisper softly in the entire root network. He was not worried that this would affect his own "morale." , Because all priests are connected in the same root network, everyone’s emotions have been "assimilated" to a certain extent in the long-term connection, although every node in this network still maintains the original character and memory But in addition, they have all been erased from the idea of ​​"betrayal" or "abandonment". No matter how the situation changes, the will of the Order will always be firm and will always move towards that ultimate goal.

This is a joint and voluntary decision made by everyone, and Borken himself is no exception.

"Those purification devices are gradually encroaching on our land. They seem to want to build some kind of'barrier' in the wasteland that can penetrate this land," a voice from a certain dark patriarch rang in the root network , "Where this barrier goes, the environment we depend on for survival has been greatly affected, and even... a'reversal' has occurred."

"If that wall is built, the energy circulation in the wasteland will most likely be cut off," another slightly older voice intervened in the network. "They seem to have discovered the deep operating mechanism of this land and cracked the distortion. The endless principle of the Legion-our existing forces are difficult to completely stop them, and those purification devices are extending to the center area at a very high speed."

There was another gust of wind blowing from the direction of the wasteland, and there was a rush of noise in the twisted woods around the hills. The discussion in the root network continued, but Borken’s attention was placed in another direction— The sound of footsteps came from beside him, and two elves with exactly the same appearance came to him in unhurried steps and said in unison: "Does it sound like our situation is not so good now?"

Borken's gaze swept over the Elf Twins indifferently: "I didn't expect that you would worry about the situation too-I thought you didn't care about winning or losing on the battlefield at all except getting together and whispering."

"You have misunderstood us-of course we will care about our common cause, but we are born with a very cold personality," Ferna said with a sincere expression, and Lena said immediately, "Then, you What's your opinion on the current situation? We have been pushed back on almost all fronts. In the past half month, instead of successfully launching any new runestones, we lost all the occupied land. This is not very optimistic... "

Borken glanced at the elven twins in silence, and then closed his eyes slightly: "The situation has indeed not developed as we planned at the beginning, but the situation is not that bad... We are different from those mortal armies, as long as the soldiers in the wasteland The environment is still maintained, our legion is endless, the loss of distortions is not enough...the regeneration speed of the biochemical beasts can also completely catch up with the consumption, and the mortals...they won't get anything in this barren land. Trophies, all their actions here are pure costs. Perhaps it is difficult for us to win a quick victory anymore, but as long as we continue to maintain this consumption...the ultimate winner may not necessarily be those mortals."

It sounded that the Dark Master had already acknowledged the situation to some extent and grasped the "essence" of this war. He was not discouraged by this, but chose another route of victory.

But Ferna and Lena shook their heads at the same time after hearing Borken's words, and Lena said, "Do you really think so?"

"If you have anything to say," Borken opened his eyes, staring at the Gemini with his tawny eyes. "I don't really like your dumbs and metaphors."

"Then we have something to say," Ferna shrugged. "You don't understand the war potential of a country that has completed industrial transformation, or what was established after Cecil successfully integrated the alliance nations. How does the economic system work? You habitually think that this long war will bring down all countries in the alliance... From a certain angle, this is true. Any endless war can bring down a country, but to be honest …The battle on the wasteland is now below the'threshold' for the new alliance... the intensity is already below the threshold."

"Below the threshold?" Borken's voice became serious. "What do you mean?"

"Their economy will gradually adapt to the wartime model. Their industrial machinery will grow and expand rapidly in the next period of time. Their tanks and guns will be produced at an alarming rate, even longer than the millet in the field. Even faster, the alliance will establish a new social order specifically adapted to this war. After a short period of consumption, investment and adaptation, this war will become their new economic growth point and social cohesion point. A new wealth mechanism, a new industrial cycle, a new cultural atmosphere... In this process, even the most backward city-states will be encumbered to quickly complete industrialization.

"Master, do you think that periodically sending rounds of combat corps to shoot targets on the front line can bring down a group of industrial countries? That is impossible. It needs a higher intensity of war, at least for their industrial production. You can't keep up with the consumption of the frontline at all. You can't do this, you are not consuming them, you are just gradually'cultivating' them into a...war civilization."

When the Elf Gemini finished speaking, Borken fell into deep thought. For a long time, this pair of elf sisters who talked about yin and yang seldom talked to him about such a long-form theory, and the attitude was so serious, so at this time What the other party said caused a greater wave of waves in Borken's heart than ever before. He slowly understood the meaning of the words of the elven twins, and the face made of rough and dry bark seemed awe-inspiring: "You Did a'calculation'?"

"It doesn't require much calculation," Ferna said with a smile. "In the long historical record of the silver elves, we have witnessed various civilization forms and social stages, the operation of industrial society and what you are familiar with. That set is different. Even the Gondor Empire, which looked very strong at the time, lags behind the current "Alliance" from the perspective of civilization. If you don’t believe it, you can recall that in this war, After the mortal kingdoms reacted from the initial chaos, from the time they began to counterattack locally until now, those mortals armed with war machines...have they fought more and more?"

cross! beat! cross! many!

This word was like a thunder, and it suddenly burst in Borken's heart. He realized the truth revealed behind this vital detail. His long-standing inertial thinking and ignorance of the situation of the countries outside the wasteland made him never understand. He could focus on the operating mechanism behind the alliance, but at this moment, he realized that what the yin and yang elf sisters told him was all right.

Those mortals...The growth rate of their war machine has exceeded the power limit of the Wasteland Legion. This war is no longer a burden to the "Alliance", but is gradually becoming a nourishment for its growth. Rather than decline in technology and production capacity, they are beginning to accelerate their development. Those purification devices, those mechanized corps that are emerging from all fronts, are the result of this development!

In contrast, the Wasteland Legion is almost out of cards.

"...They are training with us and testing weapons and equipment with us," Borken said in an unusually low and hoarse voice. A disturbing wave of thought spread through the root network. He raised his gaze, and his gaze fell on Phil. Sister Na said, "You guys came over to tell me this, shouldn't it be just to intimidate or watch a joke?"

"Of course not," Leylna said lightly. "We said that we have a common goal-that's why we don't want you to step into this war trap so passively. What we just said is just to wake you up and take it. Down... is how to solve the embarrassing situation we are facing now."

"What can you do?" Borken narrowed his eyes slightly. "If the logic you just said is completely correct, then the Wasteland Legion has fallen into an insoluble vortex, and we have already stepped into this trap—although it's just stepping. Enter the edge of it, but in this vortex, we have no spare energy to pull out the legs. Is it possible that you have a way to destroy the alliance's industrial system in a short time? Or disintegrate their alliance?"

"Don't think about it in this direction. The frontal battlefield is irretrievable, or we can't win this war from the beginning-all we can rely on is still the power of the deep blue network," Ferna said in a deep voice. Said, and then Leirna spoke again, "Maybe someday in the future, those mortals can develop to the height of fighting against Deep Blue Network, but at least at this stage, their industry and technology are still not worth mentioning in Deep Blue Network. Yes, as long as we hold the reins of this planet in our hands, we can crush all their potential and future with unmatched power..."

"So we still need to domesticate this planet-of course I know," Borken said in a bad tone. "But as we said earlier, we have been pushed back into the wall of magnificence by them, and there is no new drop point. We have no way to set up new runestones, how do you plan to continue to domesticate this planet?"

"Who said we don't have a new drop-in point?" Ferna smiled suddenly, her gaze seemed to have passed the Grand Master in front of her, and cast her in a certain direction in the depths of the distant wasteland. The dark blue node?"

Borken stunned for a moment, and then reacted: "You said that the ancient ghost site? Indeed... there is the largest deep blue fissure on the surface of this planet, but there is also a running Ironman Corps and a combat force. The complete Fortress of Gondor! We need to mobilize our army to capture that place-but before that, our frontal battlefield may have been defeated on all fronts!"

"So... we need to pay some price," Lena looked at Borken's dry and wrinkled face with a serious expression. What is the cost of the career?"

"...What do you mean?"

"Are you ready to make a desperate move?"

The tongue of fire from the heavy burner swept across the earth for the last time. In the terrifying heat created by the alchemy grease and the magic flame, the mutant monsters with ferocious limbs and filthy aura finally turned into ashes. When the flames gradually dissipated, big There were only a mass of charred wreckage and twitching flesh and blood fragments on the ground. The smoke and dust of the deformed body's self-decomposition was mixed among the biochemical synthetic beasts, making the entire battlefield shrouded in a layer of unsettled clouds.

An unusually tall figure walked forward with heavy steps. He was holding a mechanical warhammer in one hand and a heavy burner in the other. The pale white scripture cloth was fixed to his heavy armor by fire paint and rivets. The glory of holiness is dazzling.

He passed the soldiers and priests who were cleaning the battlefield, came to a heavy tank that had just stopped, and watched Philip jump off the tank quickly, and then the tall figure placed the heavy warhammer in his hand. On the ground next to him, he stretched out his hand to take off his helmet, and a small figure immediately emerged from the nearby holy light, flexibly and skillfully climbed onto his shoulder, and dangling around holding his head.

"Patriarch Wright," Philip nodded to the heavily armed Holy Light leader before him, and then smiled and beckoned to the little figure on the shoulder of the Patriarch, "and little Emily."

"Uncle Philip good noon," the little figure condensed by the holy light made an ethereal voice, with a smile in his voice, "we wiped out the enemy again!"

"The counterattacks of these distortions are getting crazy, but from the perspective of command and dispatch, they are getting more and more chaotic," Wright stretched out his hand and pressed Emily's hair, and said to Philip in front of him, "I think they are not even as good as the previous few days. There are threats, at least then they know how to cover each other and use terrain to fight."

"Their counterattack has become more and more frantic, because the purification device we continue to promote stimulates the instincts of these monsters, their actions are chaotic, indicating that the command system behind them has been overwhelmed-the alliance is launching counterattacks on multiple lines, and all countries have gone from the previous chaos. The number of troops on this battlefield is increasing, and the dark priests are not professional warfare talents," Philip shook his head. "They only succeeded in sneak attacks and numerical superiority at first, and they didn't know how to do it. Fight on a real and normal battlefield."

Lai nodded and looked not far away. He saw a piece of roots and flower vines growing from the ground quickly spreading on the waste soil, forcibly covering the lush green on this barren land, that root Between the beard and the flower vine, thicker and more flexible "tentacles" continue to stretch out. These tentacles run around on the battlefield like arms, constantly picking and choosing among the charred and broken monster remains. The better pieces will quickly roll up and drag them back to the ground, looking very strange...but they are a little bit happy.

That is a living forest that has extended to the depths of the wasteland. In the entire war in the past, she has been advancing with the Cecil Legion, playing a role that cannot be ignored.

The expression on the Patriarch's face became a little weird.

"Seriously... the battlefield on our side is actually not very'normal'..."