Chapter 1365: Second invitation

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
Although Tyre naturally and self-sufficiently judged that Vanessa’s Antavian expeditionary force appeared in the southwestern waters of the Loren continent because it had swam backwards, but Gawain did not dare to do so. It is easy to judge from the ground. After all, although Tyre is indeed a strange thing in the sea monster, their entire ethnic group is still an admirable advanced civilization. Thousands of elite soldiers collectively circle the planet under the leadership of a deep-sea war lord. Swim most of the lap? This matter is probably only believed by Tyre, after all, she really has experience...

Gawain rubbed his eyebrows. Although he was completely awake, the feeling of lack of sleep still made him a little uncomfortable: "I don't think they will make such a big mistake... Did Cassandra tell you more details? "

"More details... yes," Tyre thought about it again, and said uncertainly. "She said that General Vanessa had encountered a weird undersea anomaly, and it was in a storm with Bitter Winter. The time is almost..."

While remembering this deep-sea salted fish, he told Gawain the original information he had obtained from Cassandra, including Byron, Vanessa and others' speculations on the matter. Gawain's expression became more serious the more he listened. , When Tyre's voice fell, he had fallen into a state of deep thinking.

Obviously, the fact that the expeditionary force from Antavien appeared in the southwestern waters was definitely not the reason for "swimming backwards". Their trek was definitely related to the vision, and from the result, the phenomenon they encountered Just like the Bitter Winter, it moved an absolutely unreasonable distance in a very short time, and the process was accompanied by strong energy turbulence and severe weather changes. At that time, the Bitter Winter was "sent" from the Aldo estuary to near the equator, and the Kraken Expeditionary Army... moved farther.

The "drop points" of the two teams are the same. They are both near the orbital elevator. This may be because that orbital elevator is indeed the largest energy focus in the waters near the Loren continent, and the time of the entire incident, It also coincides with the abnormal discharge phenomenon in the atmosphere observed everywhere in the Loren continent, so the conclusion is obvious that it must be the ghost of the sentinel and the death of all things.

But what is behind these phenomena? Large-scale spatial transmission? A doomsday weapon that can tear time and space? Or open a deadly passage to the world of elements? A series of conjectures popped up in Gawain's mind. While thinking, he tapped his fingers on the tabletop lightly. After a moment of indulgence, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Tyre: "Other than that, what news is there?"

"Kassandra said that they will go directly to the southern front of the battlefield at full speed, and after entering the Aldor Holy River, they will go to support the northwest border of the Gaoling Kingdom. I hope you can contact the southern front coalition first and get ready over there. In addition, the Siren Expeditionary Army led by General Vanessa was originally going to land on the northeast coast of Loren. Now they know that our northern and eastern battlefields are in good condition, so they temporarily changed their plans and prepared to directly join the southern battle. This also requires you to communicate and coordinate with the Southern Front Alliance," Tyre said seriously, "The main reason is that our Kraken has never joined forces with races on land. Our battlefield...may not be suitable for others. Race warfare."

Gawain recalled the last time the Kraken carried out a large-scale operation in the Loren Continent, remembered the stormy night when the "false god" was hunted, and quickly understood Tyre's meaning: "I understand. Before the Bitter Winter and Haiyuan Pingdingzhe arrive on the southern route, I will communicate and coordinate with the Gaoling-Silver coalition forces. You should also remind your compatriots to let familiar with the environment on land."

Tyr nodded, and then suddenly laughed out of nowhere: "Is this another turning point in history? When the situation is settled... The Kraken and the Alliance are really fighting side by side."

"So do you want to consider joining our alliance?" Gao Wen also laughed, looking at Miss Deep Sea Salted Fish, who is rarely serious in a sober state, "We welcome all intelligent people living on this planet to become friends. Whether born naturally on this planet or crash-landed from among the stars, as mortals, we should belong to the same camp in the face of survival."

Siren, this "hermit race" that lives in the remote ocean depths and has kept a distance from all land races in the past long years is recently appearing more and more frequently in the eyes of the people of the Loren nations. They are seen in the official propaganda, and in the upper-level technical exchanges. Even in some port cities of Cecil and Typhon, there are more and more sea monsters who live as scholars or travelers for a short period of time. The more frequent exchanges and the friendly relationship between the two sides made many people have the wrong impression. Many people thought that the Kraken was actually a member of the alliance, but in fact, the far-away Antavien is still floating in the alliance. Outside the circle.

This seemingly carefree race seems to be surprisingly cautious about "establishing a close relationship with the terrestrial race". Although Gawain once invited them to join the alliance, they received a tactful rejection from the Pettia queen, but now , Gao Wen once again had the idea of ​​inviting Kraken to join the alliance, not only because the two sides are about to fight side by side, but also because the subsequent "Sky Station Joint Repair Plan" is destined to have a share of the Kraken.

Faced with Gawain’s invitation, Tyre seriously thought that although she usually looks unreliable, her identity here is, after all, a bridge of communication between Antavian and Cecil. According to the saying between the human kingdoms, She is equivalent to Antawien's "resident ambassador" to Cecil, so this invitation is not just a talk here.

"It's not that we haven't established close diplomatic relations with land races," she said, breaking the silence. "Although I haven't experienced it personally, I know that in the past long years, Antavien has set more than one season of civilization. Covenants were formed as comrades-in-arms, but in the end these covenants only got tragic endings. We didn't get anything except memorials. We have kept countless'remains of the dead' in the deep-sea museum, and the number is no less than The collections of ancient civilizations in the Talronde treasury in the past, and these experiences have allowed us to always maintain a...cautious attitude towards invitations from land nations.

"But I will still pass on your invitation to our queen, and suggest that she seriously consider this matter, because..."

Tyre stopped suddenly when he said that, seeming to be considering more suitable words to express her feelings. Finally, she smiled and said frankly: "At least from my own point of view, I think it's the best on the planet today. It’s close to dawn."

"...Is it the closest to dawn," Gawain said softly, "but in the eyes of many people, this is our most dangerous moment. The clouds from the wasteland are hanging over everyone, and the life and death are not clear. Your judgment makes me Very surprised."

"Before dawn, the sky is always dark," Tyre said with a smile. "There is indeed a tense atmosphere in the city, but in fact most people firmly believe that you will lead the alliance to the final victory just like you lead Cecil has risen in this land. In my opinion, the cultists and the crazy sentinel in the wasteland are nothing but stumbling stones. Perhaps they think they are doing something that can subvert this planet. "Big things", but to be honest... our Sea-Monster has seen so many big things, we don’t need one of them."

"Usually it is rare to see you say such deep words," Gawain glanced at Tyre with a little surprise, and shook his head with a smile. "But also, it is usually not easy to see you staying awake for a long time. "

"That's, in fact I'm getting sleepy right now," Tyre said and yawned, as if suddenly feeling relaxed, her whole siren began to wilt at a speed visible to the naked eye, "Ah, finally There is another thing, General Vanessa asked Cassandra to tell. She said that she was already contacting Her Majesty Pettia, saying that a group of technicians would be selected soon...yawn...she said You know what it is, yawn...what the **** is it?"

The first half of this deep-sea salted fish was fairly clear, but in the last half of the sentence, it was almost dreaming and opening his mouth. The upper body swayed in front of Gawain like a garden eel. Gawain suddenly saw this. Can't laugh or cry: "I will explain to you in detail when you wake up when you wake up. It's really hard for you to be sober for so long..."

"Let's do it, yawn" Tyre yawned vigorously again, shaking his head and waving his hand to Gawain, "Then I'll go to bed first..."

As soon as the voice fell, Gawain saw that the upper body of the deep-sea salted fish suddenly swayed back, and then leaned forward vigorously. The whole person was slapped with a "pia 叽" as if violently killed. On the floor, when he looked over again, the other party was already sleeping on the floor unconsciously...

"I'm going... I'm going to sleep..." Rao had seen Tyre's "violently falling asleep" momentum more than once, and Gawain couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice, and then he began to worry about how to deal with this. After being rolled up, a large group of "snake balls" were taken out of the room. After thinking about it for a long time, he chose to give up this thankless attempt, mainly as the head of the dignified empire. It is really weird that the beauty of Snake Ball goes out. Asking others to help is not easy to explain. If you can't make a mistake, Amber will be able to issue three supplements on the spot...

Anyway, this guy didn't move much after falling asleep, so he could just put it in front of the desk as a landscape.

Thinking of this, Gawain suddenly got the idea, he got up from behind the desk, let out a sigh of relief, and then cautiously rounded Tyre's scattered tail before coming to the large floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the darkness with some wonder. End of the horizon.

The cold winter is over, but this season of the North Country is still long at night, the obsessive night still envelopes the earth, the sun still stays on the other side of the horizon, but a kind of dim light has diffused in the sky, and it is ambiguous. Under the sky, the street lights on the streets of the city are gradually weakening from east to west under the dual control of the timing system and the photosensitive system. The whole city is waiting for dawn.

"The closest moment to this the judgment made by an ancient race," Gawain whispered to himself, and looked back at Tyre who seemed to have fallen asleep, with a weird smile on his face. , "Although it is the most lost fish in the race..."

It’s already this time, and it doesn’t seem to make much sense to go back to catch up.

Antaweien sent an expeditionary army. It was a professional army organized by a higher civilization and well-trained and experienced. Now it has become the former sons of the storm of the Naga. They can prove that the sea monster is serious. The power displayed after getting up is completely different from their usual gentle and harmless image. This unexpected power will now join the battlefield. There is no doubt that the turning point is coming.

Allied forces will push back the wasteland on all fronts, and the blocking wall will begin construction at full speed, so...the sentries and the dark priests will probably not watch this happen.

Gao Wen breathed a sigh of relief, thinking of the "vision" encountered by the Bitter Winter and the Antawin Expeditionary Army. After a while, he turned around to activate the magic net terminal next to the desk, and directly spread his spirit to The set connected to that terminal is immersed in the device.

In the vast space covered by boundless white flowers, Gawain appeared beside a white round table with hollow patterns. Opposite him, a man wearing a black complicated palace dress, black long hair shawl, and mysterious purple pupils The figure of the lady was gradually emerging from the air, and then the figure flickered briefly and turned on and off for a few times. It seemed that it was entering the current network interface through a complicated switching mechanism, and finally stabilized completely.

"Are you online so early?" Milmina looked at Gawain with a surprised expression on her face, "You won't play cards like Lao Lu for one night, right?"

Gao Wen just wanted to speak, and his expression suddenly became strange: "...Actually, I have a business...You interrupted my atmosphere."

Milmina’s expression was a bit awkward: "Ah, sorry, I was testing some samples collected on the front line just now. I was a little distracted and just casually said what happened to you? How do you look at your serious face."

"We found the Lost Bitter Winter, and just contacted an expeditionary force sent from Antavien, they were ordered to support the Alliance."

"Found it? And those ‘kraken’ have sent an expeditionary army?" Milmina was surprised, "This is a good thing, why are you..."

"Although I got in touch, I learned that they had a disturbing vision," Gao Wen said in a deep voice. The mainland’s "abnormal atmospheric charging" phenomenon is related, and I am afraid that the sentinel is making a ghost behind it. Now I need your advice."

Milmina's expression immediately became serious: "...tell me in detail."

At present, Gao Wen did not make any concealment, and revealed the information and information he had just learned, without missing a little detail.

"...It sounds like a space teleportation at an amazing distance, and the scale is amazing." As soon as she heard it, Milmina made a judgment similar to Gawain, "It's just that the process doesn't seem to be Mature, Bitter Winter and the Siren Expeditionary Force are more like being accidentally affected during the experiment..."

Gao Wen asked in a deep voice: "From these clues, can you tell what the sentry wants to do?"

Milmina didn’t speak for a while, she was thinking, and she was also doing a quick summary and analysis of the large amount of observation data of the wasteland in the recent period. After a while, she suddenly broke the silence: "Do you remember? One of the characteristics of Deep Blue Network Channel is the system of "Network Channels" that runs through all the realms of our planet."