Chapter 1313: Rush plan

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
The sentinel towers on the border of the wasteland are gradually restarting. This is information from two observation points near Typhon and the southwest border of the empire.

Of course, the restarted sentry tower does not include the 98th tower that has been confirmed to be completely destroyed. The tower has been turned into a huge wreck on the ground in a series of explosions and collapses, and within its original projection range, the magnificent The wall has broken through an unrecoverable hole, which is currently being blocked by the green forest barrier formed by Bertila.

"According to the information from the two remote positions, it can be confirmed that the magnificent walls in most areas are slowly recovering from itself, and the speed and range of the Aberrant Corps gushing out of the wasteland have been effectively curbed," on the holographic projection, Philip is reporting the battle on the front line with a serious expression, "but there should be a large number of large-scale gaps in the entire barrier. In addition to the completely destroyed section like the 98 tower, there are also some areas where the barrier is showing power. With phenomena such as descent, reduced projection range, and dislocation of connections, the defenders are still trying to close those gaps. However, the communication on the entire front is seriously disrupted. It is difficult for us to confirm the situation of all our allies.

"It seems that the situation on the silver elves has improved, at least they have regained control of the magnificent wall...but what happened to the south..." Gawain frowned and couldn't help pressing the table with his hand. "Now I still contact. Don't you go to the Silver Empire?"

"Can't get in touch," Heidi, who was sitting on the side, answered him. "Since the problem with the Sentinel Tower, our communication with the southern part of the continent was completely cut off, and the communication function of the Sentinel's data link did not restart with the barrier. And recover."

Speaking of this, she paused, and then said: "But the smooth restart of the barrier is at least a good sign. This shows that the situation on the Silver Empire has not completely lost control. They are still trying to save the situation."

Gaowen was noncommittal, but after a moment of contemplation, he raised his head and looked at Philip: "What about Typhon? How's the situation?"

"We have resumed contact with Typhon. At present, the situation on the eastern front has gradually stabilized. Their magicians and the National Knights are gradually regaining their lost positions," Philip nodded, "Of course, they are there. The loss is greater than ours. Although the barrier in front of them has not completely collapsed, a main deformed body army has penetrated into the southern section of the Typhon defense line... General Andesa did not elaborate on it, but I think it should have caused a lot of damage. loss."

"At least they stabilized the line of defense," Gawain exhaled softly, then he looked at Hetty, his expression sank, and his tone more serious than before, "What's the situation on the Western Front?"

"...Except for the mossy woods that directly borders the wasteland, we have completely lost contact with the entire Ogure tribe. The current situation on the Western Front is unknown," Heidi hesitated for less than a second with a face. It became a little ugly, "The energy shock when the magnificent wall was extinguished swept across the western region, causing a severe communication interruption than in other regions. Ms. Wenna of Mosswood contacted us and said that she had also lost her and other parts of the country. Regional ties, so technical experts estimate that even Ogure’s internal communication network has not been spared... ancestors, we can only speculate on the current situation of the Western Front in the worst case."

The atmosphere in the room quickly became depressed and low, and even Amber, who was standing next to Gawain, had a tight expression at this moment. Although no one spoke for a while, everyone was well aware of the troubles of the Ogure tribe. Big.

In this "counter-attack wasteland" operation, the Ogure tribal state was not the main front in the plan from the beginning. It was a mountainous and water-rich, loose population and administrative structure, and a natural barrier between it and the wasteland. In the special country, although there are races that are as sturdy and capable as the orcs, the overall military power of the tribal nation is not strong. For a long time, they have relied on the natural mountains on the east side of the tribal nation to block occasional wandering from the wasteland. The monsters and pollution that came out, coupled with its late industrial start and poor foundation, this country did not have the ability to advance into the wasteland. In this operation, their main task was to guard against the small stocks escaping from other regions. The monster army is nothing.

No one expected that the sudden extinguishment of the magnificent wall would turn all the frontiers of the entire civilized world into a frontal battlefield, and no one could have imagined that the energy radiation that erupted when the magnificent wall was extinguished would concentrate on the west side of the continent.

"Why did it happen to hit the west..." In a quiet room, Rebecca's muttering sounded suddenly. She seemed to be lost in thought, so much that she didn't notice the changes in the surroundings, but she was there. Whispered, "The magnificent wall is extinguished across the board. It stands to reason that the escaping energy will spread evenly around it. Is it possible that there is something to the west that will attract such a large-scale energy field..."

"This is no longer the point. The point is that we need to ascertain the situation on the Western Front as soon as possible." Gao Wen shook his head slightly. "The mountains on the Western Front can hinder the movement of the Aberrant Corps for a short time, but the monsters will turn over sooner or later. Across the mountains, once they have completely occupied a civilized country, it is equivalent to gaining a firm foothold outside the wasteland, gaining a strategic depth and a development basis. The special pollution they carry will soon turn the Ogure tribe into a third. Two pieces of wasteland."

"I have reached an agreement with Ms. Wenna to send the vanguard troops into the moss woods." The figure of the Duke of the West, Bedwin Franklin, appeared in a holographic projection in another part of the room. "The vanguard troops will find a way to pass the gray elves. The ancient trade road enters the southern area of ​​Ogure, finds out the situation there and restores communications...

"If the situation requires, you personally lead the garrison of the Western Military Region to assist Ogure," Gao Wen said in a deep voice, then he raised his head and looked at another communication projection in the room. "Also, Byron, where are you now? position?"

"I have returned to Beigang, Your Majesty," Byron in the holographic projection nodded immediately, "The messenger to Tallund has taken off a few hours ago, and my side is waiting for your order."

"You bring enough weapons and supplies to lead the imperial navy to Baiyu Port, arm the gray elves there, and then continue south along the circum-continental route, from the Odor Holy River into the hinterland of Ogure and prepare for landing operations. In addition, you can confirm the situation of the coastal communication chain of the circum-continental route along the way. Those monsters cannot move to the coastal areas no matter how fast they move. The communication on the shoreline should only be equipment failure. You should bring enough engineering ships and technical teams to find a way from Restoring our north-south communications on the coastline. The communications environment in the hinterland of the mainland does not know when it will be restored. We must have a backup plan.

"Odor Sacred River..." Byron frowned slightly, his mind soon corresponded to a large river in the southern part of the Ogure tribal nation that leads directly to the sea and goes deep inland. A trace of worry appeared on his face, "Winter can Sailing in that inland river..."

"Yes, the size of the river is large enough to accommodate the passage of major battleships like Bitter Winter," Gao Wen nodded with certainty, "and its end leads to the Gaoling Kingdom. If we still fail to recover from the southern part of the mainland by then, For communications, after you get there, you have to send some warships to confirm the situation on the southern route and do your best to support it."

Byron took a light breath. The gray-haired "half-way knight" felt the burden he was about to bear, and his expression became more serious than ever. He straightened his body and nodded his head: "The mission must be completed!"

After the new order was issued, the room temporarily quieted down, but after a moment of silence, another voice sounded from the magic net terminal not far away: "Your Majesty, I am afraid it is still too late."

Gao Wen raised his head and saw Victoria's figure appearing in the holographic projection directly opposite him.

"The main fleet needs to go around half a continent from the sea to enter the Odor Sacred River, while the ground forces can only enter the Ogure hinterland from the ancient trade road south of the moss forest. Although these two routes can be passed, they are too slow. "The Duchess of the North kept her always cold face, but she couldn't help but feel a little worried. "If Ogure’s border forces have collapsed before then, I doubt that their remaining resistance can hold on to it. Our reinforcements arrived..."

What Victoria is talking about is exactly the situation that most people in the room are worried about. Everyone knows that the situation on the Ogure line may have been very bad, but even if the Cecil Empire still has the capacity to provide support, the reinforcements are not necessarily Able to reach that war zone in time.

Ogure, who has been dormant in an ancient land for thousands of years, is full of mountains on the east side (and may now be full of monsters), on the north side is full of forest, and on the west side is the long coast far away from the front line and the ancient kingdom of dwarves ( Between the Dwarf Kingdom and Ogure is a series of mountains), and the south side extends all the way to the deep forests on the border of the Gaoling Kingdom. Whether it is from land or from the coastline, it is difficult to enter that ancient land. In the past few years, the Cecil Empire has traded with the various tribes of Ogure, and the pioneers have been building roads and opening up river channels between the mountains and dense forests, but the work of just a few years is obviously not enough to make it. The ancient country has become a smooth road everywhere.

But monsters don't care about these. They can wander through the wilderness and forests without sleep and without regard to death or injury. They can cross mountains and fill valleys when encountering mountains.

However, facing the dilemma raised by Victoria, Gawain has made a decision only after a little thought.

Modern Cecil army, some are "new era methods" to solve "difficulties since ancient times."

"We don't only have two paths," he tapped on the table lightly, and looked up at Rebecca, who was lowering his head and wondering what question he was struggling with. "Rebecca, the liftoff of the Earthly Dawn is about to proceed. Which step is it?"

"Ah? Ah!" Rebecca woke up from her thoughts, first yelled blankly, and then reacted, "Are you talking about the Earthly Dawn? Well... If only basic takeoff combat capabilities are required, now It's fine, but its supercritical accelerator is still undergoing final calibration, and that thing is a powerful bang..."

"Take off now," Gawain interrupted Rebecca who was about to get excited, and said categorically, "No need to continue debugging, we need the power of Earthly Dawn now."

"But..." Rebecca subconsciously wanted to say something, but the next second she swallowed back what she wanted to say. Even if it was a shot from the Cecil Empire, her alloy brain had the concept of priorities. "Well, I understand, I will start the liftoff process of the Earthly Dawn when I go back..."

"Not only the Earthly Dawn, but also the first batch of Gorgon platforms," ​​Gawain continued. "We have to consider the possibility that all positions on the Western Front have been completely occupied. An aerospace fortress can't hold the entire kingdom. We have to find a way to rebuild the entire western defense in a short period of time, at least to plug the gaps in the western part of the wasteland."

"Okay, I understand," Rebecca said quickly, nodding her head, and then she frowned again, and said with a hint of hesitation, "But... Your ancestor, I have to act with the Earthly Dawn."

"You? Set off with the Earthly Dawn?" Gawain frowned. Rebecca's words were beyond his expectation, "What are you going to do with you? It's the front line, not you..."

"The core system of the Earthly Dawn still needs to be adjusted, and many facilities in the upper zone have not been tested. If there is no technical backbone to accompany, the fortress may not even be able to display one-third of its strength," Rebecca Rarely, "stubborn" in front of Gawain, "And if I bring a group of technicians to follow, I can continue to build its supercritical accelerator and remaining weapon systems during Operation Earthly Dawn, as long as Just bring enough materials..."

When she said this, she thought about it, and continued to say while organizing her language: "Although the Earthly Dawn has its own'brain', many operations in its operation still require manual intervention. Now the fortress The controllers have just completed the theoretical training, and the simulation operations are less than half completed. I don’t worry about letting them take over the main system directly. I have to personally lead people to follow. I can follow the guidance in case of problems..."

While she was talking, she kept observing Gawain’s face. At the end of the conversation, her voice became quieter, and finally she curled her neck very cautiously: "...No way?"

Gao Wen did not say a word, but looked at Rebecca in front of him with a strange look.

I don’t know when, her childish and youthful feeling has faded from her body. Although her temper is still a bit reckless, there will still be many weird thoughts in her head, but today's Rebecca... seems to have been It is very different from the appearance of Gao Wen's first acquaintance.

"Yes," Gao Wen said suddenly, his expression very solemn, "Then the Earthly Dawn will be handed over to you."


"But there is one thing you have to remember," Gawain did not wait for Rebecca to come up with excitement and poured cold water. "You are not a general. You don't know how to fight. Don't go to places other than the Earthly Dawn. For the actions of the Archduke Devon and General Byron, the air operations must follow the advice of Commander Kinna, understand?"

Rebecca quickly reduced her excitement and nodded to the ancestor with a stern face: "Yes, I understand!"

Gao Wen gave a hum, and took his gaze away from Rebecca: "Okay, then next..."

Just halfway through his words, a magic net terminal set up beside him suddenly started on its own, and the avatar of Mirmina appeared in the air: "Wait a minute, I said, don’t be nervous, old man. The deer ran away."