Chapter 1278: "cruise"

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
"Steel Land" did not respond to Gawain's signal of the sailor. This hollow body was operating according to the established procedure. Like the timetable in the past, after staying at the border of the kingdom of God for a while, it began to retreat back to the depths of darkness and chaos. The low roar of an ancient engine or some other kind of propulsion device came from the beast's body, the translucent energy shield became more solid and heavier than before, and the boundless sea of ​​sand and dust gathered from all directions, following the "spaceship" Gradually sinking and retreating, the surging sand dust began to close above everyone's heads.

Melita looked up in the direction of the God of War. The dead city shrouded in the evening sky floats on a sea of ​​disintegrating clouds. Noretta and others are still standing on the border watching this side, and the dust Clouds and mists have gathered from all around, and the faces in the distance are gradually blurred in the clouds and mist. She waved vigorously, and the figures in the distance also waved, and then the sky full of clouds filled everyone's vision.

"We're starting to'sink,'" Gao Wen said in a deep voice. He raised his head and watched that the yellow cloud became thicker and heavier outside the shield, and the surrounding light also dimmed. "Next, We will lose contact with the world as we know it, and be careful when entering a field that mortals have never visited."

"From the moment we stepped into the Kingdom of God of War, we have entered a field that mortals have never visited." Daniel shook his head slightly and said in a deep voice, while Mary, who was standing behind Daniel, was holding on tightly. The short staff in his hand looked a little nervous, but it was a little bit of anticipation and excitement for the unknown.

Gao Wen couldn't help but glanced at the young female mage more, and nodded slightly.

As Daniel’s mental state gets better, this girl who used to be only a promise and lives in fear every day has also undergone great changes...even she herself probably didn’t realize it.

The “skylight” from above is getting dim, and as the giant steel ship sinks deeper and deeper, the thick layer of clouds, mixed with a large amount of dust and clouds, becomes darker and darker. As the darkness outside the shield grew thicker, certain automatic systems on the "Steel Earth" were activated, and more lights began to appear in the vision of Gao Wen and others.

These floating in the air, like street lamps, are distributed on both sides of the road made of unknown alloy. They can't make the place bright as day, but they are enough to make people see the surrounding situation clearly.

"This place should have been human," Modil said thoughtfully, looking at the lights that automatically turned on as the "sky" dimmed, "machines don't need this kind of street light, only people need it."

"We have left the sea of ​​clouds." Victoria suddenly raised her head and took a look. Her gaze caught the change in the scenery outside the shield. Although it was already dark outside like night, the powerful vision of the extraordinary can still go from the darkness. Discerning those vague "landscapes", she saw a surging cloud and mist quickly moving away outside the shield. Deep in the cloud and mist there was a dim yellow light that was almost indistinguishable by the naked eye. "God Kingdom Escape Zone", and beyond the vague clouds, boundless darkness and chaos have poured in from all directions.

The giant steel ship left by the sailor plunged into the deep sea, and it was still sinking.

"We have left the material world now, right?" Amber looked at the outside of the shield a little nervously, and couldn't help but muttered softly, holding his arms, "Why do I feel a little bit cold inside this shield... Can it maintain a suitable living environment?"

"The surrounding temperature has not changed, you are scaring yourself," Gawain glanced at the shame of this courageous alliance, "As for the material world...I am now more and more uncertain about what is the material world, what is the element or spirit. The world."

He frowned and looked at the endless and deep darkness outside the shield, and in that darkness, there seemed to be countless geometric lines floating, countless chaotic substances or "plaques" that were hard to describe in words: "Look Are you there yet? Those'entities' that seem to be floating in the dark. We just passed through one of the extremely large'clumps', but the'ship' under our feet does not seem to interact with that thing at all, just like Through a shadow... But according to Milmina, those'objects' floating in the dark should be'entities' that can be touched..."

Amber suddenly widened his eyes: "Boat? You said this thing under our feet is a boat?"

"I can't think of a more appropriate name'Steel Land' can only be used to describe its upper layer, and the overall structure and operation of this thing is obviously not an island, it is some kind of...'navigation prop' left by the sailor, so I think it’s a ship, although the ship’s scale is a bit bigger, it’s bigger than we thought."

Gao Wen spoke slowly, leading everyone to the front of the steel road under his feet, sensing the energy flow around him as he walked, and at the same time, he was still trying to call the "starter system" that may remain here.

"Such a huge...'boat'..." The young female mage, Mary, swallowed her saliva and looked at the alloy deck and the ancient facilities built on it with a trace of awe. This girl from the country said After adapting to the life in the imperial capital, she once thought that she had gained knowledge, even if she was not as knowledgeable as her instructor, at least she was a qualified mage, but now she suddenly realized that it was outside of her own knowledge. There are so many unimaginable things in the world.

Merita heard Mary’s whispered exclamation, she just smiled and glanced at each other: “The sailor can make bigger things, so big that even our dragons can’t even imagine.”

Gawain smiled, shook his head and said nothing: Yes, the behemoth created by the sailor is indeed beyond imagination... Have you ever seen the orbiting space station orbiting the entire planet?

A huge shadow suddenly emerged from the darkness, appearing over the shield of the steel earth with silent coercion. It looked like a pitch-black column, although seeing another pitch-black thing in the dark sounded a little weird. , But Gawain and his team can clearly see the outline and movement of this "chaotic clump". It floated out from the depths of the darkness, spinning and interacting with the "giant ship" under everyone's feet. Passing through, did not bring the slightest vibration, nor did it produce any ripples in the darkness.

"Once again... we passed by this'entity' in the chaos," Carmel said in a deep voice. The two lights on his head flickered slightly, indicating that he was thinking, "It seems that we are under our feet. This'ship' uses some unknown technology to avoid interaction between itself and the'entity' in the chaos...unbelievable, how is this done?"

No one can answer Carmel’s doubts, nor can Melita, who is a dragon, but Gawain suddenly remembered the things that Milmina mentioned to herself in the report, those about material and non-material matters. He still can’t understand the mystery behind the blurring boundary between the ambiguity and the transformation between the spirit and the entity, but vaguely, he feels that the many weird phenomena that have occurred at the bottom of the world must be related to Milmina. There is a certain connection between what you see.

The sailors of 1.8 million years ago...must have understood these mysteries and transformed them into controllable technology. This huge ship that can navigate in the deep sea may have some application in this.

"What are those'objects' that float in the dark?" Kohaku raised his head, looking curiously at the chaotic clumps that floated past the shield and appeared and disappeared in the dark." It doesn’t look like the kind of debris floating outside of the gods. Although the debris is oddly shaped, the color and original form can be seen on the whole, but these black geometric bodies...some of them seem to be inconsistent with people..."

Amber frowned and looked a little stuck as she continued to describe it, but Gawain knew what she wanted to say, and casually took it down: "It doesn't conform to common sense of geometry...should not exist in the real world, right?"

"The senior advisors of the Theocracy have no unified views on the nature of these things," Carmel said in a deep voice. "They speculate that these'chaotic drifters' may be fragments of thought from an older age. History has been completely submerged in the long river of years, and even the oldest dragon **** does not know its origin. In the long forgotten and mutation, the echoes of the ancient times have turned into these intangible things floating in the deep sea...but another A guess is that these things are not that old and that they are also part of the reflection of the thoughts of this era, but the mapping logic does not conform to the laws we know..."

"...We still don't know much about the weird existence here," Gawain sighed lightly, then looked at Carmel, "Can you locate the explorer puppet sent here before?"

"Yes, although it is on standby, it has been releasing weak magic signals. I can perceive that it is just under a passage in front of me," Carmel nodded and said, "I remember the return of the magic puppet. The route map, there is a route to enter the interior of the ship...Although from the perspective of the depth, it is far from reaching the true core of the ship."

Gawain nodded, indicating that Carmel is leading the way, and the entire exploratory team continues to walk toward the depths of this "steel land".

At the same time, this ship may have been in operation for 1.8 million years, and the ancient ship with a mysterious mission continues to "sail" in this boundless chaotic space, with no valid reference in the field of vision. No one knows how fast this "ship" flies or how deep it dives. Only the weird and chaotic shadows that constantly pass by the shield remind everyone that the "earth" under their feet is not fixed. Moving, but has been in a state of sailing.

At this moment, a slight shaking suddenly came from under the feet, and the exploratory team, which was walking towards the entrance of a certain passage, immediately stopped.

Amber looked around nervously, and quickly whispered Bibi in her mouth: "What's going on, what's going on..."

Kamel raised his hand and drew a few simple runes in mid-air. After a while, he whispered: "...we are slowing down, and...'floating'."

Before he finished his words, a very dim glimmer appeared abruptly above this "steel earth". In the boundless darkness and chaos, this glimmer appeared particularly eye-catching and sudden!

Everyone instantly increased their vigilance, guarding against something indescribable horror coming out of the darkness, Gawain stared at the dim dim light, and some faint guesses appeared in his heart. As the dim light got closer and closer, some fragmented floating objects orbiting the dim light gradually emerged from the darkness, and his vague guesses were gradually confirmed.

The giant "ship" carrying the crowd began to "float" toward the glimmer, and in the process cleverly avoided the debris orbiting around the glimmer or the debris remaining in the debris. "Echo" perceives a certain extreme danger, avoiding the floating track of the ship in advance, and only a moment later, the scenery in the dim light gradually becomes clear, and after seeing what it is, everyone gradually grows wide. Closed his eyes.

It is a piece of land, a piece of fertile soil, a piece of lush garden floating in the depths of darkness and chaos. A light film wraps a space that looks like a bulb. The spring in the space is bright and beautiful, with flowers in full bloom, and countless rare and exotic fruits. Hanging on the branches, the heavy fruit bends the branches of the sacred tree, and there is fertile land undulating and rolling, and all the flowers in the world are blooming on the land. Two big rivers pass through the fertile soil and flow into a huge garden. The big river flows Honey and fine wine glowed with pale golden brilliance in the sky.

And in that garden, beside the flowing river, wonderful creatures with wings and elves are busy making delicacies or exquisite ornaments. They dedicated the finished things to a long table in the center of the garden. The long table is extremely wide, surrounded by laughing guests, and at the end of the long table, there are three more beautiful figures. They have a deer-like lower body, but the upper body is a beautiful woman, they wear flowers and grass. Woven into a wreath, long blonde hair hangs in front of him like a waterfall.

They...or "them", are entertaining guests at the long table. This feast seems to have just begun, but it seems to have been going on for ten thousand years.

The ancient ships sailing in the darkness and chaos gradually approached the "paradise" floating in the void. Numerous detection devices were quietly activated, and several lights were also shining on the surface of the thin light film. However, the banquet in the garden The Holy Spirits turned a blind eye to this.

"That's..." Amber raised her head and pointed to the "garden" floating upside down outside the shield, staring at the scenery in the garden, dumbfounded.

At this moment, the "Steel Land" is already very close to the "paradise", even much closer than when hovering over the border of the God of War, and with the eyes of the members of the exploration team, you can clearly see the garden. Feast.

"...the kingdom of the three rich gods," Gao Wen said in a deep voice, "obviously, this is a new'one stop'."

His voice fell, Modil blinked on the side, as if he was trying to say something, but at this moment, a new change suddenly happened!

He saw the shield shrouded above his head suddenly flickering, and an extra light blue barrier unfolded, and outside the newly emerged shield, the "God of Abundance" floating in the darkness and chaos Country" instantly changed its appearance!

The "sunlight" shining on the fertile soil turned into a bleak, dim, blood-colored setting sun. The fertile land was covered with a layer of decaying rotting mud. What grew out of the ground were rusty sickles and ferocious twisted branches, filthy. The blood was flowing in the big river, rushing into the decayed and withered garden, and the swollen and decaying monsters continuously fished out the terrible residual limbs and carrion from the river of blood, and sent them to the long table full of thorns, which was crowded on both sides of the long table. The lanky and shriveled monster, hungry and frantically tore the flesh and blood on the long table, and even tore its own shriveled limbs. At the end of the long table, three twisted and hideous figures are watching quietly this has been going on for thousands of years. The garlands on their bodies turned into thorns, and the green vines turned into chains that came out of the bones. The chains extended to infinity, as if they had reached the end of the kingdom of God, and the rotten blood came from them. The body pierced by the chain is constantly flowing and dripping into the garden of blood!