Chapter 1228: Light years away

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
The starship on which the siren came to this planet...

Listening to the last half of Tyre's mumbled words, Gawain immediately thought of the interstellar ship that is still stranded in the depths of the endless sea, and its scale is said to be larger than that of the Gondor Emperor. Spaceship, to be fair, even if an advanced civilization like Tarrond’s cyberpunk has emerged on this planet, the spaceship on which the Sea-Monsters are riding is still the style on this planet in Gawain’s mind. The most outrageous thing-a spaceship! That is a spaceship capable of interstellar colonization!

It’s really a shame that when I first crawled out of the grave, I thought it was a world of swords and magic...

Gawain shook his head and threw those irrelevant associations out of his mind. At the same time, he looked at the sea caterpillar who was lazily putting his upper body on the bench and spreading his tail for several meters: "You guys How far has the spacecraft been repaired? I remember that you told me not long ago that your engineers have made unprecedented progress in the power core or what core..."

"It's the core fusion tower, the big guy used to extract energy from the negative space tides and power the jump engine-after the crash landing on this planet, that thing has stopped, and the deep-water technicians have tried their best. Can reignite its first-level driving furnace," Tyre said with a very understanding face shaking the tip of his tail, "Now that we finally understand what magic power is, we also calculated that the core fusion tower is in the process of starting. The magnitude of the'deviation' encountered."

Speaking of this, she paused, and seemed to be thinking seriously about how to explain next, and then she spoke again: "It is said that the deep-water technicians have abandoned their plan to restore it as it is-the environment of this world and our hometown. There are too many deviations, and the key structure of the core fusion tower is completely unable to adapt to the new environment, so they decided to remove the core area of ​​the core fusion tower directly, replace the driving part with the rainbow focus matrix, and then use the external force of the fusion tower The field coils and phase change shunts redistribute the energy flow. In fact, they have tried this and replaced a small part...the effect seems to be good."

"Rainbow just stuffed that stuff into the spacecraft's power furnace?!" Gawain was stunned. He knew that the siren was trying to find from Cecil's rainbow light generator to repair the spacecraft's energy module. Inspiration, but he didn't expect that the bold deep-sea salted fish directly stuffed the rainbow light device into the power furnace, and it didn't sound like one or two stuffed—they stuffed a matrix in it!

That thing is usually a giant cannon used to attack cities! The high output power is scary! That gang of fish spirits are burning nuclear warheads in the boiler?

Tyre's reaction to Gawain felt inexplicable. She looked up lazily, her voice seemed to fall asleep at any time: "What's the fuss, our deepwater technicians have always had a very open mind-of course, the problem is still There are some, mainly because the energy output of the rainbow light device is still not enough. Even if the technicians over there increase the power density of the focusing matrix as much as possible, it is only enough to make the fusion tower barely run at the lowest power, usually Anta Wien’s main energy source still has to rely on burning squid... but this is an incredible improvement for us who have been stagnating for many years."

Hearing Tierhun's indifferent muttering, Gawain's original astonishment finally gradually turned into a daze. He cast a blank look at the sea caterpillar who was lying on the bench, and said that this is indeed what it used to be. Civilization-In addition to the general pits in the brain, this race can only be looked up to on this planet...

Tyre didn't know what was thinking in Gawain's head. She just yawned and recalled the recent contact with her hometown, and then continued uncertainly: "That's right, the restoration project on our side. Recently there is another result... you may be interested."

"What am I interested in?" Gawain was a little surprised, "What is it?"

"Antawin's superluminal communication array," Tyre stretched out a long, long waist, and carefully coiled himself up next to the chair, "that is, the antenna system."

"Superluminal Communication Array..." Gawain blinked, and finally remembered, "I remember you mentioned it to me...Wait, you guys have fixed that stuff?!"

"I can't talk about repairing it. The resonant crystal of the sending unit is too badly damaged. We haven't found a suitable replacement yet, but we have tried a way to repair a part of its receiving module," Tyre said, with a hint of emotion in his expression. We could not receive the contact information from other immigrant spacecraft, but we received the kind of signal you received in the monitoring station... and successfully achieved precise positioning."

The news came so suddenly that Gawain didn’t react for a moment. He blinked a few times before the corresponding intelligence emerged in his mind: He knew about the sea monsters trying to repair the antenna array of the spacecraft. And he also knew that the immigrant spacecraft launched by the Kraken when he fled from his hometown was not the only one launched by Antavien-it is said that several other spacecraft set sail from their home stars, but now they are all lost in the depths of the star sea.

Now even though so many years have passed, Tyre’s compatriots still seem to believe that the compatriots on the other spacecraft are still alive. They hope to repair the spacecraft’s communication system to reconnect with those compatriots who had lost contact a million years ago. .

On the other hand, he knows better what the "signal" that Tyre is talking about is the mysterious information from the vast universe that the Thorin hub, the northern hub, and the ancestor's peak hub have all listened to. Those signals transmit With basic mathematical knowledge and languages ​​that no one can understand, it seems to be showing his existence to other civilizations and greetings. He has been confirmed from the mouth of the Dragon God that those signals come from intelligent creatures on other planets, but Due to technical limitations, even Cecil's most advanced magic net hub can only occasionally receive those signals unilaterally, but it cannot lock its specific transmission source, nor can it crack the technology used by the other party to transmit signals.

As for the deciphering of those mysterious "alien texts"... Cecil and the Typhon Empire organized a large team of cryptographers and text experts a long time ago, and even delegated the deciphering work to private brainstorming. However, so After a long time, the progress of all the work is still minimal.

He didn't expect that the sudden breaking point would come from the Krakens who had a close relationship with the alliance.

"The source of those signals is not far from your original guess." Tyre saw the change in Gawain's expression. She didn't sell it. "It is indeed from the direction of Frost. At the bottom of Frost, there is a dim star—— There may be other small celestial bodies, but our observing equipment is damaged and cannot be confirmed for the time being. After being accurately tracked by the Antavien Orbiter, the signal came from near that star."

"Does that star have a name?" Gawain asked subconsciously.

"We call it SK-32-A, but in your human world, magicians and astrologers seem to have given it a nice name, "Blue Star"," Tyre shrugged and said, "Make sure This is not easy. I searched for a long time in your messy and inaccurate astronomical charts, and compared it with Antavien’s astronomers several times before daring to confirm that our SK-32-A and your human beings. The'blue star' in the mouth is a..."

Gao Wen didn’t wait for her to finish, and immediately interrupted: “From tomorrow on, the salt in your pool will be replaced with refined sea salt.”

"Good!" Tyre nodded for a moment, and then went on to say business. "Then return to the'blue star'-we measured the distance between it and the planet under our feet. It is about 6.12 light years away. There should be at least one massive gaseous planet and two solid planets orbiting it, but we still can’t confirm the signal is coming from near which planet...

"In addition, our antenna system has tracked the signal for a long time, confirming that the signal is continuously transmitted in a cycle of about 3.35 days, and each time the signal appears and disappears, it will last 16 hours. It is still uncertain about this cycle. Was it the sender intentionally or was it affected by the cosmic environment along the way..."

Gawain’s expression was unprecedentedly serious. He carefully remembered every word Tyre said, and then softly repeated the special name: "...Cang Xing..."

Tyer glanced at Gawain and seemed to hesitate. After thinking about it for a few seconds, she continued, “One more thing...”

"You said." Gao Wen said immediately, the urgency in his tone even startled him.

"...Most humans shouldn't understand what this means, but as far as I know, you should be able to understand what I'm talking about." Tyre shook his tail slightly, his expression becoming very solemn. "After the analysis of the communication array, we found one thing-that signal... is traveling faster than the speed of light."

Gawain frowned instantly: Tyre's words are very brief, but the amount of information revealed in it is extraordinary.

"Super speed of light..." He couldn't help muttering softly, "That is to say..."

"Although it is 6.12 light-years away, those signals are not from the'outdated information' that was sent six years ago. What we received was an instant message from Cangxing, and this kind of information sending technology was very sophisticated-it It can be captured by our superluminal communication array, and it can also enter a conventional antenna system such as the magic net hub, which shows that it was designed to send intelligence to as many'targets' as possible at the beginning of modulation," Tyre nodded. "And if we have peer-to-peer messaging technology, we can even realize real-time communication with the'blue star' now...across the distance of 6.12 light years, to establish communication with intelligent creatures on another planet."

Gao Wen was being shocked by this sudden news. Hearing this, he subconsciously asked: "Your superluminal communication array can't..."

"No," Tyre shook his head, "I just said that we only repaired the receiver module of the array, and only part of it. The resonant crystal of the entire system is broken, and we have not yet found a replacement product."

Gawain realized that he was a little too excited, and immediately forced himself to calm down, and said softly, thoughtfully, "Anyway, the'Blue Star' is obviously a more advanced civilization than us..."

"They have at least advanced communication technology than ours-of course, after the Antavian is repaired, it won't necessarily happen," Tyre said, and then frowned, with a somewhat confused expression on his face, "but said To this'communication technology'... I have a sister who works in the communication technology group who mentioned to me a suspicious place last time."

Gao Wen frowned: "A suspicious place?"

"Compared with cutting-edge transmission technology such as'super-light communication', the signal sent by Cangxing is too simple and backward in terms of encoding method and modulation format," Tyre said slowly-she rarely talks to people here. Speaking of knowledge in this area, because most of the knowledge she understands is too difficult for humans to understand, but she knows that this incredible "human" can understand what she is saying, "in the same channel Under the width, they could have packed more effective information and clearer graphic content, but they chose the most primitive and inefficient'coding table'...

"Can you understand the contradiction? Replace it with a metaphor that you land people can understand, as if they had a magical device from the Gondor Empire that was extremely sophisticated and still usable today, but they I tied a stick to the device and used it to smash the walnuts-although the ultimate goal was still achieved, the process was..."

Tyre spread his hands, and Gawain quickly understood the meaning of her words. He thought of the information that Thorin had heard before. He didn't think there was anything at that time, but now, he knew that the signal turned out to be. It was transmitted at a speed faster than light, and the sense of violation behind the whole thing suddenly came to my heart.

It's like in the optical fiber era, two people use the most advanced computer and the fastest optical fiber shoot each other's telegrams.

"Perhaps this is just to make it easier for'low-level civilizations' like us to decipher the content of the signals they send." After thinking a little bit, Gao Wen thought of a possibility. "A more complex encoding method may be more efficient. High, but obviously it will be more difficult to crack..."

"We also thought about this possibility, but there is a problem," Tyre shook his head. "If it is to take care of'low-level recipients', then they can send multiple sets of different codes at the same time, using different levels. Compilation technology-in this way, no matter what level of the "receiver" will have the opportunity to receive and decipher those signals. If the "blue star" is really an advanced civilization that has mastered the speed of light communication, this kind of thing It is absolutely easy for them."

Gawain's heart has completely calmed down, and his mind is running fast. The questions Tyre raised are obviously worthy of his further thinking: "Perhaps...their signals are just for sending'low-level civilization'? Or maybe' The senders of Cangxing don’t care about the efficiency of information transmission at all. They only need to send those basic “greetings” to the entire stellar area, and the most primitive and simple coding method can ensure that this information is reliably sent to each area. In the hands of a civilization capable of'listening to space'..."

"This is also a possibility," Tyre nodded, "but what's the point of doing this?"

"...I don't know," Gawain hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly, "After all, we still don't know much about that distant ‘sender’."