Chapter 1218: Dragonborn and the Pea

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
The weather is getting colder and colder, especially in the suburbs under the night, but for the powerful extraordinary knights and dragonborn, this coldness is obviously nothing.

Ashalena stood quietly on the hills illuminated by the stars, and the imperial capital illuminated by the lights of thousands of families was like a gem inlaid on the banks of the white water. In her eyes, it was far more brilliant than the stars in the sky. There are several winding lights extending from the city, extending into the dark plains under the night, connecting those more distant lights-those are the busy roads and railways day and night, they are like arteries in this land. The blood of the empire is transported on it.

After the topic of Tarrond, she and Byron did not speak for a long time, letting silence gradually surround him from all directions, and it took some time before she heard the familiar and low voice from all directions. From the side: "...If only they could wait until this day..."

"If they are still alive, then you are probably still the mercenary leader who is in the gray area. If you are still the mercenary leader, then when old Cecil was hit by the deformed body, Ms. Hetty and Rebecca The young lady won’t have your combat power by her side. Without your combat power, Cecil’s last fire can hardly survive that disaster. In this way, even if Gawain Cecil is still resurrected, this piece of The fate of the land will be completely different as it is today..." Ashalena turned her head and looked at Byron, her eyes gleaming with a dark red glow in the night, "I know this sounds a little cold, but the leader, Fate is interlocking."

"...Yes, fate is intertwined," Byron sighed lightly, and then looked at Ashalena a little weirdly, "but you wouldn't have said this kind of... What I remember most about you is holding a wine barrel and bragging with people. If you can't brag, you will take a knife and continue bragging. After the fight, you will continue to brag-I haven't lost a fight, and I haven't lost a fight."

"It is not the style that a mature gentleman should have to mention these things in front of women-but it fits your style," Ashalena laughed, with a trace of memory in her eyes, "I left you with me back then. Is this the original impression...I don’t remember this clearly, but it should indeed be my most free and easy day."

"Actually, I've always been very curious," Byron couldn't help but glanced up and down at Ashalena, "Dragon Seal Witch...what the **** does it do? It sounds like you have a very special identity in the Holy Dragon Principality, not only It's as simple as an envoy for foreign exchanges."

Ashalena did not expect that such a careless guy by Byron would pay attention to such details. She blinked a little unexpectedly, and then the corners of her mouth curled up slightly: "Indeed, I am not only an envoy for foreign exchanges," Dragon Seal Witch 'Have their own duties-in the Holy Dragon Principality, everyone has such a natural'duty', some are born craftsmen, some are born warriors, some are superb in memory, and some are born to perceive or understand dragons. The knowledge hidden in the language runes...

"These things are engraved in our genetic factors, deep in the soul memory of every dragonborn. A considerable part of these'duties' are actually useless in this era, but they are still preserved. Waiting for the day when it will come in handy in the future. And this is the original meaning of the existence of the Holy Dragon Principality: we are the "disaster backup" of Tarrond, the seeds used to rebuild the dragon civilization after the extinction of the pure blood dragon...

"As for my'Dragon Seal Witch'... my duty is to record and master dragon language magic. I am also naturally able to identify the blood of other dragon descendants, and use psychic resonance to establish communication with other dragon seal witches in the distance—— The Dragon Seal Witch is a bit like the'catalog' and the'node' of the Disaster Backup. If the Dragon Civilization collapses, the number of Dragon Seal Witches surviving directly determines the reconstruction speed and upper limit of the entire civilization."

Byron's eyes widened in surprise. He watched Ashalena say this with a calm expression, and frowned subconsciously: "I didn't expect you to be such an amazing character... What you said. Does every dragonborn know about the matter?"

"Every dragonborn? Of course not," Asha Leina smiled and shook her head. "Only the upper dragonborn living in Longlin Fort knows these'missions', and they must be adulthood-most dragonborn I don’t know my mission. Everyone is just living a familiar life in a familiar land. I know that the outside world has always believed that the Holy Dragon Principality is a very mysterious place, but in fact...most of the dragon descendants Normal life is similar to that of your human beings."

"Humans don't roll themselves down halfway up the mountain in a wooden barrel, let alone fall freely along steep cliffs," Byron muttered with a weird expression, "In your majesty's words, your dragon descendants usually The lifestyle is too hard-core..."

"Haha..." Ashalena was amused by Byron's words, and the pleasant laughter spread far away in the night. After a few seconds, she slowly put away her laughter, exhaled gently, and said with a sigh. "Actually, it doesn’t make much sense to say this now. The development of things did not proceed according to the ancient plan. The dragon passed the rite of passage, but Talrond was not completely destroyed... The future seems to be better than expected, but the original The dragonborn who are to serve as the "disaster backup" now have the opportunity to choose their own path of survival.

"It is said that His Majesty Balogall is trying to solve the genetic engraving on the dragonborn, and my father is also actively involved in this matter. I don't care much about it... The natural'duty' may be for many dragonborns. Words are a kind of restraint, but on the other hand, there is nothing wrong with having a natural talent in my opinion."

Listening to what Ashalena said, Byron did not speak for any comment-this is a question related to the way of survival of the dragonborn, and each race has its own way of living, and he can't use the human's way of life. Judging Ashalena and her people with his eyes, keeping silent at this time is the most correct choice.

Ashalena was a little surprised by Byron’s silence, but soon she smiled and shook her head, putting these aside, this dragonborn withdrew her eyes from a distance, turned and looked at the bare hills behind, symbolizing The sexual tombstone and the lone bouquet were silent under the stars, and a path stretched from the direction of the tombstone to the foot of the mountain. After a long time, she whispered, "What's in this tomb?"

"It's nothing more than the empty thoughts of the living, there are two rusty broken swords and a bad eulogy," Byron said in a low voice, "In fact, I originally buried a few people outside the old Cecil. Lin Daokou, but in that disaster, the place where they were buried was the main channel for the attack of the deformed body-plus the dragon's breath later, there was nothing left in that place. I went back later and dug from the ruins. Something came out and a tomb was reluctantly built here... But your Majesty has a right saying that the best way to commemorate the dead is not how gorgeous funerals and coffins are, but someone can still remember their lives, I I think this is right."

"It sounds like you trust your Majesty."

"Of course, everyone who has fought alongside him will trust him, and when it comes to life and death, I believe in his judgment," Byron said with a smile, "He has experience."

The corners of Ashalena's mouth seemed to tremble, but she couldn't see clearly in the night, and then she seemed to change the subject and said, "Old Cecil...I remember that I liked the roasted wild boar legs and honey produced there. Wine. By the way, is it still in ruins today?"

"Reconstruction has begun-the ruins I mentioned are from a few years ago," Byron nodded. "The place was very corrupted by the demon tide. Even if it was purified by the dragon's breath, the harmful components in the deep soil are still The continuous precipitation is very unsuitable for growing crops, so we do not plan to build a town there. The plan of the Government Affairs Department is to treat it as an industrial area and move some heavy factories on the south bank of the Baishui River."

Then he fell silent, feeling this moment of silence in the cold wind of late autumn, until the dragoons patrolling at night flew from the distant sky, and the low buzzing sound made him wake up from his memories, he saw Glancing at the brightly lit city, she said to Ashalena: "Go back, it's getting late, and Pea should worry about not going back."

Ashalena nodded, and walked behind Byron to the path not far away. When she passed the grave on the top of the hill, she couldn't help stopping, and reached out and patted the piece. A cold tombstone.

"Go away."


In the central area of ​​the Imperial Capital, in a large house on Knights Street, bright magic spar lights illuminate the spacious dining room. Steaming meals are already on the table. Pea sits at the dining table, blinking with big eyes looking at the front Family’s father, and Ashalena’s "sister" beside him.

Compared with his gray-haired father, the beautiful red-haired lady looks really young, but Pea knew that many, many years ago, the two seemingly disparity in age were actually comrades-in-arms who fought side by side.

"Um... Aunt Ashalena is eating at home tonight." Perhaps it was the daughter's gaze that caused embarrassment. Byron couldn't help scratching at the messy hair and awkwardly making extra explanations, "We just went there. I’m out of the suburbs, so I’m back late..."

Before he could finish his words, Asha Lena on the side kicked him directly under the table: "It's not an aunt, it's an older sister."

Byron looked at Ashalena in surprise: "No, you have already..."

"It's my sister." The Dragon Seal Witch was expressionless, her tone firm.

Byron was helplessly defeated: "...Well, you are free, and Pea has no objection."

Pea sitting across the table did not say a word from beginning to end, but with her eyes wide open, watching the movement of the two "adults" in front of her. She didn't care that her father came back late today-because every year today is like this, father. He would go to a hill on the outskirts to visit those uncles and aunts who had fought with him, and on this day, his mood was always not very good...

It’s just that today’s situation seems to be a little different. My father’s mood after returning home seems a lot better than every time in previous years.

The grown-up pea thought about it.

The nervous Byron obviously did not notice these things. He was in a good mood. The smell of dinner, the company of his family and the return of friends who used to fight together made him feel that today is a very special day. He glanced at the table. The hot meal suddenly remembered something and stood up: "By the way, wait for me, I will go to the cellar and take out a few bottles of good wine that I have treasured-Ashalena, you must try it, then But I brought it back from Saint Sunil..."

When the voice fell, he got up and walked out of the restaurant. At the table, only the red-haired dragon-printed witch and the well-behaved pea were left beside the table. Ashalena suddenly felt that the atmosphere became weird-it was not the first time she had been with this The little girl gets along, but this is the first time this kind of "private" occasion is now. She hesitated and finally prepared to speak actively. However, before she broke the silence, the speaker near the spine of Pea came out first. Pleasant mechanically synthesized sound:

"Sister, are you going to get my dad?"

All the words of Ashalena that have not yet been brewed can no longer be brewed, only a stunned expression and a short exclamation: "...Huh?"

There was still no expression on Pea's side, and his mouth did not open, but the voice in the talker had begun to bababara constantly: "I can see it, you are planning to soak my dad, maybe you have been thinking about it for decades, this I'm familiar with the kind of bridges-men and women who fought side by side many years ago, and after many years of coming together, Mr. Firme's script has appeared many times, as well as the stories told by sister Jibrie and the collection of Ms. Hetty. It’s said in the knight novels that I wrote..."

Ashalena, this high-ranking dragonborn who has seen a lot of wind and waves suddenly panicked this time, and quickly said, "Wait, I am not, I don't, you don't..."

However, after all, her speaking speed is not as fast as that of a talker directly controlled by a nerve cord, not to mention that no one can control the pea that has already opened her mouth. The voice of the little girl Balabala continued: "Hey, don't rush to deny it, sister, this It’s not a bad thing, after all, my dad has been single for so many years...

"But let me tell you, you have to cheer, my dad is difficult to soak, mainly because he is slow in reaction and lacks nerves in this area. In fact, there are usually other ladies who are interested in my dad. After all, he is an empire. The general of has been single for so long, but in the past few years, no one has been successful. It's just unsuccessful. My dad doesn't even know...

"If you want to do it, you have to be more obvious. If it doesn't work, you just talk to him directly. My dad's resistance to this aspect is actually quite low. Don't look at him often bragging about how popular he was when he was young. I talked to Philip. Uncle inquired about it, there is nothing...

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing you have to pay attention to. If you really want to ask my dad, then you can’t let me call your sister. It’s better for you to let me call your aunt. This way it’s easier to level the hierarchy. It can make my dad more acceptable. Of course, this is actually a minor problem. After all, your Majesty said that when the long-lived race and the short-lived race are together, it’s best not to care about age and generation. You can discuss it, otherwise, just study who is who. Uncle has to list dozens of papers and the calculations may not be able to get it...

"Why is my dad taking a drink so slowly? He won't drink it secretly again... I tell you, he often drinks it like this, because he promised me that every..."

The synthesized voice from the talker kept ringing, but the pea in front of her still maintained her indifferent expression. This weird scene made Ashalena feel a little unbearable even after seeing it a few times, let alone. It was what the girl said cracklingly—she only felt the buzzing in her ears, and the continuous balabala rushed towards her face like an arrow rain, but finally, she still grasped the shortness of Pea’s thinking In the gap, he waved his hands repeatedly: "Stop-stop-you stop first, what did you just say? You said that people usually go after Byron's unresponsive wood?"

"Yes, it's too much. Although my dad doesn't know, but the middle-aged and elderly women in the Imperial Capital..."

The pea rose again to balabala, and Byron, who was coming out of the cellar with two bottles of red wine, suddenly felt a tremor in his body...