Chapter 1178: Bold project

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
After the heat that lasted for many days, a timely rain covered the vast land from the rock fortress to the dark mountains. This large-scale rain lasted for a whole day and night, and the rain was accompanied by most of the area. The heat has subsided, and the autumn breath is gradually realizing.

The window facing the garden was open, and the cool wind blew from outside the window. The wind was mixed with a fresh earthy smell, and the bright sunshine finally cleared through the window, sprinkling a dazzling spot on the windowsill. Gawain stood in front of the large window and scanned the lush grass below. He saw a long Tyre lazily nesting in a small flower bed surrounded by bushes, Miss Siren’s upper body lying down. Basking in the sun on a thin blanket, the tip of the lower body's tail protruded all the way out of the bushes, stirring slowly in a puddle by the garden path.

She will probably lie there until the sun goes down-then arch back into the house and continue lying down.

"Sometimes I really envy that saltwater fish," Gawain couldn't help showing a weird smile on his face. "How can she have so much free time every day to do nothing."

Amber stood behind Gawain, and poked his head to look in the direction of the garden, and curled his lips: "Nothing is good. What's so amazing is that she is paralyzed every day without delaying the work of the ship's technical consultant-Beigang. A message was sent over there today stating that the stabilizing wing designed by Tyre is working very well on the new frigate, but I observe every day that this guy is just sleeping in various places..."

Gao Wen shrugged helplessly, and said casually: "Continue to talk about the situation of the investigation from the north...Where did you just say it?"

Amber nodded: "We have several elite operators who successfully infiltrated the Violet Coastal City of Prandall, which is the city mentioned by the Duchess of Victoria. The preliminary information collected confirmed the clues mentioned by Victoria. There are still people in the area. I remember the group of Loren apprentices who landed in Plantel more than ten years ago, and some people clearly remember the situation when the apprentices left.

"Our staff also found the'road' that the apprentices used to gather to go to the city of a thousand towers-just as Victoria described, there is actually no road there, only the boundless thick fog and the fog In the shadowy dense forest. An operator who is good at field operations ventured into the forest and found that all navigation devices and pathfinding spells were all ineffective immediately after entering the fog. There seems to be a strange magic field in it. In order to prevent accidents, operators can only withdraw from the forest.

"In addition, we have also successfully established friendships with some Violet Masters who are active in coastal cities. Although the'Hidden Kingdom' is generally closed, the residents living in the marginal areas are still very interested in the new things from Loren. Yes, through business contacts and knowledge sharing, some wizards are willing to tell us some local customs and legends... But basically these "marginal wizards" are also very marginal in the entire violet society. So the information they can provide us is still very limited... Let’s put it this way, we have made a little progress in our intelligence work there, but probably don’t expect a breakthrough in the short term."

Speaking of this, Amber paused, and then continued: "In addition, there is news from Tarrond - the support team sent by the Alliance has settled down smoothly and started construction assistance. In the Dragon Wasteland The mission on board seems to have brought them extra... motivation. Almost all the projects have exceeded expectations. The naval forces led by Byron will return within two days, and the first phase of the support team will stay there and continue. Carry out a one-year aid construction task.

"In terms of intelligence, we have confirmed that the post-disaster situation of Tarrond is basically the same as that brought by Ambassador Melita. The situation of the Provisional Government of Agonda is better than we thought. Order in Errond will be restored soon, at least there will be no large-scale out-of-control or second unrest-the dragon is more tenacious than we thought. This should be good news for the Loren nations..."

Amber clearly reported the latest situation that she had learned. Gao Wen listened carefully, and occasionally asked some questions, and he would get appropriate responses. This made him sigh at the end: "You have indeed grown up over the years. Quite a lot..."

Amber immediately folded his arms and raised his eyebrows: "So the salary is increased?"

Gawain glanced at her without speaking. The two of them stared at her with big eyes and small eyes. It was not until a few seconds later that they laughed at the same time. There was a joke in the laughter for several years. There will be that kind of tacit understanding.

"Seriously, it's not easy for you to increase your salary at this level-and do you really still care about whether to increase your salary?"

"Care, otherwise?" Amber curled his lips and said naturally, "I'm counting on the income issued by the Government Affairs Office. After all, the law stipulates that no official staff of the government affairs system is allowed to engage in side jobs. My craftsmanship is almost abandoned in the past two years. Two days ago, I planned to open a lock to recall my childhood, but I didn’t even poke the first two times..."

Gao Wen didn't care about Amber's casual nonsense in the second half of the sentence. He just showed a somewhat unexpected look: "...I didn't expect you to observe these rules so strictly. I thought that based on your personality, you would at least try to find some loopholes in these regulations. come out……"

Amber was still laughing and joking, but at this time she suddenly put a smile away when she heard Gao Wen's words, her expression became serious, she glanced at Gao Wen, and then slowly said: "These laws are ours. Everyone picked it out bit by bit, and it took many years to finally be able to execute it smoothly—I used to be a thief, but if I still want to exploit this kind of loophole today, too many people’s efforts It was in vain."

Gao Wen didn't expect that his casual sentence would make Amber suddenly serious like this. He couldn't help but ask: "Why is it so serious all of a sudden? It doesn't seem like your character..."

"Bobbi was arrested yesterday. I personally gave the order." Amber shook her head, her eyelids drooped slightly, so that Gao Wen couldn't see her true look at the moment. "You still have an impression, don't you? He is the MIB One of the earliest cadres, the veteran I brought over from Kant, and Anton and the others... He is a guy with a lot of wicked ideas, but I didn’t expect that his wicked ideas will one day be applied to collective discipline. .Suppression Teko found his seven major economic violations...

"Anton found me early in the morning the day before yesterday, what can I do? I can only catch the old subordinates who are no longer loyal, just like the guys who dealt with bad rules in the dark alley... He doesn't want to be loyal. I have to be loyal for him.

"After this, I will follow the rules. After investigating the things about Bobby, Anton and I will prepare a report..."

The corridor by the window became quiet, and Gao Wen sighed softly after a while: "When we are all in difficulty, it is okay for most of us to overcome difficulties together, but when the day gets better, those who have gone through hardships together Companions may not always be consistent... Some people will want to make up for what they have done before, some will want to be superior, and some will stop in a comfortable environment and become what they once committed to The kind of people who get rid a mechanism of continuous self-renewal and self-correction is so important."

"Suppression Teko arrests people every week, I just didn't expect that the guy I brought out myself would one day be one of the people on the list, alas..." Amber said, shook his head suddenly, "Forget it, don't say it. This is also a good thing-if even the veteran of the MIB can be picked out and dealt with, it means that at least the'correction' mechanism you have created at this stage has not gone wrong, as you said before— -The anti-revolutionary Teko list is not terrible, and the anti-revolutionary Teko list is empty."

Gawain nodded. He wanted to say something, but a familiar footstep suddenly came from across the corridor, attracting the attention of him and Amber.

He raised his head to follow the prestige, and saw Hetty, who was wearing a red-bottomed long dress with gold rims, walking quickly from there. After noticing the hastily footsteps of the Zeng xN granddaughter and the serious look on her face, He realized that the other party might have brought incredible news, so he took two steps forward without waiting for the other party to come closer: "What happened?"

"There is level one communication from the Typhon Empire-it is a direct message from Obsidian Palace," Heidi stood still in front of Gawain, and said quickly, "They made a breakthrough in studying the fragments of God of War. Progress, and now I hope to conduct a high-level academic cooperation with us to jointly complete a bold...project."

"The academic cooperation proposed by Typhon? And it is related to the God of War Fragment?" Gao Wen was a little surprised, because this is the first time Typhon has proposed this kind of cooperation project through official channels after the last "war". It came much earlier than he expected-this can only show that Typhon's scholars have really produced some kind of result that even the Emperor Rosetta Augustus could not sit still, "This should be regarded as theocracy. The affairs of the council...what did those Typhonians do?"

Heidi didn't seem to calm down from the news she had just learned. She took a hard breath and finally made her tone calmer: "In short... they seem to have found a way to open the door to the kingdom of God. ——Open a door to the kingdom of God of War, and let mortals go in and find out."

Gao Wen: "...?"

The hallway was silent for an instant. Even Gawain didn’t react at the moment. He stared at Hetty for several seconds, before finally smoothing his thoughts in his head, and several syllables popped out from his throat at the same time: " What the hell?"

The next second he hurriedly coughed twice, trying to re-maintain the majesty of his ancestors: "What did you say? Open a door to the kingdom of God?! Are those Typhonians serious?"

"The direct contact from the Obsidian Palace, if that Rosetta Augustus is not serious about this, then I am afraid that few people in this world are serious," Heti sighed, obviously I fully understand Gawain’s shock reaction at this moment. After all, her reaction not long ago was similar to that of her ancestors. "They sent a simple technical document and an'enlightenment report' about this project, which mentioned their response to the God of War fragment. The research process and the basic idea of ​​opening the door-of course why they plan to do this. I have read the documents, and from the perspective of a former technician... I think that is no problem.

"To put it simply, they discovered the characteristics of'one body and two sides' between the gods and the kingdom of God, and found the path of'resonance' between the gods and the kingdom of God. They confirmed that the kingdom of God will not disappear immediately after the fall of the gods, but It will continue for a long time to dissipate. They have found a way to materialize and temporarily stabilize this "path", and have conducted a considerable degree of feasibility verification.

"The document does not clearly describe how the Typhon scholars found this'solution', but from the line, I feel that behind this incident may be related to the Rosetta Augustus himself."

"Rosetta Augustus himself..." Gawain softly repeated the name mentioned by Hetty, vaguely he had already guessed something-the Augustus family, this respectable family has been in the past two hundred years They have been entangled with the "eyes of gods" from ancient times. At the huge price paid by generations of people, they succeeded in stealing the available knowledge from the "gods" and achieved the unique feat in the history of mortals. This knowledge... is wealth that even Cecil's advanced technology cannot replicate.

Cecil's research on the gods started very early, and inherited part of the legacy of the ancient Gondor rebels. Of course, the advantages in this area are obvious, but Typhon controls the knowledge directly from the gods, which means that in certain In certain areas, the Typhons also have their advanced features-the fragments of the God of War are not exclusively owned by either Cecil or Typhon. After the battle of Winterhold, the fragments of the gods fell in all directions, and the wreckage that was successfully recovered was taken by both parties. After dividing the holdings, the two countries immediately launched research on these fragments, but it is clear that Typhon's results have gone a step further now.

But now it seems that Aldernan did not monopolize these results-they implemented the resolutions in the 112 meeting and implemented the consensus reached by the leaders of the countries at the inaugural meeting of the Theocracy Council: the results of the analysis of the gods should be left to all mortals Shared sharing. Prior to this, specific technical projects should be jointly undertaken by countries in the council with corresponding research capabilities. Now Typhon's "invitation" to Cecil is implementing this content.

"The Typhonians were the first to obey the rules," the thoughts passed in his mind, and Gao Wen said with a sigh, "this is very good-then we should also respond positively. But before rashly agreeing, we still have to Let’s take a look at what the Typhonians have made...Heidi, you first send the documents from Aldernan to my study, I’ll go over, and then inform Carmel and Veronica by the way. With a word, I should need their'professional advice' soon."

Heidi lowered her head: "Yes, ancestor."

Heidi turned around and left quickly, while Amber got up with a BB beside Gao Wen: "Those Typhonians really made things that scare people without making a a door to the kingdom of God. We dare not even think about this..."

"Actually..." Gawain glanced at Amber and said with a little embarrassment, "I have thought about this, but I have no idea about the technology..."

Amber was stunned, and it took a long time to say: "...What kind of thinking is this, you and that Rosetta Augustus are relatives?!"

"...It's not impossible for you to say this," Gawain touched the tip of his nose, combing through the contents of his memory, "700 years ago, my wife was a distant cousin of Roland Augustus... "

(End of this chapter)