Chapter 1169: Big plan

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
To the southwest of Cecil City, a large facility is located at the junction between the dark mountains and the forest. The heavy high wall isolates the entire facility from the outside world. At every node of the high wall, you can see the towering mana obelisk as well as the guard post and fire platform near the obelisk. Soldiers go back and forth on the high wall. The patrol is full of guns and live ammunition. There is another road that extends from the back of the base all the way into the dark mountains, pointing far away in the direction of the fortress. Another road extends from the side of the base to the dense forest in the west, where is the Dragoon Training Base No. 1 direction.

This large facility is one of several test and processing bases under the Department of Magic Technology.

In the depths of the facility, the independent building in the office area stands in a huge hole made by the natural mountain. The flag of the Cecil Empire hangs along the mountain wall from the high dome to the ground. A middle-aged male researcher passes through it. The mechanical bridge between the isolation inspection area and the office area stepped into the building under the watch of the Empire flag.

Compared with the relatively strict and depressing environment of the base, the interior of the building has bright lights and relaxing colors. In the long main corridor, the soft light emitted by the magic spar lamp is spilled from the top. A layer of soft light fell on Researcher Nian's shoulders, and bright reflections also appeared on his head.

A young female researcher came from the other side, stopped in front of the middle-aged man and greeted politely: "Good day, Leslie Think Tank."

"Miss Fanny," Marin Leslie, who has been promoted from a senior researcher to a "think tank," nodded to the girl who had just graduated from Imperial College and was transferred here, "I just received It is reported that the large anti-gravity unit sent from Pompeii has passed the Panshi Port checkpoint and should arrive at the Baishuihe Port soon. You will bring the procedures to the handover tomorrow-you should be familiar with the relevant procedures. ?"

"Yes, Leslie Think Tank," the young research assistant nodded vigorously, with the youthful vigor and the sense of expectation when performing important tasks. "Don't worry, I have followed the mentors several times. , There must be no problem."

"Well," Marin Leslie replied, and asked casually, "Is the minister in this office today?"

"Yes, the minister came early today, and he has to deal with several technical processes of engine linkage-now in the office on the second floor."

"Okay, I'm going over now—Miss Fanny, don't forget what I told you."

After this small episode, Marin Leslie bid farewell to the young research assistant, went straight to the second floor of the office area, and stopped at the end of the spacious and bright corridor-this is the highest responsibility of the Magic Technology Department. People’s office, and that was a respectable member of the royal family. Although almost everyone in this era is consciously weakening many of the rules and habits of the old aristocratic era, Marin, who comes from the Leslie family, still persists. Certain "rules" for decades. He stopped in front of this door, quickly sorted out every detail on his clothes, and adjusted his expression in place, before he stepped forward to knock on the door.

But before his fingers touched the door panel, the voice from the office stopped his movements. He heard two voices, one of which was obviously his immediate boss, and the other was the ruler of the empire. Your Excellency——

"You have exceeded your budget for the third time! Rebecca! Although your project has a high priority now, you also have to consider our finances-why not do more simulation experiments in the Origin Lab? !"

"I did it, aunt... But the origin laboratory is not a panacea. Who knows that there will be an additional magic tremor after the multiple anti-gravity rings are activated simultaneously... But don’t worry! We have found the magic tremor. The way to export in time! Just add a layer of mythril coating between the first-level power ridge and the second-level power ridge. Hey, let me tell you, aunt, Pompeii..."

"How many times have you said that when you communicate at work, call me the Grand Archon!"

"Hey, okay, Aunt Archon-the newly built factory in Pompeii has already shipped! In these two days, we will know that the anti-gravity unit on the production line does not meet the standard. If it does, the cost More than half of this can be down..."

"I hope the situation is really the same as what you said, otherwise I will have to take you to the ancestors as an account when the next financial settlement is made!"

"Hey, hey, don't worry, Aunt Archon, I'm sure here, I must not ask..."

"Stop—you should call my aunt. Damn, I really should have found you a good etiquette teacher..."

"Hey, aunt, you are too harsh. Mr. Bauerbo was actually good at back then. Although his boxing skills are not good, his physical skills are quite desirable..."

Marin Leslie, a member of the Leslie family, a well-educated progressive scholar who actively accepted the transformation of the new empire order, one of the oldest technicians in the Magic Technology Department, and the "think tank" with the least hair in this session , Today encountered the biggest middle-aged workplace crisis in his life in front of his immediate boss.

Knowing that my boss is being trained in the room by his boss, and from the conversation, I can tell that my boss seems to be stupid, and I am standing outside the office at the moment, the room is not soundproofed, and I work here. Everyone knows this and asks: If you open the door yourself at this time, how much money will be left next month?

The voice in the room has calmed down, and Marin Leslie swallowed with a complicated expression. He knew that His Royal Highness Rebecca was actually a person who didn’t care much about details, and probably wouldn’t break it because of himself. Something embarrassing and angry, but at this time he still couldn't help but hesitate-after all, even if the person involved was not embarrassed, he would be embarrassed to hear it outside.

He decided to stand at the door for another two minutes, wait for the embarrassment to pass before knocking on the door, pretending that he had just arrived and heard nothing...

As soon as his thoughts turned here, Marin suddenly heard footsteps behind him. He looked back and saw that Miss Fanny was walking towards a nearby office-she had come up to fetch the documents.

"Lesley Think Tank?" Fanny also saw Marin standing in front of the minister's office, and she called out in surprise, "have you not seen the minister yet? She is in the office..."

Marin suffocated his neck, and after holding back for a long time, he could only say: "...Thank you for reminding."

"You're welcome~~" The young research assistant smiled happily, turned and walked into the room, leaving Marin Leslie with an embarrassed face standing at the door of the minister's office. After a while, Marin, who often felt the pressure of the workplace The husband sighed and scratched his head. The remaining hair around his head seemed to loosen a little bit. Then he reached out and knocked on the door, and soon heard a familiar female voice from inside: "Come in, the door is unlocked. ."

Marin pushed the door into the office and saw Rebecca sitting behind a large desk, seeming to be in a daze, a magic net terminal next to it seemed to have just shut down, and the runes around the projection crystal were still glowing slightly.

"Um... Minister," Marin bit his head and said hello, "I'll report to you..."

"Marin," Rebecca said casually while maintaining a wandering state, "I suddenly have a doubt..."

Marin Leslie immediately adjusted his expression, and even put the report aside for the time being: "Ah, may you ask."

"Will the older women have a worse temper than when they were young?" Rebecca looked at the old man in front of her seriously, "I always feel that my aunt has become more and more irritable in the past two years..."

Marin broke down in a cold sweat on the spot-this thing is a proposition!

But fortunately, Rebecca didn’t expect this middle-aged bachelor who didn’t even marry his wife to answer such a highly professional question. She just muttered something like this, and then she muttered and moved the topic to another one. Direction: "Oh, forget it, in any case, let him prepare some medicine to calm the nerves when I see Pittman next time. Maybe my aunt won't care about the budget when she is happy..."

Marin’s cold sweat has never stopped. At this time, he watched his boss rush towards the new direction of death. He wanted to remind him, but he didn’t know how to open the topic. Before he figured out how to speak, Rebecca's voice came again: "Forget it, forget about it, Marin, what are you going to report?"

This sentence was like a natural phenomenon, and fresh air suddenly poured into Marin's trachea. He couldn't help but exhale, and quickly led the topic on the right track: "Yes, Minister. First of all, it is about the reaction of the Pompeii factory just off the line The gravity unit, a message from Panshi Port just now says that the fast cargo ship has passed the checkpoint and should be able to arrive at the Baishuihe Port tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I have arranged for someone to hand it over."

"Oh? Have you passed the Rock Harbor? That's really fast," Rebecca immediately showed a happy expression, and shook his chair with a grin. "That's it, we can quickly put the new anti-gravity The ring is installed on the test frame, and there is no need to stop and wait for a series of projects in the test field... Is there any other good news?"

"Ms. Selena, a node bachelor, has sent a message that the No. 1 experimental workshop of Glenn Heavy Industries has been successfully launched," Marin nodded. "According to her judgment, the performance of the neural network under the control of the wet part host in a practical environment is in line with expectations. , All parameters are in line with or close to the conclusions calculated in the laboratory environment-she described, "The whole factory is alive, and every machine operates as flexibly and freely as humans control their own limbs, unlike the old style. The levers and buttons that are manually manipulated are as blunt."

"Such a high evaluation?" Rebecca raised her eyebrows immediately, and then she felt a little regretful, "Hey, it's a pity that I wasn't there. I really want to see how the first "smart workshop" in human history started up. of……"

Then she shook her head to refocus her mind on the business. Her gaze looked at the documents on the desk. Between those documents and the ruler, a large sketch was spread out on the desk, and the sketch was outlined. There is something weird to describe to people who don’t know the truth--

It looks like a very weird ship, or some kind of "building" that can move like a vehicle. The tower next to it as a scale reference shows that this weird thing has a huge volume, and in this weird There are no sails, blades, or other structures expected of a normal ship to be seen everywhere in the huge "ship". Instead, there are large magical devices distributed throughout the hull, which include a large number of diameters. An anti-gravity ring reaching more than ten meters, an energy-discharging grid with a length of nearly 100 meters, a continuous array of magic capacitors, and a greater number of dazzling magical mechanisms.

At the bottom of this drawing, the hard and clear printed characters are marked with a code representing top secret: No. 115 project.

This is just a sketch, and the details contained are far from the real engineering blueprint. However, just such a sketch is also complicated to the extent that it can make young technicians who have just been in touch with Magic Technology for a long time dizzy.

This is of course not designed by Rebecca herself-although she is indeed a very talented magician expert, but the truly cutting-edge magical technology has already developed to a level beyond personal talent. This sketch and the entire design plan related to it is the result of hundreds of experts from the Magic Technology Department and cooperating scholars from several other research departments working day and night. This not only includes a large number of demonstrations and calculations in the real world, It also includes countless derivations and simulations under the accelerated time of the origin laboratory.

The engineering behind this blueprint is the most ambitious plan of the empire in this exciting new era.

"Anti-gravity device... My ancestors once said that this is one of the most convenient technologies in the world, and it is even convenient to the point of cheating-and such an important technology should not be limited to making something like dragoons or cloud bottoms. Such'gadgets'," Rebecca said slowly, looking at the things on the sketch, with a trace of emotion, "Sometimes even I can't understand how the ancestors' incredible ideas came out. Seriously Yes, when he came up with the'Magic Sky Fortress' plan, I was taken aback..."

"Your Majesty once said that his source of inspiration is the elves' temple of stars," Marin Leslie said in admiration, and when he saw the drawing on the table, his eyes were more proud. "But I still have to say... The Temple of the Stars has been operating in the sky of this world for so many years, and everyone takes it for granted as a kind of'unquestioned miracle'. Only our majesty can think of using human power. To replicate this miracle-this vision is unmatched by others."

"My ancestors said, don't despise the vision of the ancients because of our achievements today-people in the past didn't want to, because the limitations of technology and background made it impossible to do it. The elves have spent so many years trying to repair their temple of stars , If they have a way, don’t they want to make a new one?" Rebecca shook her head, saying something very rare, "and the thing we are going to build can’t be compared to the Temple of the Stars. By comparison, no matter in terms of scale or internal parameters, an air fortress of the size of the Temple of Stars cannot be replicated by today's technology...but we can try to create a downgraded version."

As Marin Leslie heard the words of the princess, a smile gradually appeared on his face: "If you can make one, you can make ten."

"Yes," Rebecca also laughed, smiling confidently, "If you can make one, you can make ten."