Chapter 1124: Point to wasteland

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
Aldernan in the summer swept away the gloom, the bright sunshine that is rare several times a year is slanting down from the sky, shining through the window, and passing the silver lamp post by the window and the exquisite window frame The carved flowers left a series of shadowy spots on the ground. Rosetta Augustus was sitting behind his desk, his gaze shifted from those spots, and he did not speak for a long time.

In those light spots, he seemed to see the mortal kingdoms at this moment-the light is connected by shadows, and those intertwined and isolated parts seem to be inevitable forever, but no matter what, a brighter era has finally arrived. Under the sun, All the light and shadow gathered together to form this lush summer.

"Did you really decide not to bother about this matter anymore?" The nominal royal maidservant and the actual rogue leader Diana looked at her allegiance to the monarch and asked in a calm tone, "Bad Wendell Once an imperial general in charge of the Winter Wolf line of defense, his father and daughter now have a pivotal influence in the imperial military system. Now he is loyal to Cecil. This matter..."

"He was General Wolf 20 years ago, and General Wolf 20 years ago is dead," Rosetta glanced at Diana calmly. "For this era that is undergoing drastic changes, one in two General Wolf, who broke away from the military system ten years ago and deviated from normal society for many years, is meaningless. He can neither return to Typhon’s military system nor get his own position in other parts of the empire. And... "

He paused briefly. In the afternoon sun, he seemed to recall some fragments of his youth-but those fragments quickly disappeared and turned into delicate balances and judgments.

"And I care more about the loyalty of the Wendell family than the value of Bud Wendell himself-Bud has left Typhon, but Peri Dinan and Andesa are still here, the other members of the Wendell family, those with The large and small military aristocrats who have been linked are still here. In this period when the storm has just subsided, the empire needs the loyalty of these people more than ever."

Diana lowered her head: "I see, your judgment is really long-term."

Rosetta just shook her head, and then suddenly let out a sigh, with a strange look on her face: "But in this way, one of the ancient ancestors of the Augustus family became a plant in Cecil's land. Tree, Typhon's most promising wolf general in the past has become a researcher under that tree... The direction of this world is really unexpected."

The ruler of the empire said with a weird expression, but he couldn't help but think of what kind of "surprise" the other party would come up with next time he meets Gawain Cecil-is it possible to check the royal Are the tombs and the cemeteries of the major noble families sealed? It is said that after Gao Wen's "resurrection", many nobles in Anzu strengthened the coffin of the family tomb. He only thought it was a stupid joke, but now he can't help but think about the rationality of it...

He doesn’t mind the sudden return of a long-dead ancestor Augustus, but it’s another matter for the family ancestors who returned to the world to suddenly become Cecilians...

"Your Majesty?" Diana noticed Rosetta's sudden silence, and couldn't help asking, "What did you think of?"

"No, it's nothing, let's not talk about it," Rosetta shook her head, looking back from the light on the floor, "Cecile just sent a subpoena about the Gondor Wasteland. You should I already know."

"Yes," Diana nodded, the iron man soldier's face hardly changed much, but her aura still seemed more serious than before, "I saw the copied briefing early in the morning, and its content... …It’s amazing."

"The ruins of the Deep Blue Well still have the legacy of ancient Gondors in operation, including the Ironman Corps in service, and a group of cultists who are out of surveillance are moving in the depths of the wasteland, and it is possible from the Deep Blue Well. Stealing a huge amount of energy..." Rosetta said in a deep voice, rubbing a jewel ring in her hand subconsciously, "Such a disturbing threat... it has been under our noses for hundreds of years. "

"The wasteland has always been under our noses, but for a long time, everyone thought it was'dead'," Diana said in a calm tone, "Even if an aberration has broken through the barrier and invaded the human world in the past two years, many The country has not taken it seriously either-in the final analysis, the wasteland has not shown clear'malicious' to people in the safe zone, and everyone subconsciously believes that it will always be in this state of security lockdown."

"I now understand more and more the vigilance and guard against the Gondor Wasteland that Gawain Cecil has kept after his resurrection," Rosetta said in a deep voice, "As long as that thing exists for one day, there will be no real world. Security, it’s ridiculous that until the eve of the founding of the alliance, many people called Cecil’s newly built outposts and fortresses at the southern foot of the Dark Mountains as “the old people who have broken away from the age’s nervousness to the old threats”... "

"...I don't know how to evaluate the subtle tendencies of human mentality, but I agree with your judgment about Gawain Cecil and the Gondor Wasteland," Diana thought a little, and then asked, "Then you are right How do you look at the plan proposed by Cecil?"

"They put forward a long-term plan to counterattack the wasteland, hoping that the three empires of Cecil, Typhon, and Silver can call on the forces in their respective areas of influence, and at the same time advance from the north and south sides of the Gondor Wasteland. One goal is to establish a forward stronghold at the foot of the magnificent wall, and then set up a purification zone and more forward strongholds inside the barrier-just like the pioneers did seven hundred years ago," Rosetta recalled before. The details of the subpoena sent by Searle said, "At the same time, he also hopes to establish a communication and transportation method that can directly cross the wasteland to replace the currently unstable sentinel data link and the'Round Gondor Land Corridor'. ...This matter should have been supported by the Silver Empire, at least by default.

"In general, this is an ambitious plan. Although I don't want to admit it, I am afraid that only those who have experienced the second pioneering like Gao Wen dare to propose this kind of thing-it is difficult for those of us who live in a comfortable environment. This kind of determination.

"As for my attitude... I tend to support him, at least for his first phase-we need to rebuild those strongholds and open up camps on the magnificent wall, regardless of whether we will further counterattack to the hinterland of the wasteland in the future, at least not let the present This state of ignorance of what happened in the wasteland will continue."

Diana looked at Rosetta’s expression and slowly nodded: “Judging wisely enough, and cautious enough.”

"I'm very curious about what you think about this matter now," Rosetta said suddenly, "not as the so-called'maid maid' or'rogue commander', but as you...the Gondor Iron Man, you What do you think about this matter? After all, in a sense, there is your'hometown', and there may be an entire iron corps still operating in the depths of the wasteland."

"...I don't know what I should think, this is not in my list of duties," Diana seemed to think about it for a while, feeling a little confused about Rosetta's question, "I was indeed born in the Gondor Empire. But the creators who made my production facilities and conducted mental adjustments for me have been wiped out in that magic tide. I have no similar "nostalgia" to the polluting dust and toxic water bodies remaining after the magic tide. Feelings. As for the'Iron Corps' you mentioned just now... I do care a little, after all, I haven't seen my own kind for a long time-if they are still functioning normally, maybe I can learn from their core of mind Update some useful data to improve your core operating status.

"Of course, if you are asking me about my views on the'counterattack wasteland' plan, then I am very supportive-this is a very wise and positive plan, compared to sealing a deadly threat in an energy barrier And pretend that it doesn’t exist, and face it bravely and try to solve this crisis completely is what really makes sense.”

Rosetta stared at Diana for a while: "If—I mean if, you re-established contact with the Ironman Corps deep in the wasteland, and they or the individuals with command authority behind them demand you. 'Return to the team' what will you do? Does this order violate your oath of allegiance to the Augustus family? When two instructions conflict, how do you decide their priority?"

"...A long, long time ago, when your great-grandfather was very young, he often tried to guide me downtime with questions containing logical conflicts to avoid lunch classes or afternoon physical training," Diana faces Looking at Rosetta blankly, "Are you trying something similar now?"

Rosetta was also expressionless: "I'm just curious."

"Iron Man is a mechanical soldier that obeys a logical system, but we are far more flexible and changeable than the so-called'magic puppet'," Diana said. "If the conflict you mentioned does occur, I will explain my reality to my superiors. The situation and seek for understanding. At the same time, I will explain to my superiors the reason why I left the ironman network 700 years ago. In any case, an iron corps that has been in operation must not lack an old observatory security officer, and you definitely need me. Hundreds of years of experience-I will never fall into the conflict of instructions you assume and go down."

"Okay, so I said, just'if'," Rosetta spread out her hand, and suddenly became a little curious, "but you just mentioned that when my great-grandfather was young... he really used this logic Questions to try to lead you down? I never knew there was such a thing... how did you deal with it?"

"I restarted very quickly, faster than he could escape the room," Diana said quietly, while looking behind Rosetta, in her pair of high-precision artificial crystal eyeballs, used to detect the spirit body The arcane rune is refreshing quickly, "Also I should remind you that your great-grandfather is listening."

Rosetta stunned, and turned her head slightly to her side. She saw the ancestors of Augustus, who had been cursed by the Eye of God two hundred years ago, standing facelessly behind her, and her great-grandfather. Looking down at himself at the nearest position.

Rosetta was silent for a few seconds, turned her head back, and returned to the posture of sitting upright.

The curse that lasted for two hundred years was lifted, but the sequelae...It seems that it will continue for a while.


Over the Plains of the Holy Spirit, an anti-gravity aircraft that is much larger than conventional dragoons is flying across the bottom of the cloud in the sun. Several dragoon fighters serving as escorts and two heavily armed dragonborn fighters line up on both sides. Accompanied by the **** formation, bright sunlight shines on the steel and crystal shell through the thin clouds at high altitude, giving a dazzling silver light, and at the same time revealing the energy covering the aircraft and the dragonborn soldiers Shield.

In the large aircraft in the center of the queue, the cockpit, which is much larger than the conventional dragoon, is divided into two parts, the front and the back. The cockpit in the rear half is semicircular, and several seats are arranged on the edge of the curved bulkhead, and the seat is half circle in front It is a magic net terminal device-at this moment, the light-shielding barrier outside the cockpit has been opened, blocking the overly bright sky light above, leaving only the most comfortable light in the cockpit, and the sky above the magic net terminal projected the scene of the Holy Spirit Plain: It was a real-time bird's-eye view from outside the cabin.

The Silver Queen Belcetia sat on one of the seats, looking at the picture presented in the holographic projection with a curious and interesting expression, and at the same time looking at the internal structure of the aircraft from time to time and those invisible For Mingtang’s magical device, the maid Elaine next to her looked a little nervous. Sometimes she grasped the armrest of the seat, sometimes frowned and listened carefully to the buzzing of the anti-gravity ring coming from under the floor.

"As early as in the royal court, I heard about these magical flying devices. My great astrology master was full of praise for your pioneering progress in the field of anti-gravity, and praised your optimization and optimization of runes. Efficiency enhancement technology... To be honest, I thought her reaction was a bit exaggerated, because the anti-gravity field has always been the home of the elves," Bersetia said to Gawain next to him, "but now I begin to believe her treatment of you Evaluated...I can perceive the energy flow near the anti-gravity ring, your use of magic is incredibly efficient, and it can be so stable..."

"Mathematics is the cornerstone of the world, and the most important feature of the cornerstone is stability," Gawain said. "But compared with the Temple of the Stars in the Silver Empire, these small-scale anti-gravity devices should be nothing to you. "

"It's not the same, Uncle Gawain," Belsetia smiled. "The Temple of the Stars is indeed a great heritage, but its biggest problem is that it is just a'heritage'-it is not even us who created it. The silver elves are the older primitive elves. If we can build a second temple of stars, then we can be considered the pride of the Silver Empire."

The legacy of the original elves...

Gawain couldn’t help sighing in her heart, sighing that the incredible miraculous creation like the Temple of the Stars has now become an "orphan"-Rebecca has coveted the "ancestral technology" of the elves for a long time, and she even has a building similar to that of the stars The grand dream of the sky fortress of the palace, in fact, this is even Gao Wen's dream, but unfortunately...the current technical strength of Cecil is far from enough.

"How far are we from the giant tree of Thorin?" Bersetia asked suddenly.

"There is about half an hour's voyage," Gawain said. "You can use this time to sort out what you want to say to Bertila-you haven't seen each other for hundreds of years."

Belsetia mumbled, and some memories of centuries ago appeared in her mind, and in the corner of her eye, on the holographic projection in front of her, a very distant greenery suddenly appeared at the end of the horizon.