Chapter 1046: Victory day

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
The cold wind from the coastline whizzed past and rolled up the dust that had just cooled down on the barren land. The brilliance of the huge sun tilted and shone on the devastated land, and even the scales of the dragon were plated with ripples. The halo that comes. The blue dragon, who had just awakened from its deep sleep, stood in this shocking wasteland. For the first few minutes, she was in the position of "Who am I, where am I, who beat me like this, I am "Who beaten" at a loss.

A strong wind blew through, and Melita shook Xin's long neck subconsciously. A dark and round object was blown from a nearby mound by the wind. Perhaps it was a coincidence or even fate-- She actually discovered that it was part of the lamp in her bedroom.

"Where is my house...I am a big house...and my dragon's nest, where is my balcony...I..."

The mind that had just recovered and was unable to process too much information, the blue dragon awakened from a deep sleep fell into a brief mental confusion, but as time passed, the dragon’s powerful physique began to work, and the damage to the nervous system quickly recovered. When she got up, those dreamlike memories gradually became clear, showing their true appearance from the absurd and distorted impression-Melita's dazed expression was gradually replaced by silence, and her eyes became solemn. When she looked at the ruins before her eyes, her expression had already changed into a dragon.

At this moment, a flutter of wings came from nearby, awakening Melita from her contemplation.

Miss Lan Long suddenly raised her head to follow the prestige. In the next second, her eyes were full of surprises—a familiar, white figure was passing by, looking around as if looking for something. Melita couldn't bear it. Zhuo let out a roar at the sky, the white dragon shadow finally found the figure in the wreckage ruins, and immediately landed towards this side.

After a while, accompanied by a gust of wind and vibration, the white dragon landed on the edge of the ruins, and Melita finally accumulated strength, broke free from the pile of ruined walls, and ran towards her friend with the wounds everywhere on her body. Half of the time, she returned to a human form, which helped reduce consumption and save energy.

Bai Long Noreta maintained the posture of the giant dragon, and she lowered her head after Melita came in front of her: "Great, you guys are still alive!"

"...It seems that only a small part of the surviving compatriots," Melita immediately heard another meaning from her friend's words, her eyelids drooped, but she quickly raised her head again, "No matter what What, it’s nice to see you."

"It's the same when I see you," Noretta lowered her head, making a low and gentle voice, "It looks like you have regained consciousness? How many things do you remember?"

"I'm not sure, my mind is still a bit messy, but I remember many clips when the final battle broke out... I remember that I finally fell from the sky, but luckily survived, I still remember a fire storm..." Mei Rita muttered, and couldn't help but press her forehead with her hand, "Now all the voices have disappeared, god, Omega... I have never felt so quiet in my mind in my life, and I am a little bit quiet. habit."

"Everyone who survives will feel this way, and we will slowly adapt." Noretta lowered her head and gently touched her friend's hair with her chin. "I woke up earlier than you. I know this process. "

"Surviv..." Melita couldn't help but whispered, "How many survived? Has everyone gathered somewhere? What is the situation now?"

"Not many survived, scattered all over the battlefield, but the ancient dragons that survived in the jury and the Senate are trying to reorganize the order and gather the people-I was sent to find survivors, there are more than a dozen A compatriot with minor injuries like me is also patrolling this area," Noretta said, lowering half of her wings, and motioned Melita to climb on her back, "The situation is complicated now, something to explain Too much, come up, I will take you to everyone’s current temporary foothold, we said while flying on the road."

Melita looked at her friend's leaning back, and among the white dragon's elegant and white scales, she could see a hideous wound--even though the wound had begun to heal, it was still shocking.

Melita knew that her injuries should be more serious, but she still shook her head a little hesitantly: "Forget it, your condition is no better than me..."

"You wouldn't have been so polite to me before," Noretta said with a hint of ridicule, and lowered her wings again. "Are you going to come up? I tell you that there are not many opportunities like this. Maybe I missed this time. There is no next time..."

"That's what you said!" Merita glared at Bai Long, then gritted her teeth and stepped onto her friend's broad back.

Along with a tremor, she felt that she had left the earth and embraced the sky again-the protective barrier that the dragon opened automatically when flying blocked the roaring cold wind, and Melita didn't realize it until the cold wind stopped. Really realized this: "The wind is so cold... It feels like it is blowing directly from the ice ocean..."

"Of course, the Great Shield has been extinguished, and the entire continent is now exposed to the polar climate-we have also lost almost all the weather controllers and tide controllers, and the climate in Tarrond will only get worse in the future. "

Melita did not respond. She just carefully stepped forward on the scales of the white dragon and walked forward two steps, and came to the shoulder blades of the dragon. She stuck her head and looked down, so she saw the present from high above for the first time. Tarrond, saw the true face of this post-war wasteland-Agundor has been completely destroyed, the mountains on the edge of the city collapsed like sand castles after a violent wind, and ancient palaces and temples have become The fragmented bricks and tiles between the rocks and rift valleys, the ruins after being hit by the high heat waves are full of burn marks, and there is a terrifying crack spreading from the city center to the direction of the coastline.

The remains of dragons and various war machines were scattered on this desolate land, like ink dots on a platter of doomsday.

Melita couldn't help but pursed her lips: "'s all gone...even the headquarters of the jury is gone, and you can't see a complete roof."

"Nothing can face the anger of the gods and remain intact," Noretta's voice came from the front. "We survivors are already the greatest fortune of the entire Tarrond."

Is the anger of the gods...

Melita couldn't help repeating this word in her heart. The things that had penetrated the deepest part of her mind emerged little by little, making her emotions more complicated. After several minutes of silence, she couldn't help but ask: "So, we won?"

"It looks like this," Noreta replied. "You can't hear the voice of the gods anymore? You won't hear or see those indescribable illusions... Me too. Everyone got rid of it. That kind of ubiquitous mental erosion is proof of victory. Elder Duke Moore has declared victory in the assembly point...Yes, we won."

"Won... the biggest miracle of all miracles, we actually won..." Melita couldn't help muttering softly, but didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

She didn't know how to describe her mood at the moment-the final battle, all dragons at the bottom of their minds knew that there would be such a day in the future. Although no dragon has publicly announced it, and no dragon has admitted that it will happen, this doomsday battle, which is almost equivalent to myths and legends for many dragons, is like a curse hanging on the head of the entire race. After implanting the resonance core and being able to think independently, you know it will come sooner or later.

Talrond maintains balance in the cradle, but there is no eternal balance in the world. Short-lived humans can realize this, and of course dragons can.

It's just that no one can say it until this final battle arrives.

Facing the final battle like an occasional curse, some dragons will indulge in the happiness created by hallucinogens and synergists. Some dragons choose to obey their fate and wait for it to arrive. Some dragons are awake. Replenishing energy and preparing to welcome him secretly, but almost no dragon really thought that mortals would become the victors of this battle-but now, victory has really come.

"We won. In theory, we shouldn't be there anymore..." Merita suddenly realized the problem-as a high-ranking dragon family living in the upper Tarrond, and as a member of the highest panel , She is qualified to know more details of this final battle, so more questions have arisen at this moment, "but why do we wake up? Did we actually... lose half?"

"No, we did win, but the situation has undergone an unknown change," Noretta said in a low voice, "Omega did not completely erase the original mind of all nodes, nor did it execute the original'self-cleaning' command. In fact... it seems to have disappeared from Tarrond and released all the nodes before disappearing, so we can wake up."

"Disappeared? Omega disappeared?" Melita stared incredulously. "How did it disappear? Do you mean the servers and computing nodes are gone? Or is the Omega system gone?"

"It seems to be the second case, but I don't know the specifics. I am only in charge of searching for survivors. Elder Duke Moore and several mechanics seem to know more, but they are also a little confused. After all... the Omega system has been operating on its own for many years and has undergone many iterations on its own. It is already a complex system that even the original designers did not understand, and the technicians have been able to do almost nothing in the last dozens of thousands of years. It's just to make more exquisite shells and replace decorations for certain computing nodes of Omega."

"...I couldn't help but think of Gawain's comment on Tarrond. In private, he said that our situation is called'lost sanctuary..." Melita couldn't help but muttered, and then slowed down. Slowly frowned, "Anyway, Omega has released our minds... This really doesn't conform to the instruction logic..."

"But it's always a good thing, isn't it?" Noreta said, turning her head slightly, "This makes us'live'. Although it will be a little troublesome for us to continue living now."

Noretta’s words seemed to remind Melita, Miss Blue Dragon, who was riding on the dragon’s back, couldn’t help but once again cast her eyes on the land that had been turned into wasteland: "The situation must be very bad now, right? Tell me. The problem we are facing now..."

"Well, although these things may not sound so pleasant," Noretta sighed. "Let’s start with the extinguishment of the big shield, and then the shutdown of the ecological environment and the food that follows. And medical issues, and the shutdown of factories after Omega disappeared...Although we don’t have many factories available now."


Outside the ruins of Agundor, the huge building complex that used to be the headquarters of the factory and the giant enterprise complex has also collapsed. The huge steel structure and protective wall were destroyed in the chaotic gravity storm and heat wave and turned into a plain. The distorted and creeping weird posture on the surface, however, compared with the urban communities that have been completely turned into ruins, the integrity and stability of this area are still much stronger.

This should be attributed to the high-strength construction standards of the factory group itself—compared to the urban facilities that emphasize elegant and complex shapes, these vital basic factories have an extraordinarily strong structure and multiple protections, and in the previous battles, this The area is not the main battlefield.

Therefore, although the factory facilities here have been shut down and the critical and fragile control systems have been completely destroyed, some extra-sturdy factories and caves built on the ground floor have survived. Now these facilities have become temporary safe havens for survivors— —The scarred dragons who survived the final battle gathered here dragging their tired bodies, licking their wounds, and waiting for the future.

This is what Melita saw after coming down from Noleta's back.

To be honest, the miserable situation here really makes it difficult for her to associate it with "victory".

"I know it doesn't look like a comfortable place to stay, but this is already the most'suitable for survival' place we can find now," Norieta turned her head and watched limping off her wings. Melita, who came down, said with a hint of joking, "The conditions are limited, bear with me, just use the stones here as a zero-gravity bed in your lair-anyway, that thing was also bought from the thrift market. After I bought it, it didn’t work for a few days."

"When I have time to mock my economic situation, it's better to find a place to rest. If you fly down, your wound will open again." Merita looked back at her friend. "And speaking of economic problems, everyone is the same now. Up."

"Okay, I'm still very optimistic. I'm more relieved." Noretta folded her wings, and the wound on her back made her mouth twitch, but she shook her head, "I will set off again and go to the south. In a battle zone, look for any compatriots who just woke up-the temperature is falling. Although the dragon’s physique is not yet frozen to death by the cold wind at the North Pole, the physical exertion itself after injury is very large. The wind can make wounds that could heal out of control."

Speaking of this, Noreta looked at the factories and cave facilities in the gathering point that had been scarred after the war: "There is at least a roof for shelter from the wind, and there are also a few heat source pumps that are barely running."

"Then your injury is okay?" Melita couldn't help asking.

"To be honest, it hurts a bit, but it will definitely be okay to fly again," Noretta moved her wings, "White Dragon's ability to recover is very strong, and I am very confident about this."

"Well, then you be careful."

"I'll be careful-you go to Calador first, he is in charge of the order of this camp," Noretta said, raising her head and pointing her long neck towards the center of the camp, "except him There are also a few red dragons there. Their healing magic and repair technology can help you stabilize your injury. Now Omega is gone, and medical equipment and automatic repair equipment are useless. We can only rely on traditional'craftsmanship'... Their craftsmanship is not very good."