Chapter 1042: Leave something

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
The anti-gravity generator stirs the magic curve that fills the background radiation of the entire universe. The huge "dragon" like a giant building passes through the end of the top of the atmosphere. The thick cloud layer has become a blank in the background, and the invisible magic storm is Blowing on the edge of the protective barrier-at the junction of the barrier force field and cosmic space, circles of transparent to almost invisible ripples spread outward, like ripples caused by stones falling into the water.

"The parameters are basically the same as the creators calculated 1.87 million years ago...

"The propulsion technology left by the sailor is still valid in the current era...

"The energy and propulsion structure are working well. After crossing the gravitational critical point, try to enter the shadow world to verify whether the submersible propulsion is feasible...

"Collect and compare starlight signals... The star map left by the sailor is no longer usable. Try to re-calibrate the star axis, and the destination is temporarily set to a solid planet near'Ao'... Or you can get energy and material supplements there... The right springboard."

Omega’s thread of thinking is active, constantly thinking about one problem after another. He collects brand-new information and draws up a brand-new plan. The distant stars shine on his alloy body, and the pulsating stars look like Just as beautiful as the planet below-new sensations flowed from the nervous system, and after a brief weighing, Omega judged it as "joy" and "expectation".

He raised his head and looked farther away. After crossing the visual interference layer set by the sailor over the entire planet, those ancient satellites and space stations were emerging from the darkness little by little.

"The legacy of the sailor is observed...all in a state of silence. Omega...I feel a little sad, and this sadness is not the same as when I left Tarrond."

Omega thought, and maintained the dialogue with himself in the thread of thought. He feels that his thinking efficiency has declined, and many computing tasks will take longer than before to complete-even though he has cut off the instruction output to all lower-level nodes, this decline in computing power is still very obvious.

But he did not panic because of this, because this is normal-countless computing nodes set up in the depths of the Tarrond land are going offline one by one. As he gets farther and farther away from the planet below, he can borrow from the surface The computing power is also sharply reduced. He is no longer an "Omega system" across the entire continent. Today, he can only rely on this huge body and the few servers loaded on the body, and their efficiency is obviously not as good as that of land-based nodes.

But Omega does not regret this-if you want to travel far, you must make a choice, too heavy "bag" can only hinder this journey.

And on the other hand, traveling far away in the appearance of this "individual" was an experience he had never imagined. He doesn't know which is better, as the Omega network bound to the earth or as the dragon Omega flying in the universe, but at least at this moment, he feels very...satisfied.

Several smaller aircraft rushed up from behind, and there was still a faint red glow on the silver-white triangular shells, which was the heat generated when passing through the atmosphere. These vehicles caught up with Omega, which had entered space, and then followed him not far behind him like a cub following his mother.

These are Omega's "bags" and all his belongings from his "hometown" on this trip. He doesn't know if these things are enough to cope with a long and difficult journey, but needs a little risk.

He doesn’t remember who told him this sentence. It may be a creator who wrote a program for the Omega system, or it may be a “guest” who visited the continent of Tarrond. I like the sentence very much.

Some small metal fragments slid past nearby, and the edge of the protective barrier collided with those fragments, and a small fire broke out. This insignificant impact attracted Omega's attention. He looked up into the distance with a high-precision optical sensor. Then I captured some scenes in the vast space in the distance-

He saw a group of tattered debris floating in the dark and deep starry sky. The appearance of the debris was very miserable, as if it had been torn to pieces by an extremely powerful and brutal enemy, and the rest was crumpled into pieces. A mass-it is floating almost to pieces, it looks like a mass of steel on the verge of disintegration, it is almost impossible to see its original appearance.

But after Omega scanned it carefully, he found that the internal skeleton of the pile of debris was still well joined together, and the sealing structure at the end was also intact. All the lights in the second half of it had been turned off, but in the first half of the In the small part of the middle, there is still some faint light circulating in the dark.

And in the space near this pile of debris, there is a pile of smaller, more twisted debris floating next to it, and the appearance of this pile of debris is even more difficult to distinguish.

All Omega's optical sensors are facing that direction, and within a few seconds, his "eyes" are still on the wreckage.

He analyzed the characteristics of the wreckage. In a very short time unit, he felt that new and complex emotions were pouring up from his nervous system, but this time, he did not understand this emotion. Which aspect should it be classified into? It is not joy, nor sadness, nor loss, nor even expectation. It is just shaking strongly in all the nervous system and auxiliary computing units, as if carrying hot heat. , Scorching all threads of thought.

In this intense and difficult to analyze emotional wave, Omega pondered a question: What should he do?

"My service is over..." Omega said to his 16th thought thread using the fourteenth thought thread, "I don't need to execute the order from the creator-they didn't leave me any preset instructions. ."

"Yes, I don't need to execute the instructions left by the creator," thought thread number 16 agreed, "so, I should do what I want to do."

Omega, who has finished his service and obtained the "heart", solved this little confusion in less than one thousandth of a second-compared with the "meaning of life", how to take the next step is really A too simple question.

He flew straight to the wreckage.


In the control hall of the Talrond, the dim light illuminates the ancient control seat, and in the interlaced light, three somewhat boring figures are revealed.

The hall was quiet, and the warning lights had been forcibly turned off, except for the occasional buzzing or ticking noise from somewhere.

"Which one of the word Solitaires did we have just now?" Barroger broke the silence suddenly, "I remember it was a ‘blizzard’ or a ‘high altitude cyclone’..."

"Whatever, I quit," Andal shook his head, "Word Solitaire is more boring than I thought...and you always mix professional words that only mechanics understand."

"Okay," Barroger shrugged, then glanced at the dimly lit lobby. "To be honest, I somehow miss the sound of the alarm system..."

Andal put his hand on the control seat in front of him: "Then I open it? It's not broken yet."

"Stop! Stop! I'm joking! This is just a rhetoric!" Balrog didn't hesitate to stop the opponent's action, "Have you considered what to do if you can't turn it off? This system can't stand the tossing. Up!"

Hearing the movement coming from his side, Herragor turned his head slightly and glanced at Balroger: "How long can our gas last?"

"It seems that it may take longer than expected now," Ballogel immediately resumed seriously. "The core compartment has not leaked, and the circulation device has emptied the poisonous gas in the pipeline. The gas control system is operating normally. It seems that our ultimate cause of death will not be suffocation or poisoning."

"...Even if this is good news," Andal shook his head, "It seems that we can still drift here for a long time. We have recorded a lot of observations, what do we do next?"

In the huge control hall, the three Primordial dragons fell into silence again. This silence lasted for a few seconds before Balroger cautiously said: "Should we have another word solitaire? We can start with geological terms..."

"I'm not interested." Herragor shook his head and said in a flat tone. At the same time, he looked over the transparent polymer dome not far away and looked at the vast empty space outside the spacecraft.

His gaze fell on a group of twisted wrecks that had completely lost their vitality and light-during this long drift, the wreckage was a little closer to the spaceship, but this might also be his illusion.

After all, he has been staring at the wreckage for too long these days.

After a few minutes of gaze, Herragor withdrew his gaze. He turned around and prepared to return to the central area of ​​the control hall. But at the moment his gaze shifted, an unexpected flash of light suddenly broke into his field of vision. edge.

Herragor stopped for an instant, and suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of the flash. On the side they were discussing which vocabulary to start the vocabulary Solitaire with, Barroger and Andal also stopped in an instant, looking in the same direction— —Yet they all only had time to see a fleeting phantom, a hazy outline.

It seemed to be a large-scale steel creation, a bit like a giant dragon with a body length of two or three hundred meters, and a bit like the tail engine group of the Talronde, which flashed past the edge of the polymer dome. , The speed is not clear at all.

It seemed to go round to the side and rear of the Tarrond-Herragor wasn't sure about it, and before he knew what it was, a huge thrust had already hit the Tarron. The protective wall on the side of the Lund.

The powerful impact shook the extremely sturdy keel of this ancient spacecraft. The shock entered the core area directly through mechanical conduction. The spacecraft shook and made a huge noise. The starry sky outside also rolled over. In this violent shaking, A seat not far away suddenly fell in the direction of Herragor. While the latter stretched out his arms to resist the impact, countless questions popped up in his mind, and these questions can be summarized as Three sentences-

what? what happened? How to deal with it? !


The gravity drive performed a beautiful "surge", and the accurately calculated thrust was perfectly released in the predetermined area. Omega watched from a distance the wreck that had begun to descend toward the predetermined orbit, and the steel-made lower jaw was slightly raised.

He was very satisfied with his shot this time.

Facts have proved that even without the support of the surface computing node group, the computing power of its own is still sufficient.

As for now, the farewell to the creators is over, it is time to continue this journey.

Omega retracted his gaze looking down, and his attention returned to the boundless space again. His gaze extended along the edge of the planet’s curved atmosphere to the distance. Between the starlight and the planet’s border, there were countless things left by the sailor. The ancient heritage is floating quietly on their orbits, watching this small world like a silent tombstone in space.

After doing a little calculation and re-adjusting his voyage plan, Omega once again activated the propellers throughout his body. He traversed a beautiful arc-shaped trajectory over the planet, and with the help of weak gravity, he moved gently towards the equator. In the direction of the flight.

He intends to make an acceleration from there, leave the gravitational circle of the parent star near the planet's equator, and then pass the "sun" at a close distance, and in the process supply magic power. After two accelerations, he will truly leave here and fly towards the "center" of this planetary system-the road ahead is long and full of unknowns, but the surging curiosity inspires this new-born traveler with high morale and confidence hundred times.

The group of equatorial satellites left by the sailors gradually appeared on the margins of the field of view, and more eye-catching than those ancient inverted cone satellites was the huge ring-shaped orbital body surrounding the planet's equator.

The ancient sky station is a "space miracle" that only sailors can build.

Omega flew toward the quietly moving satellites and the orbiting space station behind the satellites, and at the same time, he thought quickly.

Perhaps something should be left behind-many humans or other intelligent races will do similar things when they leave their hometowns to travel.

Omega quickly made a decision, and then issued an order to an aircraft accompanying him:

"Find a satellite with a better state and leave a transmitter on it."

A triangular aircraft received the order, silently left the flight queue in a vacuum, and flew towards a high-position satellite near the Sky Station...


Cecil, it's clear and cloudless midnight.

Gawain woke up in the middle of the night.

Strictly speaking, he jumped up after receiving a warning signal from a satellite suddenly.

An unprecedented signal awakened him from sleep. Although the signal subsided quickly, it dispelled all his sleepiness. Then, the satellite system closely connected to his consciousness automatically sent some blur. After seeing the blurred image data, Gao Wen fell into a sluggishness.

In space... something appeared.

He stood by the bed, and the bright starlight fell on the ground not far away through the wide window. In this cloudless midnight, the emperor Cecil, who was awakened from his sleep, had only three questions left in his mind——

What the hell? What's the matter? What to do? !