Chapter 1034: new beginning

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
The icy starlight crossed the endless distance and arrived here from the depths of the universe, shining brightly on the tattered shell of the Talrond, as if it had coated this ancient spacecraft with a layer of silver light.

At the stern of the huge spacecraft, a huge gap has been opened in the severely damaged reactor compartment. The damage tube system has been activated to cut off the corresponding energy path. Part of the extinguished core is exposed in space, and some of the escaped liquid is in space. It boils in the middle and turns into steam, reflecting the huge sunlight coming from the other side of the horizon, showing a rainbow-like color.

The faint brilliance in the engine flickered a few times, and finally extinguished completely-this spacecraft built 1.87 million years ago uses a completely different technology from the current era. It not only has an anti-gravity mechanism, but also Relying on the working fluid engine to provide extra thrust during the lift-off stage is a skill learned from the sailors, and now, the products created by these technologies are "dead" one by one.

"Our main engine has gone out, and the attitude control engine group still has a little power. I try to slow down the spacecraft and keep it in a high orbit-although we will still float away soon, we can enjoy it before then. The scenery here," Barroger said, patted the control seat in front of him vigorously, "Oh, this thing is also completely broken...I can't read the readings of the No. 3 reactor here, but I want to know its condition. Not much better."

"You also said that the main engine can last for thirty minutes under your hands," Herragor glanced at the chief mechanic. "Twenty minutes haven't arrived yet."

"That's a rhetoric, a little morale booster," Ballogel said nonchalantly. "It's not easy for the engine to finish the final climb in that situation-not to mention that this big guy is already in the sea. For more than a million years."

"We all know that it hasn't aged at all in more than one million years," Herragor said casually, and then he noticed that Andal hadn't spoken aside, as if he was thinking about something seriously, and he couldn't help being curious. , "Andal, what are you thinking?"

"Count my heartbeat," Andal said slowly, "I haven't noticed my heartbeat for many years... The blood pump and the circulation machine have always maintained the operation of this body, I almost forgot, myself There is also a primitive heart in the body... and it is still beating today."

"I thought that your heart had been removed long ago," Herragor raised his eyebrows in surprise, "As a black dragon with a shorter lifespan, your original heart hasn't died even today?"

"I also feel incredible-very incredible," Andal said slowly after a moment of silence, before he frowned suddenly, "Do you smell anything?"

"Did you just find it? It came from the gas storage bin," Ballogel stood up from his seat, slowly floating in the weightless hall, "Our filtration system has shut down, and some Exhaust gas has entered the life-sustaining pipeline. Don't worry, these gases won't kill us temporarily-the dragon's vitality is still very strong."

"Ah, it's really good news," Andal shook his head, "Then how long can we survive?"

"It's hard to say, it depends on how many leaks there are on the outer shell of the spacecraft, and whether our reactor will explode in advance," Barroger shrugged, "The console is broken, and I have no way of knowing the situation of the spacecraft— -But from a more optimistic point of view, didn't we just survive for a few more minutes? This is the first time that the dragon has stepped into the starry sky with its own power. Every second we stay here should be recorded in history. "

The hall was quiet for a while, and Herragor slowly floated to the dome made of polymer. He watched the scene outside the spacecraft. The vast starry sky attracted his eyes—he suddenly had some regrets, those The stars seem so far away, even though he has left the earth and has come to a place so far away from his hometown, the distance between him and the stars does not seem to shrink at all...The Talrond is like a child folded out It's like a paper boat, full of children's ambitious dreams and great voyage plans, but in fact it was just thrown into the small ditch at the door. Just a few meters away, it was already flooded with water and would sink at any time. Up.

But even so, this is the first step for a mortal to take out-it's like a baby trying to walk for the first time, maybe only staggering and moving, maybe falling down in the next second, but anyway, he is here now , Immersed in starlight.

It seems that there is no regret.

A ray of light suddenly appeared on the edge of the field of vision, and Herragor raised his head in surprise. He looked at the corner of the dome and saw the edge of the planet slowly moving there-the spacecraft had lost its power, and it was acting on inertia. The bottom rolled slowly, and during this tumbling process, it ushered in a magnificent sunrise.

The huge sun has risen. Behind the planet, an astonishing corona is slowly rising. The star with magnificent wood grains squeezes into Herragor’s field of vision a little bit more spectacularly than seen on the surface. Even more shocking.

The entire control hall was immersed in brilliant sunlight, and even if the shading coating was still working, the magnificent light still stung the eyes of the three humanoid dragons. Andal and Balrogir came to Hragor by chance. They gathered in front of the dome made of polymer, gazing at the unprecedented sunrise, and did not speak for a long time.

Here, it is not at all cramped.


Loren Continent, in the Winter Wolf Command post.

"The Mithril Ring did not respond? Can't contact the Mithril Treasury?" Amber looked at Gao Wen with a little surprise, and couldn't help muttering after confirming the situation, "This shouldn't be...for such a short time Mithril The Ring of the Ring has had problems twice...The technology of those giant dragons is so superb, it shouldn't even be able to repair a communication system..."

"For thousands of years, Mithril Treasury has never had such a situation," Gao Wen looked more serious, "'Never make mistakes' is the label of those dragons..."

"Maybe it's just that the fault hasn't been repaired yet," Amber thought for a while, and said with some uncertainty. As one of the people who visited Tarrond with Gawain, she knew the real situation of the dragon kingdom better than others. In the eyes of the world, the Mythril Treasury, which is full of mystery, does not have too much mystery in her eyes. "After all, all of their things have a long history, and their development is very large. If the thing called'Omega' is out of order What's wrong..."

Hearing Huo's optimistic judgment, the expression on his face did not relax at all. He looked down at the quiet Mithril Ring in his hand, but he couldn't help but think of the last meeting with the dragon **** Enya.

Unable to contact the Mithril Treasury, unable to contact Melita Penia... If this is put at other times, it may only make him wonder, it is not a big deal, but with the last time of Talrond The brigade, with the God of War that just broke out, Gao Wen didn't think much about the matter. He had a vaguely uneasy feeling in his heart, even though this uneasiness was baseless... but once it emerged, he lingered. .

These things happened so coincidental, and the turmoil of the gods is an event that affects the entire world. Enya and the entire dragon family seem to always pay attention to the gods in the human world. Now the **** of war has fallen, and Talrond is almost in the same place. We disconnected from the continent of Loren all the time... What happened in that distant dragon kingdom?

In thinking, Gawain calmed his mind, he focused his attention, and the invisible connection in his mind was established-a scene from space overlooking the earth came into his mind, and the situation of Loren mainland and the surrounding waters entered his eyes. , He cautiously moved the field of vision from the geostationary satellite, trying as much as possible to "look" to the north of the Loren continent, hoping to observe something.

However, the perspective of this malfunctioning satellite was limited after all. After crossing the peninsula of the Holy Dragon Principality, he could not see anything.

Gawain converged with regret and prepared to withdraw from the satellite vision, but before the connection of consciousness was interrupted, he suddenly noticed some vague flashes on the northern edge of the picture in his brain.

The flash appeared for a short time, and then several smaller flashes came from the same direction. At first, Gawain thought it was a lens flare caused by sunlight reflecting on the planetary clouds, but it quickly He realized that this thing was not a natural phenomenon—soon, the flash was over, and the surveillance images from the satellite calmed down. However, on the upper boundary of the screen, there are some subtle lines that seem to be disturbed by energy. dissipate……

A few minutes later, Gawain withdrew from the satellite's surveillance view.

He still can't see the sight beyond his field of vision, but now he is almost certain-something must have happened to Talrond!

Amber had already noticed that Gawain was suddenly distracted. She was not surprised by this. After realizing that the other party was "wandering beyond the sky", she very consciously took up the work of guarding, and just stayed next to her for a long time. She felt the other person's breathing and subtle movements change, and immediately went up and asked: "Hey, did you find something?"

There are many secrets in Gawain, this kind of occasional bizarre "wandering" is one of them. Amber is very curious about it, but she has never asked why-she only knows one thing, whenever the other party wanders like this for a while, He seems to be able to get some "enlightenment" from some mysterious channel... and about the content of these enlightenments, he will occasionally be happy to share it.

"Talronde should be in trouble. I have a feeling of..." Gao Wen couldn't explain his satellite perspective to others, and he said vaguely, "but it seems that it should not affect us... "

While talking, he raised his head, and the scene of the nervous and busy front command post came into his vision.

The officers and civilians are dealing with the intelligence from the war zone in a desperate manner. All communication systems and dispatch units are operating at full power. The open space outside is gathering medical units that have just been supported from the rear, and the wounds withdrawn from the front line. Soldiers and the remains of the dead were passing through the wide roads on both sides of the castle-Tarrond was too far away, but the mess left by this divine disaster was close at hand.

There were footsteps approaching here, Gao Wenxun went to the prestige, and saw the blonde Solderlin walking towards this side, the high-ranking ranger saluted himself with a solemn expression on his face: "The Winter Fort has just passed on Here comes a new contact-Typhon people hope to negotiate a formal truce with us."

"We are finally back to the negotiating table," Gao Wen exhaled softly. "So, did the Typhon people mention where and when they hope to have this negotiation?"

"In terms of time, they only mentioned that they wanted to be as soon as possible. As for the location..." Solderlin said hesitated a bit before continuing, "They hope to be in the fort."

"Ah, a symbol of peace between the two countries...Although it is a bit ironic to mention this at this time," Gao Wen's expression on his face was somewhat complicated when he heard the place name, and then he smiled, "But if it is based on the current actual control of our two sides From a regional perspective, Winter Wolf Fort is already in Cecil's hands. The Treaty Fort, which was originally located in the buffer zone of Winter Wolf Fort and Longwind Fortress, is now essentially an area under Cecil's complete control... Do you mind?"

Soldering nodded: "They don't mind, and they emphasized this point specially-they are willing to negotiate in Cecil's controlled area to show their sincerity."

Gao Wen raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Because they started the war first...Well, although they don't mind having this negotiation in Cecil's control zone, we still have to be kinder. —— Bringing the diplomatic missions of neighboring countries to their own military-controlled zone for this kind of "peace negotiation" is a hegemonic act, so regardless of the final negotiation result, from a historical perspective, the agreement is fair and effective Sex may be questioned by future generations. We need to choose a more suitable place-a neutral area, or at least a place that does not involve the territorial dispute between the two sides, which is more comprehensive. Do you two have any suggestions?"

Gawain’s gaze fell on Amber and Soldering-he did not ask them on a whim, but because it was just right: Soldering was the commander of the Iron Rangers, and he was also a member of the old Ansu Heti Feng has been a high-level ranger who has been active for seven hundred years. He has witnessed the ups and downs of this land and experienced many changes in the two countries. Although he is a foreign race, he is more familiar with this land than Many human beings, and he himself is also a thoughtful and experienced person, it is more appropriate to act as a consultant at this moment. As for Amber...

In any case, he is also the head of the intelligence department, and he is still reliable in business... probably.

The elves and the half-elves were simultaneously thinking: the armistice agreement between the two human empires is a major event, especially when the truth behind this "war" is a catastrophe. It has unusual symbolic meaning and historical value, so this matter must be taken seriously.

They began to quickly organize their memories, hoping to find a suitable place, and in thinking, Amber first made a suggestion: "How about building a new camp in the middle of the battlefield? Signing a contract on the battlefield should have more weight. ."

"I have considered this, but in addition to the symbolic meaning, we also have to consider the actual situation-the Winter Fortress line was broken, the whole area is still very dangerous, the magic power on the battlefield and the legacy of the **** of war It takes a long time to clean up the wreckage. This environment is not suitable for negotiation. And this time the main battlefield is closer to the Typhon side, which is also a problem."

"Then just leave the land?" Amber thought for a while, "Bitter Winter hasn't returned yet, we can be on board-Cecil and Typhon have no territorial issues on the ocean..."

Gawain was a little surprised by this half-elf's thinking, but after thinking about it, he shook his head: "A warship is a territory floating on the ocean. Let the Typhons come to our battleship to negotiate, essentially with Sisi. There is no difference in the control area of ​​Seoul-and the ship still has many technical requirements for confidentiality, and it is not suitable for Typhon people to contact for the time being."

Humber's two suggestions here were both rejected. She began to puff up and continue to think hard, but before she spoke again, Solderlin on the side seemed to have an idea.

"I have a suggestion," the high-ranking ranger looked at Gao Wen, "do you remember? There is an elf outpost on the border of the wasteland..."