Chapter 993: Double stage

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
Andesa returned to the bed, her father was sitting aside.

Everything seemed to be a dream-even the pain caused by pulling the wound just now couldn't convince Andesa of the truth of all this. She felt her head dizzy again, that kind of debilitating and unbalanced dizziness came in waves. Is this a sign of awakening from the dream?

She raised her head and looked at her father's face, confirming all the details again and again, as if to thoroughly engrave every wrinkle, every hair, every subtle expression change of the other party into her mind, and then take it. Comparing seriously with what she remembered more than ten years ago, she didn't know the meaning of doing this-but she had to find something for herself to calm her mood a little bit.

The father is completely different from the memory. Except for those eyes, Andesa hardly finds many details in the face of the other party that match the memory... This is only because more than a decade of time has caused her to forget her childhood. detail? Or is it because these years of life experience can really make a person such a huge change?

"You are completely different from what I remembered," she couldn't help but said, "I remember you had a very high forehead... and a wider nose bridge..."

Bud reached out his hand and touched his face.

Yes, this face should indeed have changed a lot. It is a change that is difficult to explain with the passage of time-embracing darkness and depravity is a price. He can't remember how many forbidden and dangerous forces he has come into contact with. I don’t know how much I have done for those powers... Flesh and flesh transformation, evil factor testing, mutations, toxins, this face has changed between human and non-human again and again, and has been reshaped again and again, even though I have been Try to maintain the original human appearance as much as possible, but after all, this face has become completely unrecognizable.

There are probably not many people in this world who can recognize themselves.

"It's the price of living to this day," Bud twitched his mouth, and said with some self-deprecating. "Fortunately, everything is over. I'm doing well here."

Andesa was silent for a while, and finally couldn't help but ask the question she wanted to ask since just now: "So you have been in Cecil...Anzu? You didn't die at all, you were just caught by Anzu And then became their people?"

There was a questioning tone in her words, but she was somewhat lacking in confidence-because now she was just a prisoner of war who chose to surrender, and it seemed that she did not have much qualifications to question her father.

However, she was obviously still a little angry, even almost irritated-it was the emotion that she had long insisted on being impacted on the outlook on life. She stared at her father as if not only seeking an answer, but also hoping that the other person would be able to There is a complete set of rhetoric that can convince oneself so that this "betrayal" will not be so shameful.

Bud had long expected that this question would be waiting for him, and he had prepared for it for a long time, but after this moment really came, he was still silent for a long time before accumulating the courage to speak: "An Tesa, I... have experienced a lot of things. In the past few years, I have done some... things that are more terrifying than you think."


Margarita came to a tower on the western wall of Solinburg. Although the "outside" world was already cold in winter, the wind blowing from the tower was still as warm and suitable as spring. She moved her forehead away. A strand of broken hair that was blown by the wind, looked up at the direction of the trunk of the giant tree, and let out a gentle breath.

This is the highest place in the entire Solinburg, but even here, the magnificent canopy of the giant Solin tree is still a long way from Margarita. She looked up at the layered green "dome". The countless luminous vines dotted between the domes and the hyphae hanging down like a veil glowing fascinatingly like the starry sky at night-if you didn't know the secret behind this, who would have thought that such a fantastic spectacle was actually rooted in one Above the abyss of flesh and blood of the Dark Order?

There was a rustling noise nearby. Some flower vines that had originally clung to the outside of the tower squirmed behind Margarita, and Bertila walked out from the flower vines: "Good day, General Margarita."

Margarita did not look back: "Is the reunion of the'eldest lady' and her father going well?"

"The atmosphere is not bad...Although it is a little bit worse now, I think they will go well in the end," Bertila said, and then she paused. "Actually I don't think Bud will put himself over a dozen or so now. His experience at the End of All Things Society in 2016 told his daughter that it was a good choice—especially when the latter’s injuries were not healed, but he didn’t seem to think so."

"...They haven't seen each other for too long, maybe Mr. Bud can't find a better topic than this, and it seems to me that Miss Andesa Wendell doesn't seem to be on this kind of thing. People whose impulses are out of control."

"Perhaps," Bertila was silent for a moment before whispering, "I haven't had relatives and friends for too long, and I don't quite understand this aspect... The experience and memory of hundreds of years ago, It probably doesn't apply to this generation."

Margarita took a deep look at this ancient druid who could no longer be regarded as a human, and said casually: "You should have also received the news-Thorin will send a team that includes combat, construction and The mixed support force including medical personnel went to the front line of Winter Wolfsburg to deal with the increasingly powerful counterattack of Typhon."

"Ah, of course I received it. After all, I am undertaking a lot of work here," Bertila said calmly. "This is normal. A considerable part of the production and construction corps in the Solin area was recruited from the east last year. They understand Changfeng-Winter Wolf confrontation area."

"...Don't you feel anything personally?" Margarita couldn't help asking.

Bertila asked her back: "What do you want to say?"

"You used to be a Typhon, although that was a long time ago," Margarita looked at each other seriously, "Strictly are even one of the ancestors of Rosetta Augustus. Feng royal family. Now Typhon is suffering from a divine disaster, and Cecil is at war with them, I think you will pay extra attention to this."

"You also said that it was a long time ago," Bertila suddenly smiled, although the smile was a bit rigid, "I left Typhon far longer than the time when Bud and his daughter separated. It was as long as I was. I have forgotten what the faces of the Augustus family looked like. Now there are no people I know, no cities and streets I know, and even the Orlander in my memory has sunk into the ground two hundred years ago Deep... Now that is a strange place to me, I don't think I have much to sigh."

Margarita was taken aback, and then slowly smiled: "That's true."

A gust of wind blows from the far north, and the canopy of the giant Thorin tree makes a large area of ​​long-term rustling in the wind. These branches stretched in kilometers, and Berthila's gaze stretches between the branches, looking towards Far East-But outside of the giant tree perception area, all she can see as a plant is endless darkness.


Fog, the boundless fog, enveloped the entire Aldernan.

In this month of each year, the long-lasting fog will always cover this city standing on the plain. The people of Aldernan have become accustomed to this dense fog-covered season and are accustomed to the months-long , Living under the chaotic sky, in the eyes of poets, the fog floating between the buildings and the roofs and towers shadowed in the fog are even a fascinating beauty-about the imperial capital in the mist The poems can be seen everywhere and at any time during the two centuries of time.

However, in the foggy moon of Cecil 2 years (Typhon 739), the citizens of Aldernan felt most nervous and uneasy from this familiar fog.

An atmosphere of panic was spreading in the city along with all kinds of rumors, the churches of the God of War, which are said to have been occupied by evil spirits, the frequently mobilized troops, and the news from the front. Everyone stirred the nervous nerves of the Tifeng people, and on the last day of the first week of Wuyue, another real big event happened.

Compared with the vague and anxious rumors before, at least this matter is clear: with the unanimous approval of all members of the Imperial Assembly, His Majesty temporarily closed the Assembly.

No one knows what future this city-or this country-will face.

But for the civilians living at the bottom of the city, they have not yet reached the level where they can worry about such "big events". The factory is still running, and the exchanges, stations, and docks still need a large number of employees. Even due to the outbreak of this inexplicable war, the machines in the factory are turning a little bit happier than in the past, and those who work in the factory People... They have to work harder to keep up with those bearings and gears that turn faster and faster.

Bonn tightly wrapped his old coat, and walked hurriedly on the way to the magic train station. He has walked this way many times, and he has to set off from here almost every day to the station or station. Moving things in the warehouse next to them, loading and unloading trucks, and then on the way home until the sun sets, from here back to the dilapidated apartment in Xia Shizi Street. And he is not the only person walking on this road, and there are many people who also go to the station to work the same route with him-they walk fast or slow in the fog, silent to each other, only their footsteps The sound is like those gears and chains in the factory that can't speak.

The bell of a two-wheeler came from nearby. Bonn glanced aside and saw the young postman riding a car through the fog. The **** bag was on the back seat of the car, which was already wet by the fog. .

When the postman passed between these workers, he appeared to be full of spirits, and even had a proud posture. Obviously, he thought his job was more decent than these coolies who could only carry goods.

Bonn shook his head, thinking nothing, just continued on his own way.

But there was another sound that broke the calm in the mist: it came from mid-air, as if a sharp resonance sounded across the city in an instant, and then there was a short and loud music from the air. , It was so sudden and loud, even the lingering fog of Aldernan seemed to be shaken by the sound, flowing in the winter sun.

Bonn froze for a moment, and quickly realized what it was—this was the sound of magic towers set up all over the city, and these magic towers were all directly connected to Obsidian Palace, Aldernan’s The citizens know very well what these "magic-controlled gadgets" mean by making sounds—obviously, someone who is qualified to speak over the city is about to speak, and the whole city must listen.

This subsequent voice will even appear in recent newspapers and be sent to various parts of the country.

Bonn shrank his neck subconsciously, and then he heard a majestic, low-pitched male voice suddenly sounded, which shocked him--

"...Say hello to my hardworking and loyal people, I am your protector and loyal servant of the Empire, Rosetta Augustus...

"...The royal family has noticed the tension in the city, but please relax. The situation has been effectively controlled. Recently...

"...The empire has entered a state of wartime emergency, and the royal family will spare no effort to protect the rights and interests of every citizen in this difficult period. I personally announce the following bill:

"...The rights and interests of workers in the factory will be guaranteed, and the income of all positions will not be less than...For the workers who extend their working hours and work overtime to produce and actively contribute to the empire, corresponding rewards will be formulated...

"Regarding wartime food supplies and medical supplies..."


The magic broadcast reverberated over the city, and Aldernan could be heard clearly from any corner.


A short man walked angrily in the dark red carpeted hall, expensive and delicate leather boots plunged into the thick carpet, making only a small noise. The expensive dress on his body was wrinkled by his rough movements, and even one of the buttons on the collar was dropped-it was pulled off by himself in an angry display attitude.

Several high-ranking combat mages wearing black short robes were standing near him. These combat mages were looking at the demeaning man with indifferent eyes, with neither pity nor sarcasm on their faces.

"He can't do this! Listen, he can't do it-even if he is the emperor!" The short man flushed and shouted to the black-robed wizards, "He has no right to deprive me of any reputation and title. , These titles were granted to my family by his father, his grandfather, and his great-grandfather! What did I do? I didn’t do anything! I just tried to maintain our glorious tradition! Go and reply to that living in Obsidian Palace People here, he has no right..."

"Sir Yule, there is one last minute left for you to arrange housework," a black-robed mage suddenly said calmly, interrupting the man's angry shout, "If you confirm that you have finished the arrangements, please contact Let's take a trip-in addition to fulfilling the formalities, you have to explain many things to Prince Hadillon."

"Explain what? I have nothing to explain!"

"For example, the three illegal estates under your name, or the extra gold characters in your vault--" the black robe mage said quietly, "or those who have disappeared in your family castle?"

The short man flushed even more suddenly, and looked at the wanderer mage in front of him angrily: "Listen, I don't know where these unprovoked accusations come from-and even if they exist, this is for someone like me. What’s that for the nobles? Are you going to take me away from here just based on these accusations!?"

"Unfortunately, you really only have one choice-go to Obsidian Palace with us, which at least proves that you are loyal to the empire and to the Emperor himself."

The short man stared, and then suddenly he seemed to calm down again. He stepped back half a step, tugged his coat vigorously, and said word by word: "Let the stinky Hadillon Augustus Come to see me personally, or let his father come!"

The battle mages looked at each other.

"Well, Sir Yule, then it's the second plan."

A mage took a step forward while talking.

"You are not loyal."

(Time to push the book! "Earth people are too ferocious" from Wo Niu real person, science fiction. Do you need to introduce more about Wo Niu? The old book "Forty Thousand Years of Comprehension" should know a lot. Quality and update It's guaranteed, it's worth seeing.)