Chapter 955: An unknown dragon society

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
The residence of the dragons-in the minds of bards and playwrights of the Loren mainland, they look like this:

Dragons built their lairs in the center of ancient craters or in the depths of eternal glaciers. Depending on the ethnic group, they drew power from hot magma or cold ice. Sometimes dragons also live in castles or towers, but they rarely build such exquisite dwellings themselves, but directly occupy houses of humans or other weak races, and many times-almost all the time-will These exquisite, comfortable, and rich historical castles are messed up. Until a brave knight or a lucky luck adventurer defeats these dragons that occupy the castle, this terrible loss and end will not end. waste.

——The famous playwright of the Ansu era, Dolangon Jabender, described it in his book "Dragon and Lair".

Gao Wen came to the edge of the "internal balcony", his upper body slightly protruded out of the guardrail, and looked down on the scene in the dragon's nest--

He saw a vast rotunda, supported by delicate and gorgeous columns, and an alloy structure that humans still couldn't understand, joined together in a tightly stitched manner, forming the first wall barrier in the hall. On the outer edge of the hall, you can see the dormant machinery, small drones that are busy maintaining equipment to wash the walls, and decorative lighting combinations. There is also a silver-white circular platform illuminated by the lights from the dome. There are exquisite relief patterns on the surface of the platform. Its large scale and exquisite structure can make the most sophisticated artists amazing.

He looked back again, looking at the place where he was standing-this is an internal dwelling, it was built on the mountainside, part of its structure extended into the mountain, connected with the huge rotunda below, and passed The elevators and corridors in the mountain are used to realize the traffic on all levels, while the other part of the structure is out of sight and can lead to the outside of the mountain. Gao Wen has visited it once. There is an amazing one that can be bathed in starlight or Sunlight skylight rooms, and beautiful viewing corridors, all windows are controlled by mechanical devices, can rely on a command to switch or filter light at will.

Melita referred to her "nest" as "simple industrial-style decoration"-according to her, this style is a relatively low-cost one of the more popular decoration styles in Tallond in recent years.

"I don't know how the bards and playwrights of the Loren mainland will see this scene," Gao Wen said, looking away from the direction of the dragon's nest, shaking his head and crying, "especially those who are keen to describe the dragon story of……"

"Most of them will not have any feelings-because the best "Dragon Quest" troubadour and playwright from Loren's mainland are all from Tallond," Melita standing next to her raised her chest , With a look of pride, "We have contributed 80% of the best dragon-themed scripts in the human world for nearly a thousand years..."

Gao Wen glanced at the dragon lady with a helpless look: "So what rumors like'Dragons live in the crater' were originally made by you, so don't usually vomit human blindness to make up your living habits. ."

Melita thought about it, but she was easily persuaded: "Well, what you said makes sense..."

As she said, she turned around and walked towards the other end of the inner residence: "Don't stay here, you can only see the cave, and the balcony on the other side has a better view than here."

"Your dragon's this form?" Gao Wen stepped up to follow Merita's footsteps and asked curiously as she walked. "I mean this kind of structure with a large nest and a small residence. ."

"Most of them are like this," Melita said. "We will have a'dragon's nest' enough to place our dragon's body, and build an exquisite'small house' inside or next to the dragon's nest. For us to sleep for a longer period of time in the dragon form or to adjust and recuperate the body, a small dwelling is a good choice to enjoy life in human form. Of course... not all dragons are like this."

"Oh?" Gao Wen raised his eyebrows. "There are exceptions?"

"Some of the less elaborate dragons will only prepare a "dragon nest" for themselves, and their lives and lives are all in the dragon nest. Anyway, our human form and body are very small and only need to occupy a small space, so in the dragon A random arrangement in the nest is enough to meet the demand," Melita explained quite seriously. "Noretta is like this-she does not have a "human-shaped living room", but digs a super giant in the mountain~~big The cave is much larger than mine."

In the speaking room, they have passed through the living room and corridor of the inner residence. The indoor lights controlled by Omega are constantly fine-tuned as the visitors move, so that the most comfortable brightness is always maintained wherever they see them.

Upon hearing Melita’s words, Gao Wen opened his eyes—everything in the customs of Tallond was so new and interesting to him, even how the dragons usually sleep in his eyes As if it had become a learning, he couldn't help but ask: "Doesn't Noretta usually take a rest in human form?"

Melita shrugged: "She built a large bed of more than 1,000 square meters in the center of her dragon's nest-it takes a long time to run from the center of the bed to the bedside, but the advantage is that the dragon form and the human form sleep comfortably. ."

Gao Wen: "..."

Melita gave him a curious look: "Why don't you talk?"

Gao Wen burst out his hands crying and laughing: "...I just suddenly felt...Your dragon's life habits are really'free'."

At the same time, there was another sigh in his heart that didn't come out: how does this setting that put a thousand square meters big bed in the center of the bedroom sound so familiar...

Melita didn't know what Gao Wen was thinking. She was only aroused by this topic. After a moment of silence, she continued, "Of course, there is a third situation."

Gao Wen froze for a moment, but did not respond for a while: "The third situation?"

They passed through the inner residence and came to the balcony facing the outside of the mountain. The open floor-to-ceiling viewing windows have been adjusted to transparent mode. From this height and angle, the large and large urban buildings under the mountain can be clearly seen, and The bright light from the distant giant factory complex.

Melita stood on the edge of the balcony, looking in the direction of the city: "Some dragons only have a dwelling that can rest in human form, and most of the time they live in human form."

Gao Wen frowned, but he hadn’t had time to ask questions. When he walked to nearby Veronica, he opened his mouth: "What about their "body"? As far as I know, although you Can live in human form, but always need to release the body to eat or trim..."

"There is a special "restaurant" for eating. If the implant in the body is out of order, you can go to the maintenance center or a private repair shop. In addition, the dragon family does not need to maintain the dragon shape for a long time. If you put it away, you can save space and also save your physical strength."

Gao Wen became more and more weird when he listened, and finally he couldn't help but ask: "What kind of dragon family would choose this way of life?"

"Poor dragon," Melita said, "or the general citizens who judged by Omega that they do not have enough ability to exert value in the upper Tallund, and therefore can only live in the plains and lower cities."

Gao Wen finally dumbfounded: "You also have poor people in Tallon... poor dragons?"

"Why not?" Melita sighed. "We haven't been able to build an average and infinitely prosperous society, so there must be upper and lower layers. It's just that poverty is relative, and it comes from the overall situation of the society. Look—have you seen the most densely lit area of ​​the city? They live there and live a'unintelligible and poor life' from the perspective of human beings. The Senate will allocate housing for those citizens free of charge, and even provide For all the needs of life, Omega will give them almost all entertainment rights, and their monthly synergists are also distributed free of charge, and there are even some hallucinogens that are not allowed to be sold in the upper zone.

"They have everything, and the Tallond society will feed them everything, and as a condition or price of all this, the lower-level citizens can only accept this kind of support, there is no other choice, they are engaged in limited, essentially meaningless Work cannot be involved in the affairs of the upper Tallond, and many others... restrictions that are not easily understood in human society."

Gao Wen frowned, and Amber's voice suddenly came from the side: "It sounds... No work, no house to live, no worry about food and clothing, and plenty of entertainment. How do I feel good?"

Melita turned her head and looked at the half-elf lady who was showing a tangled and contemplative look, and a smile suddenly appeared on her face: "So, this is'poverty' that humans in Loren mainland cannot understand."

"I can understand it," Gao Wen said suddenly. "It's not a difficult thing to maintain your survival to the extent that you have developed. Tarlonde society can easily support the huge'unproductive population', and the cost The cost is only a small part of your total social expenditure. On the contrary, if you want to let these members of the society enter the job and get the same job and promotion opportunities as other people, there will be a huge cost because of these "low ability" Members of the ethnic group will destroy your current efficient production structure.

"So, instead of bearing this waste, it is better to support them directly-anyway, it is not expensive for you."

Amber listened to Gao Wen's interpretation with wide eyes, as if she could not understand the scene he portrayed for a while. Veronica glanced at Gao Wen thoughtfully, as if she had also thought about this kind of thing, Mei Rita was surprised and surprised. She looked at Gao Wen several times, and then frowned with an unbelievable expression: "You... thought of this so quickly?"

"Occasionally the inspiration bursts out," Gao Wen smiled. "You know, I'm good at social deduction."

"...This is beyond the scope of social deduction," Melita said strangely. "If it does not develop to a certain extent, this should be counterintuitive to humans."

"I haven't done a few common-sense things since I was resurrected," Gao Wen said casually, and didn't let the topic continue. "Anyway... I seem to have learned that Tallond is unknown. A detail."

Melita was silent for a moment, and after a few seconds she exhaled: "How is the rest? Are you interested in hanging out with me now?"

"Are we going to'visit' from now on?" Gao Wen raised his eyebrows. "Or just take a walk with you?"

"There is no difference between a walk and a visit. There are too many things to show you here," Melita said. "The time now corresponds to Cecil City should have just arrived at dusk. In fact, it is a good time to hang out."

"I don't think it's a problem." Gao Wen said immediately, and looked at Amber and Veronica.

"I don't have any opinion!" Amber jumped up immediately. "I'm overwhelmed!"

Veronica also nodded gently, expressing no opinion.

Melita smiled: "Very well, then I will send a letter to Noretta, let's go to see Tallond after dusk."

Gao Wen nodded, then asked curiously, "Where are you going to take us to visit?"

"You have been in the upper zone of Tarlond for half a day today, and facilities like the headquarters of the jury and the upper temple must have been seen by you," Melita said nonchalantly. "Then I will take you there Take a look at the middle and lower floors of Tallonde. Let’s go to the factory area and the large corporate complex, and then to the lower city of the plains-if Noreta agrees, maybe we can go to the dark city. The speaker asked me to take you Visit every place in Tallond, but we think that it is impossible to visit the entire continent in a few days, then go to a few representative places... let you take a look at the complete and real dragon kingdom."

Later, the three Gao Wen and Merita came to a platform outside the Dragon Nest. This wide platform built halfway up the mountain was available for the dragon to take off and land. In a sense, it was regarded as Melita's family." Doorway."

They waited for a long time at the edge of the platform, and the sharp amber suddenly saw a long and elegant white dragon flying from the southwest sky and landed smoothly on the center of the platform.

"Hi! Noreta!!!" Melita greeted her happily immediately after her friend stopped, "You came very quickly..."

Just halfway through her words, the white giant dragon that had just stopped seemed to suddenly stagger. The huge dragon claw moved two steps on the platform. The next second was stunned by Gao Wen and others, even a little frightened. Stepping on Melita's head while watching...

Strictly speaking, it was to step on the whole of Miss Agent.

If this is a personal category, the legend below is absolutely dead or disabled.

But the next second, Gao Wen heard Melita's scream coming from under the dragon claws, and it sounded still full of energy: "Noretta! You are deliberate this time!!!"

"I didn't stand firm," the white dragon lowered his head, and said in a loud voice, "You know, I'm not very comfortable with your landing platform."

"It's all an excuse!" Melita continued to scream while embarrassedly drilling out of the dragon's feet. The elegance and stability that had been in front of Gao Wen for a long time were finally left, "I remember, Now you step on me one more time!"

The two friends seemed to be interacting very enthusiastically, but Gao Wen and Amber and Veronica were stunned to see not far away.

It took a long time for Gao Wen to grab his hair.

This trip to Tallond was really worthwhile-he saw the unknown side of the Dragon race again.

Is this the first "unknown side"?