Chapter 818: End of story

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
The layers of prayer echoed in the darkness, as if they resonated into a powerful river. Govin and Selina could not see the river, but they could clearly feel that something was impacting the borders of the world. It is striking the wall that blocks between reality and illusion.

Suddenly, however, an uncoordinated disturbance appeared in the river, making all prayer sounds confused.

Subconsciously, Gao Wen and Selina looked at each other, and then heard a vague, vague voice coming from a very distant place:

"Soul storm !!!"

Powerful disturbances erupted, the layers of prayer sounds were interrupted for a moment, and every sound that merged into the river returned to the depths of darkness.

"It sounds like Magnum's voice ..." Selina whispered subconsciously before seeing a gleam of fissures suddenly spread in front of her.

Taking the cobweb in the dark as the vein, a large number of crisscrossed white light marks suddenly appear in this dark space, allowing the entire space to quickly decompose like a broken mirror. It seems that some kind of attack from the "inside" breaks With this curtain, the sight in front of Gao Wen and Selina became wide open instantly--

Gao Wen was immediately alert and prepared for battle. Selena also turned to the side of Gao Wen's side, holding a lantern in her hand to emit a warm and clear light.

The fresh and cold wind blew abruptly. After the curtain was broken, an endless grassland illuminated by the stars came into the sight of Gao Wen. He saw the slightly undulating land extending under the stars, and a large number of unknown flowers and plants in the breeze. It swayed gently under the wind, and a vaguely familiar hill stood in front of him and Selina, the hill facing the direction of the stars.

Under the hill, the remains of a giant black spider lay quietly. Its huge body had cracked, and a whole white, spider-like, light-forged spider crawled out of the fragmented wreckage and was walking along the hillside. Step by step towards the endless high starlight.

The fluttering light and the starlight shining from the sky fall on the carapace of this white spider, rippling like water.

The white spider seemed to have not noticed Gao Wen and Selena appearing on the grassland, still chasing the stars in the sky step by step, but Gao Wen noticed that there were countless shadows around him and Selena. "Silhouettes" without any details have emerged.

Here comes the attack from the upper narrator.

Countless hazy figures rushed to Gao Wen and Selina. Gao Wen wanted to stop the white spider with a sacred breath, but at this moment, he can only find a way to deal with these illusions of the past, such as the tide, and the trailblazer's sword rises. With a layer of illusory flames, he swept his sword, and large enemies turned into illusive fragments under his sword.

Under the cover of Gao Wen, Selena raised the lantern, and in one hand she drew a shimmering rune, constantly turning the surrounding spider silk and the distant past illusion into a awakening dream, leaving them under the starlight. Into a rapidly dissipating bubble.

Surprisingly, the combat capabilities of those black illusions are not very strong, and their biggest threat to Gao Wen seems to be only a huge number.

Govin and Selina are fighting and advancing, constantly reducing the number of enemies around them, and doing their best to reach the white spider who is chasing the stars.

A stronger and agile shadow than the other shadows rushed over, Gao Wen's sword swiveled, forcing the rest of the enemies, and one sword was cut at the other, and the strong and agile shadow turned into a blackness at the close of a shot. The long gun blocked Gao Wen's blade, then the long gun trembled, and the black shadow pulled back a little distance, and stabbed back--

Gao Wen was slightly surprised by the unexpected counterattack, but this was still not enough to make up for the gap in strength. After several confrontations, the Blazers sword cut off the spear and broke the phantom.

At the moment when the phantom was broken, some messy information flowed into Gao Wen's mind. He suddenly knew the name of the phantom that had just been crushed by himself. His name was Del Wolf, a captain of the West Coast city-state. He has a tough personality, but likes to collect shells secretly ...

A pair of sharp double knives swept from the side to the rear, and the owner of the double knives lost after a few rounds.

Her name is Nadai, from Yunliu Woodland. She is the princess of the Emerald Court, and an outstanding wizard sword dancer ...

The hills are getting closer and closer, the shimmering particles scattered around the white spiders are flying on the plain as if they are flowing firefly. Gao Wen can almost touch the breath emitted by the divine spider, and a warm and clear light is always in He shone from the side and rear, constantly dispersing the cobwebs that spread from the void and the black smoke that emerged from time to time, and also continued to supplement Gao Wen's lost physical strength.

An extraordinarily powerful swordsman blocked Govin's way.

He is stronger than all illusions, but also blurry than all illusions. The edges of his skull without the details of the features spread out as if disturbed by many trembling lines. Amazing swordsmanship, a black long sword with no details can be divided into countless blades in the air, and it is in sharp contrast with the trailblazer long sword.

Before this illusion dissipated, Gao Wen knew his name—

His name was Balmora, the "slave king" of the desert city of Bonim Santrow, an outstanding and great ruler.

At the foot of the hill, Govin and Selena stopped at the same time.

The seemingly endless illusions around me disappeared when I did n’t know when. Only the breeze blew the grassland under the curtain overnight. The white spider did n’t know when it stopped at the mountainside. Some soft light shone on Govin and Selina.

Suddenly, Gao Wen had some irrelevant thoughts in his heart—

It turned out that the "sacredness" of the upper narrator ... has no eyes ...

A gentle and familiar voice came into Gao Wen's mind at this moment: "Du Walter ... have disappeared ..."

It was Naritiel's voice, and Gao Wen was not surprised at all.

"Give up, Naritiel, or should you call the upper narrator?" Gao Wen shook his head. "I know, I know you desire the outside world, but you should feel it now, you do n’t belong there, like A **** like you forcibly comes to reality and can only bring millions of deaths, and it is difficult for you to survive by yourself-you are a reflection of dreams, but those who pray to you in dreams no longer exist . "

The white spider was silent for a few seconds before a voice sounded again: "They are all here ..."

The giant arthropods moved to the side, and several white cocoons were tightly protected in the spider's chest and abdomen.

As she climbed towards the stars, she was carefully carrying and protecting these cocoons.

While seeing those cocoons, Gao Wen already understood a lot.

"It turned out that what Duvalt said ..." Selena responded and said in a complex tone. "We have been wondering where the virtual personalities in Sandbox No. 1 have gone, it turns out ..."

"I want to take them outside," the white spider said softly. "Because they all want to go outside, I think so ..."

"No wonder ... no wonder the upper narrators will undergo changes such as madness, division, and death ..." Selina's voice seemed extraordinarily low, as if speaking to herself, "All of us are paying attention to those 3,000 who entered the Internet Testers, but ... there are millions of virtual personalities in the sandbox world ... for you, they are also 'real' ... "

The white spider didn't speak, neither denied nor acknowledged.

As a primate with a deep understanding of the sandbox system and the mysteries of the soul, Selina finally pieced together the part of the truth that she had always wanted to understand.

On the side, Gao Wen has dealt with a lot of knowledge of the gods, and has also gained a lot of rebellious heritage. At this moment, he thinks more: "Because he realized that most of the" people "in the world are virtual. The illusion that comes out will cause the upper narrator to fall into madness and die in madness, which in turn leads to his division, turning his human and divine parts into two individuals ... precisely because of this In the process of death and division, you can get rid of the shackles of the original 'upper narrator's faith', and you can devour the whole world's mind without affecting your own existence, and put them into those few In 'Cocoon' ... am I right? "

The white spider gently moved one of its long legs and made a low, pleasing sound: "You know a lot ..."

"Do you really think this will succeed?" Gao Wen frowned. "What if you brought them to the real world? Without the body, without the material foundation, or even the conditions for becoming a spiritual body, they were born in Sha. Boxes can only rely on sandboxes to maintain their existence-you are gods, but they are not, these cocoons will disappear immediately after entering reality. Have you thought about these? "

"... I don't know and don't care," Naritir whispered. "They want to go out, I think so, that's all ..."

In seemingly gentle words, the giant white spider slowly raised its upper body, and a terrifying hostility finally emanated from this powerful divine creature.

However, Gao Wen only shook his head with regret—it seemed that there was no room for easing.

"Naritil," he greeted the hill, staring at the young god, "you will die, there will be no new divisions, no resurrection.

"You know how Duvalt disappeared, and you should know that I have made contact with you through him.

"I have the power to completely disintegrate you."

"I know," Naritiel whispered, "That might be better ..."

Between Gao Wen and Naritiel, the endless light suddenly turned into a torrent, washing the entire plain and washing the last territory of this false world.


The violent shaking awakened Orandale before dawn, and countless residents awakened from dreamless sleep, looking in amazement at the land said to have been cursed, and in the direction of Orandale's throat.

They heard the low whistling coming from the collapsing valley, and the echo of countless people shouting on the plain outside the valley. It seemed that a huge force was brewing in the throat of Orlandale, At the last minute before dawn, it started beating like a heart.

A ray of glow appeared on the horizon in the distance, and the giant crown of the giant sun seemed to protrude from there. In this thin halo, under the light of the stars remaining in the sky, someone saw an illusion like a spider. Colossus is climbing the hill on the edge of Orandale's throat ...

The last moment seemed to come, and Archbishop Semler clenched the combat staff in his hands.

Disturbing whistling echoed throughout the underground palace. The transparent and unreal limbs that Magnum had mentioned finally solidified to the extent that all ordinary clergy can clearly see them. They looked at the huge unreal spider on the rocks and walls. Walking between them, every time a huge transparent arthropod passed by the hall, a low voice exclaimed.

Previously, Magnus' prayer resonance had been successfully prevented by Magnum. However, this seemed to only delay the advent of the upper narrator. He was still persistently squeezed into the real world, as if he would never give up until the last moment.

"This is the last moment ..." Yuri murmured, "All we can do is done ..."

Wendy took a soft breath and walked to the corner of the hall: "I'll take care of the wounded."

"The last news came just now under the pope's crown. The stability of the sandbox system and the mental network has reached its limit," said Shenler. "Next, he will use all his strength to resist the advent of the upper narrator. Shock, if his soul reaction disappears ... we will safely meet death. "

Yuri calmly looked forward: "Hope ..."

A whistling sound that was more deterring to the soul than before had suddenly echoed throughout the earth palace. Along with it, there was also a strong architectural shock, which interrupted Yuri's unfinished words.

He looked up subconsciously and saw the equally blank Archbishop of Samuel.


The nameless flowers and plants turned into ashes, earth and stones were disintegrating in the air, and the rising black smoke and dust blocked the sky, making the starry sky dull.

At the last moment, the forces supporting this false world finally fell, and the entire sandbox began to irreversibly move towards extinction.

The unknown grassland began to disintegrate, and it quickly collapsed from the edge to the center, and the holy white spider rolled down from the hill, with the cocoon she desperately wanted to protect, and fell to the ground together.

At the last moment, she woven out layers of cobwebs, bound and stabilized the cocoons again, without damaging them, as if it was her instinct to exist in the world.

The warm and bright lights diffused, dissipating the rising smoke and spreading flames, and Gao Wen came to the white spider who had lost his counterattack power and looked at the clear rays of her head.

Before he spoke, Naritiel's voice came into his and Selina's mind.

"In the earliest days, they thrived on this grassland ... At that time, it was not a desert, and there was no Nim Sandra ...."

Only then did Selina recognize the terrain here, knowing where the faint sense of familiarity originated, and she looked around subconsciously to identify the land that was constantly sinking into darkness: "This is ... no wonder I feel so familiar ... "

This land was originally "written" by Megur III.

But that was a long time ago, and for so long she had forgotten what it looked like here.

"Duvalt once asked me, if everyone is at peace in this land, will everyone not have to face this end ... All beings can live in the center of the stage peacefully and joyfully, as long as they do not touch the border, this world will It is true in terms of ...

"Poets can imagine the world beyond the ocean and the world between the stars and the sky. Sailors can always have a rich harvest near the sea, and they don't have to worry about the strange and bizarre ocean margins as they go further ... Too high curiosity, this world will always be better ...

"I can't give him the answer all the time, I'm too stupid ... but I think the creators who created it all know more ...

"Creator ... you created this world and created us, what is all this for ... what can you tell us about it, can you tell me?"

Naritiel's voice was low and soft, and in the face of this simple inquiry, Selina fell into a long silence.

After some thought, she looked up and stared at the aimless face of the upper narrator.

"This is just an experiment, just ... an experiment ..."

Every word of her seemed to be exhausted.

Two seconds later, the white and sacred spider finally sighed, "Ah, thank you ... I finally heard the answer from the creator's mouth."

"Naritir," Govin couldn't help but take a step forward. "Actually, I can ..."

"Can you give me some time?" The upper narrator's voice came softly. "I want to ... look at the stars."

"Stars?" Gao Wen looked up suddenly, but could only see a dark and chaotic sky without any stars.

And when he looked back again, the white spider **** and the cocoon she had sheltered to the last moment ... has begun to turn into a little dust.


The whistling in the valley ceased, and the tremor of the earth calmed down.

The residents of Orlandale walked out of the house with anxiety and fear, took to the streets, asked each other about the situation, and invariably looked in the direction of Orlandale's throat.

The children exclaimed in the dim and dim sky.

In the outline of the rising sun, it seems that a huge, almost transparent spider climbed the nearby rocks a little bit, and climbed to the high ground on the edge of the valley, where he stopped quietly and carefully pushed things like cocoons in front of him. .

The last star in the sky shone, reflecting on the spider's already more illusive torso. He greeted the last starlight of the day, as if to give out any admiration, many people heard the sound of illusory sound in their minds. , But feel blank about that voice—

"Here, the story is over ..."

Then the rising sun rose, and the glory of the giant sun shone on the earth. Everything dissipated as if in a dream.