Chapter 810: Between virtual and real

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
The **** is dead ... now he is finally beginning to rot ...

The old man in front of him spoke a word that seemed normal in such a common and natural tone, but made everyone on the scene feel an inexplicable weirdness.

Magnum's hands were already on the table, faintly crossed, eyes fixed on the old man who claimed to be "Duvalt": "The **** in your mouth, which **** is it?"

The old man smiled and said very frankly, "Who else can be? Of course, it is the upper narrator."

When the suspicious old man said the word "upper narrator", Yuri and Magnan's pupils shrank noticeably, but there was nothing abnormal on the scene as they imagined, as if everything was normal. Conversation was average.

At this moment, Gao Wen also finally discerned some details from the broken pattern of the worn robe of the old man. It was a fragmented earth, and the earth was covered with a symbolic palm ...

"You are the priest of the upper narrator," Gao Wen said gently, "but why do you say the **** is dead?"

Duvalt did not answer immediately, but first took a piece of pastry from the rich food on the table and placed it in front of Naritiel. The white-haired girl did not speak, but just took the pastry and buried her head, quiet but again Eating very fast, as if hungry for a long time.

"The gods have been dead for many years. Before the world was destroyed, the gods began to die," Duvalt spoke slowly, and his words seemed to carry vicissitudes of time. "When aware of the truth behind the world, God It was crazy. When God was crazy, he died ... It took him a century to die, and another century to decay, and the world after that became like this. "

As he talked, Duvalt raised his arms and tidy up his too worn robe, and Gao Wen faintly saw that the robe's edges were not only rotten and dirty, but even some spider webs were hanging—this shows that The owner of the robe not only visited many ruined and ruined places, but even spent a long time in some ruins not long ago.

If one considers Sandbox No. 1 as a post-apocalyptic world, how long has this upper narrator priest named Duvalt lingered in this post-destruction world?

The other party seemed to just want to find someone to chat with, although the situation was a little weird, but Gao Wen still planned to take advantage of this opportunity to learn more information, and then continued the topic with the trend: "In this world, there are other people besides us people?"

"People? It's long gone ..." said the old man in a low voice. "The world is over, civilization is over, there are only ruins here, and Duvalt and Naritiel wandering among the ruins."

"Is everyone dead?" Yuri asked. "Or ... disappeared?"

"I don't know, I'm probably back to the Lord." The old man vaguely gave an inexplicable answer, and took another piece of food from the table and handed it to Naritiel, who was still very fast and quiet. Eating, the conversation that seemed to happen to her had nothing to do with her.

"How long have you been here?" Selina joined the conversation, asking softly.

"I can't remember, probably since the end of the world, I stayed here," said the old man calmly. "I still remember some vague things, remember how the city looked like when it was bustling and lively, and many people lived there. In these houses, there are merchants from swamps, forests, plains, and coastal city-states on the streets, celebrations and heroes, and philosophers' speeches and debates on the platform. The temples in the city are bright and spacious, and the sun will pass through the clean The windows were sprinkled on the pulpit, and the believers were calm and happy ...

"I still remember the news from the south. Scholars have created a device that overlooks the starry sky. Sailors from the west coast discussed the strange fish they caught from the deep sea in the tavern. A dancer from the oasis region entered the city. , People in half of the cities are talking about her beauty ...

"Ah, that was a wonderful time ... except that it has passed."

The old man shook his head, picked up a glass of wine handed to him by Yuri, tasted a sip, and exclaimed: "Oh, this is an incredible taste ... Naritir--"

The white-haired girl who was buried in the cake looked up, looked at the wine glass in the old man's hand in doubt, took the glass after receiving the affirmative look of the other person, and took a cautious sip.

The next second, she spit out all the wine and spit it out for a long time: apparently, she didn't like the taste very much.

"... I'm curious," looking at the calm old man and the weird young girl, Gao Wen suddenly broke the silence. "Before we arrived, what are you eating-is there any food in the city? "

"We haven't eaten in a long time," Duvalt smiled and shook his head. "That's why Naritir is so hungry."


Within Tifeng, in the Orandale area, the night is already low, and the stars light up the night sky, reflecting the sparsely lit countryside below, and the "Orlandale's Throat" located in the center of the area.

In the unknown village, a shepherd who just fell asleep tossed and turned on the bed, as if struggling with an invisible dream, but soon he calmed down, his breathing became smooth and low, as if the dream had suddenly been stripped off, and the entire person had entered Deep, dreamless sleep.

Outside the window, a hazy figure flickered by.

In the village where everyone was silent, and the families had gone out to sleep, two figures in black robes slowly walked across the street, bathed in starlight, and went from one end of the village to the other.

A young male voice came from the hood of one of the black robes: "The dream control of the last village is complete, they will sleep well, and no one will dream tonight."

The figure next to him nodded, and a steady female voice came down from the hood: "Even so, we must patrol all night to prevent someone from breaking the control and dreaming again-under the pope, we are required to create absolute in the entire area of ​​Orlando" No dream vacuum ', and as long as one person in this area is still dreaming, his dream can become a springboard and cause accidents. "

"Can such a 'dream zone' really work?"

"Useless, that's what the Pope and the extravagant wanderers need to consider. Whether we do it or not is our thing," said the calm girl voice. "Instead of worrying about this, it's better to hope that everything will go well tonight, the best Don't use our arrangement. "

"It's also ..." said the young male sleeper priest, walking towards the periphery of the village under the light of stars. Occasionally some sounds of wind and grass sounded in the quiet village, but it seemed more and more silent between heaven and earth.

"It is said that the dream priests seven hundred years ago were responsible for doing these things." The male priest suddenly said.

"whats the matter?"

"Walking in the night, soothing disturbed dreams and healing those who have suffered trauma, like we are doing today."

"Sounds like ... it's really similar."

"I didn't expect that I would have come out of the underground palace to do this kind of thing-my grandfather had collected an amulet of a dream priest, but it was destroyed in my father's generation," the young man The clergyman shook his head. "It is said that after the incident, we have the opportunity to obtain a new identity and to be able to operate in the right way-but correspondingly, we must move to a new place."

The woman walking beside was silent for two or three seconds, shaking her head and reminding: "Outside, don't talk about these."

"... It's true."

The male priest seemed to smile, and promised to lift his head, looking out at the vast wasteland outside the village, towards the end of the wasteland.

A crooked, sloping edge of the soil **** undulates in the far night, and the starlight illuminates the edge of the soil slope, revealing that there seems to be a rift valley, or a deep pit.

Orlandale, Tifeng's former imperial capital, was now quietly buried at the bottom of that huge pit.


In the ancient and deep underground palace, the archbishop Semler, who has a serious and gloomy temperament and thinning hair, is inspecting the deepest part of the containment area.

The newly installed magic net device drives the magic crystal lamp, which illuminates this once darkest and deepest area. The bright light also seems to be able to dispel the depressed and depressed atmosphere brought by the upper narrator. Hall, a priest who seemed to have just arrived came quickly to him, bowing his head slightly to pay tribute:

"Archbishop, the surface dream control has been completed, and the scope of the dreamless vacuum zone has covered the entire Orlando area."

"Very well," Semmler nodded, "continue to maintain the surveillance of the dreams in the Orlandale area, and send out the Spirit Knight Reserve to support the gaped area at any time."

"Yes, the Archbishop."

"Additional orders will be issued, and additional personnel will be deployed to guard the connection channel at the bottom of Orandal's throat. If we have a 'zero level' leak ... if necessary, blow up the dome."

Facing such an order, the clergyman hesitated a little: "The archbishop, in this case, the upper part of the palace is likely to have irreparable damage, and the entire underground palace may be exposed ..."

"The upper area can be abandoned. All our important facilities are in the middle and lower floors. These two areas have elemental blessings and reinforcement spells that can resist the collapse of the dome. We can slowly solve the problem after blocking the underground palace. As for the exposure ... that It's not important anymore. "

"Yes, the archbishop," the clergyman nodded slowly, but couldn't help but ask, "but ... just blowing up the dome, can it really block the 'upper narrator'?"

"How could a pile of collapsed stones be able to stop the invisible and godless gods," Semler sneered, shaking his head. "But the collapsed stones can stop the" believer "of the upper narrator. Now. "

The ordering priest felt an inexplicable pressure coming, but he quickly took a deep breath in the pressure and nodded hard.

The clergyman left, and Semler stood in the corridor of the empty and quiet containment area, standing quietly for several seconds before shaking his head slightly, and walking towards the area where the psionic choir members were contained.

Wearing a heavy silver-white armor, the spirit knight guard inlaid with many mysterious runes on his helmet bowed his head in front of him: "The Archbishop."

"Is everything OK?" Semler asked in a deep voice.

A muffled voice came from under the spirit knight's helmet: "Everything works, Archbishop."

"Is anyone talking to the outside world?"



Semmler nodded, crossed the guard's spirit knight, came to the door of the outermost room of the containment area, and banged the metal gate painted with runes, inlaid with misleading silver and copper. The percussion sounded far away in the deep and long corridor.

Two seconds later, a soft and sweet female voice sounded behind the gate: "Who is it?"

"It's me, Semler," said the serious and gloomy Semler. "Ms. Wendy, let me confirm your condition."

"Ah, Archbishop Semler," Wendy, who was leaning against the corner of the room, watched the spider's web boringly, stood up, patted the dust from the corner of the skirt, and came near the door. "I'm fine here— —The irritating voice hasn't appeared for a long time. But it's really a little boring in this room, only the spider can accompany me.

"Be patient for a while," said Samler. Wendy's voice in the room was smooth and clear. He was sane and a little relieved. "It has reached a critical stage. The sun will rise tomorrow and everything will be fine. Get up. "

"I hope so."


Near the temple of Bonim Sandro in the desert city, in the only lighted house, a white-haired girl named Naritir had fallen asleep against a corner in a haystack, and the old Duvalt sat like a guard. Not far away, sitting cross-legged on the ground, seemed to pray prayerfully.

Yuri looked at the scene and couldn't help whispering to the next Selina: "To be honest, when the Duvalt mentioned that Naritiel was very hungry, I was ready to fight, I was really I never thought she was really just hungry ... "

Selena's answer was very short: "The more normal, the more abnormal."

"... how long are we going to stay with them?"

"It depends on extraterritorial ... Govin Cecil."

Selina whispered, her eyes falling on Gao Wen not far away.

Gao Wen stood up and appeared to Duvalt, who seemed to have completed a prayer.

"The **** is dead," he said to the vicissitudes of the old man. "Who do you pray to?"

"Get used to it," Duvalt smiled and shook his head. "You know, faith is ... inertia."

When he said "belief has inertia", his tone seemed quite complicated.

Gao Wen couldn't understand the psychological change of a person who has been wandering in the deserted world for many years. He just shook his head and waved his hand to disperse a spider running over a nearby pillar.

"There are a lot of spiders here at night," Duvalt said. "But don't worry, they are mild and harmless, and they will actively avoid people."