Chapter 804: Dream

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
In the palace at dusk, the corridor is deep and long, the hall is wide and empty, the whisper of unknown origin echoes deep behind each door, as if countless invisible guests are gathering in this ancient and illusory palace, As they continued their never-ending banquet, they watched the visitors who stepped into the palace maliciously.

Rosetta Augustus's footsteps sounded abruptly in the empty corridor.

The ruler of the Tifeng Empire walked along the corridor where he had walked countless times, as if he had not heard the weird whispers constantly coming around him. Shadows of varying lengths were cast under the narrow window, and each shadow appeared to tremble as if to live, but gradually calmed down again under the emperor's disregard.

He reached the deepest room of the palace, where he drew the portraits of the members of the Augustus family.

Expressionless faces were embedded in the dark frame, staring at Rosetta Augustus with indifferent eyes, some of the images in the frame came alive, and drew close to the next frame, sending out The murmur was low and mumbled like a voice.

Those "live" frames are without exception Augustus members in the last two hundred years. They were the active Augustus born after the fall of the old capital and after the advent of the curse.

Those who were active between 700 and 200 years ago just stayed quietly in the frame, serving as cold portraits.

Rosetta was used to it.

Nightmare is the product of the curse, and it is also a reflection of the spiritual world of the cursed. It is based on the collapse time of the old emperor two hundred years ago. Before the great collapse, the souls of Augustus were free, and the nightmare can only be projected. Out of a soulless illusion, Augustus after the Great Collapse was trapped in this dream world, which became the source of many weirdness, and also made this nightmare world even more strange and dangerous.

Rosetta glanced over the surviving portraits with a cold expression.

Those were his fathers and ancestors, some were the closest people to his childhood, and some were the prototypes of the hero stories he had heard since childhood, but that was what they did before – now, they are just this weird dream palace Part of this is part of this curse. On them, any expectation of family and human nature will lead to a tragic ending soon. This is the experience and lessons learned by the members of the Augustus family from generation to generation.

But as long as you keep your own sanity and restrain the greed into the heart, the shadows in these nightmares will be useful.

In a living portrait, Rosetta's grandfather, the wise King George Augustus, seemed to notice something. The pale and dry face turned and his eyes fell on Rosetta Augustus. , The low, weird grunt turned into a human identifiable voice: "Ah, look who's here ... my dear grandson ... are you okay?"

Another portrait next to it also became active, glancing at Rosetta: "It doesn't look very good, look at how tired he is, it is not so easy to rule an empire. Child, you should learn to adjust your state, don't Consume life early. "

Several other portraits nearby immediately echoed.

Rosetta ignored these buzzing conversations, but said indifferently: "The more frequent this palace appears, what changes are foreshadowed?"

"It's indifferent ..." the portraits said one after another.

Rosetta just looked at them blankly.

"What change do you want? Closer to us?" The emperor George Augustus laughed hoarsely and lowly. "It's a pity that although we also want to see our loved ones reunite soon, you always refuse. Good, this nightmare is ... far from you. "

"But there are other things that are getting closer and closer to the real world you are in ..." another portrait added.

"Other things? What?" Rosetta frowned. "Any other 'god legacy'?"

"Then we don't know ..." mumbled Marjorie Augustus, who was next to George Augustus, "but it seems different from our situation ... it's a similar personality Power is also similar, but it's just similar. Perhaps it is this 'similarity' that has given us a sense of touch and activated the curse on you. "

Listening to these ambiguous words, thinking about the corresponding clues in the real world, Rosetta's brows frowned, and at the same time, he heard the voice of his father, Marjory Augustus. Here again: "All in all, you have to be careful lately, there seems to be some changes in the real world you are in. It may not be for you, but it is only existent and it is enough to threaten you."

George Augustus also said, "We can't help you in the real world here, but we will try our best to expand our induction to find its clues, and at the same time, we will look for as deep as possible in the dream vision of history. Clues, maybe ... can help you. "

Rosetta looked up, looked at his father and grandfather, looked at the older Augustus, watched them speak, provided suggestions, watched them fall into a lively discussion, and advised himself. It just kept his cold face and took two steps back.

Where he originally stood, there was a layer of ink on the patterned stone bricks, and countless creeping things like tentacles with a little bit of starlight squirmed and extended in that ink color, in the surrounding air. More shadows emerged to establish the connection, dancing to what seemed to be trying to catch.

"I won't bother you to do more," Rosetta said coldly. "Dream, it's better to return to dream."

The dark tentacles with a bit of star light instantly speeded up the dance, as if plunged into violentness, while those who talked gently with Rosetta the other day and were eager to help, stared at them all in a flash. , A pair of eyes were attached with blood color at the same time, each face became emaciated at the same time, each voice made a loud rebuke with anger:

"You **** it! We are so dedicated to helping you!"

"We are full of good intentions, but you have only suspicion-you are destined to be an unkind tyrant, and you have abandoned the dreadful monarch taught by the ancestors!"

"You will be cast aside by your subjects. All you bring to this empire is corruption, and its path is only destruction!"

"Back, back to your family, back to your father and grandfather, only we are your true family, see yourself!"

A reprimand grew louder, gradually mixed together, and gradually became a murmur and a shrill scream that humans couldn't understand, but Rosetta Augustus just frowned, stepping back quickly, around There are more and more tentacles appearing in the air, it seems crazy to want to restrain him in this place, but those tentacles dissolve by themselves before contacting Rosetta, turning into the dust and mist disappearing like the things in dream Living people who harmed the real world came back in vain.

But Rosetta himself knew that as long as he had the slightest hesitation, and the slightest weakness and compromise, these tentacles would not be so "harmless."

He eventually retreated to the doorway, to the places where the portraits could not reach.

"I believe your help is sincere-but it would be better if you didn't want me to 'family reunite' with you that way."

After leaving a word with a mockery, he decisively left the room.

The door in the dream closed suddenly, completely blocking the chaotic madness in the room on the other side of the door.

Rosetta walked down the hallway towards the outer area of ​​the palace.

On the walls on both sides of the corridor, hanging portraits have also come alive. The Augustus who have been in the two hundred years one by one appeared on the portraits, sending various heights to Rosetta passing through the corridor. Cursing, or groaning whispering whispers, the twilight glow from the window was shaking, as if the whole palace had come alive and filled with anger.

But in the end, nothing could hurt Rosetta, who firmly refused the nightmare. The Tiffon ruler quickly left the most dangerous corridor and left the places where the portraits could see.

In the relatively "normal" long hall, those murmured voices everywhere seemed more kind and friendly at the moment.

In the depths of the palace, a sigh of utter sigh came into Rosetta's ears, with sigh carrying helplessness.

That was the root of the curse, the sigh of the palace's true master.

For Rosetta, the best response to the owner of the voice was-don't respond to him.

The dusk light from outside the palace shines into the long hall through the high glass windows, and casts a light golden grille in the hall. Compared with the previous moment, these radiances are no longer shaking.

Rosetta exhaled softly and was about to leave the hall and return to the outer area of ​​the palace.

But all of a sudden, his footsteps stopped, and his eyes fell on a door on the side of the long hall—the handle of that door turned a little, and then was slowly pushed open a gap.

Rosetta's spirit tightened for a moment.

In this palace, each door means different degrees of danger, and those who actively open the door often have the most thorough malice.

But this is not necessarily the case. Sometimes the dreams of Augustus family members will be connected. At that time, when the door appears, it may be ...

A figure wearing a black complex court dress with black hair subdued underneath, a figure decorated with thin gold chains between the hairs, opened the door and appeared in front of Rosetta Augustus.

The Tifeng ruler was sighed with naked eyes.

"Father Emperor?" Matilda was obviously nervous for a moment when she saw the figure in the hall, but she was relieved after confirming that it was Rosetta's face-the family members who were still alive would not become The evil spirits in this palace, "Did you also ... into a dream?"

"It seems to be dreaming at the same time as you," Rosetta, although relaxed a little, still looked dignified in the face of her daughter. "I am already midnight here."

"I'm in Cecil, I just fell asleep, and it's a while before midnight here," Matilda said. "Did you do anything here? I just felt this palace suddenly ... extraordinarily restless. "

"I went to the deepest and asked some questions," Rosetta said briefly. "They should be very angry now."

"... are you in danger?"

"Of course, there is no security here."

As soon as Rosetta's voice fell, from the hallway leading to the deep part of the palace, a shrill whistle suddenly came. The whistle seemed to stir people's minds, making people feel groggy for a moment, and also made the hall Rusu whispered quiet for a short time.

But soon the screams disappeared and everything returned to normal.

"... It's your brother," Rosetta said after a few seconds of silence. "He's the 'newest one' here. His voice occasionally penetrates the barriers of the hallway and affects it. "

Matilda took a breath and said softly, "Brother ..."

"He has left and becomes part of this palace," Rosetta said solemnly and seriously, "Matilda, always remember, remember the boundary between you and this palace, even if there is your brother here, there is Your grandfather, with your uncle and aunt, you also have to remember that they have all left, they have become 'them', a spirit full of evil spirits, and a danger that always wants to drag you into the deepest place .

"Only keeping this in mind can you be safe, and at some point in the future, after I have become part of this palace, I will still live safely."

Matilda lowered her head: "... I will remember, Father."

The expression on Rosetta's face eased a little, and he nodded: "Since we have met here, let's talk about your experience.

"What kind of place is Cecil in your eyes?"