Chapter 776: Broken memory

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
Those messy and broken memories seem to burst into a flash of light suddenly in the dark, and the flashes reflect countless shadowy and hidden things. Although fragmented and incomplete, some instinct that comes from the heart makes it high Wen instantly realized what it was—

That was the mysterious record of going to sea, or in other words, part of the record of going to sea!

Victoria's voice went a little distantly, but Gawain's consciousness was already immersed in the depths of the picture that had begun to dissipate.

He "sees" an unknown beach, with strange rocks on the beach, a desolate stretch of cliffs and gravel-covered steep slopes stretching from a distance. On the other side, the sea surface is gently undulating and a wave of fine waves crashes. The waves hit the reefs near the beach, and the glow of the dawn was rising from that sea level, and there was a glorious sun shining on the cliffs and steep slopes, which gilded the entire world.

There is a huge three-masted ship parked on the distant sea. The hull is wide and the shell is covered with runes and mysterious lines. The markings of the storm and the ocean indicate that it belongs to the Church of the Storm, and it stops smoothly in the gentle undulating On the sea, the small waves cannot shake it.

Gao Wen "walked" into this memory, he found himself standing on the beach, surrounded by a lot of shadowy figures-those figures were shrouded in hazy dark mist, could not see, they were talking about voyage, about On the topic of weather, every voice brought a faint familiarity to Gao Wen, but he couldn't even remember a corresponding name.

It was as if the names had been completely erased from his subconscious, and even if he recalled some memory fragments, he could not regain them.

Memory cannot be disturbed and cannot be modified, and Gao Wen does not know how to make these shadowy shadows into a clear form. He can only follow the guidance of memory and continue to "go" deep.

The moment of departure seemed to have arrived.

I don't know when the dinghy for the ship appeared on the beach, and Govin took it with those figures covered with dark fog and sailed towards the distant ship.

The sun is gradually jumping out of the sea, the night has almost completely receded, and the scene on the sea has become clearer and clearer, but even so, the front of the boat is still hanging with a vaguely contoured lantern, which looks unnecessary. The lantern swaying at the bow seemed to disperse some kind of darkness that did not exist-Gao Wen's gaze was involuntarily attracted by the dim light, and the voice of the surrounding people entered his ear:

"... I'm afraid this is the last time the Son of the Storm has sailed ... I hope everything goes well ..."

"It will go well, it has the best pilot priest, many pilot priests, and the last blessing ..."

"But the pilots may also be lost in the depths of the ocean ... Now everyone has lost shelter, and the people of the sea are no exception."

"It doesn't matter, there is ... protecting the minds of the priests, and even one crazy ... and the next one to take over."

"What if it's all crazy?"

"... then we have only courage ..."

"Ha, that seems to be fine."

Someone laughed heartily, and the laughter carried a broad and open feeling like the waves. Gao Wen "saw" that he remembered in his memory and also laughed. These laughing people took the boat for boarding and greeted them. At the dawn of dawn, it seemed as if he was heading for a worthy feast, but Gao Wen's mind came up with a word: Go to the dead.

After hesitated for a while, he realized that the word was not what he thought. It came from the deepest memory of Gawain Cecil. It was the pioneer who was most impressive seven hundred years ago before boarding the ship. Feeling-

The picture then shattered, followed by relatively long darkness and intricate chaotic light and shadow.

Gao Wen thought that all he could see was this, but after a period of darkness, this memory had follow-up--

A felucca was parked near the coastline, and Gao Wen identified it as the ship from the previous memory that was going to sea.

However, compared with the beautiful and magnificent appearance at the time of departure, the ship was now stricken at the moment-the rune protecting the hull was mostly extinguished, a mast was broken off, and the broken sail was dragged on the side of the ship like a shroud. In addition, the magical blessed wooden deck and hull are filled with astonishing cracks and holes, as if the entire ship is on the verge of disintegration.

It seemed to have encountered more than one terrible storm. The storm made it crumbling. If it were not, there was a very weak and thin light curtain covering the hull of the ship, blocking the turbulent seawater, and barely maintaining the structure of the hull. I'm afraid it was approaching. The coastline had previously disintegrated and sank.

Gaze flashed, and Gao Wen found himself sitting on the boat again, but this time, the boat left the boat and was moving closer to the coast.

The giant sun has sunk, and the bright red glare of the setting sun splashed from the side of the cliff, and sprinkled on the sparkling sea surface. The sea waves of thousands of miles seemed to be soaked with blood, soaked in people's hearts.

The hazy lantern is still hanging from the bow, swaying against the setting sun, as if to dispel some kind of invisible darkness.

Except for Gao Wen himself, there are only three figures left on the boat, and all other positions ... are empty.

No one spoke, the atmosphere was dull and terrible, and as a passenger in memory, Gao Wen could not take the initiative to break the silence.

It wasn't until the dinghy was nearing the shore that a figure broke the silence by making a sound: "It's almost here."

Someone beside him echoed, "Yeah, it's almost there."

"There is always a difference," said the third figure. Although the figure was hazy, his eyes seemed to be falling on Gao Wen. "The situation is not bad, at least you are back alive."

Gao Wen felt his throat move. He overlapped with his memory. He heard familiar and unfamiliar voices coming from his own mouth: "You have made a huge sacrifice."

"... It was expected. It was just unexpected that the ocean was such a dangerous place in the case of total loss of protection ..." A figure said, "As for our sacrifice ... don't take it to heart, compare with us Arise, the sacrifices you make are just as great. "

Gavin Cecil's voice was low and solemn: "I hope it's all worth it."

The first figure who spoke before shook his head: "No value is not worth it. We only have to do it. We are small creatures, so we may only be able to do small things, but compared to sitting still, we take some actions actively. All in all, it makes more sense. "

There was a figure joking around him: "Ha,‘ philosopher, ’you forcefully say such deep words!”

However, the dark shadow, which was nicknamed "Philosophy", did not speak again and seemed to be thinking.

After that, there was a period of silence. In the silence, the dinghy finally landed on the shore, and four people jumped onto the land for a while and remained silent.

This time it was Gawain Cecil who broke the silence first: "What will happen next, have you thought about it?"

"I can't think of it now," a figure shook his head, "... has gone, at least ... retrieve ... the fellows are ..."

The sounds and pictures in the memory suddenly became intermittent, and the surrounding light suddenly turned on and off. Gao Wen knew that this fragmented memory had finally come to an end, and he tried to concentrate and distinguish that he could hear clearly. For every syllable of his, he heard a murmur in the sound of the fine waves:

"That wall can always support hundreds of years, even thousands of years ... maybe before, our descendants will develop, and what troubles us today may not bother them."

This is the voice of Govin Cecil.

And then those inexplicable sounds that I can't remember:

"I hope so ..."

"It's time to say goodbye. I always think I should say something, but I can't think of anything to say."

"Then don't talk about it, anyway ... everyone will forget it in a while."

"Also, I wish each one a safe road ..."

All the voices are gone, the faint speech, the shattered sea waves, the wind in the ears are all gradually quiet, in the rapidly jumping, dark vision, Gao Wen only saw a few vague and incoherent Picture:

The dinghy hung back to the sea and sailed towards the distant ship.

The two remaining masts of the ship hoisted a sail, turned slowly, and headed towards the sea full of **** rays, gradually drifting away into the darkness.

Gawain Cecil turned and walked slowly and slowly towards the land.

In that direction, it seems that someone has come to respond.

This emerging memory ends here.


Gao Wen took a breath, and his consciousness returned to the present. He was still sitting in the magic car, close to the center of Cecil, and in the opposite seat was Victoria, who seemed to be faintly worried.

Gao Wen frowned, those pictures and sounds still clearly in his mind-just now, he had entered a strange and wonderful state, and those memories emerged like a semi-conscious dream engulfed his consciousness , He seems to be immersed in an immersive scene, but has not completely lost touch with the real world-he knows that he should have spent less than a minute in the real world, but this minute of stagnation has caused Victoria's note.

Upon discovering Gao Wen's return to life, Victoria could not help but said, "Your Majesty, are you okay?"

Amber's figure immediately emerged from the seat next to Gao Wen: "Rest assured, it's okay, he will do this occasionally."

Then she looked at Gao Wen and asked, "Are you all right?"

"I suddenly remembered something ..." Gao Wen waved his hand, motioned to himself, and then slowly said, "Amber, do you remember I mentioned it to you, I once had a trip to the sea, but the relevant details Have forgotten. "

"Ah, remember," Amber blinked, "I have also helped you investigate this case file-unfortunately nothing was found. It happened 700 years ago, and it may be a confidential operation, all traces Nothing left. "

"I suddenly remembered it a few moments ago," Gao Wen said as he glanced across Victoria.

"The estuary you just mentioned, where the Duchy of the Dragon and the northeastern border of Cecil ... is called the Dragon Fjord."

"It does have such a name-a name derived from the Duchy of the Holy Dragon."

"I was ... I went to the sea from there," Gao Wen exhaled, his brows frowned tightly. "It was the children of the storm who went to sea with me."

This time, even the Victorian iceberg mentality was difficult to maintain, and even exclaimed: "What ?! Son of the Storm ?!"

"Strictly speaking, it should be the child of the storm that has not fallen into the dark," Gao Wen said slowly. "And I suspect that it is the last batch ... in my memory, they were already crazy when they sailed with me. Confronted. "

According to the information currently available, the three major dark sects should have three stages of mental state in the process of facing the gods and falling into darkness:

At the ceremony of the Patriarch's Peak, the three sect leaders were awake before they came into contact with the knowledge of the gods and brought madness back to life.

After the ceremony, the three denominations were contaminated by the knowledge of the gods, and members either rushed into the waste land of Gondor, or fled and left, and disappeared. This time they were crazy. This process lasted for several years or even longer. .

After a period of madness, some members of the three major denominations seem to have recovered their "sense" and regrouped their compatriots to completely turn into the dark denominations. They began to execute those "plans" in extreme paranoia. This process continues to this day .

According to Gao Wen's judgment, the figures he walked with in his memory should be the sons of the storm-this is corroborated by the details of the ship and those who spoke, and their status ... Transition from one phase to the second.

They are gradually polluted by the knowledge of the gods, and they are gradually going crazy.

This process should have been very fast. Many believers took only a moment from the first stage to the second stage, but those who walked with Gao Wen seemed to persist for a long time.

Something sheltered their hearts and helped them temporarily fight the madness.

Suddenly, the dimly-lit lantern hanging from the bow of the ship flashed in Gao Wen's mind.