Chapter 747: Challenge the ocean

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
The greatest courage of mortals is to challenge the sky and the ocean.

The slightly salty sea breeze blew from the East, across the long coastline of the East Coast, over port houses with black beveled roofs and ancient steeple towers, with black crowns and shield flags in the port city of "Mobius The flag was flying above the main castle, and the flag greeted the endless sea.

Count Owen Dyson with short black hair, dark blue eyes, and a black double-breasted long trench coat stood in front of a window facing the sea. From the height of this castle, he quietly overlooked the flourishing city below and the distant waves of light. The sparkling calm sea.

This is the port of Mobius, the largest seaport on the east coast of the Tifeng Empire, and a must-stop for people visiting the ocean in the east.

Used to be.

The Dyson family has ruled this land for hundreds of years. The ancestors of Count Owen led the original leaders here to defeat the thorns, and reshaped the solid coastline of the eastern empire with the power of boulder and magic. Seven hundred years ago This is an extremely prosperous city. The newly established Tifeng relied on this harbour to slam the gateway to the sea, and opened important colonial points on several islands in the east. The ancestors exploited those islands. Ores, planting spices, provide a new country with a steady stream of valuable resources, and use the prosperous East China Sea routes to maintain the circulation of materials in the southeast and northeast of the empire. The port of Mobius, as a hub for all of this, has been in a superlative position for a while. .

But that prosperity only lasted a short time.

The fall of the three major dark sects has ruined the human race to challenge the qualifications of the ocean. The son of the storm has left human beings no longer able to perceive the endless storms and magical turbulence on the sea, nor can they calm down the fury of the ocean. It was more than a dozen nautical miles close to the landing site, and these "safety routes" were intermittent and could not be connected at all.

Initially, the brave captains and scholars also tried to maintain those routes with experience, courage and alternative superb spells, but the high cost and the embarrassing national power of Tifeng at the beginning of the year made those brave challengers finally choose to give up. The colonial islands in the open sea were forced to abandon, and the output of minerals, plants and marine life from the ocean was also forced to be interrupted. This transient and prosperous Port of Mobius was also stuck in the following hundreds of years.

It has changed from a bustling port city to a distribution center for offshore fishermen, and a resting place for business travellers nearby. The city has maintained its current state of relying on the sluggish offshore fishing goods and transit taxes.

And until today, it has prospered again.

Count Owen's gaze swept across the edge of the city, the towers and the faint fumes rising near the shoreline.

That's a quarry of burning stones.

No one had thought that what finally brought the port of Mobius back to life would be those gray-white stones that were once considered useless and less valuable than mud.

Burning stones are everywhere on the edge of the coastline. Those stones are the raw material for the production of abundant dust and spar matrix. The emergence of new technologies has made them worthless and hot, and as the largest city on the East Coast, Mobius Hong Kong has been miraculously restored to life overnight. In just a few years, it has once again become prosperous.

And as fast as Port Mobius changed, there was the entire Tifeng Empire.

Her Majesty Rosetta Augustus brought prosperity and change to the empire. Although many of the "changes" he brought made some stubborn nobles very dissatisfied, these dissatisfied nobles did not include Moby For Lord Count Owen Dyson of Us, for His Majesty the Border Count who has experienced a great transformation from affluence to wealth, His Rosetta has brought him an absolute turn for the better.

What's more, the border count was excited, and even a little excited. His Majesty Emperor, after making the empire strong, finally set his sights on the endless sea again.

The shimmering sea surface is slightly undulating in the distance, and the rising sun is glowing with fine phosphorescence. Earl Owen knows that the seemingly calm sea is actually extremely dangerous. Chaotic storms and magical turbulence beyond a dozen nautical miles will make another The powerful and extraordinary are buried in the deep sea, and the turbulent currents and storms will cut the original complete coastal routes. Hundreds of years ago, the new and weak Tifeng Kingdom failed to recapture those routes. But today, heavy The newly born Tiefon Empire may already be able to challenge the sea again.

A distant and near footsteps awakened Owen Dyson from contemplation. He heard the voice of the attendant coming from behind him: "Master, that creature is awake."

Count Owen turned his head: "I know the way."

"Yes, sir."

Owen Dyson left the room facing the sea, accompanied by the servants, walked through the long corridor of the castle, entered the deep martyrdom, and came to the deepest part of the family castle. In a room engraved with many runes, In the back room reinforced by a large amount of sacred and magical materials, he saw "the creature" in the mouth of the servant.

He was wrapped in some shabby black robe, and was quietly lying on the stone bed in the middle of the secret room. A large number of rune chains and divine amulets imprisoned him there, suppressing the extraordinary power he might have.

In fact, Owen can see at a glance that this should be a human, but he has changed beyond recognition.

The "human" exposed arms, face, and neck are covered with chilling, pale cyan fine scales. The eyes appear like snakes and have golden vertical pupils. The hair has faded and replaced by the scalp. Covered with a layer of seaweed-like, greasy cortical growths, his palms were twisted and stretched, and something like a web was connected between his fingers. What was even more frightening was his legs.

The flesh and blood of those legs are blurred together like some kind of chaotic product, and it is difficult to distinguish each other. They are close together, the joints are bent, the skin is sticky, and the scales are clustered on it.

It looks like it's some kind of unfinished metamorphosis, or ... an intermediate state that is mutating from humanity to some strange shape.

The "monster" was awake, and when Earl Owen approached, he saw the other person's eyes roll, and the pair of horrific golden vertical pupils swept over at him, while the other person's body was still lying quietly. On the stone bed, but the chest was slightly undulating.

Count Owen frowned, and a mage in a moonweave robe stepped forward.

"Sir, I have stabilized his mental state with sedation and moonlight extract, this monster is temporarily safe."

Owen Dyson nodded, looking at another figure not far away. It was a knight, of medium build, with a thick beard and sunken eyes.

"More on the details when you found this 'creature'," he said to the Cavaliers.

"Yes, sir," the knight nodded. "We found it near the desert near the south. He has locals reporting that there are unusual winds and winds and constant whistling on the sea. We are worried that the magic will flow. On land, I went to check it, but found this 'monster' on the rocky beach by the coast.

"He doesn't have anything like ship fragments around him, and no reef-facing ship has been found nearby. I guess he didn't come by boat, maybe he came over ...

"He was half comatose, and he was a little stunned by the sun, but when we approached, he woke up quickly and behaved very aggressively. He attacked us with a spell similar to an acid arrow, but good After we brought two mages past, he was subdued by spell countermeasures.

"He passed out because of his weakness. Before passing out, he muttered in a murmur that no one could understand. The soldiers were a little scared after hearing those grunts. Some people said that it was a curse mentioned by fishermen. The language is the language spoken by the deceased engulfed by the waves ...

"Apart from the half-broken amulet, he has nothing to prove his identity, but his clothes are definitely from human hands ... I guess he is a poor man cursed by the terrible powers of the deep sea, of course, this is just My judgment. "

Earl Owen snorted and looked at the mage next to him: "What kind of hallmark can you see in the amulet?"

"I can't see the hall of fame, Master," the mage said, picking up the broken amulet and passing it to Count Owen. "It has been completely damaged, the magic has run out, and the remaining spell model is not of reference value, and A very strange point is that the decorative pattern on the surface seems to have been deliberately polished, and it is no longer visible. "

Count Owen took the amulet the size of half an old imperial round gold coin, and glanced in his hand.

It is half of a round amulet. The material may be Mithril. Obviously it was an extraordinary item, and as the mage said, it has obvious sanding marks on one side. Recognizable pattern.

Owen casually threw the amulet in the hand of the attendant.

"You used to be a human ..." He came next to the humanoid with scales and webs, and stooped down to stare at the disturbing pair of eyes. "Really?"

"His ... heh ..."

From the humanoid's throat came a hoarse voice that was difficult for humans to emit, like some kind of amphibious creature. The chaos was low and difficult to distinguish.

"You have been in the sea for a long time ... the smell of fish, the smell of mud, and the magic of the storm," Count Owen still stared at each other. "What is in the open sea? What makes you look like this? of?"

In response to him, there was still a chaotic inexplicable voice, listening to that weird voice, Owen's mind even vaguely appeared the impression of the waves surging.

"An unknown and extraordinary force has distorted this poor man," said the mage on the side. "Sir, I have communicated with him many times before using hypnosis and other methods. This poor man has completely lost the human language ability. Now. "

"No, it's not your way," said Count Owen, and he took off a faint blue light pendant from his wrist.

He moved the pendant closer to the "monster" lying on the stone bed, who stared at the mysterious blue light, and suddenly opened his eyes slightly.

"A long time ago, when this Mobius city was still a bustling harbour, the Dyson family was intimately connected with the Church of the Storm," said the count slowly. "We keep many artifacts related to the storm, such as one A pendant that had received the blessing of the storm's main sacrifice ... Now tell me, son of the storm, what did you encounter? "

Even if there is nothing recognizable on the opponent, and even if the lines on the surface of that amulet have been polished away, Owen Dyson can still guess what the man from the ocean is in front of.

After all, he and his family have been watching this area for hundreds of years.

The black robe "monster" on the stone bed watched the pendant in Count Owen's hand, suddenly took a deep breath, and in a hoarse voice like a bellows, he said slowly in a voice like a nightmare: "You ... listen Across the deep sea ... call? "

"The call of the deep sea?" Count Owen frowned. "What are you talking about?"

The voice of the black-robed monster grew more and more sloppy, as if its mind had gradually dissipated: "Ah ... on the dark and deep sea bottom ... the **** has changed ... the flesh-eating one calls with a tide ... listen carefully, Can you hear ... "

"It looks like your mind has been completely polluted," Count Owen shook his head with regret, preparing to put away the amulet, "but I still thank you, and thank you once again for reminding me of the danger of the ocean and reminding me to be cautious about it . "

The blue light amulet gradually left the sight of the black robe monster, who was breathing violently, but suddenly, his breathing calmed down, and a weird smile mixed with calmness and joy appeared on his face.

The fine scales made the smile particularly thrilling.

Count Owen heard the monster make the last few syllables from his throat:

"I heard, I heard ... she was calling ... Eva was calling us ... back on track ..."

The monster on the stone bed gave a long sigh, and then, under everyone's attention, his body burst into a liquid like muddy sea water.