Chapter 700: Proposal

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
After completing a series of follow-up arrangements, Hetty left the room with Gao Wen's room. In the large study room, only a slight creaking of the ventilation system was left, until an uncoordinated breeze blew from behind, high. Wen Wei slightly turned his head and said: "You are late again."

"I just arrived," Amber's figure emerged from the window nearby, and walked to the desk and said casually. "But you talked to Herti about the things that make people big. I feel a headache when I hear it, just in the window. I will have a rest outside..."

Gao Wen took a look at this guy: "How did I let you investigate?"

"As you expected, there are Titan's spies in the people and craftsmen recruited near the white sand hills." Amber's expression was slightly serious. "They have a long latency that is beyond our imagination. One of the carpenters is even in the east. After living for 20 years, the emigrants in the east have escaped from the wasteland, overthrow the city for the lord, and even joined the army. No one can believe that a person who has lived in the area for 20 years will be a Tifeng person until My people caught the intelligence that he secretly used the recorded magic to collect mining machinery."

"... Maryland mentioned in the report that the Tifeng people are not ignorant of our magical equipment. In addition to basic common sense, their aerial scouts can even remotely recognize the flash of the magical cannon when they are excited... This is what must be observed before the image data can be achieved," Gao Wen said. "Ansu and Tifeng have been in the same state for decades. The spy infiltration between them has become the norm. Within six months of the loss of control in the east, these spies will inevitably pass. A lot of information went out."

"There is no way. After all, it takes time for us to take over the east. The short-term chaos is enough for the spies to do a lot of things, not to mention the mess for nearly half a year. Then again, our 'national power deception tactics' also depend on These spies are 'helped' and the accounting is not lost. "Amber pouts. "It’s just that the spies we’ve detected are only a small part. I don’t know how many hidden in the ditch corner of the east, maybe even with Large-scale uncontrolled flooded people entered the plain of the Holy Spirit..."

"This is the time for the Military Intelligence Bureau to play its value," Gao Wen looked at Amber. "The unconventional confrontation is the normal between Titan and Cecil in the future. A large part of the pressure is on your MIB staff. But I believe in their abilities."

"Don't worry, the person I train, the ability to do things and to do things will never let you down," Amber smirked his mouth, then stepped forward and held a stack of thick documents in his hand. Put it on the high desk. "In addition, this is from the Changfeng Fortress."

Gao Wen just saw amber holding something in his hand. He thought it was a report, but he didn't expect it to be a "one" report from the Changfeng Fortress. He was shocked: "So thick?!"

Amber: "I didn't expect it... This was jointly sent by Maryland and Philip. God knows how much they wrote."

Gao Wenwen raised his eyebrows and lowered his head to open the thick print. His eyes swept over the neat letters. After a moment, he whispered: "It is a summary of the Paramel event, and about Suggestions and reports on the strengths and weaknesses of frontline defense and magical guides."

Amber stunned and curiously approached the table: "Ah?"

Gao Wen didn't care about the proximity of Amber, because she had the authority to consult the document as the military director. He just looked down and read the words on the report more seriously.

At the beginning of the report, Maryland mentioned the Legion-level spells of the Titan Empire and the shortcomings of traditional defensive fortresses in the face of such opponents.

According to the information collected during the confrontation between Dongfeng and Tifeng in the east, and the information obtained from the follow-up survey in Maryland, Gao Wen finally got a clearer understanding of the characteristics and strength of the “Super Vanity” created by Tifeng. I learned about the whole picture of the so-called "trooper-level spells".

In short, it is a kind of "casting skill" that allows the supernaturals of mass production to simultaneously cast spells, causing a large range of magic resonance, and the attack formed by superimposing and mutating the basic spell model. In essence, it is still a "casting skill". This is an extension of the traditional extraordinary skills, but in terms of expression, it has completely surpassed the framework of the old army, and even ... can produce the power similar to the Cecil's magical army.

Take the Iron River Knights as an example. The Titan empire has trained thousands of supernaturals from childhood, only to master the basic skills of knight charge, focus aura, and protect the aura. These skills become these after the tempering The extraordinary instinct of the extraordinary person, coupled with the chic crystal worn by each knight to further stabilize and "resonate", the entire Knights can create a powerful "resonance domain" in combat - this resonance "domain" Is the Legion of the Iron River Knights (Spell).

In the resonance domain, the magic envelopes the entire Knights and can generate a huge unstable energy field called the "thermal energy cone" on the offensive path. From the description, Gao Wen thinks that it may be a terrible plasma sea. - The Iron River Knights can directly hit this group of high-energy plasma on the shield of the fortress. If it is a small fortress, I am afraid that the entire shield will be overloaded and extinguished for a moment.

Similarly, the Titan's magician group can release similar spells - and as a special spellcasting unit, their offensive methods will be more diverse, and when the two armies are against each other, they can carry out extensive coverage bombing, attacking At the fortress, they can also create a huge thunderstorm or a focused energy like a rainbow cannon.

In the face of such an extraordinary army, the traditional, closed defense fortress is particularly vulnerable.

The earliest experimental Extraordinary Legion of the Tifeng people was formed a few years ago. At that time, the Duke of Sallen Loren was guarded by the Fortress of the Wind, because the Timothy’s resonance technology and the training of the Legion were not perfect enough. The energy storage stage exposed the operational intentions. At that time, the Duke of Silas took the initiative and relied on a dozen waves of knights to charge according to a specific wave, and a large number of magicians continued to carry out remote magic counter-attacks before interrupting the actions of the Tifeng people. And that battle record was still kept in the archives of the Changfeng Fortress.

Just as the two Hong Kong guns broke the shield of the Rock Fortress in the past, the Tifeng Extraordinary Legion of the same era also instigated the status of the traditional fortress.

On the earth, the classical castle suddenly left in this situation.

However, in this world, due to the existence of shield technology and magic net technology, the huge scale, the fortress that can accommodate the massive infrastructure is not so easy to exit the battlefield - after all, when faced with power other than "super weapons", When faced with a natural disaster like a magical wave, a fortress with a shield and self-sustaining power is still essential. On the other hand, as long as the shield technology has developed, even in the face of the extraordinary army or magical heavy artillery, the traditional fortress can return to an important position.

Under this premise, Maryland presented Gao Wen with his defense defense plan for the Changfeng defense line in the report.

The first step is to retain a series of positions that were constructed during the “deception operation”, and with the follow-up road construction and material armament gaps, complete it into a continuous military base, and set up sufficient long-range firepower at each base. The cross-fire network and the Changfeng Fortress form a main line of defense. At the same time, each station has the functions of alerting, replenishing, and maintaining alternate communication lines to ensure that the defense information is smooth, responsive, and viable.

In the second step, with the advantage of the smooth road between the military stations, several troops are ready to be maneuvered. This is to prevent the Tifeng Knights from finding loopholes on the defense line and bypassing the fixed fortifications. The former Changfeng Fortress has similar The patrol cavalry team responded to the "detours" of the Tifeng people, but because there is no military station to supplement, its role is very limited, can only deal with the past Tifeng army, but now Tifeng has been developing, its super-legged army has become a scale, What's more important is that they have mastered the technology of the magical vehicle, and their military maneuverability is likely to break through at any time. It is essential to make defense at the border in advance.

In the third step, Maryland’s proposal made Gao Wen feel surprised -

The former commander of the Rocks proposed to establish a "railway defense zone."

"...We can take the Changfeng Fortress as the core, build several railways in the north-south direction, connect all the military stations and border crossing points, and let the multiple armed trains run in orbit to ensure that there is mobile firepower at any time to support the border. Any point on it... The Extraordinary Legion of the Titans threatens the fixed fortress, but the effect of the armed train on the moving state will be greatly reduced...

"Considering the high cost of the Iron Throne, it is not realistic to set up a number of iron thrones on a border. We can build simple armed trains. We can use mine-type cars, reduce the number of arsenal sections and carrying sections, and cancel the fortress-level heavy artillery. The weapons are mainly based on the Arcane Missile Launch Tower and the small fragmented howitzer, because the Tifeng people’s army is still mainly composed of 'people', and the simple armed trains are enough to kill the personnel...

"The charging track itself is the carrier of the magic net. In the process of building the track, it is equivalent to completing the magic net laying on the border, and because the track itself has a shield, this can further ensure the safety of the line communication..."

Gao Wen slowly put down the report in his hand and sighed softly: "...we have a treasure at the Rock Fortress."

Amber doesn't know how to fight, but at least he has been with Gao Wen for a few years. She can also read the things mentioned in the report. After deducing it in her mind, the military director’s eyes are slow. Slow and big: "Mom... This set of things has to be built, and the Tifeng people take the head to the line of defense... Is this the so-called 'ultimate line of defense'?"

"There is no ultimate tactic in the world. The skills of war are always developing in the offensive and defensive. The Tifeng people may find a way to fight against the mobile defense network one day. However, the more advanced defense concept will always follow," Gao Wen shook. Shaking his head and returning to the report, "but at least at this stage, in the face of existing enemies... Maryland thinks of the most suitable solution."

Under the premise of retaining the role of the fortress, the Maryland plan has almost reached the limit that Cecil’s engineering capabilities and technical strength can achieve. The traditional long wind fortress is still an important structure of the defense, but it has changed from a single core to a Important nodes, more assume the role of as a command center, logistics center, frontline industrial center, and the mobile defense network built under modern transportation and communication conditions can further magnify the advantages of the magic guide army to make up for the current Sethi The number of border forces is still short.

Even more commendable is that Maryland has also considered cost savings in this process – he noticed the problem of over-fire in the presence of the Iron Throne in the face of infantry units, and his proposed simplified version of the armed train will greatly reduce the finances of the Cecil Empire. pressure.

After all, reconstruction, reconstruction, and construction in the country are all costly. At this time, if Gao Wen is going to start building seven or eight iron thrones, Hetty is afraid to jump directly from the banks of the White River...

Of course, even if this optimization is made, the mobile defense plan proposed by Maryland still needs a high cost to achieve, but Gao Wen is very clear about one thing: everything can be saved, only education and national defense can not Province.

The former determines what height a country can reach in a hundred years, and the latter determines whether a country can live a hundred years later.

Gao Wen turned over a page - this thick report, and more.

Later, he saw Philip's complete report on the nightmare of Paramel Heights and a few pages of lessons.

"... Due to lack of experience, our army failed to fully play the role of the Iron Throne. The successful withdrawal of the Tifeng troops itself can be avoided, but we missed the opportunity.

"There is a problem with the coordination between the armored trains and the fixed positions on the land, and the long-wind line has problems in intelligence sharing, so that the information of several observation posts in the Paramel Heights cannot be sent to the Iron Throne in time - although the above observation posts are also The whereabouts of the Tifeng troops were not found, but the lack of intelligence did exist.

"Our army has insufficient investigative means in bad weather conditions - Tifeng people can find the Iron Throne, but none of our observers have found the Tifeng people's reconnaissance. The traditional Griffin Knight can barely take off in bad weather. Eagle eye, telescope and other means are greatly affected by weather conditions...

"... It is recommended to develop an observation device with life-detecting effects. It is recommended to add a similar function to the 'Magic Monitoring Tower' on the Iron Throne, and to sense the extraordinary units or traps hidden nearby.

"We need to supplement the air detection methods other than the Griffin Knight. The existing Griffin Knight has reached the limit and cannot carry more protective equipment to deal with extreme weather, nor can it carry more weapons. Only The self-defense forces cannot fight the army of the Tifengs..."