Chapter 691: Thousands of troops

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
The Windward Fortress, Maryland ended the communication with the Machinery Manufacturing Institute, and the adjutant standing next to him couldn’t help but open his mouth: "General, you are going to use a batch of fake magical equipment to arm the call that has just been summoned. Soldier?"

Maryland nodded. "That's what it means - let them wear fake gear and stand on the wall, and that's not enough."

"not enough?"

"The number of 'products' that can be supplied in the South in a few days is still limited, and it can only solve the equipment of individual soldiers in a short period of time. These things may not be able to scare the Tifeng people. We have to find a solution ourselves," Maryland continued. Said, "The engineering team that had previously built the camp should have been idle. - I ordered that the construction of the woods in the hills and the paramounts on the north side of the Changfeng Fortress will be carried out, and the wood piled up over the shoal will be transported. I Tell you what I am going to do..."

The garrison power of the Changfeng Fortress began to operate again. Before the arrival of the next wave of the Titans, several engineering teams began a large-scale civil construction in accordance with the orders of Maryland - from the north side of the Changfeng Fortress. In the hills, to the highlands of Paramel on the south side of the fortress, more than ten fortifications or firepower positions began to be built.

In the Paramel Heights, on the No. 4 "artillery position", the engineering soldiers are stepping up the trenching and leveling the ground. The heavily armed sentinels stand on the temporary observation deck and watch the open wasteland around them with vigilance. Two soldiers equipped with engineering magic terminals are cutting wood, while others are dealing with large bundles of crepe and ropes. The scene is busy, but orderly.

The commander in charge of the commanding engineering team walked through a trench that had just been dug, looked at the progress of the soldiers, nodded slightly, and said to the soldier next to him: "According to this speed - stand up the shelf before noon. ""

"Sir, is this really true?" The soldier scratched his hair. "Don't scare people with these flowers?"

"Execute the order," the commander glanced at the soldier, then opened his mouth and smiled. "And I think it works."

He looked up and saw that several soldiers not far away were nailing the cut wood, laying it on the **** of the mound, and then covering it with a crepe, and the four corners of the crepe were firmly nailed to the ground. In another pit, a real magic crystal railgun was erected, and the acceleration rail pointed in the direction of the plain. The crepe on the gun was halfway.

In fact, that is the only real gun on the ground. All other railguns are built of wood or scrap iron.

This is a fake position, with fake and false positions. There are several similar positions nearby, and there are more in the north of the fortress, but not all positions are fake - about a quarter of the dozen positions. First, it is true that the deployment of emergency rail guns and sufficient soldiers from the plains of the Holy Spirit is definitely a hard bone.

This is the battlefield wisdom that the traditional aristocracy army never thought of. It is a blackmail behavior that is completely incompatible with the so-called "righteousness, honesty" and other knighthoods. But the battlefields of the big and small that the Cecil Army has experienced have proved. One thing - the era of the knight war has passed, is buried in the arduous cannon, the standard of justice in the new era, jointly calculated by caliber and range.

"Don't forget one thing, those Tifeng people haven't been blown up by the magical cannons," the commander, who was promoted by veterans, grinned and said to the soldiers beside him, "Most of them don't." Know what the real magical gear looks like, especially after we have disguised it – as long as they don’t recognize it this week, the Iron Throne will come!”


On the wall of the Changfeng Fortress, Maryland’s sword stood beside a magic crystal orbital gun. Not far from him, next to the gun of a real magical gun, the soldiers were using the original for reinforcement. The steel plates and concrete blocks of the city walls were built, and a group of patrols were walking far behind him. The patrols wore eccentric light armor, and the queues were neat and full of spirit.

At least on the surface it looks like this.

"The troops on the border of Tifeng have not seen the magical equipment with their own eyes, but their intelligence personnel must have reported the general form and power of these things. This is the intelligence deviation," Maryland sighed softly and said to the adjutant. After the completion of the No. 8 position, a round of gunfire coverage was made in the direction of the Grey Pond Mud. - The news was released in advance, which was said to test the second generation of new weapons. The same was true after the completion of the 12th position."

"Yes, general." The adjutant bowed his head.

Maryland nodded and looked across the walls of the wall, looking down at the vast expanse of the distant land.

False deterrence is already there, but it must be prepared in case the Titans know in advance or simply don’t be fooled. After all, fighting depends on hard power to speak. While building those false positions, Maryland has always been In strengthening the real defensive power of the Changfeng Fortress, the mine positions of some key crossings have been laid. The traps and trenches around the fortress have been kept for a day. Within the fortress, the training of the recruits is not sloppy, and it is always in order.

After all, in addition to those "fantasy equipment" that have their own watches, a group of real magical missiles are brought to the rear, and the biggest feature of these equipments is that they are easy to control and easy to form combat power - ordinary people only need to train three The day will be able to shoot the gun correctly. After ten days of training, the recruits will barely stand on the wall. At this most critical moment, every time a soldier is trained, the security of the imperial border will be more secure.

He once lost a fortress, and in his lifetime, he did not want the same thing to happen again for the second time.

Beside him, he has been following for many years, and he has been accompanying him from the time of the Rock Fortress. The young adjutant who has experienced the battle of meteorites, labor reform, and hunting of the gods is also looking at this vast line of defense. The young man’s bronze face seems to have Complex emotions.

After a few minutes of silence, Maryland asked: "Payne, what are you thinking?"

"General..." The young adjutant hesitated, and finally said, "I just suddenly felt a little emotion. The Cavaliers were my only creed when I last guarded the fortress."

"Protection of the country is also a knightly spirit, and it is a higher knighthood - we are here to protect more people," Maryland shook his head. "As for the means used on the battlefield... the times have changed, Pei Well, I got an epiphany in front of the cannon, and you should try it."

" said it makes sense, general."


The changes in the Changfeng Fortress and its surrounding defense lines did not pass through the Tifeng people's scouts. The continuous intelligence was quickly collected in the command post of the Winter Wolf Fort, and Andersa Windel received the information. I even stood up in surprise - the young wolf general, did not expect the Cecil people to suddenly build a second line of defense.

In the face of the increasing military pressure of the Titans, the Cecils not only did not adopt the strategy of shrinking the line of defense, but instead actively built a number of new positions. Does this mean that... their reserve soldiers are more than originally imagined? need more?

The commander of the reconnaissance unit, who came to report, stood in front of Andesha and meticulously reported the situation: "General, we found at least six newly built positions in the highlands of Paramel, with a large number of soldiers stationed, north of the An unknown number of troops and positions were also found in the hilly areas. In addition, according to the information of the merchants, the Cecils have been mobilizing troops frequently during this time. Many soldiers and teams have entered the Changfeng Fortress from the northwest and southwest..."

Andersa thought of the information she had received not long ago and thought of the report that the Changfeng Fortress continued to increase its troops.

"Where did they come up with so many soldiers..." The young wolf general frowned. "Can you confirm the bottom of the soldiers and positions?"

"Those soldiers seem to be rumors of the Cecil's Magic Corps. Their equipment is very different from the ordinary soldiers. They carry the iconic combat backpacks and are highly disciplined. As for the positions... the scouts are not too close, But we did observe the scenes of the Cecils testing weapons, the power is as great as the previous information, and it can match our magician."

Andssa left the table and went to the nearby battle map to make a mark on the line of defense of the Changfeng Fortress according to the report sent back by the scout.

"It's a complete line of defense..." "The scale is the same as the previous increase." "The Paramel Heights and the hills in the north have a large army group..." "They have done a good job in dealing with the Iron River Knights." Legion level spell 'preparation?'

Gazing at the battle map in front of him, Andersa Wendell fell into a long-term thinking.

Through the relay of the magic communication tower without cost, the intelligence from the border arrived in front of Rosetta Augustus.

"裴迪南卿, Ansu people once again increased their troops on the defense line."

The Emperor of Tifeng raised his head and looked at the old duke standing in front of himself.

"Now they have been called the Seysil, "Your Majesty," said Di Dinan, Wendell. "They built a series of extended positions based on the original Changfeng fortress defense line, combined with the information obtained before. They should be prepared to deal with the Iron River Knights."

"...the Iron River Knights can create an energy storm of nearly two kilometers in a charge, and are extremely good at destroying heavy fortress shields, but if there is a series of positions with long-range firepower for continuous attack and interference, the Iron River Knights The Legion level spell will be broken up... The new commander of the Changfeng Fortress is an experienced person."

The Duke of Dinantan nodded: "Andresa's reconnaissance unit has been 'contested' several times. The Cecil's scouts are experienced and well-equipped, although most of them are ordinary people, but in the face of extraordinary When it’s not at all, it should be really elite.”

Rosetta didn't say anything, just sitting quietly on the high back chair, and the opposite of Di Dinan continued after a pause: "The Royal Advisory Panel assessed the recent trade with the Cecils and the private channels. The information collected, the conclusion is that it is not appropriate to fight."

"The advisory group's opinions are based on indirect intelligence, but Andersa's intelligence is directly contacted," Rosetta broke the silence. "We must make a decision. If we want to fight, now is the last chance, if not, We must also think about the rhetoric of the nobility council now."

Judi Nan was silent for half a minute, and finally he spoke seriously: "... my opinion is consistent with the advisory group, it is not appropriate to fight, kneel down."

"What is the reason?"

"Our industry and the economy are undergoing major changes. In the process, a large part of the reform pressure accumulated before can be relieved. We have no urgent need for war, and on the other hand, once Cecil People are really ready to face the battle, then we will be more frustrated than previously thought, not only the internal pressure can not be alleviated, even the ongoing industrial construction will be interrupted."

Great changes in industry and the economy...

Rosetta frowned.

What Dinant said is a fact that cannot be ignored - the Titan Empire is entering a key point in the new era, and the emerging magic industry is destined to completely change the rules of society, and the benefits of these changes can be expected. It may be more than a few hundred years before.

In this case, does Tifeng really need a war?

Rosetta got up and left the desk, slowly stepping on the desk.

After ten minutes, he stopped.

"Let Andersa contract the troops and withdraw the Iron River Knights to the east of the Winter Wolf Castle."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After making the decision, Rosetta looked as if it was a little easier. He slowly spit out his breath and looked at Judy Dinant: "I hope that our decision today is correct, Judi Nanqing."