Chapter 633: plan

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
After two days of recuperation, Victoria’s state has apparently recovered a lot, but the slightest fatigue of the remaining remains is still in her eyes, and Gao Wen glanced at the northern female duke to remind the other: “The tulip Deep in the polluted area, and not in our next offensive plan - it is one thing to fly from over there without purging the entire area, it is another matter to land there."

"But it's not impossible," Victoria watched Gao Wen's eyes without evasively. There was still a lack of expression on her face, but the tone revealed a determination. "The monsters are now in a frenzy, on the other hand. Speaking, this means that they lose their organization, no longer support each other, no more units like sentinels, and no more vigilance – we can sneak in, as long as we don’t make too much movement, no alarm With multiple monsters, I might be able to send the message silently."

"...I admit that this seems to be possible," Gao Wen nodded after a brief thought. "But do you confirm that you want to go in person?"

“Not every mage can pass the message to St. Sunil with just one increase in the Master Tower, which requires intensive spellcasting techniques and great magic,” Victoria said in a light tone of the truth. Let me go is the safest."

Then, before Gao Wen asked more questions, the female duke continued: "I heard that the Belk of the Loren family lit the first bonfire.

"I can't achieve his kind of merit, but as the owner of the Wilde family, I can't at least avoid what I could have done."

When an aristocrat brings his family's reputation to the table, it usually means that the will has been decided.

"We can give it a try, at least this is a plan," Gao Wen finally nodded. "But there is a point, we have to think of a safer way to send you to the tulip. The giant eagle has limited bearing capacity, Sonya. You can only lead the way, there is no way to fly with you, and the flight height and speed of the Griffin are not good. It is easy to be shot down by the giant clusters after deep into the contaminated area. Overall, it is not safe to pass from the air."

“Is there a safer way?” There is a hint of confusion in Victoria’s tone. It’s the most likely solution that she can think of when she crossed the contaminated area from the air in the tulip. She really couldn’t think of any other way. This is more secure, and you can't always get in from the ground all over the giant clusters.

Gao Wen smiled and his eyes fell on the amber...

Miss Half Elf screamed at the moment when Gao Wen began to smile, and then realized that this thing was afraid of hiding. She snorted: "It’s a way to go to the shadow world - but beforehand, I In the shadow world, there are also consumptions. It depends on whether there will be unstable shadow cracks and fatal 'big holes' in the middle. If the road is too worn out, I may not be able to bring people to the tulip. Place - I have to consider the strength needed to return."

"Of course, you can do your best," Gao Wen nodded. "I will send an armored assault force to send you as close as possible to the tulip, and then you sneak in and send a message, at the same time, I A strong force will be sent to the direction of St. Sunil City at full speed, so don't waste a little time."

The details of the plan were quickly finalized, and the people who accepted the order left the room one after another. Eventually, only Gao Wen and Victoria were left in the house.

"Frankly, the current situation is very bad," Gao Wencai said after he left only one Duke of the North. "I am always pessimistic about whether St. Sunil can hold it - even though I I have been working hard in the direction that I can get there in time."

The expression on Victoria's face did not change, just quietly asked: "...If St. Sunil really can't keep it, you have a follow-up plan, right?"

" nothing more than abandoning the entire northern region and the plain of the Holy Spirit, preserving the South and the East, and building a Western Defense Line as much as possible before the pollution enters the West." Gao Wen did not conceal his options for alternatives. Stress will obey these new ruling orders, and I am confident that I will stabilize the situation after building a new line of defense and gradually recapture those polluted areas."

Victoria was silent for a moment and finally couldn’t help but say: "It sounds like you have basically no expectations for the nobility of the kingdom."

Gao Wen smiled and asked: "Sound, your expectations are quite high?"

"...I admit, my expectations for them are not as high as they were a few years ago," Victoria said slowly. "But I believe that St. Sunil is safe to hold - as long as the news of the reinforcements can be sent in time Enter the Silver Fort."

Gao Wen showed a thoughtful expression: "Can I listen to your source of confidence?"

"Buddy Franklin Franklin, and Welsh Moen," Victoria looked at Gao Wen's eyes and said seriously, "They will hold the city - how long it will take for the reinforcements, how long they will stay."

" have a higher opinion of Welsh Moen than I thought."

"My task was to monitor him, so I knew him. The Prince of Wales never lacked talent. He just chose to retreat, but if the kingdom needs it, he will stand up," Victoria said. "And except him, except There are many reliable people in the Grand Duke of Bai Dewen. We have the Earl of Cromwell Baishan, a loyal royal knight, and the head of Cohen Loren. Perhaps half of the nobles of the king are thinking. Abandon the city to escape, but at least half of it will choose to stay until the end."

Gao Wen quietly looked at Victoria, who also looked at him quietly. After two seconds of confrontation, the "ice woman" gently sighed.

"I know that our generation has made you very disappointed. The Duke of Cecil, perhaps the nobles of Ansu today, have really rotted, but please believe that not everyone is rotten, and many people are still looking forward to this. The kingdom is able to reinvigorate and work hard for it."

“Including Edmund Moen and Silas Loren?”

"...including them."

"But they still failed, and you have failed. The king has many enterprising factions. The nobles in your mouth who have not rotted and tried to revitalize the kingdom have failed. Why do you think they failed?" "Gao Wen stared at Victoria's eyes. "Just because of the death of all things, will suddenly come in and spoil?"

The gaze from the founding Duke was inexplicably pressured. The dark brown eyes were deep and sharp. It was far more than the snow and mountains in the north. Victoria couldn’t help but hold his breath—for many years, She used her majesty to shock others. She almost forgot what it felt like to face such shock. In the meantime, she seemed to have returned to her childhood, and returned to face the harsh eyes of the former Duke. time.

The father in memory pointed to the poor vegetation in the courtyard and asked her a question: "If you pruning, fertilizing, watering, and applying medicine, what should you do?"

A flash of memories came and went, and Victoria returned, and his eyes were still high-pitched and sharp.

"Actually, you know the answer," Gao Wen said. "It’s just that you can’t help yourself.”

Victoria is silent.

"We shouldn't discuss this at this time," Gao Wen took back his eyes and changed into a more relaxed sitting position. "Victoria, you are very good. Even in the pioneers, you will be a good aristocrat. After the war, we can slowly consider how to revitalize the country, but before that, our most important task is to end the war."

"As you said," Victoria sighed softly, then looked down slightly and solemnly. "In any case, you saved me and the Mountain Legion. I can't repay this kindness, so no matter what happens in the future, at least I Individuals will be your loyal allies."

After waiting for himself in the room, Gao Wen couldn't help but lean on the back of the chair and breathed a silent voice.

"In the name of the individual... it’s not easy for anyone."

After a sigh, he sat up straight and was ready to start planning a viable main force northward plan - the situation turned sharply, and he could not allow him to follow the previous timetable, considering the importance of St. Sunil City as a gateway fortress. Sex, he must send a group of warriors to the north at a faster rate than originally planned.

Taking advantage of the modified civilian cargo ships and using the Gorgon River may be a good solution...

At the beginning of his plan, the magic network communication terminal on the desk suddenly made a buzz.

Gao Wen looked up at the recognition character presented on the holographic projection - a special channel from Cecil City.

The Magic Net terminal was activated immediately. After a brief dithering of the projection, Gao Wen saw Herti's face appear in front of her own eyes.

"what happened?"

"Miss Tyre said that there is something to be contacted." Herti simply said, and then opened the side to the side - Gao Wen saw that a long snake tail was shaking in the background behind Herti. The snake's tail arched twice, and Tyre's upper body swayed from the side of the picture to the middle of the picture.

"I feel it again," Miss Krai squinted at the holographic projection in front of her eyes. "It's the breath of food! It suddenly becomes very strong!"

Gao Wen’s heart suddenly became tight—although he had already predicted and prepared for this, but when Tyre suddenly popped the news, he still felt his nerves tightened: “Azimuth, strength, you can Do you roughly determine the status or status of the target?"

"The orientation should be deep in the eastern part of the Holy Spirit Plain, but the specific location is not very clear. It seems to be suppressed or blocked by something, or it is deep in the ground," Tyre said quickly. "As for strength... ...I don't know how to describe it, it feels very subtle. It should be 'live', which is stronger than big squid, but its breath is not stable, nor pure, just like a lot of chaotic atmosphere merged together. And it’s still strong and weak.”

Gao Wen gently took a breath.

Is that "the power of the gods" mastered in the hands of all things? Is it the "energy source" they use to make gods and activate gods? This energy source has lost control? Something like a **** is waking up?

So the sudden change of the Crystal Cluster Corps is related to this out-of-control "God Force"?

All kinds of conjectures came to my mind. Gao Wen controlled his thoughts and asked the Kraken in front of him: "What is your attitude?"

“She is interested in biscuits and your arcane energy technology, and is willing to provide assistance. There is already an elemental leap tower, but how to cooperate with the action will be agreed,” Tyre shook his tail. Said with a serious face, "In addition, I want to convey the words of the Queen's Majesty - the Kraken can only help you deal with 'inhuman things', and will not intervene in the war within human beings. We hope that this cooperation is pure and temperate. This is a guarantee that we can maintain long-term cooperation in the future."

"This is enough," Gao Wen nodded sincerely. "Thank you for your assistance."

“No need to care, mutual benefit,” Tyre waved his hand and tail tip, then left the communication screen swaying, only the sound came from outside the picture. “How are you closed? Oh, then you come off, I go first."

Two seconds later, Herti reappeared in front of Gao Wen: "The ancestor, the engineering team sent to the edge of the wasteland has begun to return, and the addition of the magnificent wall has been successfully completed."

“There is always good news,” Gao Wen said with a sigh of relief. “It’s good, let these people take a rest first, then arrange for them to build the second tank factory and the arsenal, and let the Elf Magister go to the magic technology research. To assist Rebecca in the translation and optimization of anti-gravity runes."
