Chapter 613: start

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
The magical brilliance is so bright, it seems to be a giant pillar connected to the heavens and the earth in the skylight that has gradually dimmed at dusk. As long as it is a visual creature, it is impossible to see it. The people on the rocky fortress wall have been vigilant in the north. The soldiers are of course less likely to ignore it.

An elite force quickly left the fortress and entered the wilderness of the edge of Pompeii in the direction of magical light. Before the radiance dissipated, they found the source of this unusual magical explosion.

A "stone statue" composed of a mixture of rocks and crystals stands straight in the wilderness, holding a long sword and facing the east, and near the stone statue, the soldiers found a boulder with a full word.

The news was quickly sent to the Rock Fortress, and the commander of the fortress, Sir Wald Peric, arrived at the scene before the darkness of the sky. The old knight looked at the scene with horror - he recognized the appearance of the stone because He once saw the young face on some materials.

"This stone statue is... Marquez? The Marquis of Loren?" Wald whispered in disbelief, "This..."

He first thought subconsciously that it was indeed a stone statue, but he soon became suspicious and had some terrible associations - he found the stone statue so vivid, even the hair of each hair and the folds of each dress were Now, a series of crystal clear, still shimmering crystals are set on the surface of the stone statue, which seems to grow from the "skin" of the "stone", which looks horrifying.

This reminds the old knight of some information recently sent from the north.

The writing on the boulder near the stone seems to confirm his judgment.

After carefully scrutinizing the nicks on the boulder, the reliable old knight immediately turned to his adjutant: "Margarita Knight, immediately contact Gao Wen Dagong!"

An emergency communication from the Rock Fortress interrupted a regular contact between Gao Wen and Daniel. After listening to the Margarita Knights, Gao Wen, who was sitting in the study, took a deep breath.

The news from the deepest part of the polluted area in the north... was sent to the public in the most unexpected way.

Belk Loren became a stone statue? What did he experience? How did he come to the Rock Fortress? Why did he make that kind of transformation? All of this is confusing, but vaguely, Gao Wen guessed some truth.

On the holographic projection next to the desk, the knight with a brown shawl is waiting for the order: "Adult, what should we do... what is the situation here?"

Gao Wen glanced at the holographic projection - behind Margarita, he saw the wilderness of the northern part of the meteorite fortress. A standing "stone statue" stood quietly between the gravel and the weeds, surrounded by the magic spar. The brilliance of the light illuminates, and in the face that has been turned into a stone and covered with crystal, Gao Wen vaguely remembers the scene when he saw the other party last time.

“Check if the 'stone statue' has residual pollution factors, characterized by a mixed arcane energy and an unstable life reaction – if not, bring him back,” Gao Wen told, not forgetting, “Million Be careful not to damage it."

Although he does not know what Berk has experienced in particular, how much he can guess: a brave knight should not continue to be exposed to the wilderness.

After the communication ended, Gao Wen looked up and looked at the amber standing next to him. The latter was still in a state of sorrow and whispered: "The entire Eastern Army... is this really finished?"

Gao Wen shook his head gently: "I am afraid that not only the Eastern Army."

Then he activated the magic network communication terminal again and called the emergency line of the military area: "Philippe, come to the main government."

The situation in some areas of the Jumu crossing has been clear. The status of the Dongjing Legion has been explored. Although the information of Solderin is needed to further supplement and corroborate, many things can already be started.

He didn't wait too long. After thirty minutes, Betty's voice came from outside the study: "Master! Philip Knight is here!!"

Philip, dressed in a knight costume, walked into the study. After he entered the house, he first gave a tribute to Gao Wen, but before he spoke, the magic network communication terminal next to Gao Wen’s desk suddenly turned up again, and at the same time, he was embarrassed. The sound is ringing.

"You wait a moment." Gao Wen waved his hand to Philip, indicating to the other party, and then turned on the communication device - the special logo that emerged from the air after the activation of the magic network terminal, which is a high priority emergency. Communication, if it is not very important information, will not be accessed by this line.

The communication device was activated, and the holographic projection over the device quickly condensed a clear image. Solderlin wearing a golden wig appeared in the image with a serious face: "We have made significant progress here."

Gao Wen nodded: "Say."

"We have approached the edge of the polluted area and rescued a group of kingdom soldiers who have lost from the north," Solderin quickly and clearly reported. "According to what they said, Wang Guojun’s control at the Jumbo crossing The district has been polluted by the 'Crystal Curse', the Stone City has fallen, the Earl of Sorin has died, the main force of the Kingdom Army has been largely destroyed, and the Victorian Welde and its mountain corps have been trapped in the north, the status quo is unknown, and some of the kingdom army remnants are heading northwest. Breakthrough, the status quo is unknown, there are a large number of cluster giants to join forces, moving in the direction of St. Sunil."

"The soldiers of the kingdom who lost from the north?" Gao Wen’s heart was moving. Suddenly he thought of another piece of information he had just received. The warning from Berk Loren, "You check the blood of those people first... ”

Although Soldering didn't quite understand it, he was the first to execute the order. Gao Wen got up and came to the side of the map of Ansu, marking and deducing it on the map according to the situation that Solderin had just reported.

Soon, the high-ranking ranger returned to the holographic projection again, and it was fortunate that the soldiers of the kingdom soldiers rescued by the steel rangers did not carry signs of infection.

“Who are the soldiers who are leading? How did they come to the south of the polluted area?”

"A knight named Mitchell, he and his team are one of the teams that followed the big forces to the northwest, but in the vicinity of the Purple River Valley, the entire breakout team suffered an ambush from the 'Crystal Army', and the main force was cut. Mitchell and his team were also separated from the big forces - they began to move south because they had no hope of continuing northward."

"After being ambushed by the Crystal Cluster?"

"Yes, those clusters infected... Although they seem to have become monsters, we find that they are still rational, but thinking and cognition are completely heterogeneous, treating normal people as enemies..."

Solderin and his steel rangers really collected a lot of vital intelligence.

In the following period of time, Gao Wen also inquired a lot about the North, about the "crystal cluster infected", about the situation of the contaminated area, Solderin also detailed the information he collected along the way Report.

Gradually, the situation of the foggy plain of the Holy Spirit finally became clear. Gao Wen’s mind quickly combined all the known information. On the satellite image overlooking Ansu, a large number of unknown areas were obtained one by one. Fill and improve.

Berk Loren brought intelligence from the Eastern Control Zone and the Eastern Army. Solderin received first-hand information from the Royal Army. All the information was confirmed by each other, filling the complete, main pollution zone, clusters. The distribution of "monsters" and their many characteristics, the survivors' possible hiding points and escape routes... all come together.

Gao Wen turned his head and looked at Philip, who was standing in front of himself. The young knight was waiting for orders.

"The First Combat Corps and the affiliated Mechanized Corps - immediately attacked, the target, the plain of the Holy Spirit."


After a brief thought, Gao Wen continued: "This time, I am also going out."

"You want to go out?" The first one who was wide-eyed was not Philip, but the amber standing next to Gao Wen. "You are not..."

The elf of this elf said that half of it was hard to hold his words, so he did not restrain himself from saying "the last time the result of the levy was on the spot, leaving a psychological shadow", but her eyes were squinting. Obviously, I have already exposed what I think in my heart.

"The situation is different," Gao Wen can guess what Amber wants to say, but this time he is not angry, just smiles lightly. "The situation today, only to do the best to guarantee the victory of the war, we have the future and hope."

Then he paused and sighed slightly.

"This kingdom has turned into a mess that can't be ended. It's time for me to get rid of the guys who climbed out of the coffin."

Ten minutes later, Philip left the lord's office. He went to the military district, summoned his own adjutant and staff officers, reorganized all the information and worked out a more complete and realistic plan before moving to the north. Amber also left the lord's office. It is necessary to arrange a series of affairs of the Military Intelligence Bureau to ensure that all matters such as wartime intelligence and rear grievances are in order. Gao Wen left his study and came to the room of Tyre.

Miss Kraken is not in her favorite big pool at the moment, but is squatting on the west side of the room, occupying a huge space round and round, when the door is open, she is shaking the tip of the tail slightly There is an unknown song in his mouth.

It is not the sound that human beings can make. The songs of the songs are mixed with a lot of ethereal echoes and the harmonies of the waves. It sounds wonderful and mysterious, but there seems to be more abundant in addition to the frequency that the human ear can recognize. Only the complex range of sounds that the people of the deep sea can hear.

Gao Wen came to find the Kraken to discuss things. He didn't expect the other party not to sleep, or even sing. To be honest, it is really rare for her to do something that suits the racial identity of the Kraken. Gao Wen couldn't help but ask: "Would you still sing?"

"I am a Kraken. Is this our instinct?" Tyre poked the floor with his tail, and expressed his dissatisfaction with Gao Wen's question in the voice of "哆哆", then asked curiously. "Is there something you are looking for? Look at your face with a serious look... I am afraid that it is not small."

Gao Wen nodded and came to the door: "About what you mentioned last time, I felt the ‘food’ atmosphere in the northeast. I want to know more about it.”

"Ah..." Tyre sighed softly, and the sly snake tail slid on the floor, and the body moved to Gao Wen a little bit. "It seems that the matter is not small..."


Retreating to the deepest point of the fortress, crossing the border of the material world, crossing the shadow world that reflects the world, the large-scale corpse is as silent as the past thousands of years.

Like the giant deer of the hill, it is suspended between the broken floating island and the gravel. Numerous twisted metal wrecks criss-cross the space around the corpse. Around the giant deer, the layer is full of holiness and power. The sensation of light seems to float slightly as if it never goes out, and in farther places, most of the ancient magical devices that have had a thousand years of history inside and outside the fortified fortress have been extinguished, leaving only the faint rune radiance slowly flashing in the darkness. Accompanied by the body of the giant deer Amoen, who has fallen for three thousand years.

This unchanging state of silence seems to last forever.

But all of a sudden, the change happened -

On the huge body of the god, the twilight slowly flowed, and the giant deer Amoen's closed eyes quietly opened.

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