Chapter 605: End of winter

Name:Sword of Daybreaker Author:Yuan Tong
Andersa looked at her loyal monarch with a trace of horror.

At first, she did not hear anything wrong with Rosetta the Great. Because almost any Titan aristocrat who mastered the situation and understood the changes of the Empire over the years can see that there will be a war between Tifeng and Ansu. It was a necessity, but soon, she realized that Rosetta’s words were more than that.

Gao Wen Cecil will eventually be an enemy of Tifeng.

Rosetta Augustus has always regarded Ansu as a prey, but now there is a hunter and a hungry hunter in the prey.

"Your Majesty, why should you cooperate with him?"

"There are many forms of war, and 'cooperation' is one of them," Rosetta said calmly. "In this cooperation, the interests of the empire can be too great. The children of Cecil have what we need urgently. But at the same time, we also have what they need in our hands... We are trying to figure them out, and they are trying to figure us out."

Andersa lowered his head slightly and pondered the deep meaning of the emperor's words.

“The 'magic industry' created by the Cecils is changing the rules of society. I still don't see what it will eventually become, but I can feel that the existing order is based on land and farming. The order will soon be broken by factories and machines. In this field, the Cecils are already ahead of us, but they have their advantages and we have ours," Rosetta continued. "This car will be The car is sent back to the country, sent to the Imperial Engineering Association, and dismantled into parts. No matter how much it costs, we must understand how it works. We can temporarily create better than it, but at least we must create it. Run like that.

"In addition, I told the Duke of Dinantan to convene a court consultant to count the national iron ore, magic material and the production and demand of grain and cotton, and plan the initial transportation route.

“Scholars in organizing machinery and magical technology, from now on, let them work together with road workers to become 'workers'. The Cecils have a high probability of not allowing our mages and scholars to participate. In the technical aspects of repairing 'railroads', they are unlikely to recruit workers.

"Prepare an order for me to let the Duke of Severn start the preparations for the 'bank'...

"The council is assessing the risks of all matters..."

Risk... Andersa flashed the word in his mind and kept every order of Rosetta the Great.

The giant day is hidden behind the chaotic cloud, and the light leaking from the clouds gradually approaches the western horizon. The skylight quickly dimmes, the street lights in the camp are lit up, and the bright magic spar lights release a constant radiance. Let this small camp be like a beacon in the chaos, shining and radiant with the magnificent wall of grandeur.

Rosetta Augustus returned to his own palace, and he sat quietly on the high-back chair, with many reports and materials related to factory, road, and cotton production.

As the night darkened, the emperor glanced at the skylight outside the window, then leaned back slightly on the back of the chair, closed his eyes and took a short break.

The boundless darkness and the tranquility of the darkness seem to cover his senses and spirit for a moment.

Rosetta Augustus opened his eyes and he saw himself in a magnificent palace.

The palace is extremely beautiful, the columns are towering and the dome is spectacular. All the walls and roofs are painted with exquisite paintings and colorful lines. The narrow windows with thick abundance style are set on the walls on both sides. The crystal glass on the windows is also the same. There are complex and delicate patterns.

A wide hall is presented in front of Rosetta, which can hold thousands of people to hold a dance. In fact, the entire palace is empty.

An unspeakable death enveloped this gorgeous and empty building. There were no attendants, no guards, no half-shadows. Only the desert, dusk light came in from the high narrow window and fell in the palace hall. One after another, the dark and dark shadows.

Rosetta quietly looked at the uninhabited palace in this dream, and the look was indifferent. After a short silence, he walked forward.

In the moment when he took a step, countless low-pitched, ambiguous, whispers and whispers from unknown sources suddenly came from all directions.

The ubiquitous voice was mixed with shuffled conversations and laughter, as if mixed with depressing crying and screaming, as if this empty palace was suddenly full of people, those invisible Visitors or residents come and go in the empty corridors and halls, around Rosetta Augustus, talking and laughing, crying, but surrounded by these sounds, Rosetta just walked quietly, as if ignoring The interference of all sounds.

Finally, there was a clear whisper in the chaotic whisper and whisper, which was hoarse and low into the ear of the Emperor of Tifeng: " are coming I don't know how to yield..."

Rosetta continued to move forward. As he stepped forward, the wide hall was broken silently, and a corridor deep and long, where he did not know where to go, appeared in front of him. There was also a narrow window on both sides of the corridor. The skylight is sprinkled through the narrow window on the opposite wall, and between the light and the shadow, you can see a portrait hanging silently on the wall.

Rosetta saw her brother, saw her father, and saw her uncle...

Everyone who has inherited the blood of the Augustus family, who has left the world, hangs quietly here, through the cold oil painting, watching himself with a cold voice.

The closest to him is his eldest son who died young.

The young man who solidified in the frame looked at Rosetta and suddenly said: "Father... don't you stop and rest?"

Rosetta did not stop and continued to move forward.

The deep whisper rang again: "There are deaths on both sides of this road. At the end of this road, it is also death..."

Rosetta gradually moved to the depths of the corridor, and the surrounding light had become more and more dim. The portraits on both sides began to become more and more ancient, more and more faded, and more indifferent, and those from the older ages. It seems to be a malicious look at the Emperor Tifeng in the corridor, and the deep whisper is still ringing:

"...It's better to stop and take a break. You don't have to challenge this impossible task...

"How painful the truth is... It’s better to leave it behind, sometimes it’s a mortal blessing to live ignorantly...

"The Augustus before you, they are as stubborn as you, but what are their results? No one succeeds, they are crazy, they are crazy... you should not see it, but since you have See, it’s better to accept this curse..."

At the end of the corridor, all the whispering whispers and whispers disappeared without a trace. Rosetta quietly looked up and looked at the portraits hanging at the end of the corridor.

That is the beginning of the name "Augustus" as the ruler of Tifeng, the Augustus of this ancient family earlier than that, which has disappeared over time in the ruin of the ancient Gangyan Empire, even though There is a name circulated, and it is impossible to leave an image in this "palace".

In the shadow of the shadows, Rosetta saw several portraits: Roland Augustus, Betomond Augustus, Thalia Augustus...

At the end of these parallel images, he saw the position of Bertila Augustus, but in the middle of the dark frame, it seemed to be covered with a layer of shadow that completely covered the seven hundred years. The face of the former active Saint.

Rosetta looked calmly at the portrait for a while, then withdrew her gaze and broke the silence for the first time: "Is Bellilla Augus really alive?"

In the depths of the empty palace, there was no voice to answer his questions.

Rosetta seemed to have expected this result. He just showed a sneer smile and turned to the direction of coming.

The whisper sounded again: "Why are you still crazy?"

Rosetta’s footsteps paused a little, and the voice was low: “We have resilience that exceeds your imagination.”

The palace began to shake violently as if the dream was coming to an end.

Rosetta looked up and looked at the deep, long corridors, falling apart and falling bricks and pieces, and in the darkness behind him, the deep whispering for a distant sigh: "Oh..."

The sigh seems to contain endless regrets and helplessness, which is very different from the maddening and whispering whispers of the past.

The final supporting structure of the entire palace was completely disintegrated after this sigh and turned into nothingness.

After the wall collapsed completely, the exterior of the palace was also reflected in the eyes of Rosetta. He saw a city, a city that was rapidly falling in the sky, and numerous towering towers and winding walls disintegrated in violent shaking. The earth cracked the huge gap of the monks, and the whole city was swallowed up by the earth almost in a flash, and between the things that were falling apart, in the depths of the earth, the last sight he saw was a transparent layer. The dome, the indescribable starlight polymer floating inside the dome...


The giant day rises and falls to the west, alternates day and night, and the stars flow.

The ancient constellation is as solemn and indifferent as the gods watching the world, watching the passage of time and watching the mortal busy.

Frosty Seat crossed the highest point of the Scorpio, and the winter began to release its last power in the last month of the season. The cold wind whistle and the earth freezes.

With the support of construction machinery and various other advanced technologies, the “sub-tower” under the Cecil Peak Base completed the main building one month ahead of the scheduled schedule, and a series of “purification devices” that spread from the sub-tower to the north. After completing the capping of the main body, after this, the installation and commissioning of a series of post-magic devices will become the main work of the magician.

The technical exchange between the Silver Empire and the Principality of Cecil was finally on the right track. After the initial run-in and small project tests, the Elf Magisters in the southern part of the mainland and the human magic researchers in the north of the mainland established a preliminary The tacit understanding, the Principality of Cecil and the Silver Empire set up more signal relay towers and enhancements in their own controlled areas. In a more stable and efficient communication environment, researchers from both races crossed the whole The mainland has started a series of technology exchange and cooperation projects in telecommunications.

In 738 years of Ansu, on the 35th of the cold month, Gao Wen received the magic network communication sent by Herti.

"The special envoy sent by Tifeng has arrived in Cecil City." The long, elegant and calm Principality of the Principality carefully reported the situation in the holographic projection. "According to your order, they will be arranged on the second day." The operation of the eastern line of Magic Power Train."

"They finally arrived... but they can understand, after all, such an important project, Rosetta Augustus and his think tanks don't know how many times they have evaluated the final decision," Gao Wen sat at the desk. Outside the window is the sound of the unique flute of heavy transport vehicles: a batch of rock, soil and magic specimens collected on the waste soil has just been loaded and ready to be sent to the research department of Cecil City. how is it?"

“Everything is stable. The last exile knights in the northern region have surrendered. The magic monitoring and sensing devices in all border areas and key urban areas have been laid and started. According to the plan, we will lay the induction devices to the villages and towns.”

Gao Wen gave a slight relief.

At this point, the social security guarantee at the current stage of the Principality of Cecil has finally been completed.

The so-called "magic monitoring and sensing device" is a special facility developed by Kamal and set up by the Administrative Office. Its idea comes from the ancient Gangster Empire, and its technology is the contemporary "magic detection spell" and The product after the combination of Magic Network communication technology, its biggest function is to perceive all spellcasting behaviors, and send back the alarm at the first time. The “supervisors” of the security department of the Administrative Department can see the alarm from the urban sand table. The location of the node, which quickly locks up unauthorized spell activity.

Of course, this system is not intended to prohibit the supernaturals from casting spells. Just carry a special "caster license" and rely on the rune array in the license. Extraordinary people can cast spells normally. This license must be taken from the Office of Administration. In addition, it is subject to regular inspections, rune renewals and qualification assessments. As a result, the extraordinary people in Cecil must be registered. Of course, this system has encountered some resistance at the beginning of the implementation, but due to the integration of the war In the course of the war, almost 90% of the supernaturals in the entire South have been under the control of the Principality. There are not many extraordinary people who have not accepted the jurisdiction. It has finally been smoothly implemented.

The system began to be laid in the middle of last year, and now it has gradually become a scale.

Effective management of all the extraordinary people, it sounds very advanced, but the actual idea is not advanced.

Not to mention the Gangdang empire a thousand years ago, only one of the borders of Tifeng has achieved the registration and professional management of the extraordinary people many years ago. Their special "engineering master" team is a testimony.

Titans used a large number of Master Towers and a large number of Royal Masters loyal to the Empire to register and sense the extraordinary people in most urban areas, and set up a large number of training facilities to create a more loyal and more obedient command of the "full-time caster" This method is costly, but relying on the powerful "banknote ability", Tifeng finally achieved all of this.

Ansu has been slow in this respect, so Gao Wen has to make up for the disadvantages through more advanced technology and more advanced systems. At least in the Principality, he must achieve more effective control over the extraordinary.

Of course, those facilities and systems must have loopholes. Those who have drill holes will find a way to hide the fluctuations of mana. High-level or legendary superpowers may also shield the monitoring of magic sensors by their own powerful strength. With anti-cracking, monitoring and anti-monitoring, this confrontation will never end, but in any case, as long as the new management method can produce a point, the Southland can be safer, at least the minimum, those trying to infiltrate The cultists who want to sneak in the evil rituals anytime, anywhere are not so easy to mix in now.

From now on, cultists who are active in the South will face the situation where law enforcement officers will be squatted on the radiator, whether they are permanent sleepers or all things will die.


Hanging up the communication, Herti stretched her back and moved her slightly sour neck.

The wind was roaring outside the window. The snow on the first two days was still on the roof of several buildings. The crystal clear ice hanging from the window hangs down, showing the cold outside the house.

The gentle warm air flows along the air duct and blows out from the air circulation ports on both sides of the office to maintain the comfortable temperature in the office. Even in this cold weather, the temperature in the room is still so sleepy.

In fact, Rebecca has fallen asleep on the sofa next to it.

Heti looked helplessly at the niece who was screaming and couldn't help but shake his head.

"...this is still going to chat with my ancestors... I have fallen asleep when the communication is not connected..."

She sighed a few words, but did not wake up Rebecca, and did not really want to blame anything.

She knows that Rebecca has been very tired recently in order to communicate with the silver empire. In order to organize the preparation of a series of new projects, this simple girl has not rested for half a month.

This child needs to have a good night's sleep.

Herti found a blanket from the side and gently put it on Rebecca, which made her think of the latter when she was a child. This is always a slap in the face, even if she has arranged two The maid looked at it and often couldn’t catch up with the speed of Rebecca’s quilt...

It seems that I felt something. Rebecca lying on the sofa arched a little and made a vague saying: "...ancestors... I will understand... the runes of the elves..."

After a word, she suddenly smirked in her sleep, as if she had been praised in her dreams.

Heti looked at Rebecca's movements, and couldn't help but smile a little, then she stood up and looked at the calendar hanging on the wall not far away.

The cold moon, 35 days.

There are still 25 days and the winter is over.